preliminary - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "preliminary" in German English Dictionary : 23 result(s)

English German
preliminary Präliminar... [adj]
preliminary einleitend [adj]
preliminary vorläufig [adj]
preliminary Vor... [adj]
preliminary vorbereitende Maßnahme [adj]
preliminary vorbereitend [adj]
preliminary vorbereitende Tätigkeit [adj]
preliminary Vor- [adj]
preliminary Vorarbeit [f]
preliminary einleitend [adj]
preliminary vorläufig [adj]
Swiss Law
preliminary einleitend [adj]
preliminary einleitend [adj]
preliminary vorbereitend [adj]
preliminary Vor-
preliminary Eignungsprüfung [f]
preliminary vorläufig [adj]
preliminary vorbereitend [adj]
preliminary einleitend [adj]
preliminary vorläufig [adj]
preliminary einleitend [adj]
SAP Terms
preliminary vorgelagert [adj]
preliminary Vorspiel [n]

Meanings of "preliminary" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 291 result(s)

English German
preliminary answer Vorbescheid [m]
preliminary phase Vorstadium [m]
preliminary president by seniority Alterspräsident [m]
preliminary test Vorversuch [m]
preliminary draft Vorentwurf [m]
preliminary report Vorbericht [m]
preliminary report Vorabbericht [m]
preliminary report Zischenbericht [m]
preliminary analysis Voranalyse [f]
preliminary consideration Vorüberlegung [f]
preliminary consideration Vorbetrachtung [f]
preliminary celebration Vorfeier [f]
preliminary design (PD) Vorentwurfsplanung [f]
preliminary discussion Vorbesprechung [f]
preliminary decision Vorentscheidung [f]
preliminary decision vorläufige Entscheidung [f]
preliminary examination Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary examination Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary documentation Vorabdokumentation [f]
preliminary exercise Trockenübung [f]
preliminary meeting Vorbesprechung [f]
preliminary practice Vorübung [f]
preliminary planning Vorplanung [f]
preliminary question Vorfrage [f]
preliminary purification Vorreinigung [f]
preliminary study Vorstudie [f]
preliminary stage Vorstufe [f]
preliminary test Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary work Vorarbeit [f]
preliminary course Vorlehre [f]
preliminary note Vorbemerkung [f]
preliminary certificate Vorbeglaubigung [f]
preliminary stage Vorbereitungsphase [f]
preliminary tank Vorgrube [f]
preliminary remark Vorbemerkung [f]
preliminary investigation Voruntersuchung [f]
brief preliminary interview kurze Vorbefragung [f]
preliminary examination Vorexamen [n]
preliminary skirmishing Vorgeplänkel [n]
preliminary remarks Vorwort [n]
brief preliminary interview kurzes Vorgespräch [n]
refer a question of law to the Court of Justice for preliminary ruling dem Gerichtshof eine Rechtsfrage zur Vorabentscheidung vorlegen [v]
do a preliminary autopsy on the body eine vorläufige Autopsie am Körper durchführen [v]
preliminary answers Vorbescheide [pl]
preliminary celebrations Vorfeiern [pl]
preliminary considerations Vorüberlegungen [pl]
preliminary considerations Vorbetrachtungen [pl]
preliminary decisions Vorentscheidungen [pl]
preliminary decisions vorläufige Entscheidungen [pl]
preliminary discussions Vorbesprechungen [pl]
preliminary examinations Vorprüfungen [pl]
preliminary games Vorrundenspiele [pl]
preliminary examinations Vorexamen [pl]
preliminary meetings Vorbesprechungen [pl]
preliminary filters Vorreiniger [pl]
preliminary exercises Trockenübungen [pl]
preliminary negotiations Vorverhandlungen [pl]
preliminary phases Vorstadien [pl]
preliminary reports Vorberichte [pl]
preliminary tanks Vorgruben [pl]
preliminary studies Vorstudien [pl]
preliminary stages Vorstufen [pl]
preliminary tests Vorprüfungen [pl]
preliminary work Vorarbeiten [pl]
preliminary tests Vorversuche [pl]
preliminary work Vorleistungen [pl]
preliminary contacts erste Kontakte [pl]
preliminary studies Vorarbeiten [pl]
preliminary remarks Vorbemerkungen [pl]
preliminary expenses vorläufige Kosten [pl]
preliminary measures vorbereitende Maßnahmen [pl]
preliminary contacts erste Kontakte
preliminary estimate vorläufige Schätzung
preliminary objection prozesshindernde Einrede
preliminary report der
preliminary report vorläufiger Bericht
as a preliminary als Vorarbeit [adv]
in the preliminary round in der Vorrunde
preliminary draft Vorentwurf [m]
preliminary estimate Voranschlag [m]
preliminary agreement Vorvertrag [m]
preliminary report Zwischenbericht [m]
preliminary contract Vorvertrag [m]
preliminary answer Vorbescheid [m]
preliminary hearing Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary discussion Vorbesprechung [f]
