board - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "board" in German English Dictionary : 95 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
board Tafel [f]
board Vorstand [m]
board zusteigen [v]
board Ausschuss [m]
board Beirat [m]
board Platine [f]
board Platte (mittlerer Stärke) [f]
board Planke [f]
board Kost [f]
board Platte (Holz) [f]
board Wandtafel [f]
board Schultafel [f]
board Diele [f]
board Verpflegung [f]
board Kommission [f]
board Behörde [f]
board Bord [n]
board Komitee [n]
board Spielbrett [n]
board Brett [n]
board einsteigen [v]
board einsteigen in
board besteigen
board an Bord gehen
board Karton [m]
board Vorstand [m]
board Rat [m]
board Ausschuss [m]
board Behörde [f]
board Pappe [f]
board Anschlagtafel [f]
board Kammer [f]
board Verpflegung [f]
board Brett [n]
board Gremium [n]
board Ausschuss
board Ausschuss [m]
board Anschlagtafel [f]
board Gremium [n]
Vocational Training
board Hauptausschuss [m]
board Wandtafel [f]
board Platine [f]
board Leiste [f]
board Tafel [f]
board Pappe [f]
board Platte [f]
board Wandbrett [n]
board Feld [n]
board Brett [n]
board einsteigen [v]
board verkleiden [v]
board Bord [n]
board Brett [n]
board Karte [f]
board Kreidetafel (veraltet) [f]
board Kreidetafel [f]
board Gremium [n]
board Präsidium [n]
board Brett [n]
board Tafel [f]
board Platte [f]
board Bohle [f]
board Brett [n]
board verschalen [v]
board verkleiden [v]
board Flözstrecke [f]
board Abbaustrecke [f]
board Tafel [f]
board Instrumentenbrett [n]
board Bord [n]
board einsteigen [v]
board Ausschuss [m]
board einsteigen [v]
board Platine [f]
Model Railroading
board Platine [f]
board Platine [f]
Electrical Engineering
board Baugruppe [f]
board Vermittlungsschrank [m]
board Steckkarte [f]
board Geschäfsleitung [f]
board Leitung [f]
board Betriebsführung [f]
board Direktion [f]
board entern [v]
board an Bord gehen [v]
board Bord [n]
board Karton [m]
board Pappe [f]
board Pappe [f]
Timber Engineering
board Platte [f]
board Kommission [f]
board Kommission
board Zabel [n]
Paper Terms
board Karton [m]
board Pappe [f]

Meanings of "board" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
above board ehrlich [adj]
above-board ehrlich [adj]
above-board einwandfrei [adj]
plotting board Zeichentisch [m]
non-test chip board anspruchsloser Schrenzkarton [m]
grey board Graukarton [m]
exterior package board Außenverpackungskarton [m]
chromo duplex board Chromoduplexkarton [m]
accident investigation board Unfalluntersuchungsausschuss [m]
board (material) Karton (Material) [m]
supervisory board Aufsichtsrat [m]
tintet board Buntkarton [m]
draft board Einberufungsausschuss [m]
advisory board Beirat [m]
good board Schlagbug [m]
chairmanship of the board Vorstandsvorsitz [m]
examining board Prüfungsausschuss [m]
board foot Boardfoot [m]
board connector Leiterplatten-Verbinder [m]
advisory board Beratungsausschuss [m]
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss [m]
governing board Verwaltungsrat [m]
revenue board Fiskus [m]
particle board Pressspan [m]
board of advisers Beirat [m]
council board Ratsausschuss [m]
terminal board Rangierverteiler [m]
election board Wahlvorstand [m]
council board Sitzungstisch [m]
long handle board knife Stielspachtel [m]
take-off board Absprungbalken [m]
on-board computer Bordcomputer [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
long handle board knife Rohrstielspachtel [m]
destination board Wegweiser [m]
school board Schulaufsichtsrat [m]
board of governors Verwaltungsrat [m]
finger board Wegweiser [m]
accreditation board Akkreditierungsausschuss [m]
advisory board/committee Beirat [m]
advisory board/committee Beratungsausschuss [m]
area board Vorstandsbereich [m]
audit board Rechnungsausschuss [m]
audit board Kontrollausschuss [m]
board chair Vorsitzender [m]
board of appeals Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of auditors Rat der Rechnungsprüfer [m]
board of auditors Ausschuss der Rechnungsprüfer [m]
board of auditors Rechnungsprüferausschuss [m]
board of directors of the bank Verwaltungsrat der Bank [m]
board of directors of the bank Vorstand der Bank [m]
board of education and discipline Bildungs- und Disziplinsausschuss [m]
board of inquiries Untersuchungsausschuss [m]
board of manager Verwaltungsrat [m]
