frog - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "frog" in Spanish English Dictionary : 32 result(s)

English Spanish
frog rana [f]
frog pulpejo [m]
frog rana [f]
frog recamo [m]
frog franchute [m/f]
frog gabacho [m] derog.
frog gabacha [f] derog.
frog franchute [m]
frog franchute [adj]
frog tahalí [m]
frog aguja aérea
frog saliente [m]
frog tetón [m]
frog tope [m]
frog cruzamiento [m]
frog hebilla [f]
frog ranilla [f]
frog alamar [v]
frog resalte [m]
frog rana [f]
frog ranilla del caballo [f]
frog puntura [f]
frog rebaje [m]
frog contrahierro [m]
frog uña [f]
frog sapo [m]
frog corazón [m]
frog crucero [m]
frog soutache [m]
frog ranilla del casco
British Slang
frog franchute derog.
frog gabacho derog.

Meanings of "frog" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 184 result(s)

English Spanish
male frog rano [m]
wrecking frog encarriladera [f]
leap frog game rana [f]
have a frog in one’s throat carraspear [v]
cavities around the frog of horses' feet candados [m/pl]
a frog in the throat carraspeo [m]
braid frog muletilla [f]
a frog in the throat ronquera [f]
frog legs ancas de rana
tree frog rana arborícola
frog and braid trimming alamar [m]
little green tree-frog calamite [m]
frog in one's throat carraspera [f]
frog in the throat carraspera [f]
frog of a horse's hoof ranilla [f]
croak (like a frog) charlear [v]
croak (as a frog) croar [v]
cavities round the frog of horses' feet candados [m/pl]
frog tongue ranas [f/pl]
leap-frog salto [m]
a frog in the throat carraspera [f]
frog spawn atepocate [m] MX
embryo of a frog girino [m] disused
leap-frog (game) botellón [m] CO derog.
larval frog or toad bumbulín [m] HN
larval frog or toad bumbulón [m] HN
larval frog or toad bumbulum [m] HN NI
larval frog or toad bumbulún [m] HN NI
larval frog or toad bubulún [m] HN
larval frog or toad bubulín [m] HN
leap frog children's game lingo [m] PE
leap frog children's game omblígate [m] NI
frog pond ranario [m] EC
frog-in-the-throat soco [m] GT
frog (french) gabacha [f] derog.
as cross as a frog in a sock crecido de enojo [adj]
know no more about than a frog knows about bedsheets no tener ni idea de algo [v]
get a frog in one's throat tener una carraspera [v]
have a frog in one's throat tener carraspera [v]
have a frog in one's throat estar ronco [v]
have a frog in one's throat tener irritación de garganta [v]
know no more about than a frog knows about bedsheets no saber nada (sobre un tema)
know no more about than a frog knows about bedsheets no tener la más mínima idea sobre algo
know no more about than a frog knows about bedsheets no tener ni idea (sobre un tema)
a big frog in a small pond [uk] cabeza de ratón y no cola de león
biggest frog in the puddle la persona más importante en una comunidad pequeña
big frog in a small pond [uk] cabeza de ratón y no cola de león
get a frog in one's throat tener la garganta irritada
get a frog in one's throat estar nervioso
know no more about than a frog knows about bedsheets no conocer de un tema
know no more about than a frog knows about bedsheets no saber nada de algo
little frog in a big pond pez pequeño en estanque grande
have a frog in one's throat tener un nudo en la garganta
have a frog in one's throat sentir cosquillas en la garganta
have a frog in one's throat quedarse sin voz
frog in one's throat carraspera [f]
the frog sings although it has neither hair nor wool canta la rana, y no tiene pelo ni lana
the frog squashed the hardest croaks the loudest la rana más aplastada es la que más recio grita
choose the stone by the size of the frog según el sapo es la pedrada
as cross as a frog in a sock crecido de enojo
as cross as a frog in a sock enojado como gato panza arriba
frog in a sock ruidoso
as cross as a frog in a sock caliente como leche hervida AMER
toe end of the frog extremo de boca del corazón
leap frog saltar por encima de
frog-leg winding devanado en ancas de rana
fishing frog pejesapo [m]
wrecking frog encarrilador [m]
crossing frog crucero [m]
frog-like ranino [adj]
frog-spawn huevos de rana
