analysis - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "analysis" in German English Dictionary : 35 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Auswertung [f]
analysis Analysierung [f]
analysis Prüfung [f]
analysis Bestimmung [f]
analysis Berechnung [f]
analysis Untersuchung [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Aufgliederung [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Berechnung [f]
analysis Untersuchung [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
Cold Rolling
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis chemische Zusammensetzung
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
Building Technology
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Stoffprüfung [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Auswertung [f]
analysis Gehalt [m]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Analysis [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Auswertung [f]
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Aufspaltung [f]
Mechanical Engineering
analysis Analyse [f]
Water Supply
analysis Analyse [f]
analysis Zusammensetzung [f]

Meanings of "analysis" in English German Dictionary : 2 result(s)

Deutsch Englisch
Analysis [f] analysis
Analysis [f] calculus

Meanings of "analysis" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
in the final analysis im Endeffekt [adv]
in the final analysis letztlich [adv]
in the final analysis letzten Endes [adv]
in the final analysis in letzter Konsequenz [adv]
in the final analysis letztendlich [adv]
in the last analysis in letzter Instanz [adv]
in the last analysis in der letzten Analyse [adv]
in the last analysis letzten Endes [adv]
in the last analysis letztlich [adv]
analysis purpose Auswertungszweck [m]
sieve analysis Siebversuch [m]
settling analysis Absetzversuch [m]
analysis and examination report Analyse- und Prüfungsbericht [m]
analysis summary Analyseüberblick [m]
petrofabric analysis Gefügeanalyse [f]
preliminary analysis Voranalyse [f]
multivariate data analysis multivariate Datenanalyse [f]
noise analysis Geräuschanalyse [f]
lubricant analysis Schmierstoffuntersuchung [f]
meta-analysis Meta-Analyse [f]
microfabric analysis Korngefügeanalyse [f]
modulation analysis Modulationsanalyse [f]
ladle analysis Schmelzenanalyse [f]
fuzzy analysis Fuzzy-Analyse [f]
gap analysis Gap-Analyse [f]
gradient analysis Gradientenanalyse [f]
grading analysis Siebanalyse [f]
grainsize analysis Korngrößenanalyse [f]
harmonic analysis harmonische Analyse [f]
expectancy analysis Erwartungsanalyse [f]
factor analysis Faktoranalyse [f]
factor analysis Faktorenanalyse [f]
failure analysis Schadensanalyse [f]
fault probability analysis Fehlermöglichkeitsanalyse [f]
fluorescent X-ray analysis Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse [f]
follow-up analysis Nachanalyse [f]
dry analysis Trockenanalyse [f]
durability analysis Lebensdaueranalyse [f]
demand analysis Bedarfsanalyse [f]
deployment analysis Einsatzanalyse [f]
differential thermal analysis Differentialthermoanalyse (DTA) [f]
cluster analysis Clusteranalyse [f]
correspondence analysis Korrespondenzanalyse [f]
cost-usage-value analysis Kosten-Nutzwertanalyse [f]
accident analysis Unfallursachenforschung [f]
activity analysis Aktivitätsanalyse [f]
activity analysis Prozessanalyse [f]
analysis (of) Analyse (von) [f]
analysis (of) kritische Auseinandersetzung (mit) [f]
analysis (of) Untersuchung (von) [f]
analysis function Analysefunktion [f]
analysis by wet way Nassanalyse [f]
analysis method Analysemethode [f]
analysis of competition Wettbewerbsanalyse [f]
analysis of variance (ANOVA) Varianzanalyse [f]
analysis of workflow Arbeitsablaufstudie [f]
analysis of trends Trendanalyse [f]
analysis situs Topologie [f]
analysis sample Analysenprobe [f]
applicant analysis Bewerberanalyse [f]
as-is analysis Istanalyse [f]
