sub- - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "sub-" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 8 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
sub- sub- [pref]
sub- so [pref]
sub- son [pref]
sub- sota [pref]
sub- soto [pref]
sub- sub [pref]
sub- so- [pref]
sub- sub- [pref]

Sens de "sub-" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 5 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
sub- [pref] under-
sub- [pref] sub-
sub- [pref] deputy
sub- [pref] sub-
sub- [pref] assistant-

Sens de "sub-" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 431 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
sub-conductor of a bundle subconductor [m]
sub-committees subcomités [m/pl]
sub-lieutenant subteniente [m/f]
sub-saharan subsahariano [adj]
sub-deacon ministro [m]
male sub-inspector subinspector [m]
sub-brigadier subrigadier [m]
sub-saharan man subsahariano [m]
office of the sub-inspector subinspección [f]
sub-inspectorship subinspección [f]
female sub-inspector subinspectora [f]
office of the sub-intendant subintendencia [f]
position of the sub-intendant subintendencia [f]
office of the sub-prefecture subprefectura [f]
sub-prefectureship subprefectura [f]
sub-saharan woman subsahariana [f]
sub-lieutenant alférez de fragata [m/f]
sub-intendant subintendente [m/f]
sub lieutenant teniente de navío [m/f]
sub-saharan subsahariano [adj]
sub-assembly subconjunto [m]
sub-sampling sub-muestreo [m]
sub-machinegun metralleta [f]
sub-series subserie [f]
sub-management subdirección [f]
sub-governor subgobernador [m/f]
sub-erose sub-eroso [adj]
sub-zero bajo cero [adj]
sub bate emergente [n] CU DO PR
sub-section apartado [m]
sub-deacon who sings the epistle at mass epistolero [m]
sub-treasurer of the government intendente [m]
office of sub-prior or sub-prioress supriorato [m]
sub-tenant subarrendador [m]
agreement of sub-lease subforo [m]
sub-prefect subprefecto [m]
sub-brigadier subrigadier [m]
sub-lieutenant subteniente [m]
sub-treasury depositaría [f]
sub-diaconate epístola [f]
sub-treasury recetoría [f]
sub-prefecture subprefectura [f]
sub-tenant subarrendadora [f]
sub-acid subácido [adj]
sub-almoner teniente de limosnero [m]
sub-agent subejecutor [m]
sub-editor subdirector (de un periódico) [m]
sub-lessee subarrendatario [m]
sub-kingdom subreino [m]
sub-lessor subarrendador [m]
sub-lessee subarrendataria [f]
sub-lessor subarrendadora [f]
sub-agent subejecutora [f]
sub-prior suprior [m] disused
baseball sub jugador de banco [m] CU
sub refuerzo [m] AR UY
sub-prior suprior [m] disused
sub-priorship supriorato [m] disused
sub-priorate supriorato [m] disused
sub-prioress subpriora [f] disused
a sub style of samba music celebrated in the streets batucada [f] PE PY AR UY
baseball sub jugadora de banco [f] CU
sub seca [f] AL
sub-prioress supriora [f] disused
sub-lieutenant alférez [m/f] disused
being a sub emergente [adj] PR
sub-saharan subsahariana [adj/f]
sub-section apartada [adj/f]
sub iudice sub judice (latín) [adj]
sub-tenant subarrendatario [m]
sub-administrator subadministrador [m]
sub-committee subcomité [m]
sub-contract subcontrato [m]
sub-director subdirector [m]
sub-employment subempleo [m]
sub-lease subarriendo [m]
sub-lessee subarrendatario [m]
sub-lessor subarrendador [m]
sub-let subarriendo [m]
sub-letter subarrendador [m]
sub-letting subarrendamiento [m]
sub-partner subsocio [m]
sub-sector subsector [m]
sub-system subsistema [m]
sub-tenancy subarriendo [m]
sub-tenant subinquilino [m]
sub-total subtotal [m]
sub-account subcuenta [f]
sub-agency subagencia [f]
sub-contracting subcontratación [f]
sub-dividing subdivisión [f]
sub-division subdivisión [f]
sub-licence sublicencia [f]
sub-license sublicencia [f]
sub-mortgage subhipoteca [f]
sub-partnership subsociedad [f]
sub-section subsección [f]
sub-agent subagente [m/f]
sub-contractor subcontratista [m/f]
sub-manager subgerente [m/f]
sub-par bajo la par [adj]
sub-employed subempleado [adj]
sub-marginal submarginal [adj]
sub-contract subcontratar [v]
sub-divide subdividir [v]
sub-lease subarrendar [v]
sub-iet subarrendar [v]
