log - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "log" in German English Dictionary : 50 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
log Holzklotz [m]
log Fahrtmesser [m]
log Baumstamm [m]
log Holzblock [m]
log Klotz [m]
log Sägeblock [m]
log Bericht [m]
log Zählliste [f]
log Bordbuch [n]
log Protokoll [n]
log Rundholz [n]
log Tagebuch [n]
log Logbuch [n]
log Scheit [n]
log Holzscheit [n]
log Protokoll [n]
log Rundholz [n]
log protokollieren [v]
log Protokollierung [f]
log log
log Holzstamm [m]
log unbearbeiteter Holzstamm
log aufzeichnen [v]
log erfassen [v]
log Fahrtmesser [m]
log Logbucheintrag [m]
log Tagebuch [n]
log Logbuch [n]
log Log [n]
log Logbuch
log Holzklotz [m]
log Logarithmus [m]
log Protokoll [n]
log protokollieren [v]
log Protokoll [n]
SAP Terms
log protokollieren [v]
Electrical Engineering
log protokollieren [v]
log Funktagebuch [n]
log eintragen [v]
log protokollieren [v]
log zurücklegen
log Fahrtmesser [m]
log Logbucheintrag [m]
log Log [n]
log Logge (Geschwindigkeitsmessgerät) [f]
log Logge [f]
log Log [n]
log Rundholz
Paper Terms
log Stamm [f]
log Rundholz [n]

Meanings of "log" in English German Dictionary : 9 result(s)

Deutsch Englisch
log [adj] lain
log [adj] lied
log log
Log [n] log (drilling)
Log [n] log
Log [n] log
Log [n] speedometer
Log [n] knotmeter/log
Log [n] log

Meanings of "log" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 366 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
log-normal logarithmisch-normal [adj]
maternity log Mutterpass [m]
log (for fuel) Kloben [m]
log stacker Langholzstapler [m]
anti log Numerus [m]
yule log Weihnachtsklotz [m]
yule log Weihnachtsscheit [m]
stop log Dammbalken [m]
log-in name Kennungsname [m]
log basket Holzkorb [m]
log pile Holzstapel [m]
man-hour log sheet Stundenzettel [m]
log dogging block Blockspannbock [m]
log crib dam Holzkastensperre [f]
log crib dam Steinkastensperre [f]
log cabin Blockhütte [f]
log dam Balkensperre [f]
log grab (forestry) Stammzange (Forstwesen) [f]
error log file Fehlerlogdatei [f]
log house Blockhütte [f]
log flume Wildwasserbahn [f]
log frame saw Gattersägemaschine [f]
log frame saw Gattersäge [f]
log-book Zulassung [f]
log jam Blockierung [f]
log jam unüberwindliche Schwierigkeit [f]
log jam Blockade [f]
log jam Verklausung [f]
log-off request Abmeldungsanforderung [f]
hospital audit log Krankenhausrevisionsaufzeichnung [f]
parent communication log Mitteilungsheft (Schule) [n]
log book Bordbuch [n]
log book Logbuch [n]
log book Tagebuch [n]
log fire Holzfeuer [n]
activity log Änderungsprotokoll [n]
amendment log Änderungsprotokoll [n]
well log Bohrprofil [n]
residential log house Wohnblockhaus (Holzhaus) [n]
training log Trainingstagebuch [n]
log-fire Holzfeuer [n]
log-cabin Blockhaus [n]
log-off procedure Abmeldeverfahren [n]
log cabin Blockhaus [n]
log house Blockhaus [n]
log lodge Blockhaus [n]
log of wood Holzscheit [n]
captain's log Logbuch des Kapitäns [n]
log protokollieren [v]
log in einbuchen [v]
log aufzeichnen [v]
log (measuring data) aufnehmen (Messdaten) [v]
log off abmelden [v]
log in sich einloggen [v]
log in sich anmelden [v]
log off ausloggen [v]
log on sich anmelden [v]
log out abmelden [v]
log onto einbuchen [v]
log out ausloggen [v]
log on sich einloggen [v]
log something etwas zurücklegen (Distanz) [v]
log-off abschalten [v]