association analysis Assoziationsanalyse [f]
body-fat analysis Körperfettanalyse [f]
voice analysis Sprachanalyse [f]
waste analysis Abfallanalyse [f]
water analysis Wasseruntersuchung [f]
water analysis Wasseranalyse [f]
what-if analysis Was-Wenn-Analyse [f]
strain analysis Dehnungsanalyse [f]
structural analysis Baustatik [f]
structural analysis Statik (der Baukonstruktionen) [f]
survival analysis Ereigniszeitanalyse [f]
survival analysis Ereignisdatenanalyse [f]
survival analysis Verweildaueranalyse [f]
syntactic analysis Syntaxanalyse [f]
system analysis Systemanalyse [f]
sieve analysis Siebanalyse [f]
spectrographic analysis Spektralanalyse [f]
speech analysis Sprachanalyse [f]
static analysis statische Berechnung [f]
threat analysis Bedrohungsanalyse [f]
time series analysis Zeitreihenanalyse [f]
trend analysis Trendanalyse [f]
turbidimetric analysis Trübungsmessung [f]
screen analysis Siebanalyse [f]
sensitivity analysis Sensitivitätsanalyse [f]
settling analysis Schlämmanalyse [f]
probability analysis of flood records Hochwasserwahrscheinlichkeitsanalyse [f]
prospect analysis Erwartungsanalyse [f]
requirement analysis Bedarfsanalyse [f]
risk analysis Gefahrenanalyse [f]
textual analysis Textanalyse [f]
spectral analysis Spektralanalyse [f]
event history analysis Ereignisdatenanalyse [f]
analysis of strong and weak points Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse [f]
cost analysis Kostenauswertung [f]
error analysis Fehleranalyse [f]
air analysis Luftanalyse [f]
analysis center Analysenzentrale [f]
longitudinal analysis Langzeitstudie [f]
combinatorial analysis Kombinatorik [f]
job safety analysis Arbeitsplatzsicherheitsanalyse [f]
item analysis Aufgabenanalyse [f]
performance analysis Erfolgsanalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längsschnittanalyse [f]
differential thermal analysis Differenzthermoanalyse [f]
cluster analysis Ballungsanalyse [f]
case analysis Fallanalyse [f]
data analysis Datenanalyse [f]
benefit-cost analysis Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse [f]
function analysis Funktionsanalysis [f]
job safety analysis Arbeitsplatz-Sicherheitsanalyse [f]
risk analysis Risikoanalyse [f]
stack gas analysis Rauchgasanalyse [f]
contingency analysis Wahrcheinlichkeitsanalyse [f]
news analysis Nachrichtenanalyse [f]
analysis of exhaust gases Abgasanalyse [f]
task analysis Tätigkeitsanalyse [f]
marginal costs analysis Grenzkostenanalyse [f]
grammatical analysis grammatische Analyse [f]
analysis of stability Stabilitätsuntersuchung [f]
cluster analysis Gruppenanalyse [f]
comparative analysis Vergleichsrechnung [f]
cost-effectiveness analysis Kosteneffektivitätsanalyse [f]
hazard analysis Gefährdungsanalyse [f]
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse [f]
genetic analysis Genanalyse [f]
stress analysis Spannungsanalyse [f]
cause analysis Ursachenanalyse [f]
portfolio analysis Portfolioanalyse [f]
social analysis gesellschaftliche Analyse [f]
event history analysis Verlaufsdatenanalyse [f]
budget impact analysis Budget-Einfluss-Analyse [f]
soil analysis Bodenanalyse [f]
task analysis Aufgabenanalyse [f]
marginal analysis Grenzkostenrechnung [f]
transactional analysis Transaktionsanalyse [f]
accounts payable analysis Kreditorenauswertung [f]
comparative credit analysis Kreditvergleichsrechnung [f]
frame analysis Rahmenanalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längsschnittuntersuchung [f]
analysis of sound Schallanalyse [f]
sperm analysis Spermauntersuchung [f]
cost analysis Kostenanalyse [f]
cost benefit analysis Kosten/Nutzen-Analyse [f]
analysis of content Inhaltsanalyse [f]
cost-performance analysis Kosten-Leistungs-Analyse [f]
functional analysis Funktionsanalyse [f]
comparative earnings analysis Erfolgsvergleichsrechnung [f]
analysis of covariance Kovarianzanalyse [f]
analysis of stability Stabilitätsanalyse [f]
event history analysis Ereignisanalyse [f]
