shape - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "shape" in German English Dictionary : 54 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
shape Form [f]
shape formen [v]
shape gestalten [v]
shape Umriss [m]
shape Gestalt [f]
shape Fasson [f]
shape Kontur [f]
shape Ausprägung [f]
shape Profilteil [n]
shape Format [n]
shape Gebilde [n]
shape beeinflussen [v]
shape bilden
shape entwerfen
shape modellieren
shape prägen
shape Zustand [m]
shape Form [f]
shape formen [v]
shape Verlauf [m]
shape Umriss [m]
shape Bildung [f]
shape Gestalt [f]
shape Form [f]
shape Profil [n]
shape abbiegen [v]
shape hobeln [v]
shape bearbeiten [v]
shape formen [v]
shape verformen [v]
shape stoßen [v]
shape abbiegen
shape Form [f]
shape Gestalt [f]
shape Kornform [f]
shape Schleifform [f]
shape hobeln [v]
shape stoßen [v]
shape formen [v]
shape Form [f]
shape anpassen [v]
shape Form [f]
shape Gestalt [f]
shape formen [v]
shape Schnitt [m]
shape Form [f]
shape formen [v]
shape machen [v]
shape Schnitt
shape Form
shape Form [f]
shape Gestalt [f]
shape Gestalt [f]
shape stoßen [v]

Meanings of "shape" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 370 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
round (shape) rund [adj]
fitting the body shape körpergerecht [adj]
resembling a human shape gestalthaft [adj]
shape-retentive formbeständig [adj]
shape-changing formverändernd [adj]
of hyperbolic shape hyperbelförmig [adj]
in any shape or form in keiner Weise [adv]
in the shape of a human being in der Gestalt eines Menschen [adv]
in the shape of a human being in Menschenform [adv]
fence bar in U-shape Hespenstahl (ein Profilstahl) [m]
fiend in human shape Teufel in Menschengestalt [m]
good shape guter Zustand [m]
character shape Zeichenform [f]
U-shape U-Form [f]
structural shape Bauform [f]
spoon shape Löffelform [f]
shape cutting spanende Formgebung [f]
shape deviation Formabweichung [f]
shape of a face Gesichtsform [f]
shape sorter (toy) Steckbox (Kleinkinderspielzeug) [f]
shape sorter (toy) Sortierbox [f]
representation of the shape of the ground Geländeformendarstellung [f]
shape of the Earth Erdgestalt [f]
spherical shape Kugelform [f]
egg shape Eiform [f]
shape change Formänderung [f]
shape of the Earth Erdfigur [f]
shape accuracy Formgenauigkeit [f]
molecular shape Molekülgestalt [f]
amorphous shape amorphe Form [f]
amorphous shape missgestaltete Form [f]
compact shape kompakte Form [f]
good shape gute Verfassung [f]
good shape gute Form [f]
hollow shape Hohlform [f]
hollow shape hohle Form [f]
hourglass shape Sanduhrform [f]
hourglass shape Sanduhrfigur [f]
final shape Endmaß [n]
lose its shape aus der Fasson geraten [v]
construct (a sentence, a geometrical shape) (einen Satz) bilden [v]
construct (a sentence, a geometrical shape) (eine geometrische Form) bilden [v]
construct (a sentence, a geometrical shape) konstruieren [v]
cut to shape zurechtschneiden [v]
feel the shape of something etwas ertasten [v]
get back in shape sich aufrappeln [v]
get in shape sich ertüchtigen [v]
get in shape sich ertüchtigen [formal] [v]
go out of shape aus der Fasson geraten [v]
be in good shape eine gute Kondition haben [v]
bend out of shape verbiegen [v]
bend something into shape etwas zurechtbiegen [v]
shape up sich entwickeln [v]
shape bilden [v]
shape fräsen (Holz) [v]
shape formen [v]
shape up well sich gut entwickeln [v]
