u.s. - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "u.s." in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

English Spanish
u.s. gringolandia [f]

Meanings of "u.s." with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
neighbor [us] vecino [m]
caliber [us] calibre [m]
line [us] fila [f]
license [us] licencia [f]
defense [us] defensa [f]
multicolored [us] multicolor [adj]
actualize [us] actualizar [v]
us nos [pron]
story [us] piso [m]
railroad [us] ferrocarril [m]
harbor [us] puerto [m]
cellphone [us] móvil [m]
cellphone [us] celular [m]
garter [us] liga [f]
grade [us] (exam) nota [f]
enrollment [us] inscripción [f]
specialty [us] especialidad [f]
neighboring [us] vecino [adj]
organize [us] organizar [v]
localize [us] localizar [v]
baby carriage [us] cochecito [m]
subway [us] metro [m]
faucet [us] grifo [m]
gray [us] gris [m]
line [us] cola [f]
help us ayudarnos [v]
see us vernos [v]
give us darnos [v]
kill us matarnos [v]
make us hacernos [v]
ground [us] rastrel [m]
fiber cement [us] fibrocemento [m]
molding [us] moldeo [m]
sidewalk [us] empedrado [m]
dump truck [us] basculador [m]
fulfillment [us] cumplimiento [m]
labor [us] trabajo [m]
pro us yancófilo [adj]
feminine plural of nuestro (ours/our/to us) nuestras [adj]
industrialize [us] industrializar [v]
subsidize [us] subvencionar [v]
fertilize [us] fecundar [v]
summarize [us] resumir [v]
sterilize [us] esterilizar [v]
novelize [us] novelar [v]
revolutionize [us] revolucionar [v]
maneuver [us] maniobrar [v]
fertilize [us] fertilizar [v]
colonize [us] colonizar [v]
standardize [us] uniformar [v]
harmonize [us] hermanar [v]
realize [us] reparar [v]
finalize [us] finalizar [v]
utilize [us] utilizar [v]
paralyze [us] paralizar [v]
pulverize [us] pulverizar [v]
criticize [us] criticar [v]
galvanize [us] galvanizar [v]
pasteurize [us] pasteurizar [v]
homogenize [us] homogeneizar [v]
bathroom [us] retrete [m]
flavor [us] gusto [m]
neocon [us] neoconservador [m]
vigor [us] nervio [m]
tire [us] neumático [m]
hectogram [us] hectogramo [m]
hectoliter [us] hectolitro [m]
rigor [us] rigor [m]
saltpeter [us] nitro [m]
niter [us] nitro [m]
leveling [us] nivelado [m]
hemogram [us] hemograma [m]
breaking in [us] rodaje [m]
baseboard [us] rodapié [m]
ardor [us] hervor [m]
steer [us] novillo [m]
racetrack [us] hipódromo [m]
dike [us] dique [m]
blimp [us] dirigible [m]
gray [us] rucio [m]
shorts [us] calzón [m]
field hockey [us] hockey [m]
labor movement [us] obrerismo [m]
laborer [us] obrero [m]
rumor [us] rumor [m]
tire valve [us] obús [m]
rumor [us] runrún [m]
sundown [us] ocaso [m]
derby [us] hongo [m]
hillbilly [us] rústico [m]
honor [us] honores [m]
disfavor [us] disfavor [m]
saber [us] sable [m]
campground [us] camping [m]
flavoring [us] saborizante [m]
odometer [us] odómetro [m]
boutonniere [us] ojal [m]
button [us] distintivo [m]
truck garden [us] huerto [m]
salt shaker [us] salero [m]
berm [us] saliente [m]
saltpeter [us] salitre [m]
humor [us] humorismo [m]
cuff [us] dobladillo [m]
fender [us] salvabarros [m]
savior [us] salvador [m]
hot pad [us] salvamanteles [m]
cuff [us] doblez [m]
life preserver [us] salvavidas [m]
sanitarium [us] sanatorio [m]
hood [us] capó [m]
donut [us] donut [m]
counselor [us] orientador [m]
tie [us] durmiente [m]
sedan [us] sedán [m]
fall [us] otoño [m]
edema [us] edema [m]
hick [us] paleto [m]
catalog [us] elenco [m]
overpass [us] elevado [m]
corn [us] elote [m]