log-in sich einloggen [v]
log-in sich anmelden [v]
break the reform log-jam den Reformstau auflösen [v]
log on sich anmelden [v]
log in einloggen [v]
log in sich anmelden [v]
log books Tagebücher [pl]
log books Bordbücher [pl]
log books Logbücher [pl]
log cabins Blockhütten [pl]
log tables Logarithmentafeln [pl]
residential log houses Wohnblockhäuser [pl]
open log fire offenes Holzfeuer
log (for fuel) unbearbeiteter Holzklotz (als Brennstoff)
log phase exponentielle Wachstumsphase
log phase logarithmische Wachstumsperiode
log-rank test Mantel-Haenzel-Test
log-rank test Log-Rangtest
electric log cutter elektrischer Holzspalter
space log räumliche Verschiebung
log in anmelden [v]
as easy as falling off a log kinderleicht [adj]
sleep like a log wie ein Murmeltier schlafen
as easy as falling off a log babyleicht
as easy as falling off a log kinderleicht
as easy as rolling off a log kinderleicht
I sleep like a log. Ich schlafe wie ein Murmeltier. [übertragen]
as easy as falling off a log kinderleicht [adj]
lab log Laborbuch [n]
log off abmelden [v]
Quality Management
test log Testprotokoll [n]
log-jam of reform Reformstau [m]
reform log-jam Reformstau [m]
caliber log Kalibermessung
vertical log frame Vertikalgatter
log-periodic logarithmisch periodisch
caliper log Kalibermessung
stop log dam Dammbalkenwehr
maternity log Mutter-Kind-Pass [Ös.] [m]
maternity log Mutter-Kind-Pass [m]
log splitter Holzspalter [m]
log-periodic antenna logarithmisch-periodische Antenne [f]
boring log Bohrprotokoll [n]
drill log Bohrprofil [n]
measurement log Messprotokoll [n]
operating log sheet Betriebsprotokoll [n]
log frame saw Sägegatter [n]
log saw frame Sägegatter [n]
event log Ereignisprotokoll [n]
well log Bohrprofil [n]
log sheet Betriebsprotokoll [n]
operating log Betriebsprotokoll [n]
fault log Störprotokoll [n]
log Daten protokollieren [v]
log aufzeichnen [v]
log sheets Betriebsprotokolle [pl]
log splitters Holzspalter [pl]
operating log sheets Betriebsprotokolle [pl]
log phase Log-Phase [f]
log phase Log-Phase
log phase Exponentielle Phase
reading log Lesetagebuch [n]
log flume Riese [f]
log flume Riesbahn [f]
log flume Holzriese [f]
log flume Rutschbahn [f]
log runway Riese [f]
log runway Riesbahn [f]
log runway Holzriese [f]
log runway Rutschbahn [f]
log flumes Riesen [pl]
log flumes Holzriesen [pl]
log flumes Riesbahnen [pl]
log flumes Rutschbahnen [pl]
log runways Riesen [pl]
log runways Holzriesen [pl]
log runways Riesbahnen [pl]
log runways Rutschbahnen [pl]
stop log Dammbalken [m]
saw log Sägeblock [m]
stop log Staubalken [m]
log chute Holzrutsche [f]
log home Blockhaus [n]
log house Blockhaus [n]
log lodge Blockhaus [n]
log homes Blockhäuser [pl]
log grabs Stammzangen [pl]
log houses Blockhäuser [pl]
log lodges Blockhäuser [pl]
temperature log Temperaturaufzeichnung [f]
log interpretation Logauswertung [f]
temperature log Temperaturlog [n]
gamma log Gammalog [n]
electric log elektrisches Log [n]
induction log Induktionslog [n]
drilling-time log Bohrzeitprotokoll [n]
contact log Kontaktlog [n]
resistivity log Widerstandslog [n]
neutron log Neutronenlog [n]
contact log Mikrolog [n]
acoustic log Geschwindigkeitslog [n]
acoustic log Akustiklot [n]
acoustic log Schalllot [n]
acoustic velocity log Akustiklot [n]
acoustic velocity log Schalllot [n]
continuous velocity log Schalllot [n]