sound analysis Klanganalyse [f]
cost-effectiveness analysis Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Analyse [f]
simulation-assisted analysis simulationsgestützte Analyse [f]
hazard analysis Gefahrenanalyse [f]
marginal analysis Grenzanalyse [f]
what-if analysis Was-wäre-wenn-Analyse [f]
stakeholder analysis Projektumfeldanalyse [f]
crystal analysis Kristallstrukturuntersuchung [f]
soil analysis Bodenuntersuchung [f]
hair analysis Haaranalyse [f]
bioenergetic analysis Bioenergetik [f]
discriminant analysis Diskriminanzanalyse [f]
conflict analysis Konfliktforschung [f]
correlation analysis Korrelationsanalyse [f]
regression analysis Regressionsanalyse [f]
crystal structure analysis Kristallstrukturanalyse [f]
location analysis Standortanalyse [f]
path analysis Pfadanalyse [f]
document analysis Dokumentenanalyse [f]
variance analysis Varianzanalyse [f]
image analysis Imageanalyse [f]
covariance analysis Kovarianzanalyse [f]
spreadsheet analysis Tabellenkalkulation [f]
function analysis Funktionsanalyse [f]
analysis of weak points Schwachstellenanalyse [f]
contingency analysis Kontingenzanalyse [f]
content analysis Bedeutungsanalyse [f]
causal analysis Kausalanalyse [f]
cross-sectional analysis Querschnittanalyse [f]
secondary analysis Sekundäranalyse [f]
structural analysis Strukturanalyse [f]
cohort analysis Kohortenanalyse [f]
item analysis Itemanalyse [f]
user analysis Benutzerforschung [f]
balance analysis Bilanzanalyse [f]
target group analysis Zielgruppenanalyse [f]
readership analysis Leseranalyse [f]
probability analysis Wahrscheinlichkeitsanalyse [f]
a fortiori analysis eine unterstützende Analyse [f]
a sound analysis eine Klanganalyse [f]
a sound analysis eine Schallanalyse [f]
advanced analysis erweiterte Analyse [f]
analysis of dream Traumanalyse [f]
analysis and synthesis Analyse und Synthese [f]
analysis curve Analysekurve [f]
analysis of dream Analyse vom Traum [f]
analysis summary Analyseübersicht [f]
analysis summary Analysezusammenfassung [f]
analysis of  variance Varianzanalyse [f]
appreciation analysis Anerkennungsanalyse [f]
behavioural task analysis Verhaltensaufgabenanalyse [f]
blood analysis Blutanalyse [f]
blood analysis Blutuntersuchung [f]
character analysis Charakteranalyse [f]
comparability analysis Vergleichbarkeitsanalyse [f]
conversation analysis Gesprächsanalyse [f]
conversation analysis Konversationsanalyse [f]
crime analysis Kriminalanalyse [f]
cultural analysis Kulturanalyse [f]
cultural analysis kulturelle Analyse [f]
data envelopment analysis Datenumfassungsanalyse [f]
depth area duration analysis Analyse der Tiefenbereichdauer [f]
dimensional analysis Dimensionsanalyse [f]
diophantine analysis diophantische Analyse [f]
discourse analysis Diskursanalyse [f]
dream analysis Traumdeutung [f]
dream analysis Traumanalyse [f]
early learning skills analysis Analyse der Fähigkeiten des frühen Lernens [f]
earthquake hazard analysis Erdbebengefährdungsanalyse [f]
economic risk analysis wirtschaftliche Risikoanalyse [f]
electric circuit analysis Schaltkreisanalyse [f]
electric circuit analysis Stromkreisanalyse [f]
electric network analysis elektrische Netzwerkanalyse [f]
event analysis Ereignisanalyse [f]
event analysis Ereignisauswertung [f]
food analysis Lebensmittelanalytik [f]
food analysis Lebensmittelanalyse [f]
further analysis weitere Analyse [f]
further analysis weitere Untersuchung [f]
further analysis weiterführende Analyse [f]
further analysis genauere Analyse [f]
further analysis weitere Auswertung [f]
grain size analysis Korngrößenanalyse [f]
hazard vulnerability analysis Gefährdungsschwachstellenanalyse [f]
hydrological analysis hydrologische Analyse [f]
in depth analysis gründliche Analyse [f]
in depth analysis gründliche Untersuchung [f]
in depth analysis fundamentale Analyse [f]
in depth analysis eingehende Analyse [f]
