barbero - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "barbero" im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch : 30 Ergebniss(e)

Spanisch Englisch
barbero [m] barber
barbero [m] shaver
barbero [m] rur. rare net for barbel
barbero [m] MX flatterer
barbero [m] MX fawner
barbero [m] MX brown-noser
barbero [adj] MX grovelling
barbero [adj] MX flattering
barbero [adj] MX brown-nosing
Marine Biology
barbero [m] fish of the caribbean sea
barbero [m] CU DO PR doctorfish
barbero [m] CU DO PR acanthurus chirurgus
barbero [m] CU DO PR a tropical marine fish common in the atlantic ocean
barbero [m] CU DO PR doctorfish (acanthurus chirurgus)
barbero [m] CU DO PR doctorfish tang
barbero [m] CU DO PR lancetfish, thorntail, thorntail fish, black doctorfish
barbero [m] atlantic blue tang
barbero [m] blue barber
barbero [m] blue doctor
barbero [m] blue doctorfish
barbero [m] blue tang
barbero [m] blue tang surgeonfish
barbero [m] yellow barber
barbero [m] yellow doctorfish
barbero [m] a surgeonfish found commonly in the atlantic ocean (acanthurus coeruleus)
barbero [m] ES local fishing net
barbero [m] jokester
barbero [m] bench jockey
barbero [m] prankster
barbero [m] poller

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "barbero" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 14 Ergebniss(e)

Spanisch Englisch
barra de caramelo con los colores de un poste de barbero [m] barber pole candy
bastón de caramelo con los colores de un poste de barbero [m] barber pole candy
poste de barbero (con rayas de color, rojas, blancas y azules) [m] barber pole candy
aprendiz de barbero [m] barber's apprentice
poste de barbero [m] barber's pole
silla de barbero [f] barber chair
chaqueta de barbero [f] barber's jacket
silla de barbero [f] barber chair
chaqueta de barbero [f] barber's jacket
aprendiz de barbero [m/f] barber's apprentice
muestra (de barbero) [f] pole
estar como navaja de barbero [v] NI present oneself to fight or compete
estar como navaja de barbero [v] NI step up
prurito del barbero barber's itch