continuous velocity log Akustiklot [n]
density log Gamma-Log [n]
drill-log Schichtenverzeichnis [n]
gamma log Gamma-Log [n]
sonic log Akustiklot [n]
sonic log Schalllot [n]
well-log Schichtenverzeichnis [n]
contact log Mikrolog [m]
caliper log Kalibermessung [f]
trumpet log Mikrolaterolog [n]
daily weather log Wettertagebuch [n]
self potential log (sf log) Eigenpotentialmessung [alt] [f]
self potential log (sf log) Eigenpotenzialmessung [f]
resistivity log Widerstandslog [n]
self-potential log Eigenpotenziallog [n]
wireline log Wireline-Log [n]
activation log Aktivierungslog [n]
acoustic log Akustiklog [n]
calibre log [uk] Kaliberlog [n]
electric log Elektrolog [n]
porosity log Porositätslog [n]
caliber log [us] Kaliberlog [n]
pseudosonic log pseudoakustisches Log [n]
proximity log Annäherungslog [n]
contact log Kontaktlog [n]
mud log Schlammlog [n]
mud analysis log Spülschlammanalyselog [n]
gamma-gamma log Gamma-Gamma Log [n]
gamma-gamma log Gamma-Log [n]
log (drilling) Log [n]
electric log geoelektrisches Log [n]
geophysical log geophysikalisches Log [n]
geothermal log geothermisches Log [n]
gamma ray log Gamma-Log [n]
density log Dichtelog [n]
neutron gamma log Neutronen-Gammalog [n]
neutron log Neutronenlog [n]
neutron neutron log Neutronen-Neutronenlog [n]
nuclear log Nuklearlog [n]
nuclear magnetic resonance log nuklearmagnetischer Resonanzlog [n]
sonic log Akustiklog [n]
spontaneous potential log Eigenpotenziallog [n]
pulsed neutron log pulsierendes Neutronenlog [n]
pulsed neutron log Pulsneutronenlog [n]
radioactive log radioaktives Log [n]
nuclear log Radioaktivitätslog [n]
radioactive log Radiolog [n]
cement bond log (drilling) Zementabbindungslog [n]
log flume Riese [f]
log file Protokolldatei [f]
log book Logbuch [n]
daily weather Log Wettertagebuch [n]
status log Statusprotokoll [n]
inspection log Inspektionsprotokoll [n]
flight log Fluglogbuch [n]
daily log of ATS units Tagesbericht der FS-Stellen
log book Logbuch
vehicle log book Wagenpass [m]
log book Kraftfahrzeugbrief [m]
log in einloggen [v]
update log Änderungsprotokoll [n]
log data Journaldaten [pl]
log file entry Protokolldateieintrag [m]
log shipping Protokollversand [m]
accounting log file Abrechnungsprotokolldatei [f]
data-log Messwerterfassung [f]
error log file Fehlerlogdatei [f]
log display Protokollanzeige [f]
log file Protokolldatei [f]
log window Protokollanzeige [f]
online log Internet-Kolumne [f]
log file Logdatei [f]
user log-on Benutzeranmeldung [f]
application log Anwendungsprotokoll [n]
error log Fehlerprotokoll [n]
log display Protokollfenster [n]
log window Protokollfenster [n]
online log Internet/Online-Tagebuch [n]
online log Internet-Journal [n]
online log Netztagebuch [n]
test log Testprotokoll [n]
fault log Störprotokoll [n]
log format Logformat [n]
terminal log Datenstationsprotokoll [n]
log in Startvermögen [n]
system log Systemprotokoll [n]
log off abmelden sich [v]
log in anmelden [v]
log in anmelden sich [v]
log in anfangen [v]
log on anfangen [v]
log on anmelden [v]
log on anmelden sich [v]
log out abmelden sich [v]
online log Blog [n/m]
error log files Fehlerlogdateien [pl]
log files Logdateien [pl]
log files Protokolldateien [pl]
log windows Protokollfenster [pl]
log windows Protokollanzeigen [pl]
log in einwählen ins Netz
log out Abmelden [n]
log file Protokolldatei [f]