in depth analysis ausführliche Analyse [f]
in depth analysis tiefgehende Analyse [f]
in depth analysis Detailanalyse [f]
in depth analysis tiefgreifende Analyse [f]
in depth analysis Tiefenanalyse [f]
in depth analysis umfassende Analyse [f]
in depth analysis detaillierte Analyse [f]
in depth analysis tiefgründige Analyse [f]
incremental loading analysis zunehmende Ladungsanalyse [f]
analysis program Auswertungsprogramm [n]
analysis result Analyseergebnis [n]
analysis system Analysesystem [n]
result of the/a analysis Analyseergebnis [n]
job analysis Berufsbild [n]
do/carry out/conduct an analysis eine Analyse machen/erstellen/durchführen/vornehmen [v]
carry out an analysis eine Analyse machen [v]
carry out an analysis eine Analyse vornehmen [v]
do an analysis eine Analyse durchführen [v]
do an analysis eine Analyse machen [v]
analysis functions Analysefunktionen [pl]
analysis methods Analysemethoden [pl]
analysis systems Analysesysteme [pl]
analysis samples Analysenproben [pl]
analysis criteria Analysekriterien [pl]
news analysis Nachrichtenanalysen [pl]
analysis cost Auswertungskosten [pl]
analysis cost Analysekosten [pl]
analysis services Analysedienstleistungen [pl]
analysis services Analyseservice [pl]
analysis cost Untersuchungskosten [pl]
bivariate analysis Bivariate Analyse
univariate analysis Univariate Analyse
statistical analysis Statistische Analyse
conjoint analysis Conjoint Analyse
input-output analysis Input-Output-Analyse
canonical correlation analysis Kanonische Korrelationsanalyse
descriptive analysis Deskriptive Analyse
multivariate analysis Multivariate Analyse
mulitidisciplinary analysis multidisziplinäre Auswertung
in the last/final analysis letztendlich
in the last/final analysis letztlich
in the last/final analysis schlussendlich
in the last/final analysis letzten Endes
error analysis dump Speicherauszug bei Fehlern
demand analysis Analyse {f} der Nachfrage
comparative dynamic analysis komparativ-dynamische Analyse
comparative-static analysis komparativ-statische Analyse
a rigorous analysis eine genaue Analyse
combinatorial analysis Permutationslehre
functional analysis funktionelle Aanalyse
detailed analysis genaue Analyse
detailed analysis Detailanalyse
fiscal analysis finanztechnische Analyse
In the final analysis Letztlich
in the last/final analysis im Endeffekt [adv]
lab analysis Laboranalyse [f]
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse [f]
market analysis Marktanalyse [f]
Job analysis Arbeitsanalyse [f]
numerical analysis Zahlenanalyse [f]
risk analysis Risikoanalyse [f]
systems analysis Systemanalyse [f]
marketing analysis Vertriebsanalyse [f]
demand analysis Bedarfsanalyse [f]
work analysis Arbeitsanalyse [f]
analysis of needs Bedarfsanalyse [f]
industry analysis Branchenanalyse [f]
market analysis Marktuntersuchung [f]
situation analysis Situationsanalyse [f]
regression analysis Regressionsanalyse [f]
financial analysis Finanzanalyse [f]
stability analysis Stabilitätsanalyse [f]
stock-flow analysis Strom-Bestands-Analyse [f]
SWOT analysis SWOT-Analyse [f]
value analysis Wertanalyse [f]
workplace analysis Arbeitsplatzanalyse [f]
account analysis Kontenanalyse [f]
audience analysis Leseranalyse [f]
balance sheet analysis Bilanzanalyse [f]
cost-utilty analysis (CUA) Nutzwertanalyse (NWA) [f]
cost-utilty analysis (CUA) Nutzwertanalyse [f]
gap analysis Lückenanalyse [f]
input-output analysis Input-Output-Analyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzbewertung [f]
management analysis betriebswirtschaftliche Auswertung [f]
marginal costs analysis Grenzkostenanalyse [f]
market analysis Marktstudie [f]
production site analysis Standortanalyse [f]
sales analysis Umsatzanalyse [f]
sales analysis Umsatzstatistik [f]
conjoint analysis Conjoint-Analyse [f]
comparative price analysis Preisgegenüberstellung [f]
analysis of market structure Marktstrukturanalyse [f]
