standard - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "standard" in German English Dictionary : 93 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
standard tariflich [adj]
standard normal [adj]
standard Norm... [adj]
standard üblich [adj]
standard serienmäßig (gefertigt) [adj]
standard gängig [adj]
standard standardmäßig [adj]
standard Standard... [adj]
standard Standard [m]
standard Maßstab [m]
standard Werksnorm [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard Niveau [n]
standard Norm-...
standard Vorbild [n]
standard handelsüblich [adj]
standard marktüblich [adj]
standard Feingehalt [m]
standard Maßstab [m]
standard Gütegrad [m]
standard Durchschnitt [m]
standard Standard [m]
standard Regel [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard Niveau [n]
standard Qualitätsanforderungen [pl]
standard Standard-
standard Standard [m]
standard Maßstab [m]
standard Regel [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard Niveau [n]
standard Qualitätsanforderungen [pl]
Quality Management
standard Normal [n]
standard Standarte [f]
EU Terms
standard Norm [f]
standard Vorgabe [f]
standard genormt [adj]
standard üblich [adj]
standard einheitlich [adj]
standard normal [adj]
standard Ständer [m]
standard Standard [m]
standard Pfosten [m]
standard Anhaltswert [m]
standard Norm [f]
standard Stütze [f]
standard Normal [n]
standard Norm [f]
standard Maßverkörperung [f]
standard Eichmaß [n]
standard Eichmaß [n]
standard Etalon [n]
standard Bezugssystem [n]
standard Urmuster [n]
standard Bock [m]
standard Gerüstpfosten [m]
standard Ständer [m]
standard Stütze [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard Gestell [n]
standard Gestell
standard Normal [n]
Control Engineering
standard Standard [m]
standard Norm [f]
standard Wertmesser [m]
standard Norm [f]
standard normal [adj]
standard Maßgabe [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard standardmäßig [adj]
standard Norm [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard Eichmaß [n]
standard Normal [n]
standard Norm [f]
standard Standard [m]
standard Grad [m]
standard Maßstab [m]
standard Standarte [f]
standard Norm [f]
standard Hochstamm (Baumwuchsform) [m]
standard Hochstamm [m]
standard Standard [m]
standard serienmässig [adj]
standard serienmässig
standard Normalwert [m]
standard Eichmaß [n]
Mechanical Engineering
standard Walzenständer [m]
standard Norm [f]
standard serienmäßig [adj]
standard Ständer [m]
standard Maßverkörperung [f]

Meanings of "standard" in English German Dictionary : 12 result(s)

Allemand Anglais
Standard [m] default
Standard [m] standard
Standard [m] norm
Standard [m] standard
Standard [m] norm
Standard [m] standard
Standard [m] standard
Control Engineering
Standard [m] standard
Standard [m] default standard
Adobe Terms
Standard [m] default
Standard [m] standard
Standard [m] standard

Meanings of "standard" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
non-standard atypisch [adj]
non-standard unüblich [adj]
non-standard nicht normgerecht [adj]
non-standard nicht der Norm entsprechend [adj]
non-standard nicht standardisiert [adj]
non-standard von der Norm abweichend [adj]
non-standard nicht standardgemäß [adj]
living standard Lebensstandard [m]
German standard hammer Schlosserhammer [m]
German standard hammer Ingenieurhammer [m]
global standard Weltstandard [m]
video standard Videostandard [m]
standard error Standardfehler [m]
standard interface Normanschluss [m]
standard operating procedure (SOP) standardisierter Ablauf [m]
standard pitch Kammerton [m]
standard pressure Normdruck [m]
standard price Normalpreis [m]
standard price Einheitspreis [m]
standard rate Einheitspreis [m]
standard section Normquerschnitt [m]
standard test Standardtest [m]
standard stratum Leithorizont [m]
standard tyre Sommerreifen [m]
standard value Richtwert [m]