sub judice sub judice
sub judice en manos de los tribunales
sub-activity subactividad
Work Safety Terms
sub-pelvic harness correaje subpélvico
sub-custodian subcustodio
hong kong sub-office oficina auxiliar en hong kong
sub-saharan africa áfrica al sur del sahara
sub-saharan africa áfrica subsahariana
sub-saharan africa regional economic outlook perspectivas económicas regionales de áfrica
economic and statistical observatory for sub-saharan africa observatorio económico y estadístico de áfrica subsahariana
sub-administrator subadministrador [m]
sub-agency subagencia [f]
sub-contracting subcontratación [f]
sub-prime lending concesión de préstamos subprime [f]
sub-agent subagente [m/f]
sub-contractor subcontratista [m/f]
sub-manager subgerente [m/f]
sub iudice sub iudice (latín) [adj]
sub-contract subcontratar [v]
sub-committee subcomité
under sub-article según el artículo numeral…
sub judice ante el tribunal
sub-prime crisis crisis subprime
sub rosa de forma secreta
sub judice sub judice
sub rosa sub rosa
International Law
sub-distributor subdistribuidor [m]
sub-commission on the promotion and protection of human rights subcomisión para la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos
sub-saharan africa áfrica subsahariana
Un Social Studies
sub-saharan africa en el áfrica subsahariana
sub-population subpoblación [f]
sub-samples submuestras [f/pl]
sub-channel subcanal [m]
sub-carrier subportadora [f]
sub-refraction infrarrefracción [f]
sub-frame subtrama [f]
sub-address subdirección [f]
sub-band coding codificación en sub-bandas [f]
sub-harmonic subarmónico [adj]
sub-channel phase transmission estado de subcanal de fase
direct-axis sub-transient open-circuit time constant constante de tiempo subtransitoria longitudinal en circuito abierto
direct-axis sub-transient short-circuit time constant constante de tiempo subtransitoria longitudinal en cortocircuito
quadrature-axis sub-transient short-circuit time constant constante de tiempo subtransitoria transversal en cortocircuito
direct-axis sub-transient reactance reactancia subtransitoria longitudinal
sub-telephone frequency frecuencia infratelefónica
sub-synchronous satellite satélite subsíncrono
quadrature-axis sub-transient open-circuit time constant constante de tiempo subtransitoria transversal en circuito abierto
sub-transient current corriente subtransitoria
radiation detection sub-assembly subconjunto de detección de radiación
inertial sub-range subdominio inercial
quadrature-axis sub-transient reactance reactancia subtransitoria transversal
quadrature-axis sub-transient voltage tensión subtransitoria transversal
sub-harmonic component componente subarmónica
direct-axis sub-transient voltage tensión subtransitoria longitudinal
sub-frame sector de trama
sub-harmonic component componente subarmónica
sub-addressing subdireccionamiento [m]
sub-pixel subpixel [m]
sub-culture subcultivo [m]
sub substitute sustituto [m]
sub-rack portamódulos [m]
sub-layer subcapa [f]
sub-culture subcultura [f]
sub auxiliar [adj]
sub-rack portamódulos [m/pl]
sub judice sub iúdice
sub sill larguero auxiliar
sub-nyquist sampling muestreo subniquista
sub acute spongiform encephalopathy encefalopatía espongiforme sub-aguda
sub-telephone frequency frecuencia infraacústica
laminar sub-layer subcapa laminar
group sub-control station subestación de grupo
sub-working parties subgrupos de trabajo
sub-band codec códec de subbanda [m]
single sub-burst burst ráfaga de subráfaga única [f]
precision adaptive sub-band coding codificación de subbanda ajustable de precisión [f]
atom sub submarino nuclear
atom sub sumergible atómico
sub subordinado [adj]
sub-acute subagudo [adj]
sub-freight subflete [m]
sub sub [adj]
sub-tropical calms calmas subtropicales [f/pl]
sub-satellite track trayectoria debajo del satélite
satellite sub-point punto subsatélite
sub-pixel effect efecto subpíxel
sub-saturated conditions condiciones de subsaturación
Molecular Biology
sub-dominant subdominante [adj]
sub-clone subclonación [f]
sub-strain subcepa [f]
sub-culture number número de subcultivos
