scrap - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "scrap" in German English Dictionary : 82 result(s)

English German
scrap Fertigungsausschuss [m]
scrap Fetzen [m]
scrap Brocken [m]
scrap Schnitzel [m]
scrap Schnipsel [m]
scrap Krach [m]
scrap Streit [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap kleine Streiterei [f]
scrap kleine Kontroverse [f]
scrap Zankerei (veraltend) [f]
scrap Rauferei [f]
scrap Altmetall [n]
scrap Stückchen [n]
scrap Stück [n]
scrap Fragment [n]
scrap Gestreite [n]
scrap Altpapier [n]
scrap Altmaterial [n]
scrap Altwaren [pl]
scrap Reste [pl]
scrap Metallabfälle [pl]
scrap ausrangieren
scrap verschrotten
scrap fallenlassen
scrap Streiterei [f]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Schnitzel [n]
scrap Schrott
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
Quality Management
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap verschrotten [v]
scrap Bruch [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfallverwertung [f]
scrap verschrotten [v]
Cold Rolling
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfallschrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Stahlschrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
Molding Terms
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Abfallverwertung [f]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Altmaterial [n]
scrap Abfall
scrap Schrott
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap verschrotten [v]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap verschrotten [v]
scrap Ausschuß [m]
SAP Terms
scrap Ausschuß [m]
scrap Abfall [m]
scrap Rest [m]
scrap Rest
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Ausschuss [m]
scrap Schrott [m]
scrap Ausschuss
scrap Schrott
Paper Terms
scrap Abfall [m]

Meanings of "scrap" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 224 result(s)