standard wages Tariflohn [m]
standard-bearer Fahnenträger [m]
primary luminous standard Lichtstandard [m]
standard drink Standard-Drink [m]
standard score Standardwert [m]
lamp standard Laternenmast [m]
Data Encryption Standard Datenverschlüsselungsstandard [m]
draft standard Norm-Entwurf [m]
standard of quality Qualitätsanspruch [m]
standard drop Standardfall [m]
security standard Sicherheitsstandard [m]
standard of living Lebensstandard [m]
draft standard Normenentwurf [m]
standard deduction Pauschalbetrag [m]
gold standard Goldstandard [m]
standard addendum üblicher Zusatz [m]
standard term stehender Begriff [m]
lamp standard Laternenpfahl [m]
standard pressure Normaldruck [m]
acceptance standard abnahmestandard [m]
american standard code for information interchange der amerikanische Standard-Code für den Informationsaustausch [m]
american standard code for information interchange American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) [m]
american national standard code for information interchange amerikanischer nationaler Standardcode für Informationsaustausch [m]
behaviour standard Verhaltensstandard [m]
collective standard Sammelstandard [m]
collective standard gemeinsamer Standard [m]
community standard gemeinschaftlicher Standard [m]
compulsory standard verpflichtender Standard [m]
design standard Designstandard [m]
door standard Türstandard [m]
double moral standard Doppelmoral [f]
double standard Doppelmoral [f]
double standard Doppelwährung [f]
European Standard Euronorm [f]
European Standard Europäische Norm (EN) [f]
sub-standard quality Mindergüte [f]
sub-standard grade Mindergüte [f]
standard application Standardanwendung [f]
standard enthalpy of reaction Standardreaktionsenthalpie [f]
standard dosing Standarddosis [f]
standard depth dyeing (SDD) Typfärbung [f]
standard equipment Grundausstattung [f]
standard finish Standardoberfläche [f]
standard fitment Standardbereifung [f]
standard form Normalform [f]
standard fitting serienmäßige Ausstattung [f]
standard gauge Normalspur [f]
standard gauge Normalspurweite [f]
standard gauge Regelspur [f]
standard gauge Normspurbreite [f]
standard function Standardfunktion [f]
standard gauge railway Normalspurbahn [f]
standard gauge Vollspur (Bahn) [f]
standard interface Standardschnittstelle [f]
standard lamp Ständerlampe [Schw.] [f]
standard load Normbelastung [f]
standard make Standardausführung [f]
standard operating procedure (SOP) Standardarbeitsanweisung [f]
standard of work Leistungsstärke (Schulwesen) [f]
standard period of study Regelstudienzeit [f]
standard quality Standardqualität [f]
standard size Normalgröße [f]
standard size Regelgröße [f]
standard rim Normfelge [f]
standard sample Standardprobe [f]
standard solution Normallösung [f]
standard size Standardgröße [f]
standard software Standardsoftware [f]
standard solution Standardlösung [f]
standard testing period Standardprüfzeit [f]
standard time Normalzeit [f]
standard wall Normwand [f]
standard-bearer Fahnenträgerin [f]
safety standard Sicherheitsnorm [f]
sample standard deviation chart Standardabweichungskarte [f]
technical standard Industrienorm [f]
standard wording Standardformulierung [f]
standard breast Standardbrust [f]
gold standard Goldwährung [f]
standard facilities Standardausstattung [f]
standard-lamp Stehlampe [f]
standard lamp Stehlampe [f]
standard theory Standardtheorie [f]
standard sequence Stammfolge [f]
standard lamp Stehleuchte [f]
work standard Arbeitsrichtlinie [f]
environmental standard Umweltnorm [f]
standard combination Standardkombination [f]
standard condition Normalbedingung [f]
afghanistan standard time afghanische Winterzeit [f]
arabian standard time arabische Standardzeit [f]
atlantic standard time Atlantische Standartzeit [f]
aus central standard time zentralaustralische Standartzeit [f]
bangkok standard time Bangkok-Standartzeit [f]