black board eraser Tafelreiniger [m]
black board eraser Tafelschwamm [m]
board rubber Tafelwischer [m]
board rubber Tafelschwamm [m]
bulletin board service Anschlagbrettservice [m]
corporate board Aufsichtsrat [m]
destination board frame Richtungsschildrahmen [m]
directors board Firmenvorstand [m]
directors board Verwaltungsrat [m]
energy market board Vorstand des Energiemarktes [m]
free market board freier Handelsausschuss [m]
gauging board Mörteltrog [m]
gauging board Kalkkübel [m]
general administrative board General-Verwaltungsausschuss [m]
patch-board Steckschalttafel [f]
photo board Fototafel [f]
playing piece (board game) Spielfigur (Brettspiel) [f]
plug board Steckdosenleiste [f]
poster board Posterwand [f]
poster board Pinnwand [f]
power board Steckdosenleiste [f]
name board Namenstafel [f]
paddle board Radschaufel [f]
Medical Board Ärztekammer [f]
leather fiber board Lederfaserplatte [f]
letter board Buchstabentafel [f]
light building board Leichtfaserplatte [f]
information board Hinweistafel [f]
full board Vollpension (VP) [f]
half-board Halbpension (HP) [f]
exhibition board Schautafel [f]
falling board Klapptür [f]
falling board Klapptüre [f]
flake board Spanplatte (aus Holz) [f]
fluted board Riffelpappe [f]
emery board Nagelfeile [f]
dart board Wurfpfeilscheibe [f]
dart board Dartscheibe [f]
demonstration board Demonstrationstafel [f]
cellular board Wellpappe [f]
cemetery board Friedhofsverwaltung [f]
chip board Spanplatte (aus Holz) [f]
arrival board Ankunftstafel [f]
beer coaster board Bierdeckelpappe [f]
beer mat board Bierdeckelpappe [f]
binder board Buchbinderpappe [f]
board (material) Pappe [f]
board gate Ladebordwand [f]
board guiding Leiterplattenführung [f]
bookbinding board Buchbinderpappe [f]
vacancy board Jobbörse [f]
sign-board Hinweistafel [f]
thick fir board Tannenholzbohle [f]
shooting board Stoßlade [f]
ridge-board Firstbohle [f]
tool board Werkzeugtafel [f]
across-the-board increase pauschale Erhöhung [f]
notice board Anschlagtafel [f]
full board Vollpension [f]
conciliation board Schlichtungskommission [f]
corrugated board Wellpappe [f]
fiber board glasfaserverstärkte Leiterplatte [f]
examining board Prüfungskommission [f]
notice board Pinnwand [f]
tally board Übersichtstafel [f]
magnetic board Magnet-Hafttafel [f]
council board Ratsversammlung [f]
advisory board Beratungsstelle [f]
wooden board Holzplatte [f]
draft board Musterungskommission [f]
notice-board Anschlagtafel [f]
particle board Spanplatte [f]
across-the-board wage increase allgemeine Lohnerhöhung [f]
Board of Trade Handelskammer [f]
board meeting Vorstandssitzung [f]
bulletin board Anschlagtafel [f]
beaver board Hartfaserplatte [f]
supervisory board Überwachungsstelle [f]
board of examiners Prüfungskommission [f]
veneer board Furnierplatte [f]
shipment on board Verladung an Bord [f]
oriented strand board OSB-Platte [f]
black board Tafel [f]
magnetic board Magnethafttafel [f]
bulletin board Informationstafel [f]
monkey board Affenbühne [f]
honours board Ehrentafel [f]
school board Schulkommission [f]
board and lodging Vollpension [f]
bulletin board Wandzeitung [f]
bulletin board Pinnwand [f]
block board Stabplatte [f]
general overview board Übersichtstafel [f]
draft board Einberufungsbehörde [f]
full board Vollverpflegung [f]
asphaltic roofing board Dachpappe [f]
board meeting Aufsichtsratssitzung [f]
message board Informationstafel [f]
card board Pappe [f]
circuit board Leiterplatte [f]
magnet board Magnettafel [f]
printed circuit board (PCB) Leiterplatte [f]
white board Tafel [f]
half board Halbpension [f]
advertising sign board Anzeigetafel [f]
advertising sign board Reklametafel [f]
advisory board for handicapped Beratungskommission für behinderte Menschen [f]
appreciation board Anerkennungstafel [f]
assignment board Aufgabentafel [f]
board chair Vorsitzende [f]
board of advertisement Reklamekommission [f]
board of agriculture Landwirtschaftskommission [f]
board of appeals Beschwerdekammer [f]
board of pride Ehrentafel [f]
board of property owners Kommission der Landeigentümer [f]
board of visitors Besucherkommission [f]
board supervision Beaufsichtigung der Kommission [f]
condominium owners board Eigentümervereinigung [f]
cork board Korktafel [f]
dandle board Wippe [f]
