ore- - Español Inglés Diccionario


Significados de "ore-" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
ore mineral [m]
ore-carrier mineralero [m]
ore mena [f]
ore crusher bocarte [m]
mercury released when smelting silver ore desliz [m]
carrying the ore away from a mine deszafre [m]
ore mineral [m]
iron ore scoria miñón [m]
rich ore deposit bonanza [f]
zinc ore calamina [f]
tin ore casiterita [f]
fine ore gandinga [f]
ore grade ley [f]
amount of metal in an ore ley [f]
ore mena [f]
ore rake raedera [f]
silver ore tacana [f]
assay of silver ore treated with mercury tentadura [f]
carry the ore away from a mine deszafrar [v]
sort ore from dumps pallar [v]
ore sorter apartador [m]
ore slurry pipeline mineroducto [m]
mercury ore cinabrio [m]
person buying ore from indians in small lots rescatín [m]
ore carrier apirí [m]
leached ore ripio [m]
ore carrier mineralero [m]
iron ore mineral de hierro [m]
kidney ore riñón [m]
calculation of ore reserves cálculo de reservas de mineral [m]
nugget of ore haba [f]
ore-bearing metalífero [adj]
ore calcined in open air heaps tases [f/pl]
best work ore mineral rico
iron ore mineral de hierro
cleaning ore destierre [m]
ore-crusher bocarte [m]
riddled ore garbillo [m]
all the ore-veins of a mine fibrazón [m]
screenings of ore granzón [m]
rough ore mate [m]
well crushed ore requiebro [m]
scoriae of iron ore miñón [m]
rich ore rosicler [m]
rich grey silver ore tacana [m]
ore dug per man-shift tequio [m]
ore rock showing vertical and horizontal faces testero [m]
miner carrying ore by hand trecheador [m]
mass of crude ore pella [f]
alloy of silver ore and mercury tentadura [f]
crush ore bocartear [v]
mix and pound mercury with silver ore repasar [v]
carry ore from hand to hand trechear [v]
ore quijo [m]
ore ganga [f]
ore crusher trapiche [m] AMER
mortar for pounding gold-ore conacho [m] PE
buyer of ore from indians rescatín [m] AMER
silver/gold ore quijo [m] AMER
buyer of stolen ore residue or waste cangallero [m] CL:N rare
person who steals ore from a mine, usually at night juqueador [m] BO:W,C
person who steals ore from a mine, usually at night juqueador [m] BO:W,C
leather bag used to transport ore from the mines katati [m] BO
dark silver copper ore negrillo [m] BO:E
gold ore ñusco [m] PE:N
ore crusher trapiche [m] BO CL AR
base ore in the opening of a mine desmonte [m] CU EC BO CL
silver chloride ore paco [m] VE PE
lead ore poor in silver plomo pobre [m] disused
pick miner's ore batch tequio (náhuatl) [m] GT CU
iron ore mixed with clay canga [f] SA
great richness of gold or silver ore bolla [f] AMER
bluish-green copper ore llanca [f] CL
bag of agave for carrying ore manta [f] AMER
heap of copper ore ready for roasting telera [f] rur. rare
mercury mixed with silver ore in smelting yapa [f] AMER
iron ore with clay canga [f] BO
person who steals ore from a mine, usually at night juqueadora [f] BO:W,C
person who steals ore from a mine, usually at night juqueadora [f] BO:W,C
person who steals ore from a mine, usually at night juku [m/f] BO
buy ore in the mine rescatar [v] AMER
add mercury to silver ore yapar [v] SA
steal ore juquear [v] BO
sort ore from dumps pallaquear [v] PE BO
stick one's ore in echar su cuarto a espadas [v]
lose grade (ore) bajar de ley (un mineral o metal) [v]
the house was built on magnetic ore la casa estuviera construida sobre mineral magnético
person who steals ore from a mine, usually at night jucu [m/f] BO:W,Sw
steal ore, usually at night, from a mine juquear [v] BO:W,C
disseminated ore diseminado [m]
pay-ore mineral explotable
iron ore mineral de hierro
ore sifter tamizador [m]
cavern or chamber of ore salón [m]
ore sorter partidor [m]
institute of ore processing instituto de beneficio de minerales AR
ore sorting equipment equipo de clasificación de minerales
ore content meter medidor de contenido de mineral
ore concentrate concentrado de mineral [m]
needle ore bismuto acicular [m]
chamber of ore bolsón de mineral [m]
ore sorter clasificador de minerales [m]
grey cobalt ore cobalto arsenical [m]
ore pocket bolsón de mineral [m]