frog channel canal de cruzamiento
trolley frog aguja aérea
crotch frog corazón medio
aerial frog aguja aérea
frog-fish pez rana
frog angle ángulo de cruzamiento
equilateral frog aguja aérea simétrica
frog brick ladrillo agramilado
double frog corazón doble
frog-fish sapo pescador
frog point punta del corazón
trolley frog brazo de trole
trolley frog cruzamiento aéreo
trolley frog desvío aéreo
aerial frog aguja aérea
aerial frog cruzamiento aéreo
overhead frog cambio aéreo
tree frog rana de arboles
green frog rana verde
Marine Biology
puerto rican rock frog guajón [m] PR
a frog species from the coqui genus (eleutherodactylus cooki) guajón [m] PR
puerto rican cave-dwelling frog guajón [m] PR
type of southern frog coqui [m] PR VE
smoky jungle frog (leptodactylus pentadactylus) hualo [m] PE
small frog maco [m] DO
frog-fish chucho [m] MX CU
frog shell bursas [f/pl]
dwarf frog shell bursa enana
american bull frog rana toro americana
frog cuttlefish sepia rana
poison dart frog dendrobátidos [m/pl]
frog leg position posición de patas de rana
frog face cara de sapo
frog face cara de sapo
wrecking frog encarrilador [m]
frog-tongue ránula [f]
frog of a horse's foot horquilla [f]
spring-rail frog sapo con riel de muelle MX
built-up frog sapo ensamblado
movable-point frog sapo de punta movible
crotch frog sapo medio
wing rail (frog) riel de ala
spring-rail frog rana con carril de muelle
movable-point frog rana de punta movible
wrecking frog rana encarriladora
frog distance avance [m]
frog fish rape [m]
jump frog saltacarril [m] ES
crossing frog cruce [m]
crossing frog cruzamiento [m]
frog wing contracorazón [m]
continuous-rail frog crucero de carril continuo [m]
guardrail at a frog guardarrana [m]
wrecking frog encarriladera [f]
frog point lengüeta [f]
point of frog punto de corazón
anvil-faced frog corazón con insertados de acero endurecido
hinged spring-rail frog corazón con carril de muelle engoznado
spring-rail frog corazón con pata de liebre móvil
plate frog corazón de plancha
fixed-rail frog corazón de riel fijo
movable-point frog corazón de punta móvil
built-up frog corazón de rieles ensamblados
crotch frog corazón medio
swing-rail frog cruzamiento de carril engoznado
built-up frog cruzamiento ensamblado
frog wing rail pata de liebre
plate frog cruzamiento de plancha
frog toe boca de corazón
switch and frog juego de cambio MX
frog channel canal de cruzamiento
point of frog punta del corazón
fresh frog legs ancas de rana frescas
fishing frog sapo pescador
Wildlife Management
frog legs ancas de rana
frog larva renacuajo [m]
frog larva ranacuajo [m]
chilean four-eyed frog (pleurodema thaul) coicoy [m] CL
chilean four-eyed frog (pleurodema thaul) sapo de cuatro ojos [m] CL
emerald forest frog (hylorina sylvatica) sapo arbóreo [m] CL
cone-nosed frog sapo borracho [m] CR
frog (anura) costro [m] ES local
frog (proceratophrys cururu) cururú [m]
argentine horned frog escorzón [m]
argentine wide-mouthed frog escorzón [m]
ornate pacman frog escorzón [m]
a species of frog in the family ceratophryidae (ceratophrys ornata) escorzón [m]
horned frog (ceratophrys) escuerzo [m]
iberian painted frog (discoglossus galganoi) sapillo pintojo [m]
iberian painted frog (discoglossus galganoi) sapo [m]
chilean four-eyed frog (pleurodema thaul) sapo de cuatro ojos [m] CL
tree frog rana arborícola [f] VE EC
glass frog rana de vidrio [f] VE
tree frog rana lechera [f] VE
cone-nosed frog alma de vaca [f] CR
tree frog calamita [f]
tree frog calamite [f]
montevideo tree frog (boana pulchella) rana de zarzal [f]
montevideo tree frog (boana pulchella) rubeta [f]
european common frog rana común
giant frog rana goliat
east iberian painted frog sapillo pintojo
yellow-banded dart frog sapito minero
red poison dart frog rana venenosa
tree frog rana arbórea
frog fish pez rana [m]
British Slang
frog and toad (rhyming slang for road) camino [m]
frog and toad camino [m]
frog fruit tiquil-tiquil [m] PE
frog fruit cidrón [m] CO EC
frog-bit morena [f]
frog-lettuce espiga de agua [f]
leap frog dola [f] child