board - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "board" in Spanish English Dictionary : 169 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
board bordo [m]
board tabla [f]
board patronato [m]
board tablero [m]
board consejo [m]
board rótulo [m]
board cartón [m]
board tableta [f]
board pizarra [f]
board mesa [f]
board subir a bordo (un avión) [v]
board entablar [v]
board ir a bordo [v]
board abordar [v]
board junta [f]
board placa [f]
board ábaco [m]
board aparato [m]
board consejo [m]
board cúmulo [m]
board empresariado [m]
board mando [m]
board panel [m]
board tablero [m]
board comisión [f]
board junta [f]
board lata [f]
board mesa [f]
board sesma [f]
board solera [f]
board tabla [f]
board abordar [v]
board embarcar [v]
board embarcar [v]
board fletar [v]
board fletarse [v]
board subir [v]
board subirse [v]
board edero [suf]
board idero [suf]
board panel [m]
board buró [m]
board pizarrón [m]
board comité [m]
board tablón [m]
board (bus/tren) dentro [m]
board letrero [m]
board manutención [f]
board bordada [f]
board pensión [f]
board directiva [f]
board tabla [f]
board subir [v]
board montar [v]
board embarcar en (barco/avión) [v]
board subirse a (tren/autobús) [v]
board valais [m]
board asistencia [f]
board cámara [f]
board tarjeta [f]
board enmaderar [v]
board posar [v]
board hospedarse [v]
board hospedar [v]
board alojar [v]
board embarcarse [v]
board alojarse [v]
board embarcar [v]
board albergar [v]
board banco [m]
board cartoné [m]
board galería principal de una mina [f]
board junta directiva [f]
board acercarse a [v]
board dar pupilaje [v]
board tomar de huésped [v]
board estar a pupilaje [v]
board pizarrón [m] AMER
board tabicón [m] AL
board madera [f]
board pensión [f] rare
board pizarra [f] ES
board barboteadura [f] disused
board coger [v] ES
board entabicar [v] MX HN
board maderar [v] disused
board consejo de administración [m]
board consejo directivo [m]
board consejo de administración [m]
board consejo [m]
board comité [m]
board tablero [m]
board consejo [m]
board ponencia [f]
board junta directiva [f]
board mesa [f]
board pensión [f]
board junta [f]
board directiva [f]
board tablero de anuncios [v]
board pensionar [v]
board directorio [m]
board tribunal [m]
board vocalía [f]
board tablilla [f]
board plaqueta [f]
board módulo electrónico
board cuadro [m]
board cartón [m]
board pupilaje [m]
board panel [m]
board borda [f]
board placa [f]
board tarjeta [f]
board junta [f]
board enmaderar [v]
board cuadro conmutador
board tablero electrónico
board tarjeta de circuitos
board cuadro [m]
board módulo electrónico [m]
board tarjeta [f]
board tablero [m]
board comida [f]
board tablero [m]
board tablero [m]
board tablón de anuncios [m]
board tirante [m]
board tabla [f]
board entarimar [v]
board revestir de madera [v]
board entarimar [v]
board revestir de madera
board tablón de anuncios
Dam Terms
board plancha [f]
board tablero [m]
board hormar [v]
board acometer [v]
board atracar [v]
board granelar [v]
board tablero [m]
board sacador [m]
board tabla [f]
board trama [f]
board trama [f]
board hospedaje [m]
board cartoncillo [m]
board tablero de instrumentos
board visitar [v]
board subir a bordo [v]
board alojamiento [m]
board palanca [f]
board bordo [m]
board embarcar [v]
board cuadro [m]
board tablón [m]
board plancha [f]
board placa [f]
board entablar [v]
board enmaderar [v]
board cuadro [m]
board tablero [m]
board panel [m]
board junta [f]
board placa [f]
board tarjeta [f]
board módulo electrónico
board comisión [f]
board tablilla [f]

Meanings of "board" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
board of directors consejo de administración [m]
above board sin tapujos [adj]
above board de forma abierta [adj]
above board legalmente [adv]
notice board tablón [m]
plank (board) tablón [m]
chess-board tablero [m]
board member consejera [f]
member (of a committee or board) vocal [m/f]
skirting board rodapié [m]
board of directors directorio [m]
sandwich-board man hombre-anuncio [m]
board of management patronato [m]
board of trustees patronato [m]
story board story board [m]
notice board tablero [m]
bulletin board [us] tablero [m]
draining board escurridero [m]
running board estribo [m]
diving board trampolín [m]
board of examiners tribunal [m]
skirting board zócalo [m]
board of directors directiva [f]
board and lodging pensión [f]
small board tablilla [f]
go on board embarcarse [v]
board up entablar [v]
board up tabicar [v]
board up tapiar [v]
above board con transparencia [adv]
on board a bordo [adv]
