cat-j - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "cat-j" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

English Spanish
cat-j presos que necesitan tratamiento psiquiátrico en prisión

Meanings of "cat-j" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
female cat gata [f]
female cat moza [f]
cat felino [m]
cat morrongo [m]
cat morronga [f]
(cat) scratch gatear [v]
(cat) claw gatear [v]
cat scan tac (tomografía axial computarizada) [f]
cat o' nine tails abrojo [m]
copy cat eco [m]
cat vendor gatero [m]
cat gato [m]
cat o' nine tails gato de nueve colas [m]
cat o' nine tails gato de siete colas [m]
cat-o-nine-tails látigo de nueve colas [m]
cat-o-seven-tails látigo de siete colas [m]
cat mozo [m]
cat call piropo [m]
sheep's guts used as cat food cordilla [f]
cat door gatera [f]
cat hole gatera [f]
female cat gata [f]
cat house guanta [f]
whipping from a cat o' nine tails plomada [f]
tip-cat game toña [f]
cat game toña [f]
cat and dog came toña [f]
one-a-cat game toña [f]
cat burglar palquista [m/f]
cat-like felino [adj]
cat-like gateado [adj]
pertaining to cat gatuno [adj]
climb like a cat gatear [v]
cat call morra [interj]
cat call morro [interj]
andean cat osjo [m]
chilean pampa cat osio [m]
copy cat copión [m]
sand cat gato de las arenas [m]
sand cat gato del desierto [m]
cat-o'-nine-tails gato de nueve colas [m]
bay cat gato de borneo [m]
young cat gatito [m]
young cat minino [m]
fat cat pez gordo [m]
huge cat gatazo [m]
siamese cat siamés [m]
abyssinian cat gato abisinio [m]
male cat gato [m]
ginger cat gato anaranjado [m]
tabby cat gato atigrado [m]
persian cat gato persa [m]
house cat gato doméstico [m]
tail of a cat rabo [m]
tail of a cat rabo de gato [m]
tabby cat gato romano [m]
tail of a cat rabo del gato [m]
cat tala [f]
cat door gatera [f]
civet cat civeta [f]
cat litter arena para gato [f]
cat felina [f]
cat flap gatera [f]
adult female cat gata [f]
young cat gatita [f]
cat litter bandeja higiénica [f]
cat gata [f]
dried cat food comida seca para gatos [f]
cat vendor gatera [f]
kitten (young cat) gatito [m/f]
cat mozo [m/f]
scaredy-cat miedoso [adj]
scaredy-cat miedica [adj]
cat gatuno [adj]
pertaining to cat felino [adj]
walk like a cat gatear [v]
make a hissing noise like a cat fufar [v]
bell the cat ponerle el cascabel al gato [v]
play cat and mouse jugar al gato y el ratón [v]
adopt a cat adoptar un gato [v]
(a cat) caterwaul (make a shrill howling or wailing noise) marramizar (hacer marramao) [v]
play cat and mouse jugar a la boa y al ratón [v]
meow (sound of a cat) mio [interj]
the hissing of a cat fu [interj]
tabby cat gato atigrado
cheshire cat gato de cheshire
cat meat carne de gato
schrödinger's cat gato de schrödinger
cat food comida para gatos
cat litter arena higiénica (para gatos)
cat litter arena para gatos
cat litter piedras sanitarias
tabby (cat) gato atigrado
tortoiseshell cat gato pardo atigrado
whiskers of a cat los bigotes de un gato
black cat gato negro
cat-castle galápago [m]
cat-o'-nine-tails escorpión [m]
large cat gatazo [m]
tom-cat gato [m]
tiger-cat ocelote [m]