sub-unit vaccine vacuna de subunidad
sub-culture interval intervalo de subcultivo
power sub-system subsistema de potencia [m]
sub-bituminous coal carbón subbitminoso [m]
sub-basin subcuenca [f]
sub-level galería intermedia [f]
sub-bituminous sub-bituminoso [adj]
sub-bituminous coal lignito negro
General Medicine
sub-clinical subclínico [adj]
sub-dural subdural [adj]
sub-nyquist sampling sub-muestreo [m]
submarine (sub) submarino [m]
sub-acute spongiform encephalopathy encefalopatía espongiforme sub-aguda
sub-coma subcoma [m]
sub-ependymoma subependimoma [m]
sub-consciousness subconsciencia [f]
sub-test subprueba [f]
sub-fecundity subfecundidad [f]
sub-machine gun metralleta [f]
sub-mania submanía [f]
sub-vocalization subvocalización [f]
sub-conscious subconsciente [adj]
sub-occipital suboccipital [adj]
sub-maxillary submaxilar [adj]
sub-temporal subtemporal [adj]
sub-thalamic subtalámico [adj]
sub-cortical subcortical [adj]
sub-cultural subcultural [adj]
sub-cutaneous subcutáneo [adj]
sub-normal subnormal [adj]
sub-threshold subumbral [adj]
sub-liminal subliminal [adj]
sub-vocal subvocal [adj]
sub-lingual sublingual [adj]
sub-arachnoid hemorrhage hemorragia subaracnoidea
sub-vocal speech habla subvocal
sub-arachnoid haemorrhage hemorragia subaracnoidea
sub-maxillary gland glándula submaxilar
sub-dural haematoma hematoma subdural
sub-cutaneous injection inyección subcutánea
sub-arachnoid space espacio subaracnoideo
sub-total hysterectomy histerectomía subtotal
sub-conscious mind mente subconsciente
sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis panencefalitis esclerosante subaguda
sub-dural hematoma hematoma subdural
Nursing Terms
sub-element subelemento [m]
sub timer alarm alarma de intervalos de tiempo [f]
sub-cortical motor aphasia afasia motora subcortical [f]
sub-dural hematoma hematoma subdural
sub-acute disease enfermedad subaguda
sub-arachnoidian meningeal haemorrhage hemorragia menigea subaracnoidea
sub-cortical dementia demencia subcortical
chronic sub-dural hematoma hematoma subdural crónico
acute sub-dural hematoma hematoma subdural agudo
sub-frame premarco [m]
sub-buck premarco [m]
sub-purlin subcorrea [f]
Construction Machinery
sub-group subgrupo [m]
sub-base miembro más bajo de una base
sub-conductor subconductor [m]
sub-proletariat subproletariado [m]
sub-note subnota [f]
sub-clos network red sub-clos [f]
sub-clos arrangement acuerdo sub-clos [m]
sub-band subbanda [f]
sub-band coding codificación de subbanda [f]
sub-reflector subreflector [m]
sub-system subred [f]
substitute (sub) sustituto [m]
sunken sub submarino hundido
sub crane grulla submarina
sub-bottom profiler sondador del subsuelo marino [m]
sub-tropical calms calmas subtropicales [f/pl]
sub-hub subcubo [m]
pw sub-ganger el segundo capataz de cuadrilla
sub clinical subclínico [adj]
sub surface dam represa sub superficial
sub bocadillo [m]
sub-formation subformación [f]
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) borugo [m] CO
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) tepezcuintle [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) tepescuintle [m] MX GT HN SV NI
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) tepescuinte [m] GT HN SV NI
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) conejo pintado [m] PA CO
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) borugo [m] CO
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) tepezcuinte [m] CR
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) jaleb [m] MX:Se
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) majás [m] PE:E
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) majaz [m] PE
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) pisquinte [m] CR
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) tinajo [m] CO:C,Ne
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) picuro [m] PE
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) jochi pintado [m] BO
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) gibnut (belise) [m]
sub-branchial malacopterygian malacopterigio subranquial [m]
