crueler - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "crueler" in Spanish English Dictionary : 77 result(s)

English Spanish
cruel cruel [adj]
cruel sanguinario [adj]
cruel sangriento [adj]
cruel sañudo [adj]
cruel impío [adj]
cruel empedernido [adj]
cruel ensañado [adj]
cruel feroz [adj]
cruel desalmado [adj]
cruel fiero [m/pl]
cruel ferocidad [f]
cruel acerbo [adj]
cruel atroz [adj]
cruel bárbaro [adj]
cruel caníbal [adj]
cruel carnicero [adj]
cruel crudo [adj]
cruel cruel [adj]
cruel desalmado [adj]
cruel duro [adj]
cruel feroz [adj]
cruel impío [adj]
cruel inicuo [adj]
cruel neroniano [adj]
cruel refinado [adj]
cruel riguroso [adj]
cruel sangriento [adj]
cruel sañoso [adj]
cruel neroniano [adj]
cruel truculento [adj]
cruel diabólico [adj]
cruel malvado [adj]
cruel despiadado [adj]
cruel cruento [adj]
cruel desapiadado [adj]
cruel draconiano [adj]
cruel duro [adj]
cruel inclemente [adj]
cruel inhumano [adj]
cruel fiero [adj]
cruel opresivo [adj]
cruel sanguinoso [adj]
cruel terrible [adj]
cruel acerbo [adj] fig.
cruel desentrañado [adj] fig.
cruel feral [adj] disused
cruel algarivo (árabe) [adj] disused
cruel crudelísimo [adj] cult
cruel feral [adj] disused
cruel impiedoso [adj] rare
cruel maldoso [adj] MX CR NI
cruel sangrienta [adj/f]
cruel sanguinaria [adj/f]
cruel sañuda [adj/f]
cruel impía [adj/f]
cruel carnicera [adj/f]
cruel empedernida [adj/f]
cruel ensañada [adj/f]
cruel bárbara [adj/f]
cruel desalmada [adj/f]
cruel acerba [adj/f] fig.
cruel draconiana [adj/f]
cruel dura [adj/f]
cruel inhumana [adj/f]
cruel sanguinosa [adj/f]
cruel fiera [adj/f]
cruel cruda [adj/f]
cruel cruenta [adj/f]
cruel opresiva [adj/f]
cruel desapiadada [adj/f]
cruel desentrañada [adj/f] fig.
cruel despiadada [adj/f]
cruel crueles [adj/pl]
cruel barbarote [adj]
cruel barbarota [adj/f]
cruel riguroso [adj]
cruel rigurosa [adj/f]

Meanings of "crueler" in English Spanish Dictionary : 54 result(s)

Spanish English
cruel [adj] cruel
cruel [adj] merciless
cruel [adj] brutal
cruel [adj] heartless
cruel [adj] mean
cruel [adj] cruel
cruel [adj] vicious
cruel [adj] bloodthirsty
cruel [adj] ruthless
cruel [adj] callous
cruel [adj] emotionally hardened
cruel [adj] unkind
cruel [adj] pitiless
cruel [adj] bowelless
cruel [adj] insufferable
cruel [adj] intolerable
cruel [adj] hard-hearted
cruel [adj] intense
cruel [adj] violent
cruel [adj] severe
cruel [adj] hard
cruel [adj] fierce
cruel [adj] oppressive
cruel [adj] bloody
cruel [adj] murderous
cruel [adj] fiendish
cruel [adj] atrocious
cruel [adj] fell
cruel [adj] ferocious
cruel [adj] cold-blooded
cruel [adj] acerb
cruel [adj] dire
cruel [adj] butcherly
cruel [adj] dog-hearted
cruel [adj] bitter
cruel [adj] flint-hearted
cruel [adj] bloodthirsty
cruel [adj] bearish
cruel [adj] grievous
cruel [adj] inhuman
cruel [adj] remorseless
cruel [adj] vindictive
cruel [adj] rough
cruel [adj] unnatural
cruel [adj] sad
cruel [adj] sanguinary
cruel [adj] unsparing
cruel [adj] savage
cruel [adj] barbarous
cruel [adj] fig. flinty
cruel [adj] stony-hearted
cruel [adj] hard-featured
cruel [adj] brutal
cruel [adj] draconian

Meanings of "crueler" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 104 result(s)

