pitazo - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "pitazo" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 15 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
pitazo [m] toot
pitazo [m] whistle
pitazo [m] MX GT HN NI CR PA CU DO PR CO VE EC PE BO CL PY AR whistle
pitazo [m] MX whistle
pitazo [m] HN NI BO CL whistle blow
pitazo [m] MX CU VE warning given in secret
pitazo [m] GT HN NI report before the authorities
pitazo [m] MX CU inform
pitazo [m] MX CU tipoff
pitazo [m] MX CU blow the whistle on
pitazo [m] MX NI DO VE whistle
pitazo [m] MX NI whistling
pitazo [m] MX whistling
pitazo [m] whistle blast
pitazo [m] whistle signal

Sens de "pitazo" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 9 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
dar el pitazo a alguien [v] CAR give someone secret/private information
dar el pitazo a alguien [v] CAR tip the wink to someone
dar el pitazo [v] MX CU VE give someone a head's up
dar el pitazo [v] MX CU VE warn someone
pegar el pitazo [v] NI have the runs
pegar el pitazo [v] NI have diarrhea
dar el pitazo a alguien [v] CAR tip somebody the wink
dar el pitazo a alguien [v] CAR secretly give someone a piece of information that will help them
dar el pitazo [v] MX CU VE warn