English German
ready for the scrap heap schrottreif [adj]
a scrap of ein Stück von [adj]
a scrap of ein Fetzen von [adj]
for its scrap value für seinen Schrottwert [adv]
computer scrap Computerschrott [m]
scrap dealer Altwarenhändler [m]
scrap dealer Schrotthändler [m]
scrap heap Schrotthaufen [m]
scrap iron Eisenschrott [m]
scrap metal Schrott [m]
scrap metal dealer Altmetallhändler [m]
scrap metal dealer Altmetallwarenhändler [m]
scrap metal dealer Schrotthändler [m]
scrap metal yard Altmetalllagerplatz [m]
scrap metal yard Schrottlager [m]
scrap metal yard Schrottlagerplatz [m]
scrap metal yard Schrottplatz [m]
scrap of paper Papierfetzen [m]
scrap of paper Schmierzettel [m]
scrap price Schrottpreis [m]
scrap wood Holzabfall [m]
piece of scrap paper Merkzettel [m]
scrap value Schrottwert [m]
scrap surcharge Schrottzuschlag [m]
scrap of paper Papierschnitzel [m]
piece of scrap paper Schmierzettel [m]
scrap glass Glasbruch [m]
scrap merchant Schrotthändler [m]
scrap yard Schrottplatz [m]
a scrap of evidence ein sehr kleiner Beweis [m]
bought scrap gekaufter Schrott [m]
bought scrap erworbener Schrott [m]
scrap baling press Schrottpresse [f]
scrap metal press Schrottpresse [f]
scrap press Schrottpresse [f]
scrap side (of a gauge) Ausschussseite [f]
a scrap of evidence eine Spur des Beweises [f]
scrap (of something) Bruchstück (etwas) [n]
scrap car Altauto [n]
scrap gold Altgold [n]
scrap iron Alteisen [n]
scrap metal Altmetall [n]
scrap metal yard Altmetalllager [n]
scrap of paper Schmierblatt [n]
scrap silver Altsilber [n]
scrap wood Abfallholz [n]
scrap glass Bruchglas [n]
scrap of paper Stückchen Papier [n]
scrap dinner Resteessen [n]
scrap of paper Stück Papier [n]
scrap paper Schmierpapier [n]
scrap paper Altpapier [n]
scrap sich balgen [v]
scrap sich streiten [v]
scrap wegwerfen [v]
scrap verschrotten [v]
scrap ausrangieren [v]
scrap abwracken [v]
scrap something etwas verwerfen [v]
scrap (plans) (Pläne) fallenlassen [v]
scrap something etwas aufgeben [v]
to scrap abschaffen [v]
to scrap abwracken [v]
scrap baling presses Schrottpressen [pl]
scrap cars Altautos [pl]
scrap cars Muldenwagen [pl]
scrap dealers Altwarenhändler [pl]
scrap dealers Schrotthändler [pl]
scrap metal Metallabfälle [pl]
scrap metal dealers Altmetallhändler [pl]
scrap metal dealers Altmetallwarenhändler [pl]
scrap metal dealers Schrotthändler [pl]
scrap metal presses Schrottpressen [pl]
scrap metal yards Altmetalllager [pl]
scrap metal yards Altmetalllagerplätze [pl]
scrap metal yards Schrottlager [pl]
scrap metal yards Schrottlagerplätze [pl]
scrap metal yards Schrottplätze [pl]
scrap presses Schrottpressen [pl]
scrap tyres/tires Altreifen [pl]
waste and scrap Abfälle und Schrott
be thrown on the scrap heap zum alten Eisen geworfen werden [v]
be thrown on the scrap heap zum Schrott geworfen werden [v]
be thrown on the scrap heap über Bord geworfen werden [v]
be on the scrap heap zum alten Eisen gehören
not a scrap nicht ein bisschen
not a scrap of evidence nicht der geringste Beweis
Not a scrap! Nicht die Spur!
only fit for scrap schrottreif
Are these bits scrap? Können diese Sachen weggeworfen werden?
The car has only scrap value. Das Auto hat nur mehr Schrottwert.
What is your car worth as scrap? Wie hoch ist der Schrottwert deines Autos?
scrap of paper Wisch [m]
throw someone on the scrap heap jemanden zum alten Eisen werfen [übertragen] [v]
to scrap over sich streiten um [v]
Scrap it! Das kannst du vergessen!
Scrap it! Vergiss es!
scrap metal Schrott [m]
scrap metal Altmetall [n]
scrap metal Metallabfälle [pl]
scrap of no sale value Schrott ohne Handelswert
valuable scrap wertvoller Schrott
scrap factor Abfallprozentsatz [m]
scrap disintegrator Schrottzerkleinerer
metal scrap Metallschrott
working-up of scrap Schrottverarbeitung
utilization of scrap Schrottverwertung
scrap shears Schrottschere
scrap car Muldenwagen [m]
scrap-free blanking Flächenschluss [m]
steel scrap Stahlschrott [m]
iron scrap Eisenschrott [m]
scrap iron Schrott [m]
nuclear scrap radioaktiver Abfall [m]
scrap iron Eisenschrott [m]
home scrap Eigenschrott [m]
scrap yard Schrottplatz [m]
capital scrap Altschrott [m]
space scrap Weltraumschrott [m]
foundry scrap Gussschrott [m]
scrap metal Metallabfall [m]
metal scrap Metallabfall [m]
car scrap Autoschrott [m]
chill scrap Kühlschrott [m]
scrap metal Schrott [m]
scrap value Restwert [m]
scrap value Schrottwert [m]
electronic scrap processing Elektronikschrottverwertung [f]
scrap side (of a gauge) Schlechtseite [f]
scrap side (of a gauge) Schlechtseite (einer Lehre) [f]
scrap preheating Schrottvorwärmung [f]
scrap rate Ausschussquote [f]
scrap preparation Schrottaufbereitung [f]
scrap iron Alteisen [n]
scrap return Rücklaufmaterial [n]
scrap metal Abfallmetall [n]
scrap verschrotten [v]
scrap ausmustern [v]
scrap-free blanking abfallloses Stanzen
scrap-free blanking Zerschneiden ohne Abfall
scrap rubber Altgummi
cast scrap Gussbruch [m]
cast scrap Alteisen [n]
scrap substitute Schrottersatz [m]
scrap yard Schrottplatz [m]
pipe scrap Rohrschelle [f]
scrap metal Schrott [m]
price of scrap metal Schrottpreis [m]
scrap material Altstoff [m]
scrap material market Altstoffmarkt [m]
scrap material price Altstoffpreis [m]
scrap vehicle Autowrack [n]
scrap oil Altöl [n]
scrap cable Altkabel [n]
scrap tire Altreifen [pl]
electronic scrap regulation Elektronik-Schrott-Verordnung
electronic scrap Elektro- und Elektronikschrott
aluminium scrap Aluminiumschrott [m]
scrap yard Schrottplatz [m]
scrap heap Schrotthaufen [m]
scrap iron Alteisen [n]
aluminium scrap irons Aluminiumschrotten [pl]
scrap yard Schrottplatz [m]
scrap dealer Schrotthändler [m]
scrap metal merchant Schrotthändler [m]
scrap car disposal Altautoentsorgung [f]
scrap processing Schrottverwertung [f]
scrap iron Alteisen [n]
scrap cars Schrottautos [pl]
concrete scrap Betonschutt [m]
scrap yard Schrottplatz [m]
scrap rate Ausschußrate [f]
scrap tire Altreifen [m]
scrap tyre Altreifen [m]
scrap tyres/tires Altreifen [pl]
SAP Terms
operation scrap Vorgangsausschluss [m]
assembly scrap Baugruppenausschluss [m]
component scrap Komponentenausschluss [m]
scrap value Schrottwert [m]
scrap percentage Ausschußanteil [m]
operation scrap Arbeitsvorgangsausschluss [m]
scrap quantity Ausschußmenge [f]
component scrap Komponentenausschuß
assembly scrap Baugruppenausschuß
operation scrap Vorgangsausschuß
operation scrap Arbeitsvorgangsausschuß
planned scrap geplanter Ausschuß
Electrical Engineering
electronic scrap Elektronikschrott [m]
electronic scrap recycling Elektronikschrottrecycling [n]
fabric scrap Stofffetzen [m]
scrap metal Schrott [m]
scrap metal Schrott
glass scrap Glasbruch [m]
Nuclear Technology
uranium scrap Uranabfall [m]
scrap material Abfallmaterial [n]
rubber scrap recycling Gummiabfallverwertung [f]
scrap recycling Gummiabfallverwertung [f]
sheet scrap Blechschrott [m]
admits of scrap Schrottzusatz [m]
all-scrap process Schrottschmelzverfahren [n]
Waste Management
ferrous scrap Eisenschrott [m]
scrap iron Eisenschrott [m]
steel scrap Stahlschrott [m]
scrap tire [us] Altreifen [m]
aluminium scrap [uk] Aluminiumschrott [m]
scrap tyre [uk] Altreifen [m]
aluminum scrap [us] Aluminiumschrott [m]
scrap bundle Schrottballen [m]
scrap dealer Schrotthändler [m]
scrap metal merchant Schrotthändler [m]
scrap metal separation Entschrottung [f]
scrap-baling press Eisenschrottpresse [f]
scrap-baling press Schrottpresse [f]
scrap baler Schrottpaketierpresse [f]
scrap collection Schrottsammlung [f]
scrap shear Schrottschere [f]
scrap sorting Schrottsortierung [f]
scrap smelting Schrottverhüttung [f]
scrap processing Schrottverwertung [f]
scrap press Schrottpresse [f]
scrap reuse Schrottverwertung [f]
scrap motorcar Autowrack [n]
scrap lead Altblei [n]
scrap metal Altmetall [n]