network analysis Netzplantechnik [f]
job analysis Tätigkeitsanalyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsstudie [f]
fault tree analysis (fta) Fehlerbaumanalyse [f]
media analysis Werbeträgeranalyse [f]
pain value analysis Schadenswertanalyse [f]
functional analysis Funktionsanalyse [f]
analysis of profitability Rentabilitätsanalyse [f]
analysis department Finanzanalyseabteilung [f]
psycho-analysis Psychoanalyse [f]
critical path analysis Netzplantechnik [f]
economic analysis Wirtschaftsanalyse [f]
capacity analysis Kapazitätsanalyse [f]
analysis of financial statements Bilanzanalyse [f]
audience analysis Publikumsanalyse [f]
cost analysis Kostenanalyse [f]
value analysis Wertprüfung [f]
business cycle analysis Konjunkturanalyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzanalyse [f]
labour-market analysis Arbeitsmarktanalyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzbeurteilung [f]
media analysis Werbemitteluntersuchung [f]
consumer analysis Verbraucheranalyse [f]
root cause analysis (rca) Ursachenanalyse [f]
service failure analysis (sfa) Serviceausfallanalyse [f]
use-of-potential analysis Nutzenanalyse [f]
dealer analysis Händleranalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längschnittbetrachtung [f]
short-run analysis Kurzzeitanalyse [f]
incremental analysis Zuwachsanalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längsschnittanalyse [f]
marginal analysis Grenzanalyse [f]
business cycle analysis Konjunkturbeobachtung [f]
break-even analysis Rentabilitätsanalyse [f]
operation analysis Betriebsanalyse [f]
company analysis Unternehmensanalyse [f]
error analysis Fehleranalyse [f]
advertising media analysis Werbeträgeranalyse [f]
analysis of stability Stabilitätsanalyse [f]
analysis of trends Trendanalyse [f]
competition analysis Wettbewerbsanalyse [f]
project analysis Projektanalyse [f]
competitor analysis Konkurrenzanalyse [f]
macro-analysis Makroanalyse [f]
breakeven analysis Deckungsbeitragsrechnung [f]
marginal analysis Grenzkostenrechnung [f]
distribution cost analysis Vertriebskostenanalyse [f]
trend analysis Trendanalyse [f]
long-run analysis Langzeitanalyse [f]
analysis card Analysenkarte [f]
accident analysis Unfallursachenanalyse [f]
subscriber analysis Abonnentenanalyse [f]
threshold analysis Schwellenwertanalyse [f]
cost-performance analysis Kosten-Leistung-Analyse
critical path analysis Analyse des kritischen Wegs
demand analysis Analyse der Nachfrage
qualitative analysis qualitative Analyse
quantitative analysis quantitative Analyse
partial analysis partielle Analyse
job analysis Arbeitsplatzanalyse
cost benefit analysis Kosten/Nutzen-Analyse
benefit-cost analysis Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse
horizontal analysis horizontale Analyse
cost benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse
swot analysis SWOT-Analyse
business impact analysis (bia) Business-Auswirkungsanalyse
chronological analysis chronologische Analyse
job analysis Arbeitsplatzbeurteilung
cost-benefit analysis Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse
SWOT analysis Stärken-Schwächen- und Chancen-Risiko-Analyse
sales ledger analysis Analyse des Verkaufsjournals
assets analysis Anlagenspiegel [m]
present value (PV/ (in a pre-investment analysis) Barwert [m]
financial analysis Finanzanalyse [f]
benefit-cost analysis Nutzen-Kosten-Analyse [f]
breakeven analysis Deckungsbeitragsrechnung [f]
cost analysis Kostenanalyse [f]
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse [f]
cost-effectiveness analysis Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Analyse [f]
credit analysis Kreditwürdigkeitsprüfung [f]
duration analysis Durationsanalyse [f]
flow-of-funds analysis Bewegungsbilanz [f]
flow-of-funds analysis Kapitalflussrechnung [f]
pre-investment analysis Investitionsrechnung [f]
present-value method (in a pre-investment analysis) Kapitalwertmethode [f]