shape up well gut verlaufen [v]
shape up well viel versprechend sein [v]
take shape Form annehmen [v]
take shape Gestalt annehmen [v]
take shape sich ausprägen [v]
take shape sich gestalten [v]
take shape sich formen [v]
to shape modellieren [v]
help shape something etwas mitgestalten [v]
be out of shape außer Form sein [v]
to shape formulieren [v]
to shape formen [v]
to shape ausgestalten [v]
be beaten into shape in Form geschlagen werden [v]
be beaten into shape in Form schlagen [v]
be in bad shape in schlechter Verfassung sein [v]
be in bad shape in schlechter Form sein [v]
be in bad shape in einem schlechten Zustand sein [v]
be in good shape in gutem Zustand sein [v]
be in good shape in einwandfreiem Zustand sein [v]
be in good shape gut erhalten sein [v]
be in good shape in guter Verfassung sein [v]
be in great shape in ausgezeichneter Form sein [v]
be in great shape in guter Verfassung sein [v]
be financially in bad shape finanziell in einem schlechten Zustand sein [v]
be in shape in Form sein [v]
be in shape in guter Verfassung sein [v]
be in shape eine gute Kondition haben [v]
be in shape for in Form sein für [v]
be in shape for in guter Verfassung sein für [v]
be in shape for eine gute Kondition haben für [v]
bend something out of shape etwas verbiegen [v]
cause to change shape Formänderung verursachen [v]
flex something out of shape etwas verbiegen [v]
flex something out of shape etwas außer Form bringen [v]
get in shape sich körperlich fit machen [v]
get in shape sich in Form bringen [v]
get into shape sich in Form bringen [v]
get into shape sich körperlich fit machen [v]
give shape Form geben [v]
give shape formen [v]
give shape Gestalt geben [v]
give shape gestalten [v]
give shape something etwas Form geben [v]
give shape something etwas formen [v]
give shape something etwas Gestalt geben [v]
give shape something etwas gestalten [v]
give shape to Form geben zu [v]
give shape to formen [v]
give shape to Gestalt geben zu [v]
give shape to gestalten [v]
egg-shape briquets Eierbriketts [pl]
buildings in terrace shape Terrassenhäuser [pl]
shape of the ground Geländeformen [pl]
getting in shape sich ertüchtigend
got in shape sich ertüchtigt
fabricated shape bearbeitetes Formstück
feeling the shape of something etwas ertastend
felt the shape of something etwas ertastet
cut to shape zurechtgeschnitten
cut to shape schnitt zurecht
cuts to shape schneidet zurecht
bending out of shape verbiegend
bent out of shape verbogen
wearing out of shape auslatschend
worn out of shape ausgelatscht
shape permanence to heat Formbeständigkeit in der Wärme
taken shape sich ausgeprägt
taken shape sich gestaltet
taken shape sich geformt
taking shape sich formend
taking shape sich ausprägend
taking shape sich gestaltend
bent in a sickle shape sichelförmig gebogen
bend into shape zurechtbiegen
bend someone out of shape jemanden ärgern [v]
bend someone out of shape jemanden wütend machen [v]
any way, shape, or form in jeglicher Form
be bent out of shape verärgert sein
be bent out of shape aus der Fassung bringen
bent out of shape aus der Fassung geraten
bent out of shape wütend
bent out of shape durchgedreht
out of shape deformiert [adj]
in the shape of in Gestalt von
in top shape topfit
He's in bad shape. Er ist in schlechter Verfassung.
How do you keep yourself in shape? Wie halten Sie sich fit?
