mainly - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "mainly" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 14 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
mainly principalmente [adv]
mainly mayormente [adv]
mainly prioritariamente [adv]
mainly mayoritariamente [adv]
mainly especialmente [adv]
mainly fundamentalmente [adv]
mainly mayormente [adv]
mainly principalmente [adv]
mainly en primer lugar [adv]
mainly primeramente [adv]
mainly sobre todo [adv]
mainly en buena parte [adv]
mainly sobre todo [adv]
mainly por encima de todo [prep]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "mainly" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 59 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
container which is used mainly for displaying flowers jarrón [m]
container which is used mainly for displaying flowers florero [m]
eating mainly vegetarian with exceptions flexitarianismo [m]
blate (mainly used in scottish) vergonzoso [adj]
blate (mainly used in scottish) penoso (palabra de origen escocés) [adj]
a type of broth or soup mainly made with fish aguají [m] CU DO PR
a piece of any fish, generally dried and salted dogfish, that is consumed mainly during the holy week period bacalao [m] PY AR UY
alcoholic beverage prepared with wine, sugar and chopped fruit, mainly strawberries or peaches borgoña [m] CL
type of thick stew prepared mainly with ground corn, squash, meat, and vegetables frangollo (portugués) [m] AR:Nw
sauce prepared mainly with meat and tomato to accompany pastas estofado [m] BO AR
sandwich with mainly vegetables and egg friquitaqui [m] DO
country farm generally intended for the breeding of all kinds of livestock, and mainly the largest animals fundo [m] DO VE CL EC disused
sieve used mainly by construction workers to sift sand jibe [m] CU DO
liquid detergent made mainly from chlorine agua de Cuba [f] CL rare
set of instruments consisting mainly of quenas and drums cajada [f] PE
stone mortar, mainly used to grind carob cimbra [f] AR:Nw
material formed from asbestos fibers and metal wires, which is mainly used to line brake pads cinta de frenos [f] PY AR UY
devote oneself to an action or objective (mainly for pleasure) atascarse [v] MX
rot (tuber, mainly sweet potatoes due to insects) ajojotarse [v] CU rur.
these are the mainly se destacan
the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain la lluvia en sevilla es una maravilla
due mainly to debido principalmente a
witch doctor who uses mainly herbs to heal jampiri [m/f] BO:W,C
second home owned mainly for tourism purposes segundas viviendas ocupadas por el propietario principalmente para fines turísticos
Marine Biology
a species of parrotfish that inhabits coral reefs mainly in the caribbean, bahamas, and florida (scarus coelestinus) judío [m] PR
a species of parrotfish that inhabits coral reefs mainly in the caribbean, bahamas, and florida (scarus coelestinus) butú [m] DO
a small mainly green parrot of the brotogeris genus (brotogeris jugularis) churica [f] VE
a small mainly green parrot of the brotogeris genus (brotogeris jugularis) churica [f] VE:W
a medium-sized mainly green parrot found in woodlands and dry forests of cuba, the bahamas and cayman ıslands in the caribbean (amazona leucocephala) cotica [f] CU DO
a medium-sized mainly green parrot found in woodlands and dry forests of cuba, the bahamas and cayman ıslands in the caribbean (amazona leucocephala) cotorra [f] CU DO PR CO
a medium-sized mainly green parrot found in woodlands and dry forests of cuba, the bahamas and cayman ıslands in the caribbean (amazona leucocephala) cotorra [f] CU DO PR CO
stew composed mainly of baked fresh cheese cauchi [m] PE:S
dessert that consists mainly of a piece of sweet quince with cheese on top martín fierro [m] AR UY
stew made mainly with boiled corn kernels, pieces of meat, and chili pepper mote (quechua) [m] AR:Nw
cold dish made mainly with chicken and potatoes and seasoned with mayonnaise salpicón de ave [m] PY AR UY
dish composed mainly of herring arenca [f] DO
a boid species found mainly in cuba (epicrates angulifer) majá de santa maría [f] CU
top domestic music heard mainly in canteens and bars música rocolera [f] EC
British Slang
piece (for women's vagina/piece of meat offensive mainly north London) pedazo de carne (ofensivo para mujeres)
kidder (mainly liverpool use) chico
kidder (mainly liverpool use) niño
kidder (mainly liverpool use) renacuajo
sort (mainly london/south-east use) mujer atractiva (uso en londres y el sudeste de inglaterra)
sort (mainly london/south-east use) mujer seductora (uso en londres y el sudeste de inglaterra)
taig (mainly in northern ireland) católico (término ofensivo usado por los protestantes de irlanda del norte)
thames trout (mainly london use) zurullo
thames trout (mainly london use) montón de mierda
trick (mainly gay use) encuentro sexual casual (uso predominantemente gay)
weegie (scottish use mainly edinburgh) persona de glasgow (término usado principalmente en edimburgo)
wegie (scottish use mainly edinburgh) persona de glasgow (término usado principalmente en edimburgo)
a species of lupin grown in the andes, mainly for its edible bean (lupinus mutabilis) chocho [m] EC PE:N
a species of lupin grown in the andes, mainly for its edible bean (lupinus mutabilis) chochito [m] EC
a species of lupin grown in the andes, mainly for its edible bean (lupinus mutabilis) tarhui [m] PE BO
a species of lupin grown in the andes, mainly for its edible bean (lupinus mutabilis) tarwi [m] EC BO:C,W,S
a species of lupin grown in the andes, mainly for its edible bean (lupinus mutabilis) tawri [m] BO
a species of lupin grown in the andes, mainly for its edible bean (lupinus mutabilis) lupino [m] PE
a herbaceous perennial plant in the family apiaceae found mainly in central europe and southern europe (peucedanum officinale) ervato [m]
a tuberous root-producing legume, which is mainly distributed in the andean region (pachyrhizus ahipa) ajipa [f] PE BO AR:Nw
a species of paliurus native mainly to the mediterranean region (paliurus spina-christi) espina santa [f]