present-value method (in a pre-investment analysis) Kapitalwertmethode (bei der Investitionsrechnung) [f]
accounts payable analysis Kreditorenauswertung [f]
accounts receivable analysis Debitorenauswertung [f]
portfolio analysis Depotbewertung [f]
technical analysis technische Analyse [f]
pitchfork analysis Pitchfork-Analyse [f]
technical analysis Chartanalyse [f]
technical analysis technische Analyse
fault tree analysis Fehlerbaumanalyse [f]
account analysis Kostenanalyse [f]
substance flow analysis Stoffstromanalyse [f]
cost-effectiveness analysis Kosten-Wirksamkeitsanalyse [f]
stakeholder analysis Projektumweltanalyse [f]
analysis of the current state Ist-Analyse [f]
stakeholder analysis Umfeldanalyse [f]
cost-effectiveness analysis Kosteneffektivitäts-Analyse [f]
earned value analysis Leistungswertanalyse [f]
market analysis Marktanalyse [f]
criticality analysis Kritikalitätsanalyse [f]
use-value analysis Nutzwertanalyse [f]
marginal analysis Marginalanalyse [f]
materiality analysis Wesentlichkeitsanalyse [f]
sensitivity analysis Sensitivitätsanalyse [f]
weak point analysis Schwachstellenanalyse [f]
life-cycle cost analysis Lebenszykluskostenanalyse [f]
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzenrechnung
cost benefit analysis Nutzwertanalyse [f]
cost-benefit analysis Nutzwertanalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längsschnittanalyse [f]
ratio analysis Kennziffernanalyse [f]
analysis of financial statements Bilanzanalyse [f]
variance analysis Soll-Ist Vergleich
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse
media analysis Werbemitteluntersuchung [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzanalyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzbeurteilung [f]
job analysis Arbeitsstudie [f]
media analysis Werbeträgeranalyse [f]
marginal analysis Grenzanalyse [f]
critical path analysis Analyse des kritischen Wegs
analysis card Analysenkarte [f]
job analysis Tätigkeitsanalyse [f]
accident analysis Unfallursachenanalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längsschnittanalyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzanalyse [f]
use-of-potential analysis Nutzenanalyse [f]
longitudinal analysis Längschnittbetrachtung [f]
analysis of profitability Rentabilitätsanalyse [f]
cost-benefit analysis Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse
Quality Management
analysis error Analysefehler [m]
analysis sample Analyseprobe [f]
failure mode and effects analysis Ausfallart- und Wirkungsanalyse [f]
design failure mode and effects analysis Ausführungsausfallart- und -Wirkungsanalyse [f]
error analysis Fehleranalyse [f]
weak-point analysis Schwachstellenanalyse [f]
measurement system analysis Maßsystemanalyse [f]
value analysis Wertanalyse [f]
accident analysis Störfallanalyse [f]
Work Safety
octave-band analysis Oktavbandanalyse [f]
accident analysis Unfallursachenanalyse [f]
particle size analysis Korngrößenbestimmung [f]
X-ray diffraction analysis Röntgenstrahlbeugungsanalyse [f]
particle size analysis Korngrößenanalyse [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzanalyse [f]
accident analysis Unfallursachenuntersuchung [f]
job analysis Arbeitsplatzuntersuchung [f]
job analysis Tätigkeitsanalyse [f]
colorimetric analysis kolorimetrische Bestimmung
job safety analysis Sicherheitsanalyse am Arbeitsplatz
job hazard analysis Sicherheitsanalyse am Arbeitsplatz
advertisement analysis Werbemittelanalyse [f]
advertising analysis Werbeanalyse [f]
arbitrary analysis Schiedsanalyse [f]
arbitrational analysis Schiedsanalyse [f]
criminal investigative analysis kriminalpolizeiliche Fallanalyse [f]
fingerprinting analysis Fingerabdruckauswertung [f]
fingerprinting analysis Daktyloskopie [f]
comparative legal analysis rechtsvergleichende Analyse [f]
voter transition analysis Wählerstromanalyse [f]
election analysis Wahlanalyse [f]