thick - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "thick" in German English Dictionary : 32 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
thick stark [adj]
thick sämig [adj]
thick dick [adj]
thick dicht [adj]
thick reichlich [adj]
thick massenhaft [adj]
thick intim [adj]
thick dickflüssig [adj]
thick zähflüssig [adj]
thick im Überfluss
thick vertraut
thick dumm [adj]
thick doof [adj]
thick strohdumm [adj]
thick zäh [adj]
thick massig [adj]
thick umfangreich [adj]
thick dick [adj]
thick stark [adj]
thick dickflüssig [adj]
thick zähflüssig [adj]
thick mächtig [adj]
thick mächtig [adj]
thick stark (Schichten) [adj]
thick stark [adj]
thick dick [adj]
thick dick [adj]
thick stark [adj]
thick sämig [adj]
thick dicht [adj]
thick üppig [adj]
thick Dick...

Meanings of "thick" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 343 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
thick-headed doof [adj]
thick-headed begriffsstutzig [adj]
thick-skulled dumm [adj]
thick-skinned dickhäutig [adj]
thick-walled dickwandig [adj]
thick-skinned dickfellig [adj]
rather thick dicklich [adj]
thick-skinned unsensibel [adj]
thick-featured grobgeschnitten [adj]
thick-set untersetzt [adj]
thick-headed dumm [adj]
thick-set dichtbepflanzt [adj]
thick-headed dickköpfig [adj]
thick-legged dickbeinig [adj]
as thick as so dicht wie [adj]
as thick as so dick wie [adj]
as thick as so dumm wie [adj]
as thick as so üppig wie [adj]
as thick as so doof wie [adj]
thick cold Stockschnupfen [m]
thick neck Stiernacken [m]
thick plaster cast Dickschichtputz [m]
thick-head Dummkopf [m]
thick fir board Tannenholzbohle [f]
thick-headedness Dummheit [f]
thick-wittedness Begriffsstutzigkeit [f]
thick silence tiefe Stille [f]
thick-wittedness Schwerfälligkeit [f]
thick-wittedness Dummheit [f]
thick of fight Schlachtgetümmel [n]
thick hair dickes Haar [n]
have a thick skin ein dickes Fell haben [v]
be thick-skinned dickfellig sein [v]
be thick-skinned dickhäutig sein [v]
beat something to a thick consistency etwas zu einer festen Masse schlagen [v]
be thick with strotzen vor [v]
be thick with bedeckt sein mit [v]
be thick with voll sein mit [v]
become thick dick werden [v]
become thick verdicken [v]
become thick dickflüssig werden [v]
become thick dicht werden [v]
give someone a thick ear jemandem ein paar hinter die Ohren geben [v]
give someone a thick ear jemandem ein paar hinter die Ohren hauen [v]
thick fir boards Tannenholzbohlen [pl]
too thick zu dick
plate 6mm thick Blech 6mm dick
a glass of beer with thick froth on top ein Glas Bier mit einer dicken Schaumkrone
thick cold chronischer Schnupfen
thick lips wulstige Lippen
through thick and thin in allen Lebenslagen [übertragen]
thick-billed murre Dickschnabellumme
as thick as two short planks grottendoof
as thick as two short planks strohdoof
as thick as a finger fingerdick [adj]
be thick-skinned ein dickes Fell haben
give somebody a thick ear jemandem ein paar hinter die Ohren hauen
be as thick as two short planks dumm wie Bohnenstroh sein
look as thick as pig-shit aussehen wie ein Arsch mit Ohren
be as thick as thieves zusammenhalten wie Pech und Schwefel
as thick as a brick Dumm wie Bohnenstroh
as thick as two short planks dumm wie Bohnenstroh [übertragen]
He's as thick as two short planks. Er hat ein Brett vorm Kopf.
He's as thick as two short planks. Er ist dumm wie Bohnenstroh. [übertragen]
as thick as a short plank dumm wie Bohnenstroh
as thick as a short plank schwer von Begriff
as thick as a short plank strohdoof
as thick as pea soup so dick wie Erbsensuppe
as thick as a short plank strohdumm
as thick as thieves dicke Freunde
as thick as thieves wie Pech und Schwefel
as thick as two short planks dumm wie Bohnenstroh
be as thick as thieves dicke Freunde sein
be as thick as thieves die dicksten Freunde sein
be in the thick of something im Mittelpunkt sein
be as thick as thieves unzertrennlich sein
be in the thick of something mitten im Gewühl sein
be in the thick of something mittendrin sein
be as thick as thieves sich sehr eng stehen
be as thick as thieves sich sehr nah stehen
he's as thick as two short planks Er ist dumm wie Bohnenstroh
that's a bit thick Das ist ein starkes Stück
in the thick of the fight im Schlachtgetümmel
in the thick of it im dichtesten Gewühl
in the thick of it mittendrin
into the thick of something mitten in etwas hinein
2 inch-thick 2 inch dick
Get it into your thick head that... Schreib es dir hinter die Ohren, dass... [übertragen]
Thick snow began to fall. Es setzte dichter Schneefall ein.