leopard-cat ocelote [m]
mew of a cat miau [m]
word used for calling a cat minino [m]
pet name for a cat mío [m]
cat-call pito [m]
word used for calling a cat mino [m]
civet-cat algalia [f]
civet-cat civeta [f]
tip-cat (children's game) billalda [f]
cat-gut cuerda [f]
cat-trick gatada [f]
she-cat gata [f]
little she-cat gatica [f]
cat-o'nine-tails plomada [f]
tip-cat (boys' game) tala [f]
cat (in the game) tala [f]
tip-cat toña [f]
cat-head serviola [f]
little she-cat gatita [f]
little she-cat gatilla [f]
tip-cat (children's game) billarda [f]
tail of a cat cola [f]
tail of a cat cola de gato [f]
tail of a cat cola del gato [f]
curled up (like a cat/dog) acurrucado [adj]
thievish (like a cat) engatado [adj]
miauling (a cat) maullador [adj]
tabby (cat) romano [adj]
miaow (a cat) maullar [v]
mew (as a cat) miar [v]
purr (a cat) ronronear [v]
make cat-calls rechiflar [v]
sound imitating the snarling of a cat fu [interj]
ends of a cat-o'-nine-tails thicker and more twisted than the rest canelones [m/pl]
cat-o'nine-tails disciplinas [f/pl]
catalogue (cat) catálogo [m]
pussy (a cat; pussycat) gato [m]
cat burglar gato [m]
wild cat gato montés [m]
cat o' nine tails azote de nueve ramales [m]
civet-cat gato de algalia [m]
gib-cat gato castrado [m]
pussycat (a cat; pussy) gato [m]
he-cat gato macho [m]
wild-cat scheme proyecto fantástico [m]
wild cat gato silvestre [m]
wild-cat scheme proyecto quimérico [m]
tom-cat gato no castrado [m]
kit-cat tertulia política [f]
pussy-cat gata [f]
hell-cat mujer fiera [f]
hell-cat bruja [f]
cat-eyed que tiene ojos de gato
tip-cat calderón [m] rur. rare
mouser (cat) desmurador [m] rur. rare
wild cat colocolo [m] CL
hairy cat bicho quemador [m] AR
scaredy-cat arratonado [m] CU CL
scaredy-cat acundangado [m] CU
scaredy-cat apencado [m] CU
scaredy-cat ahuevado [m] GT HN SV
scaredy-cat apendejeado [m] VE
cat cucho [m] CL
scaredy-cat chayote [m] HN derog.
alley cat chori [m] PR teen
long cat-o'-nine-tails foete (francés) [m] MX HN CU DO EC PE
pet cat mincho [m] SV
pet cat mish [m] GT SV
pet cat misingo [m] HN NI CR
house cat mincho [m] SV
house cat mish [m] GT SV
house cat misingo [m] HN NI CR
domesticated cat mincho [m] SV
domesticated cat mish [m] GT SV
domesticated cat misingo [m] HN NI CR
cat-o'-nine-tails rebenque [m] CU
cat-o'-nine-tails sacarronchas [m] PE disused
cat-o'-nine-tails rejo [m] NI CR PA DO CO VE
cat cucho [m] CL
cat nap motoso [m] CO
cat house quilombo [m] BO CL PY AR UY
tip-cat (a game) bigarda [f] rur. rare
cat-tail/red mace totora [f] SA
scaredy-cat apendejada [f] US HN NI PA CU DO PR
scaredy-cat acundangada [f] CU
scaredy-cat ahuevada [f] GT HN SV
scaredy-cat arratonada [f] CU CL
scaredy-cat apencada [f] CU
scaredy-cat apendejeada [f] VE
cat paw cebolla [f] GT
cat paw print cebolla [f] GT
cat paw print cebolleta [f] HN SV
fraidy cat mantilla [f] HN rur.
pet cat misha [f] GT SV
pet cat misinga [f] HN NI CR
house cat misha [f] GT SV
house cat misinga [f] HN NI CR
domesticated cat misha [f] GT SV
domesticated cat misinga [f] HN NI CR
leather cat-o'-nine-tails penca [f] CL rur.