get back in shape sich berappeln [v]
get back in shape sich bekrabbeln [Westdt.] [v]
get back in shape sich erfangen [Ös.] [v]
get back in shape wieder auf die Beine kommen [v]
lick someone into shape jemanden fit machen (fü effektive Arbeit) [übertragen] [v]
lick someone into shape jemanden auf Vordermann bringen [übertragen] [v]
shape prägen [übertragen] [v]
wear (shoes) out of shape (Schuhe) auslatschen [v]
whip into shape auf Vordermann bringen [v]
whip into shape auf Zack bringen [v]
shape up sich entwickeln [v]
any shape or form in jeglicher Form
bent out of shape verärgert
bent out of shape angepisst
bent out of shape sauer
bent out of shape wahnsinnig vor Wut
bent out of shape besoffen
bent out of shape betrunken
bent out of shape traurig
bent out of shape unglücklich
streamlined shape Stromlinienform [f]
assume shape Form annehmen
Business Correspondence
do not correspond in shape entsprechen nicht der Form
in good shape in guter Verfassung
EU Terms
shape-memory alloy Memory-Legierung
registered design (of shape or appearance) Gebrauchsmuster [n]
registered design (of shape or appearance) Geschmacksmuster [n]
registered design (of shape or appearance) eingetragenes Design [Dt.] (Patentrecht)
pulse shape transducer Impulsformwandler
shape of the blade Schneidblattform
shape or form of the electrodes Elektrodenform
shape or construction of casings Gehäuseausbildung
shape of the material Form der Stoffe
container shape Behälterausbildung
roller sleeve shape Rollenmantelausbildung
shape of the blade Klingenausbildung
worm of globoidal shape Globoidschnecke
data carrier shape Datenträgerform
surface shape Oberflächenausbildung
shape or construction of combustion chambers Brennraumausbildung
trough shape Rinnenausbildung
manufacture of workpieces of particular shape Herstellen von Werkstücken bestimmter Form
cigar shape Zigarrenform
fishtail shape Fischschwanzform
shape of thread Gewindeausbildung
shape transducer Formwandler
printing on bodies of particular shape Drucken auf Körper von besonderer Form
shape or construction of bearings Lagerausbildung
corner shape Eckausbildung
shape or construction of combustion chambers combu Brennraumausbildung der Brennkraftmaschine
cigarette shape Zigarettenform
conical shape kegelförmig [adj]
shape-keeping formbeständig [adj]
shape-retaining formstabil [adj]
horseshoe-shape hufeisenförmig [adj]
true to shape formgerecht [adj]
curve shape Kurvenverlauf [m]
shape memory effect (SME) Gedächtniseffekt [m]
shape casting Formguss [m]
shape factor Formfaktor [m]
voltage shape Spannungsverlauf [m]
streamline shape Stromlinienform [f]
wave shape Wellenform [f]
groove shape Rillenform [f]
closed-circuit control of dimensions and shape Längenregelung [f]
combustion chamber shape Brennraumform [f]
funicular shape Seilkurve [f]
funicular shape Kettenlinie [f]
particle shape Kornform [f]
tolerance on shape Formtoleranz [f]
shape sensing (by sensors) Geometrieerfassung [f]
shape sensing (by sensors) Geometrieerfassung (durch Sensoren) [f]
special shape Sonderform [f]
mode shape Eigenform [f]
grinding wheel shape Schleifkörperform [f]
surface shape Oberflächengestalt [f]
basic shape Grundform [f]
change in shape Formänderung [f]
near-net-shape technology Near-Net- Shape-Technologie [f]
particle shape Korngestalt [f]
shape cutting spanende Formgebung [f]
line shape Linienform [f]
shape memory alloy (SMA) Formgedächtnislegierung [f]
groove shape Nutform [f]
particle shape Teilchenform [f]
shape of wheel Scheibenform [f]
ball shape Kugelform [f]
tooth shape Zahnform [f]
given shape bestimmte Form [f]
change of shape Formänderung [f]
piston head shape Kolbenbodenform [f]
bar shape Stabform [f]
wedge shape Keilform [f]
shape roll Profilwalze [f]
peak shape Peakform [f]
cone shape Kegelform [f]
ball shape Kugelgestalt [f]
change in shape Deformation [f]
blade shape Schaufelform [f]
stability of shape Formfestigkeit [f]
profile shape Profilform [f]
stability of shape Formbeständigkeit [f]
slot shape Nutform [f]
cutting to shape Beschneiden [n]
cutting to shape Zurechtschneiden [n]
cutting to shape Abschneiden [n]