thick-skinned dickhäutig [adj]
thick-skinned dickfellig [adj]
as thick as two short planks strohdumm [adj]
thick-headedness Doofheit [f]
be as thick as thieves sehr gute Freunde sein [übertragen] [v]
be as thick as thieves dicke Freunde sein [v]
be as thick as thieves wie Pech und Schwefel zusammenhalten [v]
have a thick skin ein dickes Fell haben [übertragen] [v]
stick by someone through thick and thin mit durch dick und dünn gehen [übertragen] [v]
That's a bit thick. Das ist ein starkes Stück.
British Slang
thick as pig shit Dummkopf [m]
thick as shit in the neck of a bottle Idiot [m]
thick as two short planks Dummkopf [m]
thick as shit in the neck of a bottle Depp [m]
thick as a brick Depp [m]
thick as two short planks Idiot [m]
thick as a brick Dummkopf [m]
thick as a brick Idiot [m]
thick as shit in the neck of a bottle Dummkopf [m]
thick as pig shit Idiot [m]
thick as two short planks Schwachkopf [m]
thick as pig shit Depp [m]
thick as shit in the neck of a bottle Schwachkopf [m]
thick as a brick Schwachkopf [m]
thick as pig shit Schwachkopf [m]
thick as two short planks Depp [m]
as thick as two short planks dumm, wie die Nacht finster
as thick as shit dumm wie Bohnenstroh
as thick as shit schwer von Begriff
as thick as shit strohdoof
as thick as shit strohdumm
as thick as two short planks dumm wie Brot
as thick as two short planks dümmer als die Polizei erlaubt
as thick as two short planks ein Brett vorm Kopf
as thick as two short planks grottendoof
as thick as two short planks schwer von Begriff
as thick as two short planks Stroh im Kopf
as thick as two short planks strohdoof
as thick as two short planks strohdumm
self-aligned-thick-oxide technique Self-Aligned-Thick-Oxid-Technik
thick sugar treatment Dickzuckerbehandlung
manufacture of thick-film resistors Dickschichtwiderstandsherstellung
thick-film technique Dickfilmtechnik
multi-layer thick-film circuit Mehrschichtdickfilmschaltung
thick slurry Dickschlamm
self aligned thick oxid technique Halbleiterbauelemente
thick-film element Dickfilmschaltungselement
thick-film device Dickfilmschaltungselement
thick film capacitor Dickschichtkondensator
thick-skinned dickschalig [adj]
thick-walled dickwandig [adj]
thick-film technology Dickschichttechnik [f]
thick oil dickflüssiges Öl [n]
thick-film hybrid technology Dickschicht-Hybridtechnik
infinitely thick layer unendlich dicke Schicht [f]
thick filament dickes Filament [n]
thick filament A-Filament [n]
thick film Dickschicht [f]
thick film technology Dickschichttechnik [f]
thick-walled dickwandig [adj]
thick-skinned harthäutig [adj]
thick-blooded dickblütig [adj]
thick blood film Dickfilm (Hämatologie) [m]
thick blood film Dickfilm [m]
congenital thick legs Dickbeinigkeit [f]
Building Technology
thick film resistors Dickschichtwiderstände [pl]
thick-film hybrid technology Dickschicht-Hybridtechnik
thick sheet glass [uk] Dicktafelglas [n]
thick sheet glass [uk] Kristalltafelglas [n]
thick polished plate glass Dickspiegelglas [n]
thick rough cast plate glass Plattengussglas [n]
thick-bedded dickbankig [adj]
thick-layered dickbankig [adj]
stratified in thick beds bankig [adj]
thick-walled dickwandig [adj]
thick-film technology Dickschichttechnik [f]
thick-walled dickwandig [adj]
thick-film techniques Dickschichttechnik [f]
Electrical Engineering
thick-film circuit Dickschichtschaltkreis [m]
thick-film resistor Dickschichtwiderstand [m]
thick film Dickschicht [f]
thick-film hybrid technology Dickschicht-Hybridtechnik [f]
thick-film integrated circuit integrierte Dickschichtschaltung [f]
thick-film circuits Dickschichtschaltkreise [pl]