discussion board Diskussionsrunde [f]
dispute adjudication board Streitbeilegungskommission [f]
dry erase board abwischbare Tafel [f]
extension board Verlängerungskarte [f]
extension board Erweiterungskarte [f]
fall-board Tastenklappe [f]
gear on board Ausrüstung an Bord [f]
health board Gesundheitsbehörde [f]
on-board restaurant Bordrestaurant [n]
ouija board Ouijaboard [n]
ouija board Hexenbrett (Spiel) [n]
ironing board Plättbrett [n]
ironing board Bügelbrett [n]
knocking board Klopfbrett [n]
information board Hinweisschild [n]
fir board Tannenbrett [n]
drawing board Zeichenbrett [n]
drawing board Reißbrett [n]
emery board Schleifbrett [n]
digitizing board Digitalisierbrett [n]
crate board Kistenbrett [n]
crimping board Krispelholz (Gerberei) [n]
carving board Schneidebrett [n]
chopping board Schneidbrett [n]
board game Brettspiel [n]
board (or directors) Direktorium [n]
board book Pappbilderbuch [n]
Board of Admiralty Marineministerium [n]
boogie board Bodyboard [n]
boogie board Boogieboard [n]
wash board Waschbrett (auch[mus.]) [n]
sign-board Hinweisschild [n]
small board Brettl [Bayr.][Ös.] [n]
Sorry! (board game) Mensch-ärgere-dich-nicht-Spiel (Brettspiel) [n]
Sorry! (board game) Mensch-ärgere-dich-nicht [n]
printed circuit board layout Platinenlayout [n]
board member Aufsichtsratmitglied [n]
top board Spitzenbrett [n]
bulletin board Schwarzes Brett [n]
board member Mitglied des Gremiums [n]
member of the board Vorstandsmitglied [n]
flooring board Bodenbrett [n]
revenue board Finanzamt [n]
board member Vorstandsmitglied [n]
tourist board Fremdenverkehrsamt [n]
diving board Sprungbrett [n]
terminal board Klemmbrett [n]
running-board Trittbrett [n]
tourist board Fremdenverkehrsbüro [n]
ironing-board Bügelbrett [n]
bulletin board Anschlagbrett [n]
finger board Griffbrett [n]
advisory board Kuratorium [n]
board of governors Direktorium [n]
chess board Schachbrett [n]
notice board Anschlagbrett [n]
emery-board Schleifbrett [n]
wind surfing board Windsurfbrett [n]
advisory board beratendes Gremium [n]
Treasury Board Finanzministerium [n]
drafting board Zeichenbrett [n]
draining board Abtropfbrett [n]
board of trustees Kuratorium [n]
Board of Trade Handelsministerium [n]
destination board Richtungsschild [n]
louver board Schallbrett [n]
wooden board Holzbrett [n]
notice board schwarzes Brett [n]
notice-board Anschlagbrett [n]
chopping-board Hackbrett [n]
board and care home betreutes Wohnen [n]
notice-board schwarzes Brett [n]
board on Bord [n]
Board of Health Gesundheitsamt [n]
advertising sign board Werbeschild [n]
advertising sign board Reklameschild [n]
advisory board/committee Beratungsgremium [n]
advisory board/committee beratendes Gremium [n]
advisory board/committee Kuratorium [n]
board of agriculture Amt für Landwirtschaft [n]
board of discipline Ehrengericht [n]
board of settling Besiedlungsamt [n]
boogy board halbes Surfbrett [n]
checker board Damebrett [n]
directors board Aufsichtsgremium [n]
directors board Leitungsgremium [n]
directors board Direktorium [n]
discussion board Forum [n]
discussion board Diskussionsforum [n]
draught-board Schachbrett [n]
draught-board Damebrett [n]
dream board Traumbrett [n]
groaning board offenes Buffet [n]
guard board Schutzblech [n]
guard board Schutzbrett [n]
health board Gesundheitsamt [n]
kite board drachensurfen [v]
kite board kitesurfen [v]
level the floor pavement with a screed board den Estrich mit einer Latte abziehen [v]
put a proposal before the board dem Gremium ein Vorschlag unterbreiten [v]
dismiss/remove the board of managers den Vorstand abberufen [v]
flame someone (on a bulletin board) jemanden persönlich angreifen (in einem Diskussionforum) [v]
form/set up a supervisory board einen Aufsichtsrat bilden/einsetzen [v]
have half-board in Halbpension wohnen [v]
have someone to use as a sounding board jemanden haben, mit dem man Dinge durchbesprechen kann [v]
be a member of the supervisory board im Aufsichtsrat sitzen [v]
be on the supervisory board im Aufsichtsrat sitzen [v]
be up on the bulletin board am schwarzen Brett aushängen [v]
bind something in board etwas in Pappe einbinden [v]
bind something in board etwas kartonieren [v]
board durch Bretter/mit Brettern trennen [v]
board eine Schalung machen [v]
board in Pension nehmen [v]