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) guartinaja [f] CO:N
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) lapa [f] CO:E VE
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) paca [f] HN PE BO:E
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) paca común [f] EC AR:Ne
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) guanta [f] EC
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) boruga [f] CO
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) labba (guyana) [f]
sub-branchial malacopterygian malacopterigio subranquial [adj]
sub-branchial subranquial [adj]
sub-vertical shaft pozo ciego
sub-vertical shaft pique ciego
bit sub portabarrenas [m]
rod sub varilla corta
equalizing sub empalme de igualación
bit sub conexión entre la barrena y la tubería lastrabarrenas
saver sub substituto de protección
sub conexión de barra
sub niple de varilla
sub unión substituía
sucker rod sub varilla de bombeo substituía
bent sub sub ponderado
travel sub sub amortiguador
tubing sub unión substituía para tubería de producción
bumper sub compensador de movimiento vertical
valve rod sub unión substituía para vástago de válvulas
wear sub sub sacrificable
sucker rod sub varilla corta machihembrada
pickup sub substituto de alza
power sub substituto rotatorio
drill collar sub substituto del tubo lastrabarrena
kelly saver sub substituto de junta kelly
tubing sub unión substituta para tubería de producción
lifting sub niple elevador
marine handling sub sub de manejo del montante
bent sub sub ponderado
wear sub sub sacrificable
travel sub sub amortiguador
pickup sub substituto de alza VE
sucker-rod sub varilla de bombeo substituía
sub secundario [adj]
sub-humid tropics regiones tropicales subhúmedas
flood protection corridor sub account subcuenta del corredor de protección contra inundaciones
sub-cooled subenfriado [adj]
sub-cooled a temperatura inferior a la de saturación [adj]
collective dose (group/sub-population) dosis equivalente colectiva
collective dose (group/sub-population) dosis colectiva equivalente
sub-critical reactor reactor subcrítico
bent sub unión acodada
bit sub adaptador de barrena
shock sub amortiguador de perforación
bumper sub herramienta de golpeo
electronic sub-shell subcapa electrónica
junk sub tubo de sedimentos
lifting sub cabeza de elevación
bit sub unión de barrena
sub-transient current corriente subtransitoria
sub unit subunidad [f]
sub-celestial point punto astral
sub-sea completion rendimiento submarino
sub-machine gun subfusil [m]
sub-unit subunidad [f]
sub chaser caza submarino [f]
small sub chaser caza submarino pequeño [f]
sub-sonic subsónico [adj]
sub-machine gun (smg) pistola metralleta
sub-machine gun (smg) pistola subfusil
sub-machine gun (smg) pistola ametralladora
sub tender (buque) nodriza de submarinos
sub-lieutenant alférez de fragata
tactical sub-group subagrupación táctica
intruder sub submarino desconocido
sub tender submarino nodriza
sub chaser buque antisubmarino
Military Ranks
sub-lieutenant [uk] alférez de navio
Naval Forces
sub lieutenant teniente de navío [m]
sub lieutenant alférez de navío [m]
sub-bass registro grave (de un órgano) [m]
sub suplencia [f]
sub [us] suplir [v]
sub-type subtipo [m]
sub in players mover el banquillo [v]
sub out players mover el banquillo [v]
British Slang
nuclear sub pub
sub emergente [m] HN CU DO PR VE
sub utility (inglés) [m] HN NI
sub sacar [v] NI CU DO PR
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall árbol del pan [m] SV PA CU DO CO VE
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall albopán [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall albopan [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall al bopán [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall buen pan [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall árbol de pana [m] PR
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall castaño [m] DO PR
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall buempán [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall mapén [m] CU:E