diaper [us] pañal [m]
sepulcher [us] sepulcro [m]
pants [us] pantalón [m]
pantyhose [us] panty [m]
washroom [us] servicio [m]
chow [us] papeo [m]
goiter [us] papo [m]
skeptic [us] incrédulo [m]
windshield [us] parabrisas [m]
fender [us] parachoques [m]
defense [us] parapeto [m]
lightning rod [us] pararrayos [m]
gage [us] indicador [m]
catalog [us] índice temático [m]
parking lot [us] parking [m]
trading center [us] emporio [m]
unemployment insurance [us] paro [m]
gynecologist [us] partero [m]
labor [us] parto [m]
tuxedo [us] smoking [m]
license [us] pase [m]
ardor [us] encendimiento [m]
jacket [us] enchufe [m]
curb [us] encintado [m]
news program [us] informativo [m]
chow [us] patache [m]
rancor [us] encono [m]
hot flash [us] sofoco [m]
non-gypsy [us] payo [m]
podiatrist [us] pedicuro [m]
pedophile [us] pedófilo [m]
fetus [us] engendro [m]
rumor [us] son [m]
creepers [us] pelele [m]
fiber [us] pelo [m]
sherbet [us] sorbete [m]
penitentiary [us] penal [m]
cast (and credits) [us] staff [m]
laborer [us] peón [m]
teeter-totter [us] subibaja [m]
intermission [us] interludio [m]
lumber [us] entramado [m]
intermission [us] entreacto [m]
license [us] permiso [m]
passing grade [us] suficiente [m]
fall [us] entretiempo [m]
prolog [us] introito [m]
bobby pin [us] sujetador [m]
sulfate [us] sulfato [m]
sulfide [us] sulfuro [m]
eon [us] eón [m]
epicenter [us] epicentro [m]
stroller [us] cochecito [m]
ground meat [us] picadillo [m]
grinding [us] picado [m]
cutlet [us] escalope [m]
center [us] cogollo [m]
bulletin board [us] tablero [m]
pitcher [us] jarro [m]
pajama [us] pijama [m]
coin purse [us] tacón [m]
pepper shaker [us] pimentero [m]
laborer [us] jornalero [m]
skepticism [us] escepticismo [m]
skeptic [us] escéptico [m]
jeweler [us] joyero [m]
loon [us] colimbo [m]
check [us] talón [m]
check book [us] talonario [m]
grocery store [us] colmado [m]
ice ax [us] piolet [m]
blind [us] escondite [m]
funeral home [us] tanatorio [m]
coloring [us] coloreado [m]
bright color [us] colorín [m]
stenographer [us] taquígrafo [m]
hodgepodge [us] pisto [m]
drainboard [us] escurridero [m]
soccer ball [us] esférico [m]
vigor [us] esfuerzo [m]
kilogram [us] kilogramo [m]
kiloliter [us] kilolitro [m]
kilometer [us] kilómetro [m]
program [us] plan [m]
luster [us] esmalte [m]
appraiser [us] tasador [m]
tuxedo [us] esmoquin [m]
esophagus [us] esófago [m]
comic book [us] tebeo [m]
measure [us] compás [m]
aerial tramway [us] teleférico [m]
specter [us] espectro [m]
wire [us] telegrama [m]
spelunker [us] espeleólogo [m]
program [us] temario [m]
comforter [us] plumón [m]
splendor [us] esplendor [m]
mechanical pencil [us] lapicero [m]
podiatrist [us] podólogo [m]
storekeeper [us] tendero [m]
concertmaster [us] concertino [m]
sports center [us] polideportivo [m]
polyethylene [us] polietileno [m]
polyethylene [us] polifemo [m]
honor [us] laurel [m]
washroom [us] lavabo [m]
bum [us] polizón [m]
rest room [us] lavabo [m]
windshield washer [us] lavaparabrisas [m]
center [us] polo [m]
popsicle [us] polo [m]
dish soap [us] lavavajillas [m]
pomelo [us] pomelo [m]
cigar store [us] estanco [m]
flavoring [us] condimento [m]
behaviorism [us] conductismo [m]
shyster [us] leguleyo [m]
hog [us] porcino [m]
lumber [us] leño [m]
candy [us] confite [m]
molding [us] conformado [m]
trunk [us] portaequipajes [m]
garter belt [us] portaligas [m]
coin purse [us] portamonedas [m]
leukocyte [us] leucocito [m]