bulletin board tablero [m]
running board adral [m]
soldier receiving room and board alojado [m]
old board game alquerque (árabe) [m]
game board alquerque (árabe) [m]
board for game like roulette bisbís [m]
bristol board brístol [m]
tool board cepo [m]
control board control [m]
member of a board of trustees copatrono [m]
cork board corcho [m]
church bulletin board cuadrante [m]
board of directors directorio [m]
14-ft board doblero de a catorce [m]
18-ft board doblero de a dieciocho [m]
16-ft board doblero de a dieciséis [m]
10-ft board medio doblero [m]
board binding encartonado [m]
emery board esmeril [m]
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estaquero [m]
sandwich-board man hombre anuncio [m]
board member juntero [m]
14 foot board madero de a diez [m]
16 foot board madero de a ocho [m]
18 foot board madero de a seis [m]
half board medio madero [m]
score board marcador [m]
board to equalize pressure in oil mills marrano [m]
notice board palillo de barquillero [m]
winner's board palillo de barquillero [m]
notice board palillo de suplicaciones [m]
winner's board palillo de suplicaciones [m]
board the size of a cubit, hung around the neck as a sign of public penance palo codal [m]
ironing board palo de planchar [m]
member of a board of management patrono [m]
win across the board pleno [m]
board of royal physicians protomedicato [m]
board and lodging pupilaje [m]
board of receivers sindicado [m]
sounding board sombrero [m]
blow from a board tablazo [m]
control board tablero [m]
drawing board tablero [m]
game board tablero [m]
nine by nine chess board tablero equipolado [m]
notice board tablero [m]
notice board tablón de anuncios [m]
thick board tablón [m]
floor board tabloncillo [m]
cutting board tajadero [m]
cutting board tajador [m]
cutting board tajo [m]
cutting board tajón [m]
sounding board tornavoz [m]
threshing board trillo [m]
turning board alidada (árabe) [f]
game made of pieces or stones on a board like checkers andarraya [f]
spring-board jumps batuda [f]
sound board caja de resonancia [f]
sounding board caja de resonancia [f]
thin board chilla [f]
board of directors dirección [f]
board of directors directiva [f]
ouija board güija [f]
shoulder board hombrera [f]
county administrative board junta administrativa [f]
arbitration board junta arbitral [f]
landowners' compensation board junta de compensación [f]
discharge board junta de descargos [f]
board of aldermen junta municipal [f]
college admissions board licencia de artes [f]
board game similar to snakes and ladders oca [f]
board binding pasta [f]
female member of a board of trustee patrona [f]
room and board pensión [f]
half board media pensión [f]
board game piece pieza [f]
cheese-board quesera [f]
board of magistrate court judges of small claims cases sala de apelación [f]
treasury council board composed of ministers and representatives from different cities sala de millones [f]
board of advisors tabla del consejo [f]
board/plank half a span wide tabla de coto [f]
face (board) tabla [f]
lottery prize board tabla [f]
nine foot board/plank tabla alcaceña [f]
nine foot board/plank tabla portadilla [f]
notice board tabla [f]
three inch board/plank tabla barcal [f]
notice board tablilla [f]
cutting board tajadera [f]
circuit board tarjeta [f]
set of casks/barrels carried on board a ship tonelería [f]
threshing board trilla [f]
threshing board trilladera [f]
board membership vocalía [f]
running board zancajera [f]
board member vocal [m/f]
member of the board vocal [m/f]
board up condenar [v]
remove a board from a groove desgargolar [v]
board up entablar [v]
set up a chess board or checker board entablar [v]
board the floor entarimar [v]
get on board fletarse [v]
board her! al abordaje [adv]
board game descargar la burra [n]
cutting board bloque para cortar [m]
lens board portaojetivo [m]
examination board tribunal [m]
skirting-board zócalo [m]
paper board cartón [m]
cutting board tabla para cortar [m]
draining-board escurreplatos [m]
spine board tablero [m]
spine board tablero imobilizario [m]
room and board interno [m]
board (device) tablero [m]
board game juego de mesa (game) [m]
bulletin board tablón de anuncios [m]
ironing board planchador [m]
chopping board cortador [m]
long spine board tablero [m]
outdoors advertising board mupi [m]
bulletin board tablón [m]
a board game parchís [m]
accreditation board comité de acreditación [m]
board of manager comité directivo [m]
black board eraser borrador de pizarra [m]
board marker marcador [m]