thick-film resistors Dickschichtwiderstände [pl]
thick layer integrated circuit integrierte Dickschichtschaltung [f]
cap of thick flank Nussdeckel [m]
cap of thick flank Nussdeckel [Ös.] [m]
thick flank Zapfen [m]
thick juice Dicksaft [m]
thick flank Zapfen [Ös.] [m]
thick juice Verdünnungssaft [m]
thick juice Verdünnungssaft [Ös.] [m]
thick juice blow-up (sugar production) Dicksaftaufkocher [m]
thick juice Fruchtsirup [m]
thick juice body (substance) Dicksaftkörper (Substanz) [m]
thick juice body (substance) Dicksaftkörper [m]
cap of thick flank Kugeldeckel [f]
thick flank Kugel [f]
thick flank Kugel [Dt.] [f]
thick flank Nuss [f]
thick flank Nuss [Ös.] [f]
thick juice carbonatation Dicksaftkarbonatation [f]
thick juice sulphitation Dicksaftschwefelung [f]
tranche (thick slice of fish e.g.) Tranche [f]
tranche (thick slice of fish e.g.) Tranche (dicke Scheibe, z. B. von Fisch) [f]
thick juice Fruchtsaftkonzentrat [n]
thick chocolate dickflüssiger Kakao
glaze very thick sauce Glace sehr konzentrierte Sauce
flat muscle of thick flank flache Kugel/Nuss
flat muscle of thick flank flache Kugel/Nuss [Ös.]
round of thick flank runde Nuss [Ös.]
round of thick flank Kugelrose
round of thick flank Nussrose
round of thick flank runde Nuss
thick fog dichter Nebel
thick flank Vorschlag [Schw.] (Teilstück vom Rind/Kalb/Schwein/Lamm)
thick flank Vorschlag (Teilstück vom Rind/Kalb/Schwein/Lamm) [Schw.]
thick-lipped gourami Dicklippiger Fadenfisch
thick-lipped gourami Wulstlippiger Fadenfisch
thick-leaved pennywort Indischer Wassernabel
thick-tooth sunflower Grobzähnige Sonnenblume
thick-tooth sunflower Sägezahnblättrige Sonnenblume
thick-leaved stonecrop dickblättrige Fetthenne
thick-billed flowerpecker Dickschnabel-Mistelfresser [m]
thick-billed euphonia Dickschnabelorganist [m]
thick-billed grass wren Dickschnabel-Grasschlüpfer [m]
thick-billed honeyguide Dickschnabel-Honiganzeiger [m]
thick-billed prion Dünnschnabel-Sturmvogel (Pachyptila belcheri) [m]
thick-billed raven Erzrabe [m]
thick-billed prion Dünnschnabel-Sturmvogel [m]
thick-billed parrot Kiefernsittich [m]
thick-billed miner Dickschnabel-Erdhacker [m]
thick-billed siskin Dickschnabelzeisig (Carduelis crassirostris) [m]
thick-billed spiderhunter Dickschnabel-Spinnenjäger [m]
thick-billed seedeater Dickschnabelgirlitz [m]
thick-billed warbler Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger [m]
thick-billed parrot Arasittich [m]
thick-billed shrike Tigerwürger [m]
double-striped thick-knee Dominikanertriel [m]
thick-billed bulbul Dickschnabelbülbül [m]
peruvian thick-knee Peruanertriel [m]
thick-billed vireo Dickschnabelvireo [m]
thick-billed saltator Dickschnabelsaltator [m]
spotted thick-knee Kaptriel [m]
thick-billed kingbird Dickschnabeltyrann [m]
great thick-knee Krabbentriel [m]
bush thick-knee Langschwanztriel [m]
Cape thick-knee Kaptriel [m]
Eurasian thick-knee Eulenkopf [m]
beach thick-knee Rifftriel [m]
Peruvian thick-knee Perutriel [m]
thick-billed siskin Dickschnabelzeisig [m]
water thick-knee Wassertriel [m]
thick-billed cuckoo Dickschnabelkuckuck [m]
Senegal thick-knee Senegaltriel [m]
grey-faced thick-billed gr. pigeon Graumaskentaube [f]
thick billed ground dove San-Cristobal-Taube [f]
thick-billed green pigeon Papageischnabeltaube [f]
thick-billed crow Dickschnabelkrähe [f]
thick-billed green-pigeon Papageischnabeltaube [f]
thick-billed murre Dickschnabellumme [f]
thick-billed ground-pigeon Erdtaube [f]
thick-billed ground pigeon Erdtaube [f]
Eurasian thick-knee Glotzauge [n]
thick-knees Triele [pl]
Eurasian thick-knee Glotzauge
thick-billed lark Knackerlerche
thick-billed green pigeon Papageischnabeltaube
