weapons - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "weapons" in German English Dictionary : 6 result(s)

English German
weapons Waffen [pl]
weapons Waffentechnik [f]
weapons Waffen [pl]
weapons Bewaffnung [f]
weapons Waffen [pl]
weapons Kampfmittel [pl]

Meanings of "weapons" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 182 result(s)

English German
weapons-grade waffentauglich [adj]
free of nuclear weapons nuklearwaffenfrei [adj]
weapons-grade waffenfähig [adj]
arms/weapons trade/trading Waffenhandel [m]
trade in arms/weapons Waffenhandel [m]
relinquishment of nuclear weapons Atomwaffenverzicht [m]
proliferation (of weapons) Weitergabe [f]
nuclear-weapons-free zone atomwaffenfreie Zone [f]
decontamination of weapons Waffendekontaminierung [f]
destruction of chemical weapons Chemiewaffenvernichtung [f]
diabolo (ammunition for pneumatic weapons) Diabolo (Munition für Druckluftwaffen) [n]
cache (for weapons) Depot (für Waffen) [n]
cache (for weapons) Versteck [n]
weapons stash Waffenlager [n]
chemical weapons stockpile Chemiewaffenarsenal [n]
renounce the first use of nuclear weapons auf den Ersteinsatz von Atomwaffen verzichten [v]
decommission weapons Waffen abgeben [v]
to test nuclear weapons Atomwaffen testen [v]
to test nuclear weapons Kernwaffen testen [v]
enrich weapons-grade uranium waffenfähiges Uran anreichern [v]
hand weapons Handwaffen [pl]
arms/weapons trade/trading Waffengeschäfte [pl]
wonder weapons Wunderwaffen [pl]
super weapons Wunderwaffen [pl]
space weapons Weltraumwaffen [pl]
states with nuclear weapons Atommächte [pl]
secret weapons Geheimwaffen [pl]
service weapons Dienstwaffen [pl]
replica weapons Nachbauwaffen [pl]
trade in arms/weapons Waffengeschäfte [pl]
automatic weapons Automatikwaffen [pl]
nuclear weapons Atomwaffen [pl]
nuclear weapons Kernwaffen [pl]
weapons of mass destruction Massenvernichtungswaffen [pl]
offensive weapons Offensivwaffen [pl]
automatic weapons automatische Waffen [pl]
binary weapons binäre Waffen [pl]
cache (for weapons) geheimes Lager
absolute/relative weapons absolute/relative Waffen
states with nuclear weapons Staaten mit atomaren Waffen
the carriage of weapons das Mitführen {n} von Waffen
biological weapons biologische Waffen
biological weapons Biowaffen
free of nuclear weapons atomwaffenfrei
defensive weapons Defensivwaffen
defensive weapons Waffen zur Verteidigung
supplier of weapons Waffenlieferant [m]
weapons dealer Waffenhändler [m]
suppliers of weapons Waffenlieferanten [pl]
weapons legislation Waffengesetzgebung [f]
murder weapons Mordwaffen [pl]
weapons legislation Waffengesetze [pl]
ban on nuclear weapons tests Verbot von Atomwaffentests
relinquishment of nuclear weapons Atomwaffenverzicht [m]
Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Atomwaffensperrvertrag [m]
Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Kernwaffensperrvertrag [m]
non-proliferation (of weapons) Nichtverbreitung (Waffen) [f]
non-proliferation (of weapons) Nichtverbreitung [f]
proliferation (of weapons) Verbreitung [f]
proliferation (of weapons) Verbreitung (Waffen) [f]
state with nuclear weapons Atommacht [f]
weapons-grade uranium waffenfähiges Uran
dissemination of weapons Weitergabe von Waffen
dissemination of weapons Verbreitung von Waffen
state with nuclear weapons Staat mit atomaren Waffen
EU Terms
weapons' destruction Waffenvernichtung [f]
space-based weapons Weltraumwaffe [f]
stockpiling of weapons Waffenlagerung [f]
harmonisation of weapons Anpassung der Waffensysteme
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen
automatic weapons automatische Waffen
missile for mounted weapons Geschoss für lafettierte Waffen
supporting for weapons Waffenhalter
mounted weapons lafettierte Waffen
checking of weapons Waffenprüfung
sighting device for weapons Zielvorrichtung für Waffen
weapons-grade plutonium waffentaugliches Plutonium
chemical weapons stockpile Chemiewaffenbestand [m]
decontamination of weapons Waffenentgiftung [f]
weapons decontamination material Waffenentgiftungsmittel [n]
chemical weapons stockpile Giftgasbestände [pl]
biological weapons biologische Waffen
incendiary weapons Brandwaffe [pl]
biological weapons biologischer Kampfstoff
aircraft weapons delivery system fliegendes Waffeneinsatzsystem [n]
nuclear (weapons) test Atombombentest [m]
nuclear weapons test Atomwaffentest [m]
deployment of chemical weapons Chemiewaffeneinsatz [m]
ordnance (military equipment like weapons and ammunition) militärische Ausrüstung [f]
ordnance (military equipment, esp. weapons and ammunition) militärische Ausrüstung [f]
production of nuclear weapons Atomwaffenproduktion [f]