board etwas scheiden [v]
board verschalen [v]
board Internatsschülerin sein [v]
board Internatsschüler sein [v]
board (the) ship (for) sich einschiffen (nach) [v]
board out in Pension wohnen [v]
board something etwas kartonieren [v]
board something etwas in Pappe einbinden [v]
board up dielen [v]
board a ship ein Schiff entern [v]
board out in Pension geben [v]
board up mit Brettern vernageln [v]
board up verschalen [v]
call a meeting of the board of directors den Vorstand einberufen [v]
call a meeting of the supervisory board den Aufsichtsrat einberufen [v]
share one's views on/in a message board seine Meinung in einem Diskussionforum kundtun/einbringen [v]
take someone/something on board jemanden/etwas an Bord nehmen [v]
vote someone on the board of directors jemanden in den Vorstand wählen [v]
to be on board with something etwas unterstützen [v]
to take something on board sich etwas annnehmen [v]
board a flight einen Flug antreten [v]
board a flight ein Flugticket reservieren [v]
board the bus in den Bus steigen [v]
board the bus in den Bus einsteigen [v]
board the coach in den Bus steigen [v]
board the coach in den Bus einsteigen [v]
board the plane ins Flugzeug steigen [v]
board the plane ins Flugzeug einsteigen [v]
board the plane das Flugzeug besteigen [v]
board the plane an Bord des Flugzeugs gehen [v]
board the ship an Bord des Schiffes gehen [v]
board the ship auf das Schiff gehen [v]
board the ship an Bord gehen [v]
board the train in den Zug steigen [v]
board the train in den Zug einsteigen [v]
board the train den Zug besteigen [v]
board the tram in die Straßenbahn steigen [v]
board the tram in die Straßenbahn einsteigen [v]
board up vernageln [v]
board up zunageln [v]
clean the board die Tafel putzen [v]
come on board the ship an Bord des Schiffes kommen [v]
come on board the ship das Schiff betreten [v]
erase the board die Tafel wischen [v]
get on board an Bord gehen [v]
get on board ins Boot holen [v]
go by the board unter den Tisch fallen [v]
go by the board über Bord gehen [v]
go by the board nicht stattfinden [v]
go by the board nicht getan werden [v]
go by the board nicht berücksichtigt werden [v]
go by the board zunichte werden [v]
go by the board über Bord geworfen werden [v]
go by the board zu Grunde gehen [v]
go by the board zugrunde gehen [v]
go on board the ship ein Schiff besteigen [v]
go on board the ship an Bord eines Schiffes gehen [v]
on-board computers Bordcomputer [pl]
on-board securities Börsenpapiere [pl]
on-board securities Börsenwerte [pl]
one-board computers Einplatinenrechner [pl]
members of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsmitglieder [pl]
members of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsmitglieder [pl]
facilities on board Bordmittel [pl]
board games Brettspiele [pl]
board gates Ladebordwände [pl]
resolutions of the board of directors Vorstandsbeschlüsse [pl]
resolutions of the supervisory board Aufsichtsratsbeschlüsse [pl]
resolutions of the supervisory board Verwaltungsratsbeschlüsse [pl]
board positions Brettpositionen [pl]
above board einwandfrei [adj/adv]
notice board schwarzes Brett
on board an Deck
on-board securities börsennotierte Wertpapiere
open and above board offen und ehrlich
members of the supervisory board Mitglieder {pl} des Aufsichtsrats/Verwaltungsrats
membership of the supervisory board Zugehörigkeit zum Aufsichtsrat
moulding board geharzte Pappe
free board and lodging freie Kost und Logis
double face corrugated board kaschierte, doppelseitige Wellpappe
duties of the supervisory board Aufgaben des Aufsichtsrats
edge board connector Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
equipped board bestückte Platine
composition of the supervisory board Zusammensetzung des Aufsichtsrats
across-the-board increase pauschale Erhöhung
across-the-board auf der ganzen Linie
across-the-board auf ganzer Linie [übertragen]
bare board unbestückte Leiterplatte
binding in board kartonierend
board leather Leder narben
board leather auf der Narbenseite krispeln
boogie board Surfbrett zum Wellenreiten
bound in board in Pappe eingebunden
bound in board kartoniert
box board Pappe für Kartonagen
V3c-board feste Wellpappe mit 0,6 mm dicker Außenlage
swimming pool with diving board Swimming Pool mit Sprungbrett