uranium ore concentrate concentrado de uranio [m]
finely broken ore llampo [m] CL BO
cinnabar (mercury ore) cinabrio [m]
silver ore azogue [m]
ore mineral [m]
ore picker apartador [m]
small vein of ore hilo [m]
ore chute caimán [m]
ore reduction beneficio [m]
specular iron ore oligisto [m]
ore deposit yacimiento metalífero [m]
ore mineral [m]
kidney ore riñón [m]
yellow lead ore wulfenita [f]
ore dump cancha de mineral [f]
black iron ore silomelana [f]
cogwheel ore bournonita [f]
olive-ore olivenita [f]
blue iron ore vivianita [f]
needle ore aciculita [f]
brown iron ore limonita [f]
marsh ore limonita [f]
mock ore esfalerita [f]
pitch ore uraninita [f]
rich strike of ore bonanza [f]
horn ore cerargirita [f]
purple ore hematites [f]
plush-copper ore calcotriquita [f]
red lead ore crocoíta [f]
drag ore brecha mineralizada [f]
dry-bone ore smithsonita [f]
plumose ore heteromorfita [f]
ore shoot alcancía [f]
red copper ore cuprita [f]
purple copper ore erubescita [f]
limnite (iron ore) limnita [f]
acanthite (silver ore) acantila [f]
poor ore broza [f] PE BO
feather ore jamesonita [f]
gray manganese ore manganita [f]
green lead ore piromorfita [f]
copper ore llanca [f] CL
needle ore aciculita [f]
magnetic iron ore magnetita [f]
ruby silver ore pirargirita [f]
cassiterite (tin ore) casiterita [f]
ore dust lama [f]
pocket of rich ore bolsada [f]
small vein of ore hijuela [f]
ore mena [f]
metal content of ore metalada [f]
removal of ore from a mine extracción [f]
blue copper ore azurita [f]
brittle silver ore estefanita [f]
ore bucket chalupa [f]
argentine (silver ore) argentita [f]
pocket of rich ore bolsa [f]
galena (lead ore) galena [f]
garnierite (nickel ore) gamierita [f]
atacamite (copper ore) atacamita [f]
goethite (iron ore) goetita [f]
chromite (chrome ore) cromita [f]
hematite (iron ore) hematites [f]
grain vein of ore hebra [f]
ore reduction conflación [f]
hematite (iron ore) hematita [f]
bauxite (aluminum ore) bauxita [f]
purple copper ore bornita [f]
red lead ore crocoita [f]
red zinc ore cincita [f]
large deposit of rich ore bonanza [f]
polybasite (silver ore) polibasita [f]
calaverite (gold ore) calaverita [f]
kernite (borax ore) kernita [f]
vein (ore) fibra [f]
ore bucket caleza [f] CL
wheel ore bournonita [f]
yellow copper ore calcopirita [f]
brown iron ore limonita [f]
calcination of quicksilver ore cochura [f]
ore-carrying mineralizador [adj]
low-grade (ore) pobre [adj]
ore-bearing metalífero [adj]
roast (ore) calcinar [v]
grind (ore) pulverizar [v]
ore minerales [m/pl]
coarse ore mineral en trozos
ore reserve reserva de mineral
eluvial ore deposit placer eluvial
ore horizon horizonte mineralizado
ore flotation flotación de minerales
ore carrier buque mineralero
ore bearing solution solución mineralizante
iron ore mineral de hierro
high-grade ore mineral rico
hydrothermal ore deposit yacimiento hidrotermal
ore reduction beneficio de menas
iron-ore imports importaciones de mineral de hierro
raw ore mineral crudo
pea-ore mineral pisiforme
iron ore mine mina de hierro
rock ore mineral en roca
bog ore hierro de pantanos
ore wagon vagón de mineral
iron ore sintering sinterización de mineral de hierro
horn ore plata córnea
ore lode filón de mineral
blue copper ore cobre azul
high ore mineral de alta ley
solid ore mineral in situ
red lead ore plomo rojo
ore-yard parque de mineral
ore sampling muestreo del mineral
raw ore mineral bruto
powder ore mineral diseminado
ore assaying ensayo de minerales
ore dressing preparación de menas
ore formation formación metalífera
base-ore mineral de baja ley
light-red silver ore rosicler claro
carbonate ore mineral carbonatado
ore mine mina metálica
silver ore mena de plata
future ore mineral posible
bucking ore mineral rico
felspathic ore metal calichoso
ore shoot columna de mineral
lump ore mineral en terrones
vanadium ore mineral de vanadio
oolitic iron ore hierro oolitico
red iron ore ocre rojo
ore bucket tonel de extracción
ore chimney columna de mineral
ore deposit yacimiento metalífero
ore shoot chimenea de mineral
