undertaking - Francés Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "undertaking" en diccionario francés inglés : 23 resultado(s)

Inglés Francés
undertaking établissement [m]
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking devoir [m]
undertaking entreprenant [adj]
undertaking exploitation [f]
undertaking entreprise [f]
undertaking obligation [f]
undertaking maison [f]
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking entreprise [f]
undertaking promesse [f]
undertaking pompes funèbres
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking entreprise [f]
UN Terms
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking mandat [m]
undertaking entreprise [f]
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking entreprise [f]
undertaking engagement [m]
undertaking entreprise [f]
Election Terms
undertaking engagement [m]

Significados de "undertaking" con otros términos en diccionario inglés francés: 114 resultado(s)

Inglés Francés
programming undertaking entreprise de programmation [f]
broadcasting undertaking entreprise de radiodiffusion [f]
dangerous undertaking entreprise dangereuse [f]
undertaking parlor maison de pompes funèbres
commercial undertaking entreprise commerciale
Foreign Trade
price undertaking engagement en matière de prix
International Trade
price undertaking engagement en matière de prix
collective investment undertaking organisme de placement collectif
public undertaking entreprise publique
insurance undertaking entreprise d'assurance
collective investment undertaking organisme de placement collectif [n]
special undertaking engagement spécial
undertaking to pay interest promesse d'intérêt
undertaking operating a concession entreprise concédée
undertaking operating a concession entreprise concessionnaire
enter into an undertaking assumer un engagement
cross-undertaking to pay compensation s'engager à indemniser le défendeur
joint and several undertaking engagement solidaire
unilateral undertaking engagement unilatéral
right to be released on undertaking droit d’être libéré sur engagement
right to be released on undertaking droit d’être libérée sur engagement
State Law
carry on one's undertaking fonctionner [v]
give an undertaking s'engager [v]
work and undertaking ouvrage [m]
business undertaking entreprise commerciale
transportation undertaking entreprise de transport
undertaking to appear promesse de comparaître
to carry out the undertaking or activity réaliser l'entreprise ou exercer l'activité
to carry on one's undertaking exercer ses activités
undertaking with conditions promesse assortie de conditions
undertaking to appear engagement à comparaître
work or undertaking ouvrage ou entreprise
undertaking and assets entreprise et biens
capital undertaking engagements en matière d'immobilisations
local bus undertaking entreprise locale de transport par autocar
breach of undertaking rupture d'engagement
undertaking to pay money engagement de verser une somme d'argent
international transportation undertaking installation de transport international
to fail to carry on its undertaking négliger d'exploiter son entreprise
broadcasting undertaking entreprise de radiodiffusion
extra-provincial truck undertaking entreprise de camionnage extra-provinciale
programming undertaking entreprise de programmation
undertaking given to a justice or a judge promesse remise à un juge de paix ou à un juge
foreign broadcasting undertaking entreprise étrangère de radiodiffusion
to evade compliance with the undertaking to repay déroger à l'engagement de rembourser
small undertaking entreprise restreinte
joint undertaking mise sur pied conjointe
to carry on any work or undertaking exploiter un ouvrage ou une entreprise
telecommunications undertaking entreprise de télécommunications
distribution undertaking entreprise de distribution
local truck undertaking entreprise de camionnage locale
appurtenant undertaking entreprise en cause
employee employed in connection with the undertaking employé affecté à l'exploitation
single undertaking engagement unique
voluntary compliance undertaking engagement de conformité volontaire
Governmental Terms
proceed with an undertaking exploiter une entreprise [v]
undertaking to dispose of waste entreprise d'élimination des déchets
broadcasting undertaking entreprise de radiodifusion
renewable energy undertaking entreprise d'énergie renouvelable
undertaking of voluntary compliance engagement d'observation volontaire
public utility undertaking entreprise de services publics
purchase undertaking engagement d'achat
single undertaking engagement unique
UN Terms
single undertaking engagement unique
EU Terms
european joint undertaking entreprise commune européenne
eaec joint undertaking entreprise commune (ceea)
partly nationalised undertaking entreprise d'intérêt collectif
european undertaking entreprise européenne
press undertaking entreprise de presse
fulfil the sponsorship undertaking respecter l'engagement à l'égard du parrainage [v]
sponsorship undertaking engagement de parrainage
default of a sponsorship undertaking manquement à un engagement de parrainage
sponsor's undertaking engagement de parrainage
undertaking relating to sponsorship engagement de parrainage
federal information technology undertaking initiative fédérale en matière de technologie de l'information
distribution undertaking distributeur [m]
Health Research
institution undertaking engagement de l'établissement [m]
ancillary banking services undertaking entreprise de services bancaires auxiliaires
ancillary services undertaking entreprise de services auxiliaires
affiliate undertaking entreprise liée
assurance undertaking entreprise d'assurance
letter of undertaking lettre d'engagement
compliance undertaking engagement de conformité
public undertaking entreprise publique
private undertaking entreprise privée
budget of an undertaking budget de l'entreprise
transport undertaking entreprise de transport
size of the undertaking dimension de l'entreprise
pay audio programming undertaking entreprise de programmation sonore payante
unlicensed undertaking entreprise non autorisée
pay television programming undertaking entreprise de programmation de télévision payante
broadcast receiving undertaking entreprise de réception de radiodiffusion
exempt programming undertaking entreprise de programmation exemptée
licensed programming undertaking entreprise de programmation autorisée
broadcasting undertaking entreprise de radiodiffusion
distribution undertaking entreprise de distribution
third party exempt programming undertaking entreprise de programmation tierce exemptée
multi-channel broadcasting transmitting undertaking entreprise d'émission de radiodiffusion à canaux multiples
specialty programming undertaking entreprise de programmation de services spécialisés
programming undertaking entreprise de programmation
licensed broadcasting transmitting undertaking entreprise d'émission de radiodiffusion autorisée
broadcasting transmitting undertaking entreprise d'émission de radiodiffusion
third party pay audio programming undertaking entreprise tierce de programmation sonore payante
relay distribution undertaking entreprise de distribution par relais
radio programming undertaking entreprise de programmation de radio
radiocommunication distribution undertaking entreprise de distribution de radiocommunication
television programming undertaking entreprise de programmation de télévision
video-on-demand programming undertaking entreprise de programmation de vidéo sur demande
carrier current undertaking entreprise à courant porteur
cultural undertaking entreprise culturelle
written undertaking promesse écrite
Business Law
written undertaking engagement écrit
Election Terms
broadcasting undertaking entreprise de radiodiffusion
programming undertaking entreprise de programmation