small board kleines Brett
resolutions of the board of directors Beschlüsse {pl} des Vorstands
room and board Kost und Logis
board and lodging Bett und Tisch
black board Schultafel
drawing board Zeichenbrett
skirting-board Scheuerleiste
emery board Papierfeile
skirting-board Fußleiste
full board mit voller Verpflegung
board and lodge Kost und Logis
panel board Parkettafel
above board korrekt
it's back to the drawing board fangen wir noch mal von vorn an
panel board Füllbrett
parole board Bewährungsausschuss
emery board Papiernagelfeile
drawing board Reißbrett
above-board offen
it's back to the drawing board fangen wir noch mal von vorne an
panel board Wandtafel
(as) stiff as a board stocksteif [adj]
stiff as a board brettsteif [adj]
across the board allgemein [adv]
to take something on board etwas akzeptieren [v]
be as stiff as a board steif wie ein Brett sein
across the board durch die Bank
above board ehrlich
across the board flächendeckend
across-the-board flächendeckend
across the board generell
across-the-board generell
across the board global
across-the-board global
across the board in allen Bereichen
across-the-board in allen Bereichen
across the board in jeder Beziehung
across-the-board in jeder Beziehung
across the board linear
across the board pauschal
as flat as a board flach wie ein Brett
as flat as a board platt wie eine Flunder
as flat as a board total flach
as flat as a board total platt
as stiff as a board brettsteif
as stiff as a board so steif wie ein Brett
back to the drawing board noch einmal von vorne anfangen
back to the drawing board wieder bei Null
back to the drawing board wieder da, wo man angefangen hat
back to the drawing board wieder ganz am Anfang
back to the drawing board so weit, wie zuvor
back to the drawing board zurück am Start
board and lodging Unterkunft und Verpflegung
open and above board offen und ehrlich
across the board flächendeckend [übertragen]
across the board in der Fläche [übertragen]
across the board durch die Bank [übertragen]
across the board allgemein [übertragen]
across the board pauschal [übertragen]
on board an Bord
across the board auf breiter Front
baby on board Baby an Bord
baby on board Kind an Bord
distribution board Verteiler [m]
plug board Steckerleiste [f]
power board Steckerleiste [f]
flame someone (on a bulletin board) jemanden anpflaumen [v]
sweep the board alle Preise gewinnen [übertragen] [v]
to sweep the board alles abräumen [v]
bed and board Bett und Tisch [v]
above board korrekt
above board sauber
above board offen
above board ohne Geheimnisse
above board astrein
above board rechtlich
boogie board das Boogiebrett
boogie board ein halbes Surfbrett
boogie board das Boogie-Board
across-the board generell [adj]
across-the board allgemein [adj]
factory board Aufsichtsrat [m]
board room Sitzungssaal [m]
board of directors Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of (executive) directors Vorstand (einer Firma) [m]
management board spokesman Vorstandssprecher [m]
board of managers Vorstand [m]
board of administration Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of complaint Beschwerdeausschuss [m]
marketing board Wirtschaftsverband [m]
board decision Aufsichtsratsbeschluss [m]
board of directors Vorstand [m]
supervisory board Aufsichtsrat [m]
board of audit Rechnungshof [m]
examination board Prüfungsausschuss [m]
board of examiners Prüfungsausschuss [m]
board of creditors Gläubigerausschuss [m]
board of management Vorstand [m]
administrative board Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of Trade Handelsministerium [m]
advisory board Beirat [m]
board of directors Verwaltungsrat [m]
board of inquiry Untersuchungsausschuss [m]
chairman of the board of directors Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender [m]
expert advisory board Sachverständigenrat [m]
board of directors Vorstand [m]
chairperson of the board Vorstandsvorsitzende [m/f]
half-board Halbpension [f]
board of directors’ meeting Aufsichtsratssitzung [f]
bulletin board Anschlagtafel [f]
supervisory board meeting Aufsichtsratssitzung [f]
workers' compensation board Berufsgenossenschaft [f]
board meeting Verwaltungsratssitzung [Schw.] [f]
board meeting Aufsichtsratssitzung [f]
board of control Kontrollstelle [f]