preliminary inquiry Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary advice Voranzeige [f]
preliminary announcement Voranzeige [f]
preliminary investigation Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary interview Vorbefragung [f]
preliminary study Vorstudie [f]
preliminary research Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary product Vorprodukt [n]
action for a preliminary injunction Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung
preliminary investigation vorläufige Untersuchung
preliminary searching vorläufige Durchsuchung
preliminary estimate vorläufige Einschätzung
preliminary survey vorläufiger Bericht
preliminary survey vorläufige Untersuchung
preliminary questioning vorläufige Befragung
preliminary announcement vorläufige Ankündigung
preliminary expenses vorläufige Kosten
preliminary searches vorläufige Prüfungen
preliminary announcement Voranzeige
preliminary steps vorläufige Maßnahmen
preliminary report vorläufiger Bericht
preliminary draft budget Vorentwurf eines Haushaltsplans
DIN preliminary standard DIN-Vornorm [f]
DIN preliminary standard DIN-V
preliminary report Vorbericht [m]
preliminary expenses Gründungskosten [pl]
preliminary survey Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary search Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary investigation Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary survey vorläufige Untersuchung
preliminary report Zwischenbericht [m]
preliminary estimate Voranschlag [m]
preliminary study Vorstudie [f]
preliminary search Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary investigation Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary research Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary survey Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary estimate vorläufige Einschätzung
preliminary report vorläufiger Bericht
Quality Management
preliminary testing Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary examination vorläufige Prüfung [f]
preliminary test Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary injunction einstweilige Verfügung [f]
preliminary hearing Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary inquiry Vorerhebung [f]
preliminary inquiry Vorermittlung [f]
preliminary inquiry Strafuntersuchung (der Staatsanwaltschaft vor Anklageerhebung) [Schw.] [f]
preliminary inquiry (by the public prosecution service before an indictment) Strafuntersuchung [f]
preliminary inquiry (by the public prosecution service before an indictment) Vorermittlung [f]
preliminary inquiry (by the public prosecution service before an indictment) Vorerhebung [f]
preliminary investigation Vorerhebung [f]
preliminary investigation Strafuntersuchung (der Staatsanwaltschaft vor Anklageerhebung) [Schw.] [f]
preliminary investigation Strafuntersuchung [f]
preliminary investigation Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary investigation Vorermittlung [f]
preliminary investigation(s) Strafuntersuchung [f]
preliminary investigation(s) Strafuntersuchung [Schw.] [f]
preliminary investigation(s) Vorermittlung [f]
preliminary investigation(s) Vorerhebung [Ös.] [f]
preliminary investigation(s) Vorerhebung [f]
preliminary ruling Vorabentscheidung [f]
preliminary hearing Vorermittlung [f]
preliminary inquiry Ermittlungsverfahren [n]
preliminary inquiry (by the public prosecution service before an indictment) Ermittlungsverfahren [n]
preliminary proceedings Vorverfahren [n]
preliminary ruling procedure Vorabentscheidungsverfahren [n]
preliminary investigation Ermittlungsverfahren [n]
preliminary investigation Vorverfahren [n]
preliminary inquiry Vorerhebungen [Süddt.][Ös.] [pl]
preliminary inquiry Vorermittlungen [pl]
preliminary inquiry (by the public prosecution service before an indictment) Vorerhebungen [pl]
preliminary inquiry (by the public prosecution service before an indictment) Vorermittlungen [pl]
preliminary investigation Vorerhebungen [pl]
preliminary investigation Vorerhebungen [Süddt.][Ös.] [pl]
preliminary investigation Vorermittlungen [pl]
preliminary investigations Vorerhebungen [pl]
preliminary investigations Vorermittlungen [pl]
preliminary investigations Strafuntersuchungen [pl]
preliminary ruling procedures Vorabentscheidungsverfahren [pl]
recitals (preliminary statement of the purpose of a treaty/decision) Vorbemerkungen [pl]
The Court of Justice renders preliminary rulings. Der Gerichtshof entscheidet im Wege der Vorabentscheidung.