Peruvian thick-knee Perutriel
thick-billed parrot Arasittich
thick-billed kingbird Dickschnabeltyrann
bush thick-knee Langschwanztriel
thick-billed bulbul Dickschnabelbülbül
thick-knees Triele
Eurasian thick-knee Eulenkopf
thick-billed siskin Dickschnabelzeisig
thick-billed shrike Tigerwürger
Cape thick-knee Kaptriel
thick-billed vireo Dickschnabelvireo
thick-billed seedeater Dickschnabelgirlitz
thick-billed ground pigeon Erdtaube
Senegal thick-knee Senegaltriel
thick-billed crow Dickschnabelkrähe
water thick-knee Wassertriel
thick-billed cuckoo Dickschnabelkuckuck
double-striped thick-knee Dominikanertriel
thick-billed ground dove San-Cristobal-Taube
thick-billed warbler Dickschnabel-Rohrsänger
thick-billed grasswren Dickschnabel-Grassänger
thick-billed miner Dickschnabel-Erdhacker
thick-billed grasswren Dickschnabel-Grasschlüpfer
thick-billed ground pigeon Neuguinea-Erdtaube
thick-billed prion Dickschnabel-Sturmvogel
thick-billed ground pigeon Dickschnabel-Erdtaube
thick-billed spiderhunter Dickschnabel-Spinnenjäger
thick-billed flowerpecker Dickschnabel-Mistelfresser
thick-billed honeyguide Dickschnabel-Honiganzeiger
eurasian thick-knee Triel
thick-billed parrot Kiefernsittich
thick-billed white-eye Nacktaugen-Brillenvogel
thick-billed seed finch Dickschnabel-Reisknacker
thick-billed kingbird Dickschnabel-Königstyrann
thick-billed ground-dove San-Cristobal-Taube
thick-tailed galago Riesengalago [m]
eurasian thick-knee Triel [m]
thick-tailed bushbaby Komba [m]
thick-tailed galago Komba [m]
thick-tailed bushbaby Riesengalago [m]
thick-billed weaver Weißstirnweber [m]
spotted thick-knee Kaptriel [m]
thick-billed murre Dickschnabellumme [f]
thick-shelled river mussel Bachmuschel [f]
thick-tailed opossum Dickschwanzbeutelratte [f]
thick-tailed bushbabies Riesengalagos (Otolemur) (zoologische Gattung) [pl]
thick-tailed bushbabies Riesengalagos [pl]
thick-headed flies Dickkopffliegen [pl]
thick-tailed bushbaby Großohr-Riesengalago
thick turban Dicke Turbanschnecke
thick-lipped spire shell Pergament-Rissoe
thick top Gestrichelte Buckelschnecke
thick-shelled river mussel Kleine Flussmuschel
thick-tailed greater galago Großohr-Riesengalago
thick trough shell Dicke Trogmuschel
thick-shelled river mussel Gemeine Flussmuschel
thick trough shell Dickschalige Trogmuschel
thick top shell Gestrichelte Buckelschnecke
thick trough shell Feste Trogmuschel
thick-tailed opossum Dickschwanzbeutelratte
thick-shelled river mussel Bachmuschel
thick-lipped grey mullet dicklippige Meeräsche
thick space Drittelspatium [n]
thick-film technology Dickschichttechnik [f]
Paper Terms
thick stock Dickstoff [m]
thick liquor Dicklauge [f]
Eurasian thick-knee Triel [m]
thick-billed parrot Kiefernsittich [m]
thick-billed lark Knackerlerche [f]
thick film capacitor Dickschichtkondensator [m]
thick film conductor Dickschichtleiter [m]
thick film resistor Dickschichtwiderstand [m]
ac thick-film electroluminescent display AC-Dickfilm-Elektrolumineszenzanzeige [f]
thick oxide metal-gate mos circuit Dickoxid-Metallgate-MOS-Schaltung [f]
thick film Dickschicht [f]
thick film hybrid circuit Dickschichthybridschaltung [f]
thick film technology Dickschichttechnik [f]
ac thick film electroluminescent display WS-Dickfilm-Elektrolumineszenzanzeige [f]
thick oxide Dickoxid [n]
thick film device Dickschichtbauelement [n]
thick film material Dickschichtmaterial [n]
multilayer thick films Mehrlagendickfilme [m/pl]
thick film hybrid circuit substrate Trägermaterial für Dickschicht-Hybridschaltung
Mechanical Engineering
thick film lubrication vollkommene Schmierung [f]
thick film lubrication Vollschmierung [f]