behaviour standard Verhaltensnorm [f]
canada central standard time Zentralkanada-Standartzeit [f]
central asia standard time Zentralasienstandardzeit [f]
central pacific standard time zentrale Pazifikstandardzeit [f]
central standard time (cst) zentrale Standardzeit [f]
china standard time China-Standartzeit [f]
compulsory standard zwingende Norm [f]
czech standard time tschechische Standardzeit [f]
eastern standard time Eastern Standard Time [f]
egypt standard time ägyptische Standardzeit [f]
fiji standard time Fidschi-Standardzeit [f]
greenwich standard time Greenwich-Standardzeit [f]
hawaiian standard time hawaiianische Standardzeit [f]
hawaiian standard time hawaiische Standardzeit [f]
standard atmosphere Normklima [n]
standard gauge Richtmaß [n]
standard house Typenhaus [n]
standard maintenance procedure (SMP) Standard-Wartungsverfahren [n]
standard operating procedure (SOP) routinemäßiges Vorgehen [n]
standard part Normteil [n]
standard part Serienteil [n]
standard pattern Normalprofil [n]
standard program Standardprogramm [n]
standard section Normalprofil [n]
standard work Standardwerk [n]
primary luminous standard Lichtstärkennormal [n]
standard measure Normalmaß [n]
standard weight Eichgewicht [n]
standard operating procedure übliches Prozedere [n]
measure up to a standard einem Standard entsprechen [v]
measure up to a standard einem Standard genügen [v]
meet the standard dem Standard entsprechen [v]
raise the standard den Standard heben [v]
abandon the gold standard den Goldstandard verlassen [v]
apply a double standard mit zweierlei Maß messen [v]
apply a strict standard einen strengen Maßstab anlegen [v]
be standard banking practice banküblich sein [v]
vary from standard vom Standard abweichen [v]
maintain a standard einen Standard einhalten [v]
apply double standard Doppelmoral verwenden [v]
apply double standard doppelte Moral verwenden [v]
apply double standard Doppelstandart verwenden [v]
apply double standard doppelten Moralkodex verwenden [v]
standard applications Standardanwendungen [pl]
standard data Standarddaten [pl]
standard errors Standardfehler [pl]
standard field caps Einheitsfeldmützen [pl]
standard forms Normalformen [pl]
standard forms kanonische Formen [pl]
standard functions Standardfunktionen [pl]
standard interfaces Normanschlüsse [pl]
standard houses Typenhäuser [pl]
standard interfaces Standardschnittstellen [pl]
standard lamps Ständerlampen [pl]
standard lamps Stehlampen [pl]
standard minerals Standardmineralien [pl]
standard parts Normteile [pl]
standard patterns Normalprofile [pl]
standard programs Standardprogramme [pl]
standard prices Einheitspreise [pl]
standard receivers Eichempfänger [pl]
standard rates Einheitspreise [pl]
standard rims Normfelgen [pl]
standard sections Normalprofile [pl]
standard sizes Standardgrößen [pl]
standard sizes Regelgrößen [pl]
standard sizes Normalgrößen [pl]
standard solutions Standardlösungen [pl]
standard tyres Sommerreifen [pl]
standard values Richtwerte [pl]
standard tests Standardtests [pl]
standard times Normalzeiten [pl]
standard walls Normwände [pl]
standard works Standardwerke [pl]
standard wire gauges Normaldrahtlehren [pl]
standard-bearers Fahnenträgerinnen [pl]
standard-bearers Fahnenträger [pl]
standard gauges Richtmaße [pl]
enhanced north american standard inspection procedures verbesserte nordamerikanische Standardinspektionsverfahren [pl]
standard random Standard Random
DIN standard Din-Norm
British Standard (BS) britische Norm
accepted standard akzeptierter Standard
standard accessory mitgeliefertes Zubehör
standard data allgemeine Daten
standard headroom normale Bauhöhe
standard of proof Maßstab {m} für die Beweiswürdigung
standard residential property marktgängige Wohnimmobilie
standard terms and conditions allgemeine technische Vertragsbedingungen
