Spanisch | Englisch | |
Idioms | ||
Idioms | estar al tanto de [v] | be hip to |
Idioms | estar al tanto de [v] | be on to |
Idioms | estar al tanto de | keep on top of |
Business | ||
Business | estar al tanto de [v] | be acquainted with |
Spanisch | Englisch | |
General | ||
General | no estar al tanto de [v] | be out of touch with |
General | estar al tanto de algo [v] | be aware of something |
Idioms | ||
Idioms | estar al tanto de todo [v] | have one's finger on the pulse |
Idioms | estar al tanto (de algo) | in the know |
Idioms | estar al tanto de algo | keep one's finger on the pulse of something |
Idioms | estar al tanto de algo | know the ropes |
Idioms | estar al tanto de las cosas | keep one's finger on the pulse |
Idioms | estar al tanto de lo que pasa | keep an ear close to the ground |
Idioms | estar al tanto de todo [v] fig. | be on the ball |