straftatbestand - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "straftatbestand" in English German Dictionary : 2 result(s)

German English
Straftatbestand [m] statutory offense
Straftatbestand [m] criminal offense

Meanings of "straftatbestand" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 78 result(s)

German English
Prostitutionshandel (Straftatbestand) [m] trafficking in prostitution (criminal offence)
Schutzgelderpressung (Straftatbestand) [f] protection racketeering (criminal offence)
einen neuen Straftatbestand 'Suizidbeihilfe' schaffen [v] create a new offence of 'abetting suicide'
Verletzung der Unterhaltspflicht (Straftatbestand) non-payment of maintenance
Nach französischem Recht ist das kein Straftatbestand. Under French law, this is no criminal offence.
Abgabenüberhebung (Straftatbestand) [f] tax overcharging
Suchtgifthandel (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [m] (narcotic) drug trafficking
Sozialbetrug (Straftatbestand) [m] benefit fraud (criminal offence)
Computerbetrug (Straftatbestand) [m] computer fraud (criminal offence)
Betrug (Straftatbestand) [m] fraud (criminal offence)
Menschenhandel (Straftatbestand) [m] human trafficking
Menschenraub (Straftatbestand) [m] kidnapping (criminal offence)
Diebstahl (Straftatbestand) [m] larceny (criminal offence)
Raub (Straftatbestand) [m] robbery (criminal offence)
Diebstahl (Straftatbestand) [m] theft
Sozialbetrug (Straftatbestand) [m] social security fraud
Sozialbetrug (Straftatbestand) [m] social welfare fraud
Sachwucher (Straftatbestand) [m] usurious dealings (criminal offence)
(mutwillige) Sachbeschädigung (Straftatbestand) [f] (wilful) damage to property
Vorteilsnahme (Straftatbestand) [f] acceptance of an advantage (criminal offence)
Bestechung (Straftatbestand) [f] active bribery
Schlägerei (Straftatbestand) [f] affray (criminal offence)
Körperverletzung (Straftatbestand) [f] assault (criminal offence)
Körperverletzung (Straftatbestand) [f] bodily harm
Körperverletzung (Straftatbestand) [f] bodily injury
Untreue (Straftatbestand) [f] breach of fuduciary duty (criminal offence)
Untreue (Straftatbestand) [f] breach of trust
Bestechung (Straftatbestand) [f] bribery (criminal offence)
Nötigung (Straftatbestand) [f] coercion
Nötigung (Straftatbestand) [f] criminal coercion (criminal offence)
(mutwillige) Sachbeschädigung (Straftatbestand) [f] criminal damage
(mutwillige) Sachbeschädigung (Straftatbestand) [f] criminal mischief
Datenfälschung (Straftatbestand) [f] data falsification (criminal offence)
Unterschlagung (Geld) (Straftatbestand) [f] defalcation (of money)
Freiheitsentziehung (Straftatbestand) [f] deprivation of liberty
Unterschlagung (Geld) (Straftatbestand) [f] embezzlement
Erpressung (Straftatbestand) [f] extortion (criminal offence)
räuberische Erpressung (Straftatbestand) [f] extortionate assault
Freiheitsentziehung (Straftatbestand) [f] false imprisonment (criminal offence)
Amtsanmaßung (Straftatbestand) [f] false assumption of (public) authority
betrügerische Krida (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [f] fraudulent bankruptcy (criminal offence)
geschlechtlich Nötigung (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [f] indecent assault (criminal offence)
Beleidigung (Straftatbestand) [f] libel
Geldwäsche (Straftatbestand) [f] money laundering (criminal offence)
Bestechlichkeit (Straftatbestand) [f] passive bribery (criminal offence)
Körperverletzung (Straftatbestand) [f] physical injury
Zuhälterei (Straftatbestand) [f] pimping
Zuhälterei (Straftatbestand) [f] poncing (criminal offence)
Zuhälterei (Straftatbestand) [f] procuration
Zuhälterei (Straftatbestand) [f] procuring (of women for prostitution)
verbotene Intervention (Straftatbestand) [f] prohibited intervention (criminal offence)
Wiederbetätigung (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [f] promotion of Nazi ideology (criminal offence)
Gemeingefährdung (Straftatbestand) [f] public endangerment (criminal offence)
Kurpfuscherei (Straftatbestand) [f] quackery (criminal offence)
Urkundenunterdrückung (Straftatbestand) [f] suppression of documents (criminal offence)
Freiheitsentziehung (Straftatbestand) [f] unlawful detention
Rowdytum (Straftatbestand) [n] hooliganism (criminal offence)
Rowdytum (Straftatbestand) [n] rowdyism
Stalking (Straftatbestand) [n] stalking (criminal offence)
Tätlichkeiten (Straftatbestand) [pl] battery (criminal offence)
Tätlichkeiten (Straftatbestand) [pl] criminal battery
Missbrauch {m} der Amtsgewalt (Straftatbestand) abuse of official authority
Missbrauch {m} der Amtsgewalt (Straftatbestand) abuse of official position (criminal offence)
versuchter Mord (Straftatbestand) attempted murder
Missachtung des Gerichts (Straftatbestand) contempt (criminal offence)
Missachtung des Gerichts (Straftatbestand) contempt of court
unbefugtes Betreten (Straftatbestand) criminal trespass
Verletzung der Unterhaltspflicht (Straftatbestand) criminal non-support (criminal offence)
Erregung {f} öffentlichen Ärgernisses (Straftatbestand) disorderly conduct (criminal offence)
Fälschung beweiserheblicher Daten (Straftatbestand) falsification of probative evidence (criminal offence)
Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt (Straftatbestand) obstructing police (criminal offence)
unbefugtes Betreten (Straftatbestand) trespass
gefährliche Drohung (Straftatbestand) serious threat of violence (criminal offence)
unbefugtes Betreten (Straftatbestand) unlawful entry (criminal offence)
Gebrauch fremder Ausweise (Straftatbestand) use of another person's identity documents (criminal offence)
Terrorismusfinanzierung (Straftatbestand) [f] terrorism financing (criminal offence)
Terrorismusfinanzierung (Straftatbestand) [f] terrorist financing
Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt (Straftatbestand) resistance/opposition to public authority