board games juegos de mesa [m]
board of directors of the bank órgano directivo [m]
board of agriculture consejo de agricultura [m]
board of managers consejo de administración [m]
board of settling consejo de asentamiento [m]
board marker rotulador de pizarra [m]
back board tablero de baloncesto [m]
assignment board tablero de asignaciones [m]
assignment board tablero de asignación [m]
dream board tablero de ideas [m]
dream board tablero de visión [m]
accreditation board comité de acreditación [m]
advertising sign board letrero publicitario [m]
advertising sign board cartel publicitario [m]
advisory board for handicapped consejo consultivo para personas discapacitadas [m]
advisory board/committee consejo consultivo [m]
advisory board/committee comité consultivo [m]
advisory board/committee comité asesor [m]
balance board rola bola [m]
balance board aparato para hacer equilibrios [m]
board game similar to snakes and ladders oca [f]
board cover tapa [f]
flooring board pana [f]
small board tableta [f]
floor board tableta [f]
cheese board with a glass-domed cover quesera [f]
ironing board tabla de planchar [f]
room and board pensión completa [f]
poster board cartulina [f]
room and board interna [f]
diving board palanca [f]
ouija board güija [f]
board of directors junta directiva [f]
board chair presidenta de la junta [f]
boogy board tabla de surf [f]
board of property owners junta de propietarios [f]
board of auditors junta de auditores [f]
board of inquiries junta de investigaciones [f]
board of discipline junta disciplinaria [f]
board supervision supervisión de la junta [f]
board of visitors junta rectora [f]
board of education and discipline junta de educación y disciplina [f]
board of advertisement valla publicitaria [f]
board decision decisión del consejo [f]
audit board comisión de control [f]
balance board tabla de equilibrio [f]
draft board junta responsable de seleccionar gente para el servicio militar compulsorio [f]
dry erase board pizarra [f]
accreditation board junta de autorización [f]
advisory board for handicapped asesoría para personas discapacitadas [f]
advisory board/committee asesoría [f]
advisory board/committee junta consultiva [f]
advisory board for handicapped junta consultiva para personas discapacitadas [f]
advisory board/committee comisión consultiva [f]
advisory board/committee comisión asesora [f]
appreciation board mural de agradecimiento [f]
member of a board of trustees copatrona [f]
board member juntera [f]
board chair presidente de la junta [m/f]
above board sincero [adj]
above board correcto [adj]
above board honrado [adj]
above-board honesto [adj]
above-board sincero [adj]
across the board generalizado [adj]
lodge and board hospedar [v]
be on board estar a bordo [v]
be on board estar embarcado [v]
board the ship embarcar [v]
board the airplane embarcar [v]
board a ship embarcarse en un barco [v]
board a ship subir a bordo de un barco [v]
board the train subir al tren [v]
board the train subirse al tren [v]
board a boat montarse en barco [v]
get on board subirse a bordo [v]
go on board subirse a bordo [v]
get on board subir a bordo [v]
board the coach abordar el autobús [v]
board the plane abordar el avión [v]
board a flight abordar el vuelo [v]
board a flight embarcar el vuelo [v]
board the plane embarcar al avión [v]
board the coach subir al autobús [v]
board the bus subir al autobús [v]
board the tram subir al tranvía [v]
above board con claridad [adv]
above board con sinceridad [adv]
above board honestamente [adv]
above board abiertamente [adv]
above board ostensiblemente [adv]
postage stamp board plaqueta trepada
postage-stamp board plaqueta trepada
mixing board plataforma de mezcla
daughter board tarjeta secundaria
bulletin board tablón de anuncios
room and board alojamiento y comida
chopping board tabla de cortar
ironing board mesa de planchar
board and lodging comida y alojamiento
drawing board tablero de delineante
board and lodging comida y habitación
above board en regla
the board of trade el ministerio de comercio
full board pensión completa
emery board lima de uñas
half board media pensión
ironing board tabla de planchar
room and board cuarto y comida
board game juego de mesa
board of directors comité ejecutivo
cutting board tabla de cortar
drawing board tabla de dibujo
cutting board tabla de picar
workout board tabla de ejercicios
bulletin board el tablón de anuncios
board of directors consejo administrativo
school board consejo escolar
free on board franco a bordo
baby on board bebé a bordo
