biting - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "biting" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 49 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
biting penetrante [adj]
biting cortante [adj]
biting punzante [adj]
biting mordedor [adj]
biting abocamiento [m]
biting cáustico [m]
biting mordimiento [m]
biting mordisco [m]
biting mordisqueo [m]
biting mordedura [f]
biting mordicación [f]
biting picada [f]
biting ácido [adj]
biting astringente [adj]
biting incisivo [adj]
biting mordedor [adj]
biting mordicante [adj]
biting mordiente [adj]
biting penetrante [adj]
biting dentellada [f]
biting mordida [f]
biting picante [adj]
biting acerado [adj]
biting acre [adj]
biting acerbo [adj]
biting fiero [adj]
biting gélido [adj]
biting mordimiento [m]
biting mordisco [m]
biting adentelladura [f]
biting mordedura [f]
biting mordaz [adj]
biting mordicante [adj]
biting mordicativo [adj]
biting mordiente [adj]
biting corrosivo [adj]
biting áspero [adj]
biting cáustico [adj] fig.
biting caribe [adj] DO PR
biting dicaz [adj] rare
biting sátiro [adj] rare
biting gélida [adj/f]
biting cáustica [adj/f] fig.
biting mordicativa [adj/f]
biting corrosiva [adj/f]
biting áspera [adj/f]
biting corrosión [f]
biting cáustico [adj]
biting roedor [m]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "biting" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 51 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
biting comment agudeza [f]
nail biting remordedor [adj]
device which is used to stop an animal from biting bozal [m]
biting midge mosquitos picadores [m/f]
biting (pain) punzante [adj]
exchange biting words repiquetear [v]
biting words palabras mordaces [f/pl]
biting humor humor mordaz
biting humor humor cáustico
gripping/biting strongly tenazada [f]
double-biting de dos filos [adj]
biting criticism machetera [f] PA
biting comment agudez [f] rare
honduran horse-biting spider araña picacaballos [f] HN
biting hard tenazada [f] rare
biting (of speech) dicaz [adj] rare
accustomed to biting the hocks of another animal or the heels of a person (dog) garronero [adj] AR UY rur.
make a noise when biting on the bit (horse) chasquear [v] PA
make biting remarks at someone dar remoquete a alguien [v]
break into pieces by biting deshacer algo a mordiscos [v]
grab by biting hacer tenaza [v]
what is biting you ¿qué problema tienes?
what is biting you ¿qué te aflige?
biting remark fresca [f]
biting reply tarascada [f]
nail-biting de infarto [adj]
what's biting you? ¿qué es lo que te molesta?
biting criticism varillazo [m] CO:W
back biting cotilleo [m] ES
chip one's tooth biting something hard cascar [v] EC rare
Marine Biology
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) baunco [m] CL
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) curaca [m] PE
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) babunco [m] PE
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) alpargata [f] CL
plumier's stone-biting goby esmeralda [f] PR
nail biting onicofagia [f]
nail biting onicofagia [f]
biting in childhood morder en la infancia
biting louse piojo picador
biting louse piojo mordedor
biting louse piojo de las plumas
biting pressure presión de mordida
biting strenght fuerza de mordida
back-biting ladrido [m]
lip-biting morder de labios
finger-biting morder de dedos
nail-biting comerse las uñas
nail biting onicofagia
biting angle ángulo máximo de incidencia [m]
biting angle ángulo mínimo de impacto que permite la perforación [m]
biting midges (culicoides spp) arenilla [f] EC