demeanor [us] porte [m]
behavior [us] porte [m]
tailgate [us] portón [m]
revenue stamp [us] timbre [m]
estrus [us] estro [m]
estrogen [us] estrógeno [m]
ink bottle [us] tintero [m]
carousel [us] tiovivo [m]
liquor [us] licor [m]
slingshot [us] tirachinas [m]
slingshot [us] tiragomas [m]
garter belt [us] liguero [m]
draft [us] tiro [m]
purse [us] limo [m]
windshield wiper [us] limpiaparabrisas [m]
sled [us] tobogán [m]
doctor's office [us] consultorio [m]
phonograph [us] tocadiscos [m]
suv [us] todoterreno [m]
garden tent [us] toldo [m]
favorite [us] predilecto [m]
movie camera [us] tomavistas [m]
favorite [us] preferido [m]
area code [us] prefijo [m]
liter [us] litro [m]
fender [us] tope [m]
broach [us] prendedor [m]
penitentiary [us] presidio [m]
parlor [us] locutorio [m]
laborer [us] trabajador [m]
substitute [us] lugarteniente [m]
trailer [us] tráiler [m]
luster [us] lustre [m]
tranquilizer [us] tranquilizante [m]
solid tire [us] macizo [m]
lumber [us] maderaje [m]
lumber [us] maderamen [m]
streetcar [us] tranvía [m]
trapezoid [us] trapecio [m]
mobster [us] mafioso [m]
teacher education [us] magisterio [m]
faculty [us] profesorado [m]
cornfield [us] maizal [m]
druggist [us] farmacéutico [m]
neighbor [us] prójimo [m]
prolog [us] prólogo [m]
installment [us] fascículo [m]
trunk [us] maletero [m]
splendor [us] fausto [m]
favoritism [us] favoritismo [m]
braiding [us] trenzado [m]
casket [us] féretro [m]
quintillion [us] trillón [m]
defense [us] protagonismo [m]
hardware dealer [us] ferretero [m]
railroad worker [us] ferroviario [m]
sled [us] trineo [m]
fervor [us] fervor [m]
fetus [us] feto [m]
cold cut [us] fiambre [m]
cart [us] trole [m]
filet [us] filete [m]
insane asylum [us] manicomio [m]
movie [us] film [m]
philter [us] filtro [m]
pretense [us] fingimiento [m]
squash [us] tuétano [m]
tumor [us] tumor [m]
hog [us] tunco [m]
mold [us] mantillo [m]
honor [us] pundonor [m]
mold [us] cubilete [m]
tea cozy [us] cubretetera [m]
mold [us] flan [m]
hog [us] cuchi [m]
bangs [us] flequillo [m]
odometer [us] cuentakilómetros [m]
questor [us] cuestor [m]
floater [us] flotador [m]
life preserver [us] flotador [m]
diaper [us] culero [m]
center [us] foco [m]
grocery (store) [us] ultramarinos [m]
kilogram [us] quilo [m]
derby [us] cumbo [m]
laborer [us] quintero [m]
operating room [us] quirófano [m]
hog [us] marrano [m]
snowplow [us] quitanieves [m]
résumé [us] currículum [m]
game [us] match [m]
endeavor [us] raid [m]
bum [us] vagabundo [m]
clamor [us] fragor [m]
decaliter [us] decalitro [m]
decameter [us] decámetro [m]
bum [us] vago [m]
passenger car [us] vagón [m]
vapor [us] vaho [m]
check [us] vale [m]
kidnaping [us] rapto [m]
package [us] mazo [m]
favor [us] valimiento [m]
frenum [us] frenillo [m]
inventory [us] balance [m]
defense [us] valladar [m]
center [us] medio [m]
refueling [us] reabastecimiento [m]
luster [us] realce [m]
splendor [us] realce [m]
reality show [us] reality show (inglés) [m]
restroom [us] váter [m]
neighborhood [us] vecindario [m]
demagog [us] demagogo [m]
sailboat [us] velero [m]
boxcar [us] furgón [m]
lumber [us] fuste [m]
indoor soccer [us] fútbol sala [m]
table soccer [us] futbolín [m]
tumor [us] gabarro [m]
tennis shoes [us] deportivo [m]
summer vacation [us] veraneo [m]
take-down [us] derribo [m]
meter [us] metro [m]
rooster [us] gallo [m]
recess [us] recreo [m]
stockbreeder [us] ganadero [m]
laborer [us] gañán [m]
presidency [us] rectorado [m]