water board director director de la junta de suministro de agua
bulletin board tablero de anuncios
precinct board junta del distrito electoral
governing board junta gubernativa
executive board junta ejecutiva
board member miembro de la junta
rent board member miembro de la junta de alquileres
organization of the board organización de la junta
board and lodgings alojamiento y habitación
sizing canvas/board aparejo [m]
board of cattle-ranchers apartado [m]
board for gathering threshed wheat allegador [m]
safety ropes on board ship andarivel [m]
splash-board of a carriage alero [m]
baker's board for carrying bread añacal [m]
board member consejero [m]
dash-board of a carriage delantal [m]
boatswain on board a galley cómitre [m]
board lining of the oil-reservoir bolsón [m]
council-board concejo [m]
mortar-board cuezo [m]
mop-board friso [m]
chess-board jaquel [m]
flashing-board (carpentry) guardaguas [m]
scrubbing-board fregador [m]
foot-board marchapié [m]
council-board regimiento [m]
board to equalize pressure in oil mills marrano [m]
veterinary examining board protoalbeiterato [m]
board of royal physicians protomedicato [m]
board and lodging pupilaje [m]
match-board (carpentry) machihembrado [m]
paper board papelón [m]
stroke with a board tablazo [m]
kneading-board tablero [m]
backgammon board tablero [m]
thick board tablón [m]
flooring-board tabloncillo [m]
chopping-board tajo [m]
sounding-board tornavoz [m]
thin board teguillo [m]
sounding-board sombrero [m]
spring-board trampolín [m]
board and lodging hospedaje [m]
head-board (bed) cabecera [f]
thin board chilla [f]
side-board copera [f]
spring-board jumps batuda [f]
cutting board in a velvet loom cortadora [f]
executive board dirección [f]
governing board directiva [f]
board for edicts cartelera [f]
bill-board cartelera [f]
bristol-board cartulina [f]
board for polishing wax bruñidora [f]
tread-board huella [f]
executive board mesa [f]
board wages mesilla [f]
mold-board of a plough orejera [f]
cheese-board quesera [f]
paste-board covered with leather pasta [f]
board-binding pasta [f]
covering board tabica [f]
small board trablica [f]
notice-board tablilla [f]
board case tapa [f]
shuffle-board counter tejoleta [f]
falling board of a counter trampa [f]
running-board zancajera [f]
modelling board terraja [f]
small board tablita [f]
above-board justo [adj]
born on board ship naonato [adj]
take a board or stave from a groove desgargolar [v]
place the men on a chess-board entablar [v]
board up tapar/sellar con tablas [v]
baker's board for carrying bread añacales [m/pl]
squares of a chess-board casillas [f/pl]
punishment of rowing on board of galleys galeras [f/pl]
back-board forro [m]
back-board respaldo [m]
back-board espaldar [m]
fender-board guarda-fangos [m]
draught-board tablero de damas [m]
finger-board mástil del violín [m]
finger-board mástil de guitarra [m]
finger-board teclado [m]
checker-board tablero de damas [m]
chess-board tablero de ajedrez [m]
mill-board cartón de encuadernar [m]
mill-board cartón doble [m]
guide-board hito [m]
notice-board tablón aviso [m]
notice-board tablero de aviso [m]
notice-board poste indicador [m]
sounding-board secreto [m]
sounding-board sombrero de pulpito [m]
splash-board guardabarros [m]
splash-board alero [m]
wash-board (carpentry) rodapié [m]
sign-board letrero [m]
drawing-board tabla de dibujar [f]
earth-board orejera del arado [f]
clap-board duela de barril [f]
clap-board duela de tonel [f]
clap-board [us] tabla de chilla [f]
paddle-board paleta (de rueda hidráulica) [f]
board and lodging pensión completa [f]
sounding-board caja armónica (de un piano) [f]
sounding-board tabla de armonía [f]
wash-board tablilla para jabonar [f]
wash-board tabla para jabonar [f]
tea-board bandeja para servir el té [f]
shovel-board tabla para jugar al tejo [f]
sign-board muestra [f]
free on board (fob) libre de gastos a bordo [adj]
sweep the board alzarse con el dinero [v]
above-board abiertamente [adv]
above-board a vista de todos [adv]
on board a bordo de [adv]
backgammon-board tablas reales [f/pl]
sounding-board cajón de los órganos
tea-board hatea para servir el té
shovel-board juegos en los que se emplea el tejo
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estandorio [m] rur. rare
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadojo [m] rur. rare
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadoño [m] rur. rare
square board hung from the ceiling for storing food tangán [m] EC
ironing board aplanchador [m] GT rur.