purple copper ore cobre penachado
custom ore mineral de maquila
ore beneficiation beneficio del mineral
ore pass chimenea para mineral
lead ore mineral de plomo
ore pulp finos de mineral
rich ore mineral rico
ore ship buque mineralero
ore shoot columna rica
reducible ore mineral reductible
oxide ore mineral oxidado
lump ore mineral en trozos
ore stamp triturador de mineral
ore refining refinado de minerales
bucked ore mineral rico
complex ore mineral complejo
ore-yard depósito de mineral
ore pipe columna de mineral
ore roasting tostación de minerales
ore sintering sinterización de minerales
dry ore mineral seco
bog-iron ore hierro de pantanos
ore-chute columna de mineral
ore-chute tolva para mineral
base-ore mineral pobre
blocked out ore mineral arrancado
disseminated ore mineral diseminado
ore marshalling clasificación de menas
ore mill molino para minerales
titanium ore mena de titanio
lead ore mena de plomo
bucked ore mineral escogido
lithium ore mineral de litio
ore slag escoria de mineral
lean ore mineral pobre
broken down ore mineral arrancado
red iron ore hematites roja
refractory ore mineral refractario
ore bunch bolsada de mineral
ore breaking trituración del mineral
bulk ore ship buque mineralero
ore process tratamiento del mineral
bog-iron ore mineral de turberas
bucking ore mineral escogido
ore crushing molido de minerales
ore stock reserva de mineral
ore pocket tolva para mineral
ore extraction extracción de minerales
probable ore mineral probable
titanic iron ore hierro titanado
radioactive ore detector detector de yacimientos radiactivos
radioactive ore mineral radiactivo
bog iron ore mena de los pantanos
red copper ore cobre rojo
ore metal en bruto
low-grade ore mineral bajo de ley
custom ore mineral de maquila
high-grade ore mineral de alta ley
rich ore mineral graso
green lead ore mineral verde de plomo
low-grade ore mineral pobre
blue copper ore cobre azul
blue copper ore cobre añilado
micaceous iron ore oligisto micáceo
red iron ore oligisto rojo
gray copper ore cobre gris
gray manganese ore manganeso gris
low grade (ore) baja ley
ore bucket cucharón de extracción
magnetic iron ore hierro magnético
ore body cuerpo mineral
bog iron ore hierro fangoso
swamp ore hierro pantanoso
purple copper ore cobre abigarrado
red zinc ore óxido rojo de cinc
dark red silver ore plata roja oscura
light red silver ore plata roja clara
green lead ore plomo verde
yellow lead ore plomo amarillo
ore deposit yacimiento metalífero [m]
gammametric ore assay ensayo gamamétrico de minerales [m]
ore assaying ensayo de minerales [m]
ore assaying ensayo de minerales
ore deposit yacimiento metalífero
oxide ore óxido mineral [m]
ore mineral [m]
high-grade ore mineral de alto grado [m]
complex ore mineral complejo [m]
iron ore mineral de hierro [m]
brown iron ore mineral de hierro pardo [m]
crude ore mineral no refinado [m]
white lead ore plomo blanco [m]
chrome iron ore cromita [f]
peacock ore bornita [f]
ore pass tolua [f] ES
ore pass alcancía [f] LAM
ore mena [f]
red copper ore cuprita [f]
iron-ore cement cemento de mineral de hierro
magnetic iron ore mineral magnético de hierro
red iron ore mineral rojo de hierro
ore flotation flotación de mineral
red copper ore cobre rojo
oxide ore óxido mineral
chrome iron ore mineral cromado de hierro
iron ore mineral de hierro
silver ore mineral de plata
natural ore mineral natural
synthetic ore mineral sintético
uranium ore mineral de uranio
titanium ore mineral de titanio
washing of placers or ore lavaje [m]
mining of ore explotación del mineral
ore processing tratamiento del mineral
ore deposit yacimiento de mineral
metallic ore mineral metálico
low-grade ore brocado [m]
red earthen plate used for testing ore platillo [m]
ore carrier who uses a capacho ronguero [m]
lump of ore the size of an egg trozo [m]
ore left in a mine rezago [m]
pyritic ore bronzudo [m]
hematite rich tin ore plomillo [m]
silver sulfide ore mogrollo [m]
silver-bearing carbonate ore azulillo [m]
loose piece of ore suelto [m]
crushing of ore in a stamp mill bocarteo [m]
ore chute caíman [m]