production of nuclear weapons Atomwaffenherstellung [f]
armament (process of increasing the amount of weapons in a country) Aufrüstung [f]
armament (process of increasing the amount of weapons in a country) Bewaffnung [f]
armament (process of increasing the amount of weapons in a country) Rüstung [f]
deployment (of troops or weapons) Aufstellung [f]
deployment (of troops or weapons) Dislozierung [f]
deployment (of troops or weapons) Stationierung [f]
deterrent weapons Abschreckungswaffen [f]
nuclear-weapons-free zone kernwaffenfreie Zone [f]
weapons handling Waffenhandhabung [f]
destruction of chemical weapons Vernichtung von Chemiewaffen [f]
disposal of chemical weapons Chemiewaffenentsorgung [f]
proliferation of nuclear weapons Weitergabe von Atomwaffen [f]
nuclear weapons state Atommacht [f]
nuclear weapons stockpile Atomwaffenarsenal [n]
nuclear weapons stockpile Kernwaffenarsenal [n]
ordnance (military equipment like weapons and ammunition) Feldzeug [n]
ordnance (military equipment, esp. weapons and ammunition) Feldzeug [n]
SWAT unit (special weapons and tactics) Sondereinsatzkommando [n]
SWAT unit (special weapons and tactics) Spezialeinsatzkommando [n]
anti-missile weapons system Raketenabwehrwaffensystem [n]
arsenal of nuclear weapons Atomwaffenarsenal [n]
arsenal of nuclear weapons Kernwaffenarsenal [n]
arsenal of weapons Waffenarsenal [n]
deployment (of troops or weapons) In-Stellung-Bringen [n]
deterrent weapons Waffenarsenal [n]
War Weapons Control Act Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz [n]
guided weapons Lenkwaffen [pl]
NBC weapons ABC-Waffen [pl]
nuclear weapons Atomwaffen [pl]
nuclear weapons A-Waffen [pl]
nuclear weapons Kernwaffen [pl]
nuclear weapons Atomsprengkörper [pl]
nuclear weapons stockpile Atomwaffenbestände [pl]
nuclear weapons tests Atomwaffentests [pl]
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons ABC-Waffen [pl]
on-board weapons Bordwaffen [pl]
RNBC weapons (radiological, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons) Massenvernichtungswaffen [pl]
RNBC weapons (radiological, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons) RNBC-Waffen [pl]
thrusting weapons Stoßwaffen [pl]
thrust weapons Stoßwaffen [pl]
stabbing weapons Stichwaffen [pl]
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) RNBC-Waffen [pl]
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) RNBC-Waffen (radiologische, nukleare, biologische oder chemische Waffen) [pl]
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Massenvernichtungswaffen [pl]
weapons of war Kriegswaffen [pl]
anti-tank guided weapons (ATGW) Panzerabwehrlenkwaffen [pl]
anti-tank weapons Panzerabwehrwaffen [pl]
arsenal of nuclear weapons Atomwaffenbestände [pl]
arsenal of weapons Rüstungsbestände [pl]
arsenal of weapons Waffenbestände [pl]
arsenals of weapons Rüstungsbestände [pl]
arsenals of weapons Waffenarsenale [pl]
arsenals of weapons Waffenbestände [pl]
atomic weapons Atomsprengkörper [pl]
atomic weapons Atomwaffen [pl]
atomic weapons A-Waffen [pl]
atomic weapons Kernwaffen [pl]
atomic weapons Nuklearwaffen [pl]
automatic weapons Maschinenwaffen [pl]
chemical weapons Chemiewaffen [pl]
chemical weapons C-Waffen [pl]
cutting weapons Hiebwaffen [pl]
edged weapons Blankwaffen [pl]
nuclear weapons Nuklearwaffen [pl]
weapons of mass destruction Massenvernichtungsmittel [pl]
cold weapons Kaltwaffen [pl]
heavy weapons schwere Waffen [pl]
chemical weapons chemische Waffen [pl]
conventional weapons konventionelle Waffen [pl]
first use of nuclear weapons Ersteinsatz von Atomwaffen
NBC weapons atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen
nuclear weapons test ban Verbot von Atomwaffentests
nuclear weapons test Kernwaffentest
nuclear weapons tests Kernwaffentest
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen
ordnance (military equipment like weapons and ammunition) Waffen und Munition
ordnance (military equipment, esp. weapons and ammunition) Waffen und Munition
absolute/relative weapons absolute/relative Waffen
anti-forces weapons gegen Streitkräfte gerichtete Waffen
anti-personnel weapons Waffen zur Bekämpfung lebender Ziele
battlefield nuclear weapons atomare/nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen
chemical weapons chemische Kampfmittel
clean nuclear weapons saubere Atomwaffen
conventional weapons konventionelle Waffen
discontinuance of nuclear weapons tests Einstellung von Kernwaffentests
hunting weapons Jagdwaffen [pl]
weapons system Waffensystem [n]
weapons system Waffensystem
heavy weapons schwere Waffen
offensive weapons Angriffswaffen