without thinking - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch

without thinking


Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "without thinking" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 12 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
without thinking desprevenidamente [adv]
without thinking a ciegas [adv]
without thinking a ciegas [adv]
without thinking a topa tolondro [adv]
without thinking de paporreta [adv] PE
without thinking a tontas y a locas [adv]
without thinking de dónde diere [expr]
without thinking tope donde topare [expr]
without thinking a voleo
without thinking al voleo
without thinking a tuerto o a derecho [adv] rare
without thinking a tuertas o a derechas [adv] rare

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "without thinking" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 73 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
acting without thinking atropellamiento [m]
acting without thinking atropello [m]
person who signs without thinking firmón [m]
signing without thinking firmón [adj]
act without thinking atropellar [v]
speak without thinking atropellarse [v]
speak without thinking desconcertarse [v]
person who signs without thinking firmona [f]
act without thinking actuar sin reflexión [v]
do something without thinking hacer algo sin pensar [v]
doing or saying something unexpected without thinking arrancón [m] HN NI
unexpected act/saying without thinking arrancón [m] HN NI
group of people who obey without thinking corderaje [m] CL derog.
person who speaks without thinking cocinero [m] BO
person who speaks without thinking cocinera [f] BO
who acts without thinking (someone) desabrochado [adj] CO:W
carried out without thinking (act or decision) festinado [adj] HN CU DO VE
speaking without thinking vacuente [adj] DO
acting without thinking volado [adj] CR CO VE PE BO CL
marry one's first love without thinking about the union arrebatarse [v] HN
immediately accept an offer without thinking about it arrancarle el brazo [v] CU PR
tell something to somebody suddenly and without thinking aventarse [v] HN NI
talk too much and without thinking descorrotarse [v] PR
speak without thinking dispararse [v] HN BO
act without thinking volarse [v] MX CR
acting without thinking a la pendejo [adv] MX
acting without thinking a lo pendejo [adv] MX PR
write very quickly without thinking escribir a vuelapluma [v]
write very quickly without thinking escribir a vuela pluma [v]
write very quickly without thinking anotar a vuela pluma [v]
talk without thinking hablar con ligereza [v]
say without thinking decir por decir [v]
act without thinking cerrar los ojos [v]
act without thinking entrar a ojos cerrados [v]
immediately accept an offer without thinking about it arrancarle el brazo [v] CU PR
speak without thinking comer bola [v] CU
speak without thinking comer cáscara de piña [v] CU
speak without thinking comer fana [v] CU
speak without thinking comer gofio [v] CU derog.
speak without thinking comer pinga [v] CU
speak without thinking comer queque [v] CU derog.
speak without thinking cortarse solo [v] AR UY
speak without thinking hablar barato [v] CU
go for the jugular without thinking irse al bulto [v] AR UY
do something without thinking irse al bulto [v] UY
speak without thinking hablar baba [v] CU DO PR
speak without thinking hablar cáscaras de caña [v] CU rare
speak without thinking hablar cáscaras de piña [v] CU DO PR
speak without thinking hablar mierda [v] NI CU
act without thinking írsele las cabras [v] MX
speak without thinking hablar paja [v] CU
speak without thinking disparar de la vaqueta [v] PR
edit without thinking echar machete [v] CO
do things without thinking echar machete [v] CO
say something without thinking valer sombrero [v] HN SV
do something without thinking tirarse de panza [v] HN NI
do without thinking tomar alguien algo por su distribución [v] disused
without thinking twice ni tonto ni perezoso [adv] MX CU PR EC PE BO CL PY
quickly and without thinking a tambor batiente [adv] PA UY
doing something very fast (without thinking) en caliente, ni se siente
without thinking twice ni corto ni perezoso
speak without thinking írsele a alguien la burra [v]
speak without thinking hablar a tontas y a locas [v]
act without thinking hacer jiras y capirotes [v]
do something without thinking hacer mangas y capirotes [v]
speak without thinking hablar de memoria [v]
without thinking of the consequences sin encomendarse a dios ni el diablo [adv]
speak without thinking irse de canilla [v] rare
speak without thinking irse como una canilla [v] rare
talk without thinking chusmear [v] PY AR UY
act without thinking jetear [v] UY
without thinking of others de a huevo [adv] CU
speak without thinking comer mierda [v] CU