English Spanish
plural of cruel crueles [adj]
make cruel encarnizar [v]
cruel man caribe [m]
becoming cruel endurecimiento [m]
being cruel ensangrentamiento [m]
being cruel ensañamiento [m]
man who is cruel with children herodes [m]
cruel person impío [m]
cruel person negrero [m]
cruel man nerón [m]
cruel person tigre [m]
cruel person negrera [f]
cruel person tigresa [f]
cruel person troglodita [m/f]
be cruel cebarse [v]
become cruel encarnizarse [v]
make cruel encruelecer [v]
become cruel encruelecerse [v]
make cruel endurecer [v]
become cruel endurecerse [v]
be cruel ensangrentarse [v]
someone that is cruel to others abusón [m]
someone that is cruel to others perdonavidas [m]
someone that is cruel to others peleón [m]
someone that is cruel to others pendenciero [m]
someone that is cruel to others matasiete [m]
cruel person fiera [f]
very cruel act atrocidad [f]
cruel person fiera [f]
cruel person impía [f]
someone that is cruel to others matón [m/f]
cruel (of a person) troglodita [adj]
be cruel to ensañarse [v]
be cruel to someone ser cruel con alguien [v]
be cruel towards ensangrentarse con [v]
be cruel towards ensangrentarse contra [v]
be cruel to ensangrentarse con [v]
be cruel to ensangrentarse contra [v]
get cruel to ensangrentarse con [v]
get cruel to ensangrentarse contra [v]
be cruel to ensañarse (con) [v]
in a cruel way sangrientamente [adv]
in a cruel way cruelmente [adv]
a cruel mistress una amante cruel
cruel and inhuman man caribe (por alusión a los indios de caribana) [m]
very cruel person verdugo [m]
cruel man troglodita [f]
cruel wretch pirata [m/f]
most cruel crudelísimo [adj]
become cruel-minded encarnizarse [v]
become cruel encruelecerse [v]
become cruel endurecerse [v]
behave in a cruel way ensangrentarse [v]
harsh and cruel employer negrero [m] fig.
a cruel, inhuman or unfeeling person nerón [m] fig.
a cruel person ogro [m] fig.
cruel person kute [m/f] HN
cruel and perverse person nina-nina [m/f] BO:C,W
uncivilized, savage, or cruel cimarrón [adj] HN SV UY derog.
with a hard and cruel looking face mal encarado [adj] EC
become cruel cruentarse [v] disused
make cruel encrudelecer [v] disused
most cruel crudelísima [adj/f]
cruel person alma de caín [f]
cruel person alma de judas [f]
be excessively cruel hacer sangre [v]
be very cruel ser un ogro [v]
make a serious and cruel effort to defeat someone lanzarse a la yugular [v]
be unkind or cruel tener el corazón de piedra [v]
be cruel tener malas tripas [v]
have a cruel nature tener el corazón de piedra [v]
be cruel and have no sympathy for people tener el corazón de piedra [v]
be very cruel or ruthless tener pelos en el corazón [v]
be cruel dar con el pie [v]
cruel fate destino cruel
cruel fate destino implacable
be cruel to be kind ser cruel para ser bueno
be cruel to be kind quien bien te quiere te hará llorar
be cruel ser duro de codo [v] CAM
be cruel tener el corazón de alambre de púas [v] PR
goodbye, cruel world adiós mundo cruel
be cruel to serle cruel a [v]
clever, dangerous and cruel person cuaima [f]
be a cruel or mean person tener muy mala uva [v]
be cruel tener pelos en el corazón [v]
be cruel tener alguien malas tripas [v]
be cruel to be kind quien bien te quiere te hará llorar
be cruel to be kind hay que ser cruel para ser bueno
smart, dangerous, and cruel person cuaima [f] VE
cruel and unusual punishment castigo cruel e inusitado [m]
convention against torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment convención contra la tortura y otros tratos o penas crueles inhumanos o degradantes [f]
optional protocol to the convention against torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment protocolo facultativo de la convención contra la tortura y otros tratos o penas crueles; inhumanos o degradantes
cruel treatment trato cruel
cruel punishment pena cruel
cruel and unusual punishment castigo cruel e inusual [m]
cruel and inhuman punishment castigo cruel e inhumano [m]
cruel treatment trato cruel
cruel father padrastro [m]
Wildlife Management
cruel treatment tratos crueles
cruel treatment maltrato crueles
cruel (poetry) adélfico [adj]
cruel (poetry) adélfica [adj/f]
cruel vine miraguano [m]
cruel vine tasi [m] AR