instead - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "instead" in Spanish English Dictionary : 7 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
instead en cambio [adv]
instead en vez de [adv]
instead en vez (de) [adv]
instead en lugar (de) [adv]
instead en su lugar
instead en vez de eso
instead más bien sino

Meanings of "instead" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 48 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
instead of en vez de [prep]
instead of en lugar de [prep]
instead of a cambio de [prep]
incorrect use of the direct object instead of the indirect object loísmo [m]
main house of a parish that paid its tithes to the royal treasury instead of paying them to the church, by pontifical privilege casa cáñama [f]
main house of a parish that paid its tithes to the royal treasury instead of paying them to the church, by pontifical privilege casa dezmera [f]
main house of a parish that paid its tithes to the royal treasury instead of paying them to the church, by pontifical privilege casa excusada [f]
man who incorrectly uses “lo” as an indirect object instead of “le” loísta [m/f]
incorrectly using the direct object instead of the indirect object loísta [adj]
call each other as tú instead of usted tutearse [v]
address as tú instead of usted tutear [v]
feed (a baby) with milk from a bottle instead of breast-feeding criar con biberón [v]
loaded with ballast instead of useful cargo (boat) en lastre [adv]
inclined plank used instead of steps chapera [f]
formerly used instead of h f [f]
instead of por [prep]
person giving his name to appear in a contract or business, instead of the name of the interested party calanchín [m] CO
large and narrow plan that, instead of a corner, unites two flat surfaces that form an angle chanfle [m] MX CU
roasted corn that is ground, boiled, and strained to be drunk instead of coffee pingolo [m] PR
person giving his name to appear in a contract or business, instead of the name of the interested party calanchina [f] CO
instead on talking with someone about something worthless hablar del sexo de los ángeles [v]
instead of en cambio de [prep]
instead of en cuento de [prep]
instead of en lugar de [prep]
instead of en vez de [prep]
remain inactive instead of assuming one's responsibility tragar camote [v] MX
give one thing instead of another dar gato por ñeco [v] HN
instead of en cuenta de [prep] disused
instead of en igual de [prep] rare
accept this instead of cash acepta esto en vez de dinero
instead of talking en lugar de hablar
take this instead of cash toma esto en lugar de efectivo
i'd go home instead yo prefiero irme a casa
instead of me en lugar de mí
instead of me y no conmigo
instead of you en tu lugar
instead of you en vez de contigo
instead of us en vez de nosotros
instead of me en vez de mí
instead of that en vez de eso
and instead y en cambio
instead of complaining of en lugar de quejarse por
not openly express anger and instead make sullen though slight and confusing gestures hacer chile con el culo [v] MX
fine instead of imprisonment conversión de sanciones penales
uuencode instead of mime for attachments uuencode en lugar de mime para los adjuntos
using a pronoun or similar word instead of repeating a word used earlier anáfora [f]
the use of a person’s title instead of his or her name antonomasia [f]
ourself (used instead of myself by a sovereign or other person in authority) nosotros [pron]