the standard of her school work ihre schulischen Leistungen
raised standard erhöhter Standard
the appropriate standard die dazugehörige Norm
pacific standard time pazifische Zeit
standard-compliant normenkonform
standard-bearer Bannerträger
standard-bearer Führer
standard rose Stammrose
cost and standard of living Lebenskosten und -standard
to meet the standard dem Standard entsprechen [v]
standard fare das Übliche
bog standard einfach
bog standard durchschnittlich
bog standard nullachtfünfzehn
bog standard 0 8 15
bog standard elementar
bog standard banal
bog standard natürlich
bog standard schlicht
bog standard rustikal
bog standard nüchtern
bog standard simpel
bog standard ungekünstelt
as standard genormt [adv]
as standard serienmäßig
bog standard gewöhnlich [adj]
bog-standard stinknormal [adj]
operate a double standard mit zweierlei Maß messen [übertragen] [v]
British Slang
bog-standard gewöhnlich
bog-standard normal
bog-standard stinknormal
bog-standard einfach
bog-standard durchschnittlich
bog standard gewöhnlich
bog standard normal
bog standard stinknormal
standard agreement Modellvertrag [m]
gold standard Goldstandard [m]
standard value Einheitswert [m]
standard price Normalpreis [m]
standard of living Lebensstandard [m]
standard error Standardfehler [m]
living standard Lebensstandard [m]
standard wage rate Standardlohnsatz [m]
standard bale Standardballen [m]
standard rate Normalsatz [m]
quality standard Qualitätsstandard [m]
standard price Einheitspreis [m]
standard wage Tariflohn [m]
quality standard Qualitätsnorm [f]
standard deviation Normalabweichung [f]
standard of living Lebenshaltung [f]
standard deviation Standardabweichung [f]
standard costing Plankostenrechnung [f]
Euro-standard holes Eurolochung [f]
company standard Werksnorm [f]
factory standard Werksnorm [f]
standard time Standardzeit [f]
standard performance Standardleistung [f]
standard make Standardausführung [f]
standard time Vorgabezeit [f]
standard time Akkordzeit [f]
standard cost accounting Plankostenrechnung [f]
standard policy Normalpolice [f]
standard policy Einheitspolice [f]
standard size Standardgröße [f]
standard format Standardformat [n]
standard method Arbeitsbestverfahren [n]
standard measure Normalmaß [n]
standard method Standardverfahren [n]
standard weight Standardgewicht [n]
standard cost Standardkosten [pl]
standard costs Plankosten [pl]
Standard practice übliches Verfahren [nt]
alternate standard Zeitvorgabe für alternatives Verfahren
high standard hoher Standard
temporary standard vorläufiger Standard
raised standard erhöhter Standard
motion time standard Standardzeitwert für eine Bewegung
our goods are of standard quality unsere Ware hat Standardqualität
standard price Einheitspreis
standard method Standardverfahren
standard method Arbeitsbestverfahren
raise the standard den Standard heben
standard weekly hours tarifliche Wochenarbeitszeit
standard change Standard-Change
abandon the gold standard den Goldstandard verlassen
an accepted standard akzeptierte Standardrichtlinien
standard performance Standard der Ausführung
gold standard Goldstandard
standard price Normalpreis
auditing standard Prüfungsgrundsatz [m]
gold standard Goldstandard [m]
standard land Bodenrichtwert [m]
standard bar Standardbarren [m]
capital standard Mindesteigenkapital-Norm [f]
leverage standard Mindesteigenkapital-Norm [f]
standard costs Vorgabekosten [pl]
DIN draft standard DIN-Entwurf [m]
DIN preliminary standard DIN-Vornorm [f]
DIN standard DIN-Norm [f]
standard operating procedure Standardvorgehensweise [f]
standard operating procedure Standardarbeitsanweisung [f]
DIN draft standard DIN-E
DIN preliminary standard DIN-V
DIN standard Norm des Deutschen Instituts für Normung
standard deduction Pauschalabzug [m]
accounting standard Rechnungslegungsstandard [m]
standard cost method Standardkostenmethode [f]