structural tubing shape Formrohr [n]
structural tubing shape Hohlprofil [n]
fabricated shape bearbeitetes Formstück [n]
shape rolling mill Profilwalzwerk [n]
T-shape connecting tube T-Stück [n]
angle shape Winkelprofil [n]
blade shape Schaufelprofil [n]
shape profilieren [v]
shape verformen [v]
get out of shape sich verziehen [v]
shape zurichten [v]
shape formen [v]
shape gestalten [v]
z-shape z-förmig
cutting to shape zurechtschneidend
cylinder shape zylinderförmig
true to shape formgerecht
disk shape Scheibenform [f]
ball shape Kugelform [f]
head shape Kopfform [f]
distribution shape Verteilungsform [f]
workpiece shape Werkstückform [f]
bell shape Glockenform [f]
groove shape Nutform [f]
cam shape Nockenform [f]
shape change Formänderung [f]
shape control Formsteuerung [f]
shape memory alloy Formgedächtnislegierung [f]
quantum-mechanical line shape quantenmechanische Linienform [f]
peak shape Peakform [f]
shape memory polymer Formgedächtnispolymer [n]
globular shape globuläre Form
molecular shape Molekülgestalt [f]
Erlenmeyer shape Erlenmeyerform [f]
bottle shape Flaschenform [f]
elementary shape Grundform [f]
shape of base Sohlenverlauf [m]
shape changer Gestaltwechsler [m]
shape-shifting Gestaltwandlung [f]
shape perception Gestaltwahrnehmung [f]
deep shape Ausformung des apikalen Kanaldrittels
tooth shape Zahnform [f]
buckled shape Knickfigur [f]
trapezoidal shape Trapezform [f]
particle shape Korngestalt [f]
special shape Formstück [n]
building in terrace shape Terrassenhaus [n]
Tolerances on shape Formtoleranzen [pl]
Building Technology
shape cutting spanende Formgebung
out-of-shape verzerrt [adj]
shape-cutting machine Formfräsmaschine [f]
basin shape Beckenform [f]
grain shape Korngestalt [f]
grain shape Kornform [f]
spherical shape kugelförmige Gestalt [f]
grain shape Kornform [f]
egg-shape briquet Eierbrikett [n]
a drawing of the basic shape eine Zeichnung der Grundform des betreffenden Schliffs
outside shape Außenkontur [f]
tooth shape Zahnform [f]
accuracy of shape Formgenauigkeit [f]
basic shape Grundform [f]
angle shape Winkelprofil [n]
grain shape Kornform [f]
spray-hole shape Lochform [f]
spray shape Strahlform [f]
electrode shape Elektrodenform [f]
pulse shape Impulsform [f]
body shape Karosserieform [f]
combustion chamber shape Brennraumform [f]
cam shape Nockenform [f]
aerodynamic shape aerodynamische Form [f]
change shape umformen [v]
aerodynamic shape aerodynamische Form
drop shape Tropfenform [f]
tear shape Tropfenform [f]
Adobe Terms
convert shape Form konvertieren
Photoshop Terms
define custom shape eigene Form festlegen
convert to shape in Form konvertieren
custom shape eigene Form
SAP Terms
shape parameter Ausfallsteilheit [f]
shape variant Formvariante [f]
Electrical Engineering
shape factor Formfaktor [m]
shape anisotropy Formanisotropie
Wind Energy
shape parameter Formparameter [m]
eye-shape pattern Augendiagramm [n]
spot shape corrector Lichtpunktkorrektur [f]
shape-retaining formbeständig [adj]
retain its shape formbeständig [adj]
egg shape O-Linie [f]
egg shape O-Form [f]
pinnate (leaf shape) gefiedert [adj]
pinnate (leaf shape) gefiedert (Blattform) [adj]
flabellate (leaf shape) fächerförmig [adj]
flabellate (leaf shape) fächerartig [adj]
flabellate (leaf shape) fächerartig (Blattform) [adj]
espalier shape Spalierwuchs [m]
crown shape Kronenform [f]
flower shape Blütenform [f]
leaf shape Blattform [f]
espalier shape Spalierwuchs
leaf shape Blattform
shape of snout Schnauzenform [f]
shape perception Gestaltwahrnehmung [f]
shape perception Gestaltwahrnehmung
sail shape Segelschnitt [m]
cubic shape würfelige Form
geometric shape geometrische Form [f]
shape parameter Gestaltsparameter [m]
shape fräsen [v]
to shape fräsen [v]
rhythmic shape rhythmische Gestalt [f]
Paper Terms
shape-retaining formstabil [adj]
shape anisotropy Formanisotropie [f]
groove shape Rillenquerschnitt [m]
shape memory alloy prosthesis Prothese aus Formgedächtnislegierung [f]
pulse shape Impulsform [f]
Mechanical Engineering
shape rolling Walzprofilieren [n]
shape on the return stroke rückwärts hobeln [v]