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall juan pan [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall guapén [m] CU:E DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall palo de pan [m] PR
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall pan de árbol [m] PE
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall mazapán [m] GT HN
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall panapén [m] DO PR
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall pandisho [m] PE
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall pan de fruta [m] DO
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall pepepán [m] EC:N
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) abey macho [m] DO
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) jacarandá [m] GT PR EC PE BO CL PY AR UY
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) tarco [m] AR:Nw
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) flamboyán azul [m] PR
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) jacarandoso [m] PR
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) copei [m] PR
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) copey [m] GT NI CR PA CU:W DO PR CO:N VE
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) cupey [m] CU:E DO PR CO:N
fern tree, a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) framboyán azul [m] CU
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) copei [m] PR
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) copey [m] GT NI CR PA CU:W DO PR CO:N VE
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) cupey [m] CU:E DO PR CO:N
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) framboyán azul [m] CU
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) gualanday [m] CO
an erect, perennial herb or sub-shrub, growing up to 1 metre tall with numerous slender and wiry stems arising from a thick, hard root (indigofera lespedezioides) alcotana [f] HN
an erect, perennial herb or sub-shrub, growing up to 1 metre tall with numerous slender and wiry stems arising from a thick, hard root (indigofera lespedezioides) chachicagua [f] HN
an erect, perennial herb or sub-shrub, growing up to 1 metre tall with numerous slender and wiry stems arising from a thick, hard root (indigofera lespedezioides) agenciana [f] HN
an erect, perennial herb or sub-shrub, growing up to 1 metre tall with numerous slender and wiry stems arising from a thick, hard root (indigofera lespedezioides) genciana [f] HN
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall fruta de pan [f] NI CR PA VE
a tropical to sub-tropical evergreen tree of the mulberry family that typically grows with a spreading crown to 30-50’ (less frequently to 80’) tall pana [f] DO PR
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) jacaranda [f] MX PR PY
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) jicaranda [f] GT
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) yaravisca [f] PE
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) renaquilla [f] PE
a tropical and sub-tropical plant species in the genus clusia (clusia rosea) renaquilla [f] PE
a bulbous plant native to most of sub-saharan africa from senegal to somalia to south africa (scadoxus multiflorus) bengala [f]
a bulbous plant native to most of sub-saharan africa from senegal to somalia to south africa (scadoxus multiflorus) caña de bengala [f] disused
a parasitic insect found in most tropical and sub-tropical climates (tunga penetrans) pique [m] PE PY AR:Ne
a parasitic insect found in most tropical and sub-tropical climates (tunga penetrans) pique (náhuatl) [m] PE
a parasitic insect found in most tropical and sub-tropical climates (tunga penetrans) nigua [f]
a large, mostly herbivorous, semiaquatic mammal native to sub-saharan africa (hippopotamus amphibius) hipopótamo [m]
a large rodent found in tropical and sub-tropical america (cuniculus paca) capa [f]
a is a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) soplillo [m] CU
a sub-tropical tree native to south-central south america (jacaranda mimosifolia) tarco [m] AR