cat nap roncada [f] BO AR:Nw
scaredy-cat batido [adj] NI
stray (dog or cat) canequero [adj] CO rare
(cat) purring a lot jirjiroso [adj] HN:C,E
let the cat out of the bag chamuscar (portuguesa) [v] MX
let the cat out of the bag chispotear [v] DO MX SV
used to call a cat ¡cucho! [interj] CL
curled up (like a cat/dog) acurrucada [adj/f]
thievish (like a cat) engatada [adj/f]
tabby (cat) romana [adj/f]
miauling (a cat) maulladora [adj/f]
scaredy-cat batida [adj/f] NI
mad enough to kick a cat enfadado [adj]
let the cat out of the bag alcahuetear [v]
look like the cat that swallowed the canary no caber en sí de gozo [v]
have no room to swing a cat estar de bote en bote [v]
put/set the cat among the pigeons encomendar las ovejas al lobo [v]
see which way the cat jumps esperar a ver de qué lado caen las peras [v]
see which way the cat jumps esperar a ver por dónde van los tiros [v]
be as lean as an alley cat estar hecho un costal de huesos [v]
be as lean as an alley cat quedarse en el chasis [v]
be as lean as an alley cat ser un costal de huesos [v]
be as lean as an alley cat estar en los huesos [v]
fight like cat and dog andar a palos [v]
fight like cat and dog pelear como perro y gato [v]
fight like cat and dog llevarse como perro y gato [v]
turn cat in pan cambiar de chaqueta [v]
turn cat in pan cambiar la chaqueta [v]
turn cat in pan cambiar de camisa [v]
turn cat in pan cambiar la camisa [v]
turn cat in pan cambiarse la chaqueta [v]
turn cat in pan cambiarse de camisa [v]
turn cat in pan cambiarse la camisa [v]
turn cat in pan volver la chaqueta [v]
turn cat in pan ser un chaquetero [v]
turn cat in pan cambiarse de chaqueta [v]
ask someone cat got your tongue comerle/comérsele a alguien la lengua el gato [v]
grin like a cheshire cat sonreír abiertamente [v]
grin like a cheshire cat grin sonreír de oreja a oreja [v]
grin like a cheshire cat mostrar una sonrisa amplia [v]
grin like a cheshire cat estar radiante [v]
grin like a cheshire cat estar muy contento [v]
grin like a cheshire cat sonreír de oreja a oreja [v]
let the cat out of the bag destapar el tamal [v]
let the cat out of the bag destapar el pastel [v]
let the cat out of the bag descubrir el pastel [v]
let the cat out of the bag levantar la liebre [v]
let the cat out of the bag saltar la liebre [v]
let the cat out of the bag irse de la lengua [v]
let the cat out of the bag delatar [v]
let the cat out of the bag tirar de la manta [v]
let the cat out of the bag tirar el diablo de la manta [v]
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener la menor probabilidad [v]
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener ninguna oportunidad [v]
not have a cat in hell's chance estar frito [v]
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener esperanzas [v]
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener ninguna posibilidad [v]
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener la más mínima probabilidad [v]
not stand a cat in hell's chance no tener ninguna probabilidad [v]
be like a cat on a hot tin roof estar inquieto [v]
be like a cat on a hot tin roof estar nervioso [v]
be like a cat on hot bricks estar inquieto [v]
be like a cat on a hot tin roof estar con los pelos de punta [v]
be like a cat on hot bricks estar nervioso [v]
be like a cat on hot bricks estar con los pelos de punta [v]
be like a cat on hot bricks estar intranquilo [v]
be like a cat on hot bricks estar desasosegado [v]
be like a cat on tin roof estar nervioso [v]
be like a cat on tin roof estar inquieto [v]
be mad enough to kick a cat estar muy enojado [v]
be nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs estar más nervioso que un cocodrilo en una fábrica de carteras [v]
put the cat among the pigeons encomendar las ovejas al lobo [v]