president's office [us] rectorado [m]
garbage dump [us] vertedero [m]
milligram [us] miligramo [m]
milliliter [us] mililitro [m]
millimeter [us] milímetro [m]
glamor [us] garbo [m]
veterinarian [us] veterinario [m]
department [us] ministerio [m]
traveler [us] viajero [m]
herder [us] gaucho [m]
fetus [us] vientre [m]
vigor [us] vigor [m]
mold [us] moho [m]
mold [us] molde [m]
molding [us] moldeado [m]
lady finger [us] bizcocho [m]
pinwheel [us] molinillo [m]
mollusk [us] molusco [m]
refueling [us] rellenado [m]
gynecologist [us] ginecólogo [m]
center [us] relleno [m]
glamor [us] glamour [m]
monolog [us] monólogo [m]
mixing faucet [us] monomando [m]
minivan [us] monovolumen [m]
freight elevator [us] montacargas [m]
tow truck [us] remolcador [m]
semitrailer [us] remolque [m]
overtime [us] descuento [m]
transom [us] montante [m]
hobo [us] golondrino [m]
rancor [us] rencor [m]
hickey [us] mordisco [m]
hog [us] gorrino [m]
dump truck [us] volquete [m]
defense [us] reparo [m]
humor [us] gracejo [m]
catalog [us] repertorio [m]
mustache [us] mostacho [m]
gram [us] gramo [m]
phonograph [us] gramófono [m]
boiled corn [us] mote [m]
refueling [us] repostaje [m]
dishonor [us] deshonor [m]
plowman [us] yuntero [m]
defense [us] resguardo [m]
splendor [us] brillo [m]
turkey [us] guajolote [m]
pickax [us] zapapico [m]
czar [us] zar [m]
fender [us] guardabarros [m]
fender [us] guardafangos [m]
baseboard [us] zócalo [m]
fender [us] guardalodos [m]
checkroom [us] guardarropa [m]
keeper [us] guardián [m]
hog [us] guarro [m]
leveling [us] desmonte [m]
cut [us] desmonte [m]
puppet theater [us] guiñol [m]
second floor [us] principal [m]
neighbor [us] vecina [f]
tumor [us] haba [f]
rumor [us] habladuría [f]
rumor [us] hablilla [f]
quarter note [us] negra [f]
defenselessness [us] desprotección [f]
treasury department [us] hacienda [f]
icebox [us] nevera [f]
feces [us] heces [f]
rigor [us] rigurosidad [f]
ice-cream parlor [us] heladería [f]
hematology [us] hematología [f]
hemodialysis [us] hemodiálisis [f]
hemophilia [us] hemofilia [f]
hemoglobin [us] hemoglobina [f]
hemorrhage [us] hemorragia [f]
ferris wheel [us] noria [f]
regular [us] norma [f]
normalcy [us] normalidad [f]
diarrhea [us] diarrea [f]
beltway [us] ronda [f]
hyperglycemia [us] hiperglucemia [f]
hypoglycemia [us] hipoglucemia [f]
diopter [us] dioptría [f]
traffic circle [us] rotonda [f]
trailer [us] roulotte [f]
station wagon [us] rubia [f]
sidewalk [us] acera [f]
laborer [us] obrera [f]
slingshot [us] honda [f]
rumors [us] rumorología [f]
honor [us] honestidad [f]
truck driver [us] camionera [f]
honor [us] honorabilidad [f]
hillbilly [us] rústica [f]
honor [us] honra [f]
mold [us] horma [f]
burner [us] hornada [f]
offense [us] ofensa [f]
fag [us] hueca [f]
movie theater [us] sala [f]
kitchen garden [us] huerta [f]
savior [us] salvadora [f]
defense [us] salvaguardia [f]
elective [us] optativa [f]
tying [us] iguala [f]
leveling [us] igualación [f]
counselor [us] orientadora [f]
flavor [us] sazón [f]
fall [us] otoñada [f]
treasury department [us] economía [f]
mold [us] impronta [f]
whole note [us] semibreve [f]
sixteenth (note) [us] semicorchea [f]
fulfillment [us] ejecución [f]
paddle [us] pala [f]
signaling [us] señalización [f]
signing [us] señalización [f]
washbowl [us] palangana [f]
hick [us] paleta [f]
septicemia [us] septicemia [f]
flavor [us] embocadura [f]
trash can [us] papelera [f]
goiter [us] papera [f]