log file Protokolle [f]
update log Änderungsregel [f]
console log Konsolenprotokoll [n]
transaction log Transaktionsprotokoll [n]
transaction log Transaktionsprotokoll
SAP Terms
log record Protokollsatz [m]
log file entry Protokolldateieintrag [m]
log counter Protokollzähler [m]
creation of infotype log Belegschreibung [f]
session log Mappenprotokoll [n]
status log Statusprotokoll [n]
measurement log Meßprotokoll [n]
restart log Aufsetzprotokoll [n]
activity log Tätigkeitsprotokoll [n]
short log Kurzprotokoll [n]
calculation log Berechnungsprotokoll [n]
update log Änderungsprotokoll [n]
final log Endprotokoll [n]
display log Anzeigeprotokoll [n]
transport log Transportprotokoll [n]
clearing log Auszifferprotokoll [n]
database log Datenbankprotokoll [n]
scheduling log Terminierungsprotokoll [n]
error log Fehlerprotokoll [n]
incompletion log Unvollständigkeitsprotokoll [n]
system log Systemprotokoll [n]
selection log Selektionsprotokoll [n]
activation log Aktivierungsprotokoll [n]
maintenance log Bearbeitungsprotokoll [n]
update log Fortschreibungsprotokoll [n]
offline redo log file Offline-Redo-Log-Datei
online redo log Online-Redo-Log
online redo log file Online-Redo-Log-Datei
offline redo log Offline-Redo-Log
detailed log ausführliches Protokoll
system log System-Log
Software Testing
test log Testprotokoll [n]
Electrical Engineering
sonic log(ging) Akustik-Log
acioustic log(ging) Akustik-Log
acoustic velocity log Akustik-Log
resistivity log Widerstandsaufzeichnung [f]
spontaneous log autonome Aufzeichnung [f]
gamma ray log Gammastrahlenaufzeichnung [f]
neutron log Neutronenaufzeichnung [f]
geothermal log geothermisches Log [n]
acoustic velocity log Schallgeschwindigkeitsprofil [n]
log periodic antenna logarithmisch-periodische Antenne [f]
log in Einbuchung [f]
pre-programmed log-in mobile automatisch eingebuchtes Handy [n]
system log Systemprotokoll [n]
log in einbuchen [v]
log in einloggen [v]
log on einwählen [v]
log out ausbuchen [v]
log out ausloggen [v]
log on einloggen [v]
continuity log Kontinuitätsschleife [f]
dead log bark beetles Drachenkäfer [pl]
log line Logleine [f]
ship's log Logbuch [n]
engine room log Maschinentagebuch [n]
dutchman's log Relingslog [n]
ship's log Schiffstagebuch [n]
patent log Patentlog [n]
hydrodynamic log (ship) Stevenlog (Schiff) [n]
hydrodynamic log (ship) Stevenlog [n]
ship's log book Schiffstagebuch [n]
ship's log Schiffslogbuch [n]
ship's log book Schiffslogbuch [n]
ship's log Schiffstagebuch [n]
stem log Stevenlog [n]
stem log Stevenlog (Schiff) [n]
knotmeter/log Log [n]
ship's log books Schiffslogbücher [pl]
ship's log books Schiffstagebücher [pl]
log table Logarithmentafel [f]
find the log of logarithmieren [v]
log tables Logarithmentafeln [pl]
the logarithm to (the) base b of a (log b of a) der Logarithmus zur Basis b von a (Log b von a)
find the log of logarithmieren
log-linear models log-lineare Modelle
log-rank test Log-Rangtest
log-log transformation Log-Log-Transformation
log-linear model log-lineares Modell
Timber Engineering
log building Blockhaus [n]
war log Kriegsprotokoll [n]
fishing log Fischereilogbuch [n]
fishing log Fangbuch [n]
Card Games
log entry Logeintrag [m]
test log Testprotokoll [n]
log paper Logarithmenpapier [n]
log paper Logarithmuspapier [n]
log off ausloggen [v]
Nuclear Technology
nmr log Kernspinresonanzlog [n]