put the cat among the canaries encomendar las ovejas al lobo [v]
be as conceited as a barber's cat erguir el cuello [v]
fight like cat and dog estar zarpa a la greña [v]
let the cat out of the bag írsele a alguien la lengua [v]
set the cat among the pigeons meter al zorro en el gallinero [v]
set the cat among the pigeons provocar un revuelo [v]
set the cat among the pigeons alborotar el avispero [v]
set the cat among the pigeons meter un gato en el palomar [v]
set the cat among the pigeons armar un alboroto [v]
put the cat among the canaries meter un gato en el palomar [v]
put the cat among the pigeons meter un gato en el palomar [v]
put the cat among the pigeons provocar un gran malestar [v]
put the cat among the pigeons provocar una gran conmoción [v]
put the cat among the pigeons provocar una gran alarma [v]
put the cat among the pigeons provocar un gran alboroto [v]
purr like a cat tener una marcha suave [v]
purr like a cat ronronear como un gato [v]
purr like a cat estar muy satisfecho [v]
purr like a cat funcionar sin fisuras [v]
purr like a cat marchar a la perfección [v]
play a game of cat and mouse jugar al juego del gato y el ratón [v]
play cat and mouse jugar al gato y al ratón [v]
play cat and mouse with someone jugar al gato y al ratón con alguien [v]
play cat and mouse with jugar al gato y al ratón con [v]
see which way the cat jumps actuar de acuerdo con el flujo de los acontecimientos [v]
put the cat among the canaries armar un gran revuelo [v]
put the cat among the pigeons armar un gran revuelo [v]
put the cat among the pigeons revolver el gallinero [v]
give oneself a cat-lick lavarse como los gatos [v]
let the cat out of the bag levantar la perdiz [v]
give a cat-lick limpiar por donde ve la suegra [v]
give a cat-lick limpiar lo que ve la suegra [v]
be conceited as a barber's cat ser más chulo que un ocho [v]
put the cat among the pigeons meter los perros en danza [v]
not have enough room to swing a cat no caber ni un alfiler [v]
not have enough room to swing a cat no caber un alfiler [v]
put the cat among the pigeons poner la iglesia en manos de lutero [v]
know which way the cat jumps saber por dónde van los tiros [v]
let the cat out of the bag soltar la lengua [v]
be like a cat on hot bricks estar en espinas [v]
be a fat-cat tener el riñón bien cubierto [v]
be a fat-cat tener su buen pasar [v]
be a fat-cat tener un buen pasar [v]
let the cat out of the bag dejarse decir [v]
let the cat out of the bag escapársele a alguien una especie [v]
play cat and mouse jugar al gato y al ratón [v]
let the cat out of the bag hacer alguien palacio [v]
play cat and mouse jugar al ratón y al gato [v]
there’s more than one way to skin a cat cada quien tiene su manera de matar pulgas
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener ni la más remota posibilidad
not have a cat in hell's chance no tener ni la menor posibilidad
not have a cat in hell's chance sin la más minima posibilidad
raining cat and dogs lloviendo a cantaros
busy as a cat on a hot tin roof atareadísimo
busy as a cat on a hot tin roof muy ocupado
mad enough to kick a cat enfurecido
look like the cat that swallowed the canary pareces un niño con juguete nuevo
look like something the cat dragged in verse como algo que arrastró el gato
a cat may look at a king cuando el juego acaba, el rey y el peón vuelven a la misma caja
look like something the cat brought parece que vienes de la guerra
look at what the cat dragged in! ¡sorpresa, a quién tenemos aquí!
look like something the cat dragged in verse como algo con lo que jugó el gato
busy as a cat on a hot tin roof ser muy laborioso
a cat has nine lives un gato tiene nueve vidas
look what the cat dragged in! ¡miren lo que trajo la marea!