standard of evidence Beweismaß [n]
standard cost Plankosten [pl]
standard business conditions Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
standard performance Standardleistung [f]
standard time Standardzeit [f]
standard time Vorgabezeit [f]
standard time Akkordzeit [f]
Business Correspondence
the goods are far below standard Die Ware ist weit unter dem Standard
the quality is up to standard dem Standard entspricht
living standard Lebensstandard [m]
standard wage Tariflohn [m]
standard of living Lebensstandard [m]
standard rate Normalsatz [m]
standard wage rate Standardlohnsatz [m]
standard error Standardfehler [m]
standard time Akkordzeit [f]
standard make Standardausführung [f]
standard time Vorgabezeit [f]
standard performance Standardleistung [f]
standard time Standardzeit [f]
standard size Standardgröße [f]
standard deviation Standardabweichung [f]
standard method Standardverfahren [n]
standard weight Standardgewicht [n]
standard method Arbeitsbestverfahren [n]
standard time Vorgabezeit
motion time standard Standardzeitwert für eine Bewegung
alternate standard Zeitvorgabe für alternatives Verfahren
standard weekly hours tarifliche Wochenarbeitszeit
temporary standard vorläufiger Standard
Quality Management
quality standard Qualitätsanspruch [m]
quality standard Qualitätsstandard [m]
industrial standard Industriestandard [m]
industry standard Industriestandard [m]
mandatory standard verbindlicher Standard [m]
national british standard (nbs) nationaler britischer Standard [m]
standard error Standardfehler [m]
standard value Richtwert [m]
industrial standard Industrienorm [f]
standard population Bezugsgesamtheit [f]
british standard Britische Norm [f]
german standard Deutsche Norm [f]
standard deviation Standardabweichung [f]
standard size specimen Normalprobe [f]
working standard Gebrauchsnormal [n]
international standard internationales Normal [n]
calibration standard Kalibriernormal [n]
working standard Arbeitsnormal [n]
reference standard Bezugsnormal [n]
service standard Gebrauchsnormal [n]
primary standard Hauptnormal [n]
master standard Hauptnormal [n]
reference standard Vergleichsnormal [n]
measurement standard Normal [n]
Work Safety
standard curve Eichkurve [f]
occupational exposure standard Umgebungsluft-Standard
occupational exposure standard Luftqualitätsstandard am Arbeitsplatz
banner (standard on a pole) Panier [n]
banner (standard on a pole) Panier (Hoheitszeichen an einer Stange) [Veraltet] [n]
banner (standard on a pole) Banner [n]
bring up to standard auf ein bestimmtes Niveau bringen [v]
bring up to standard auf einen bestimmten Standart bringen [v]
bring up to standard auf Vordermann bringen [v]
standard of proof Beweismaßstab [m]
standard of proof Maßstab [m]
standard form contract Formularvertrag [m]
European standard statistical classification of environmental protection activities CEPA [pl]
European standard statistical classification of environmental protection activities Klassifikation der Umweltschutzaktivitäten und -ausgaben
European standard statistical classification of environmental protection activities Klassifikation der Umweltschutzaktivitäten
EU Terms
production standard Fertigungsstandard [m]
standard of living Lebensstandard [m]
gold standard Goldstandard [m]
gold-exchange standard Golddevisenstandard [m]
environmental standard Umweltnorm [f]
marketing standard Vermarktungsnorm [f]
quality standard Qualitätsnorm [f]
food standard Lebensmittelnorm [f]
labour standard Arbeitsnorm [f]
safety standard Sicherheitsnorm [f]
standard agreement health care Kassenarztsystem [n]
European standard europäische Norm
non-standard employment atypische Beschäftigung
biological standard biologische Norm
international standard internationale Norm
technical standard technische Norm
D.E.S. (data encryption standard) D.E.S. ( Data Encryption Standard)