ore shoot rumbadero [m]
nodule of ore found in a vein boleo [m]
silver ore that readily amalgamates humilde metal [m]
pocket of ore bollo [m]
bunch of ore clavo [m]
cobbed or sorted ore limpio [m]
ore rich in silver tacano [m]
small irregular bunch of ore ojo [m]
sulfide or sulfide ore sulfuro [m]
person scavenging dumps for ore rebotallero [m]
large ore deposit acumulador de mineral [m]
removal of ore in hand-carried baskets apireo [m]
ore-thief juquero [m]
lead carbonate ore reseco [m]
sorting or cobbing of ore apartado [m]
silver-bearing lead ore cuajado [m]
high grade copper ore pastoso [m]
pay ore yacimiento mineral productivo [m]
lenticular ore body lentejón [m]
cobbed ore limpio [m]
ore sorter limpiador [m]
sorted ore limpio [m]
disseminated ore mena diseminada [m]
high-grade ore mineral de alta ley [m]
low-grade ore mineral de baja ley [m]
pay ore mineral beneficiable [m]
ore mineral [m]
ore pocket nido [m]
ore pod ojo [m]
tailings ore polvillo [m]
ore deposit acumulador de mineral [m]
crude ore quimbalete [m]
ore body cuerpo mineralizado [m]
coarse ore cuesco [m]
remaining ore rezago [m]
residual ore rezago [m]
ore chamber salón [m]
ore sorter quebrador [m]
ore tax tequio [m]
small ore bucket chicuite [m]
ore hopper chifladero [m]
ore chute chorreadero [m]
ore deposit yacimiento mineral [m]
ore pile millón [m] MX
ore body depósito mineral [m]
talc ore jabón [m] MX
residues from washing of ore relaves [m]
pocket of ore remolino [m]
ore thief juquero [m] PE
low grade ore desecho [m]
crushing of ore requiebro [m]
ore chute resbaladero [m]
ore buyer rescatador [m]
ore purchase rescate [m]
tailings ore pallaco [m] BO PE
red ore llimpi [m] PE
ore buyer maquilero [m] PE
native silver ore machacado [m] PE
nodular ore riñón [m]
ore fines ripio [m]
ordinary ore metal común [m]
placer ore metal corrido [m]
smelting ore metal de fundición [m]
smelting ore metal de fuego [m]
ore metal en bruto [m]
lead ore metal plomoso [m]
sorting ore apartado [m]
ore picker apartador [m]
ore carrier apiri [m]
ore clavo [m]
low-grade ore desecho [m]
drag mill used to crush ore arrastre [m]
depletion of ore empobrecimiento [m]
small irregular ore pod ojo [m]
silver ore tacaño [m]
ore pocket bolsón [m]
ore pocket bollo [m] PE
oxide ore óxidos [m]
silver chloride ore paco [m] CL
or royalty on ore tequio [m]
low-grade ore brocado [m] PE
ore found in tailings pallaco [m] BO PE
ore sorter pallador [m] BO PE
ore sorter palliri [m]
ore pocket buche [m] CO
ore pocket remolino [m]
ore chute buzón [m]
ore pass buzón [m]
high-grade ore sábado [m]
silver ore calichal [m] MX
division of ore between owners partido [m] MX
ore sorter partidor [m]
peacock ore pecho de paloma [m]
ore vein filón metalífero [m]
rich pocket of ore tope [m]
retort for reducing mercury ore cántaro [m] PE
ore roasting furnace tostador [m]
ore sorter pepenador [m]
dressed ore pepenado [m] ES
rich ore bolsón [m]
ore deposit criadero [m]
ore body cuerpo mineral [m]
ore amenable to amalgamation azogue [m]
large ore chunks gabarro [m]
ore fruto [m]
furnace for roasting ore galemador [m]
roasting of ore tueste [m]
the act of breaking and removing ore tumbe [m]
ore nodule boleo [m]
low-grade ore ordinarios [m]
ore bucket chicuite [m]
ore hopper chiflad ero [m]
ore car vagón [m]
ore pocket tope [m]
ore body cuerpo [m]
ore body cuerpo de mena [m]
ore chute caimán [m] MX
rich ore clavo [m]
ore chute clavo [m]
ore pass coladero [m]
ore chute coladero [m]
ore fragments gabarro [m]
ore chunks gabarro [m]
ore chute tumbadero [m]
lead ore plomo [m]
iron ore mineral de hierro [m]
small thread of ore hilo [m]
small vein of ore hilo [m]
ore thread hilo [m]
dark red silver ore rosicler [m]
leather bag used to carry ore out of a mine bota [f]
screening or jigging of ore cribadura [f]
small thread of ore or mineral hijuela [f]

Significados de "ore-" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 5 resultado(s)

Español Inglés
iron ore bean
foetor ex ore foetor ex ore
foetor ex ore halitosis
foetor ex ore bad breath
foetor ex ore offensive breath