a fat cat un magnate
look like something the cat brought in parece que agarró un tornado
mad enough to kick a cat furioso
busy as a cat on a hot tin roof ocupadísimo
look like something the cat brought/dragged in estar en un estado deplorable
look like the cat that swallowed the canary pareces un perro con dos colas
turn cat in pan dar vuelta la tortilla
it's enough to make a cat laugh es para morirse de risa
it's enough to make a cat laugh muy divertido
it's enough to make a cat laugh hace reír a cualquiera
doesn't have enough sense to bell a cat está mal de la cabeza
when the cat is away the mice will play cuando el gato no está los ratones bailan
let the cat out of the bag abrir la boca
let the cat out of the bag revelar un secreto
let the cat out of the bag desvelar un secreto
doesn't have enough sense to bell a cat no tener sentido común
doesn't have enough sense to bell a cat no tiene dos dedos de frente
see which way the cat jumps esperar a ver de qué pie cojea
let the cat out of the bag descubrir el pastel
like a cat on hot bricks estar sobre ascuas
like the cat that swallowed the canary radiante de felicidad
let the cat out of the bag tirar de la manta
see which way the cat jumps esperar a ver de qué lado caen las peras
cat get one's tongue comérsele la lengua el gato
play cat and mouse with someone jugar al gato y al ratón con alguien
curiosity killed the cat la curiosidad mata al hombre
curiosity killed the cat la curiosidad mató al gato
put the cat among the pigeons armar un lío
rain cat and dogs llover a cántaros
let the cat out of the bag irse de la lengua
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof ocupadísimo
as cat in gloves catches no mice como gato con guantes que no caza ratones
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof lleno de ocupaciones
as cat in gloves catches no mice a veces es mejor no ser refinado para lograr algo
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof muy atareado
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof muy ocupado
as conceited as a barber's cat muy presumido/a
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof muy trabajador
as cat in gloves catches no mice a veces la destreza no está en la delicadeza
as cat in gloves catches no mice para logar algo uno debe contar con los medios necesarios
you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a ... no puedes mover un dedo sin que…
as cat in gloves catches no mice en este momento los modales no sirven
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof atareadísimo
as innocent as a cat who's just swallowed the family parrot inocente como un niño
as innocent as a cat who's just swallowed the family parrot tan inocente el gato que derramó la leche
as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers presa del pánico
as lean as an alley cat más flaco que un saco de pulgas
like the cat that ate the canary como el gato que se comió al ratón
like the cat that got the cream como el gato que se comió al ratón
wait for the cat to jump esperar hasta que se despeje el panorama
like a cat with nine lives más vidas que un gato
like the cat that got the cream muy satisfecho por algo realizado
like the cat that ate the canary (us) muy satisfecho por algo realizado
like the cat that ate the canary muy satisfecho por algo realizado
like the cat that got the cream (uk) muy satisfecho por algo realizado
like the cat that stole the cream muy satisfecho por algo realizado
a fraidy-cat un asustadizo
a fraidy-cat un cobarde
a scaredy-cat un cobarde
a scaredy-cat un miedoso
a fraidy-cat un miedoso
a fraidy-cat un gallina
cat got your tongue? ¿te ha comido la lengua el gato?
fat cat pez gordo
let the cat out of the bag levantar la liebre
cat got your tongue? ¿el gato te comió la lengua?
cat in gloves catches no mice gato dormilón no pisa ratón
cat in gloves catches no mice gato con guantes no caza ratones
cat got your tongue? ¿te comieron la lengua los ratones?
cat got your tongue? ¿se te comió la lengua el gato?