preliminary drilling Vorbohrung [f]
preliminary election campaign Vorwahlkampagne [f]
preliminary election Vorwahl [f]
preliminary president by seniority Alterspräsidentin [f]
preliminary elections Vorwahlen [pl]
EU Terms
preliminary issue Vorfrage [f]
preliminary draft budget Vorentwurf des Haushaltsplans
preliminary draft EC budget EG-Haushaltsvorentwurf
reference to the EC Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling Vorlage zur Vorabentscheidung EG
Swiss Law
preliminary injunction einstweilige Verfügung
preliminary examination vorläufige Prüfung [f]
preliminary treatment of ore Erzvorbehandlung
preliminary refining Vorreinigung
preliminary compound Schweißen durch Schlagen
preliminary treating Vorbehandeln
preliminary treatment Vorbehandlung
Besset preliminary grate Besset-Vorrost
international preliminary examining authority Behörde für internationale Vorprüfungen
preliminary report Zwischenbericht [m]
preliminary test Vorversuch [m]
preliminary experiment Vorversuch [m]
preliminary design Vorauslegung [f]
preliminary examination Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary work Vorarbeit [f]
preliminary planning Vorplanung [f]
preliminary analysis Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary study Vorstudie [f]
preliminary crushing Vorzerkleinerung [f]
preliminary planning Vorausplanung [f]
preliminary treatment Vorbehandlung [f]
preliminary cleaning Vorreinigung [f]
preliminary test Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary examination Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary design Auslegung [f]
preliminary drawing Entwurfszeichnung [f]
preliminary standard Vornorm [f]
preliminary result Zwischenergebnis [n]
preliminary annealing Vorglühen [n]
preliminary phase Vorspann [m]
preliminary rinsing Vorspülen [n]
Cold Rolling
preliminary test Vorversuch [m]
preliminary test Vorversuch [m]
preliminary filtration Vorfilterung [f]
preliminary investigation Voruntersuchung [f]
preliminary test Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary design review vorläufige technische Prüfung [f]
preliminary settling tank Vorklärbecken [n]
preliminary clarification tank Vorklärbecken [n]
preliminary sedimentation tank Vorklärbecken [n]
preliminary examination Zwischenprüfung [f]
preliminary exam Vorprüfung [f]
preliminary medical examination Physikum [n]
preliminary examination Vordiplom [n]
preliminary studies Vorstudien [pl]
preliminary dressing Notverband [m]
preliminary diagnosis Vorfelddiagnostik [f]
preliminary (medical) examination Physikum [n]
preliminary estimate Voranschlag [m]
preliminary notice Vorbescheid [m]
preliminary building works Rohbau [m]
preliminary design Vorentwurf [m]
preliminary cost estimate vorläufiger Kostenvoranschlag [m]
preliminary test Eignungsprüfung [f]
preliminary planning Vorplanung [f]
preliminary design Vorplanung [f]
preliminary proceeding Vorverfahren [n]
preliminary sketch vorläufige Skizze
preliminary filter Vorreiniger [m]
preliminary proceedings Vorverfahren [n]
preliminary proceedings Ermittlungsverfahren [n]
preliminary study Vorstudie [f]
preliminary report Vorbericht [m]
preliminary filter Vorreiniger [m]
preliminary filter Vorabscheider [m]
preliminary filter Vorfilter [n]
preliminary report Vorbericht [m]
preliminary report Vorbericht
preliminary design Vorentwurf [m]
preliminary designs Vorentwürfe [pl]
preliminary sketch vorläufige Skizze
SAP Terms
preliminary transport Vorabtransport [m]
preliminary design Grobentwurf [m]
preliminary correction Vorabkorrektur [f]
preliminary lead time Vorlaufzeit [f]
preliminary posting of invoice Rechnungsvorerfassung [f]
preliminary order Vorabbestellung [f]
preliminary posting of invoices Rechnungsvorerfassung [f]
preliminary invoice Vorabrechnung [f]
preliminary posting Belegvorerfassung [f]
preliminary planning Vorplanung [f]
preliminary settlement Vorabrechnung [f]
preliminary costing Vorkalkulation [f]
preliminary remark Vorbemerkung [f]
preliminary correction tape Vorabkorrekturband [n]
preliminary product Vorprodukt [n]
preliminary phase Vorstadium [n]
preliminary loan Vorschaltdarlehen [n]
preliminary concept Grobkonzept [n]
preliminary setup vorrüsten [v]
preliminary lead time Vorlauftage [pl]
preliminary periods Vorlaufperioden [pl]
preliminary setup vorrüsten
preliminary connection Vorschaltung [f]
preliminary tension Vorspannung [f]
preliminary contract Vorvertrag [m]
preliminary rest Vorruhe [f]
preliminary trial run (of a ship) Werftprobefahrt (eines Schiffs) [f]
preliminary trial run (of a ship) Werftprobefahrt [f]
preliminary matter Vorspann [m]
preliminary matter Titelei [f]
preliminary round Vorrunde [f]
preliminary game Vorrundenspiel [n]
preliminary fighter Rahmenkämpfer [m]
preliminary bout Rahmenkampf [m]
preliminary note Vorbemerkung [f]
preliminary result vorläufiges Ergebnis
preliminary bath Vorbad [n]
preliminary experiment Vorversuch [m]
preliminary test Vorprobe [f]
preliminary drawing Entwurfszeichnung [f]
preliminary drawing Grobschmieden [n]
preliminary drawing Recken [n]
Waste Management
preliminary settling basin Vorklärbecken [n]
Water Supply
preliminary treatment Vorbehandlung [f]