lens standard Objektivstandarte
standard voltage Normalspannung
atomic frequency standard Atomfrequenznormal
standard buried collector Standard Buried Collector
multi-standard receiver Mehrnormenempfänger
blood control standard Blutkontrollstandard
standard lamp Ständerleuchte
roof standard Dachständer
serum control standard Serumkontrollstandard
table standard aerial Tischlampenantenne
frequency standard Frequenznormal
international standard book number (ISBN) ISBN-Nummer [f]
standard items (on the agenda) Regularien [pl]
draft standard Normentwurf [m]
standard error Standardfehler [m]
standard value Richtwert [m]
standard split pin Standardsplint [m]
standard cubic metre Normkubikmeter [m]
factory standard Werkstandard [m]
standard price Richtpreis [m]
primary standard Urtiter [m]
standard state Normzustand [m]
factory standard Fabrikstandard [m]
raised standard rate erhöhter Grundpreis [m]
standard deviation mittlerer quadratischer Fehler [m]
environmental standard Umweltstandard [m]
standard pressure Normalluftdruck [m]
reference standard Vergleichsstandard [m]
reference standard Bezugsstandard [m]
environmental quality standard Umweltqualitätsstandard [m]
titrimetric standard Urtiter [m]
standard pressure Standarddruck [m]
standard case Normalfall [m]
standard value Normwert [m]
standard value Eichwert [m]
draft standard Normentwurf E [m]
standard safety analysis report Standardsicherheitsbericht [m]
standard error of estimate Standardschätzfehler [m]
standard conditions Normzustand [m]
standard controller Standardregler [m]
standard repair plan Standardreparaturplan [m]
standard pressure Normaldruck [m]
standard performance Vorgabeleistung [f]
standard time Vorgabezeit [f]
standard deviation Standardabweichung [f]
standard specification Norm [f]
standard threshold of hearing Standardhörschwelle [f]
standard geometrical form geometrische Normalform [f]
standard replay chain Standard-Wiedergabekette [f]
exhaust emission standard Abgasnorm [f]
standard wire gauge (SWG) Normaldrahtlehre [f]
standard chemical pump Chemienormpumpe [f]
standard part library Normteiledatenbank [f]
standard installation Standardinstallation [f]
standard line Bezugslinie [f]
quality standard Qualitätsnorm [f]
standard test Standardprüfung [f]
standard tolerance Regelabweichung [f]
performance standard Gütenorm [f]
quality assurance standard Qualitätssicherungsnorm [f]
standard test specimen Normalprobe [f]
standard temperature Bezugstemperatur [f]
standard tolerance Normtoleranz [f]
qualification standard Qualifikationsnorm [f]
European Standard (EN) Europäische Norm (EN) [f]
standard solution Normallösung [f]
commercial standard Handelsnorm [f]
industrial standard Industrienorm [f]
company standard Werksnorm [f]
material standard Stoffnorm [f]
repeatability standard deviation Wiederholstandardabweichung [f]
test standard Prüfnorm [f]
tolerance standard Toleranznorm [f]
standard quality Regelgüte [f]
standard temperature Normtemperatur [f]
standard specification Standardvorschrift [f]
standard reference atmosphere Normalatmosphäre [f]
basic standard Grundnorm [f]
standard series Standard-Baureihe [f]
standard atmosphere Standardatmosphäre [f]
standard bore Einheitsbohrung [f]
standard equipment Standardausstattung [f]
ISO standard tolerance ISO-Grundtoleranz [f]
standard capacity Normalleistung [f]
standard line Standardlinie [f]
standard equipment Normalausstattung [f]
reference standard Bezugsnorm [f]
standard quality Standardqualität [f]
standard sample Standardprobe [f]
delivery standard Liefernorm [f]
standard pattern Normalausführung [f]
material standard Materialnorm [f]
reproducibility standard deviation Vergleichsstandardabweichung [f]
standard packaging handelsübliche Verpackung [f]
standard calibration Eichung [f]
standard tolerance übliche Toleranz [f]
standard frequency Netzfrequenz [f]