ironing board aplanchador [m] HN NI CR
board of advertisement espectacular [m] MX
receiving board and lodging in return for work in rural establishments agregado [m] DO AR UY rur.
gypsum board gypsum board [m] PR
bulletin board bulletin board [m] US PR
boogie board barrenador [m] AR
swimming board barrenador [m] AR
board of a boat armamento [m] PR
examining board member (professor) boleador [m] CL
bulletin board bulletin board (inglés) [m] US PR
ironing board burro [m] MX HN NI
bulletin board bulletin board (inglés) [m] US PR
edge board that results from sawing a piece of wood in a square/rectangular shape descostillo [m] SV
thick and cubic board cuartón [m] PR
(board games) player who helps another to cheat cuije [m] SV
surf board chingo [m] PE
felt board franelógrafo [m] CO EC rare
felt board franelógrafo [m] GT SV NI PE BO CL PY cult
two trapezoid shaped subdivisions in hopscotch at the start of the board and at the end where the player can rest frente de buey [m] HN
hopscotch board in the shape of a snail or spiral caracol [m] HN child
hopscotch board in the shape of a snail or spiral caracol [m] PR
white board marker carboncillo [m] PE BO
tic-tac-toe board gato [m] CL
pot board (kitchen) guapal [m] MX rur.
member of the board of directors cuadro [m] CU
coyote board game coyote [m] MX
bridge made from a trunk or board copante [m] GT HN SV rur.
gypsum board gypsum board (inglés) [m] PR
side board of a wagon bed limatón [m] HN
room and board diario [m] DO CO
covering board enreglado [m] HN
safe or home on a hopscotch board dulce [m] HN
process of making a tab in one board and a slot in another so that two pieces fit together machimbrado [m] MX HN NI CU PE UY
parchis board game parqués [m] CO
instrument board panel [m] HN NI CU EC BO CL UY
ironing board planchador [m] GT HN CR
person who receives room and board in exchange for a monthly charge pensionado [m] BO:S
power board robacorriente [m] BO
plug board robacorriente [m] BO
drawing board restirador [m] MX
each of the side edges of a surf board riel (inglés rail) [m] PE
roof board tejamanil [m] MX GT NI
reinforced board terciado [m] EC
board platform tabladillo [m] PE
floor board tabloncillo [m] MX DO PR
floor board tabloncillo [m] CU
ironing board violín [m] HN SV
dealer board telepregón [m] CL
chess board arcidriche [m] disused
ironing board burro [m] MX
wooden board catorzal [m] disused
bridge made from a trunk or board copante (náhuatl) [m] HN SV
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadojo [m] ES local
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadoño [m] ES local rur.
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estandorio [m] ES local
first board cut under bark foraño [m] ES local
felt board franelógrafo [m] SV CL cult
ludo (a board game) ludo [m] VE PE CL AR UY
medical board exam mir [m] ES
medical board mir [m] ES
drawing board restirador [m] MX
thin board tablizo [m] ES local
flat board base/cover tesón [m] ES local
18-foot board venturero [m] ES local
ironing board violín [m] SV
notice board pizarra [f] AMER
bulletin board [us] pizarra [f] AMER
board of town officials principalía [f] disused PH
information board that indicates bus numbers and their itineraries banderola [f] CU
receiving board and lodging in return for work in rural establishments agregada [f] DO AR UY rur.
skirting board barredera [f] EC
board of a boat armadura [f] PR
examining board member (professor) boleadora [f] CL
board or plank for moving loads, it has wheels or bearings and is pulled or pushed by a person chata [f] UY
pick-up betting game that consists of revealing a small ball that is covered by bottle caps that are moved on a board chapita [f] CU
children's game played on a board with a star shape with four points with different colors corresponding to each player estrella [f] BO
notice board cartelera [f] CO VE EC
concave board made from a soft wood trunk in the shape of a rectangular tray panga [f] HN SV:W
concave board made from a soft wood trunk in the shape of a rectangular tray canoa [f] HN SV:W NI
dice game involving moving game pieces around a numbered board and overcoming obstacles along the route carrera [f] BO
san josé social protection board junta [f] CR
community board junta comunal [f] PA
community irrigation board junta de vigilancia [f] CL
board flat on one side and curved on the other lepa [f] GT
cord or board used to measure the spurs on fighter cocks línea [f] PR
floor board duela [f] MX EC BO
board of directors directiva [f] DO PR PY
marbles game board moña [f] EC:S
board game move movida [f] NI EC PE BO CL UY
ironing board planchadera [f] GT
public board plaqueta [f] GT BO