symptoms - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "symptoms" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 2 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
symptoms síntomas [m/pl]
symptoms cuadros [m/pl]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "symptoms" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 115 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
set of symptoms cuadros [m/pl]
symptoms of a disease clínica [f]
withdrawal symptoms mono [m]
onset of symptoms la aparición de los síntomas [f]
appearance of symptoms la aparición de los síntomas [f]
show the symptoms amagar [v]
withdrawal symptoms síndrome de abstinencia
withdrawal symptoms el síndrome de abstinencia
set of symptoms cuadro de síntomas
have some symptoms of a disease amagar [v]
fever with an intense headache and other symptoms that come on quickly following an annoyance arrebato [m] BO
illness characterized by sudden rise in temperature, headache, inflammation of the respiratory tract and other symptoms colerón [m] BO:C,W
gold plate worn on the temple by woman to treat symptoms parche [m] PA
associated symptoms or illnesses package (inglés) [m] US PR
symptoms of mild illness andancia [f] VE
upper respiratory symptoms consisting of abundant mucus and a nasally resonance when speaking fañosidad [f] DO PR VE
symptoms of pregnancy malabarriga [f] DO PR
old age symptoms raquera [f] SV
jerky movements and neurological symptoms associated with enteritis in animals torsión [f] disused
having flu symptoms amurriñado [adj] NI
manifest symptoms (referring to an illness that had been incubating) desenchiparse [v] CO:C,E
show the first symptoms of drunkenness entonarse [v] CU
what exactly are your symptoms? ¿cuáles son exactamente tus síntomas?
experience withdrawal symptoms tener mono [v]
experience withdrawal symptoms estar con el mono [v]
asthma symptoms ahogo [m] CR EC PE
show symptoms hacer [v] AR UY CL
don't treat the symptoms, treat the disease! la fiebre no está en la sábana PA DO
withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia
symptoms and signs síntomas y signos
somatic symptoms síntomas somáticos
signs and symptoms signos y síntomas
other symptoms otros síntomas
study of symptoms sintomatología [f]
without symptoms asintomático [adj]
withdrawal symptoms síndrome de abstinencia
withdrawal symptoms síntomas de desintoxicación
target symptoms síntomas diana
signs and symptoms señales y síntomas
primary symptoms síntomas primarios
behavioral symptoms sintomas comportamentales
flu-like symptoms síntomas como de gripa
flu-like symptoms síntomas como de influenza
abstinence symptoms síntomas de abstinencia
first rank symptoms (frs) síntomas de primer nivel
schneider's first rank symptoms síntomas de primer nivel de schneider
schneiderian first rank symptoms síntomas de primer nivel de schneider
withdrawal symptoms síntomas de retiro
opiate withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia de opiáceos
panic attack symptoms síntomas de un ataque de pánico
depression symptoms síntomas de depresión
symptoms of depression síntomas de depresión
detoxification symptoms síntomas de desintoxicación
nonspecific symptoms síntomas no específicos
dissociative symptoms síntomas disociativos
primary symptoms síntomas primarios
symptoms and signs síntomas y signos
neuropsychological symptoms síntomas neuropsicológicos
non-specific symptoms síntomas no específicos
apparent symptoms síntomas aparentes
gastrointestinal symptoms síntomas gastrointestinales
presenting symptoms síntomas de presentación
accessory symptoms síntomas accesorios
aids symptoms síntomas del sida
gastric symptoms síntomas gástricos
early symptoms síntomas tempranos
nicotine withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia de la nicotina
abnormal symptoms síntomas anormales
premenstrual symptoms síntomas premenstruales
secondary symptoms síntomas secundarios
associated symptoms síntomas asociados
severe symptoms síntomas severos
dermatological symptoms síntomas dermatológicos
transitory symptoms síntomas transitorios
neurological symptoms síntomas neurológicos
first-rank symptoms síntomas de primer rango
schneider's first-rank symptoms síntomas de primer rango de schneider
somatic symptoms síntomas somáticos
detox symptoms síntomas de desintoxicación
nicotine withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia de la nicotina-
factitious disorder with physical symptoms trastorno facticio con síntomas físicos
emotional symptoms síntomas emocionales
physical symptoms síntomas físicos
classical symptoms síntomas clásicos
neuropsychiatric symptoms síntomas neuropsiquiátricos
psychological symptoms síntomas psicológicos
factitious disorder with psychological symptoms trastorno facticio con síntomas psicológicos
tobacco withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia del tabaco
alzheimer's symptoms síntomas de alzheimer
other symptoms otros síntomas
withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia
previous symptoms síntomas previos
positive symptoms síntomas positivos
deficit symptoms síntomas de déficit
core symptoms síntomas fundamentales
presenting symptoms motivo principal de consulta
classic symptoms síntomas clásicos
hiv symptoms síntomas del vih
neurologic symptoms síntomas neurológicos
pre-menstrual symptoms síntomas premenstruales
hiv/aids symptoms síntomas del vih/sida
cardiac symptoms síntomas cardíacos
signs and symptoms signos y síntomas
psychotic symptoms síntomas psicóticos
alcohol withdrawal symptoms síntomas de abstinencia del alcohol
anxiety symptoms síntomas de ansiedad
jerky movements and neurological symptoms associated with enteritis in animals torozón [m]
jerky movements and neurological symptoms associated with enteritis in animals torzón [m]
asthenopic symptoms síntomas de astenopia
showing good signs or symptoms prometedor [adj]
disease symptoms síntomas de enfermedades
deficiency symptoms síntomas carenciales
Animal Husbandry
mild symptoms síntomas vagos / confusos
mild symptoms síntomas tenues
poison produced from the plant of the same name that is capable of producing serious symptoms including death cube [m] PE