copy cat imitador
care killed a cat la curiosidad mata el gato
care killed a cat la cautela mató al gato
fraidy cat cobarde
fraidy cat temeroso
dead cat on the line (algo) ha salido mal
dead cat on the line equivocación
dead cat on the line error
the cat is out of the bag el secreto fue revelado
the cat out of the bag el secreto revelado
the cat is out of the bag se desveló el secreto
the cat is out of the bag el secreto salió a la luz
dead cat on the line olor a chamusquina (algo malo ha sucedido)
like cat and dog como el perro y el gato
grin like a cheshire cat grin mostrar una sonrisa amplia
not enough room to swing a cat no caber ni un alfiler
not enough room to swing a cat estar atiborrado
not enough room to swing a cat no haber lugar
not enough room to swing a cat el camarote de los (hermanos) marx
conceited as a barber's cat más chulo que un ocho
there's more than one way to skin a cat hay varias formas de hacer algo
bell the cat poner el cascabel al gato
see which zoay the cat will jump ver qué sesgo toma el asunto
a cat lick una manita de gato
smile like a cheshire cat reírse a mandíbula batiente
smile like a cheshire cat reírse a carcajadas
smile like a cheshire cat reírse de oreja a oreja
let the cat out of the bag escupir el asado [v] AR
have cat eyes tener ojos de gato [v] PR
let the cat out of the bag largar la pepa [v] BO CL
play cat and mouse jugar a la boa y al ratón [v] HN
let the cat out of the bag levantar la paloma [v] CU
let the cat out of the bag mandar al frente [v] AR
not let the cat out of the bag morir callado [v] VE
not let the cat out of the bag morir pollo [v] CL
get into a cat fight tirarse de las mechas [v] NI PA EC BO CL UY
let the cat out of the bag soltar el tapón [v] HN
let the cat out of the bag soltar alguien un borrego [v] MX
look what the cat dragged in! ¡miren lo que trajo la corriente!
look what the cat dragged in! ¡miren quién está aquí!
have you ever owned a cat? ¿alguna vez ha tenido un gato?
whose cat is this? ¿de quién es este gato?
have you ever had a cat? ¿alguna vez ha tenido un gato?
have you ever owned a cat? ¿alguna vez has sido el dueño de un gato?
has anyone seen the cat? ¿han visto al gato?
has anyone seen the cat? ¿alguien ha visto al gato?
has the cat got your tongue? ¿se te ha comido la lengua el gato?
has the cat got your tongue? ¿te has quedado mudo?
has the cat got your tongue? ¿te comieron la lengua?
has the cat got your tongue? ¿te quedaste muda?
has the cat got your tongue? ¿te quedaste sin palabras?
cat got someone's tongue ¿te ha comido la lengua el gato?
the cat is behind the box el gato está detrás de la caja
i don't even have a cat ni siquiera tengo un gato
let the cat out of the bag desvelar el secreto
let the cat out of the bag revelar el secreto
let the cat out of the bag desvela el secreto
let the cat out of the bag descubre el pastel
let the cat out of the bag descubrir el pastel
let the cat out of the bag revela el secreto
I thought I saw a cat me pareció ver un gato
I thought I saw a cat creí ver un gato
when the cat is away the mice will play cuando el gato no está los ratones hacen fiesta
not room to swing a cat no cabe un alfiler
where is the cat? ¿dónde está el gato?
claw at something (cat) arañar algo [v]
claw at something (cat) intentar agarrarse a algo [v]
so small you could barely swing a cat (el sitio es) tan pequeño que no cabe ni un alfiler
alley cat gato de la calle
alley cat gato callejero
cat has nine lives siete vidas tiene el gato
when the cat is away, the mice will play cuando el gato no está, los ratones hacen fiesta
fat cat cacique [m]
cat-killer gaticida [m]
cat minino [m]
cat morroño [m]
scaredy cat desdichado [m]
fat cat fenicio [m]
male cat michino [m]
male cat micho [m]
male cat minino [m]
cat miz [m]
cat morrongo [m]
cat morroño [m]
cat eyed person ojos de gato [m]
(cat) litter arena [f]
old cat mujeraza [f]
scaredy cat desdichada [f]
fat cat fenicia [f]
cat reunion gatería [f]
female cat michina [f]
female cat micha [f]