marine - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "marine" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 29 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
marine marina [f]
marine marinero [adj]
marine marino [adj]
marine marítimo [adj]
marine marinero [adj]
marine marinista [adj]
marine marino [adj]
marine infante de marina [m]
marine marino [m]
marine soldado de infantería de marina
marine marina [f]
marine soldado de marina [m]
marine fuerza naval [f]
marine de mar [adj]
marine buques en general
marine marina [adj]
marine marítima [adj/f]
marine naval [adj]
marine marina [f]
marine náutico [adj]
marine marino [adj]
marine marítimo [adj]
marine oceánico [adj]
marine oceánico [adj]
marine infante de marina
marine de marina
marine marina mercante
marine marino [adj]
marine marino [adj]

Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "marine" im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch : 1 Ergebniss(e)

Spanisch Englisch
marine [m/f] us or british marine corps soldier

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "marine" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
marine alga huiro [m]
turkish marine soldier levente [m]
blue marine marino [m]
marine chronometer reloj de longitudes [m]
marine chronometer reloj marino [m]
marine telegraph telégrafo marino [m]
marine chart carta de marear [f]
marine chart carta náutica [f]
marine farm granja marina [f]
marine corps infantería de marina [f]
marine trumpet trompa marina [f]
us or british marine corps soldier marine [m/f]
marine painting marinista [m/f]
blue marine marino [adj]
a former marine un exmarine [m]
marine corps cuerpo de marines [m]
marine blue azul marino [m]
someone who is a marine corps infante de marina [m]
marine climate clima marino [m]
someone who is a marine corps marino [m]
marine biologist biólogo marino [m]
marine prawn esquila [f]
marine shrimp quisquilla [f]
merchant marine marina mercante [f]
shell of a marine snail caracola [f]
marine life vida marina [f]
brackish-marine agua salobre-marina [f]
a former marine un marino retirado
merchant marine [us] marina mercante
marine air station estación aérea marina
marine machinist maquinista marino
marine in care of the topgallant sails juanetero [m]
marine spider-crab centola [f]
marine worm escolopendra [f]
marine spider-crab centolla [f]
field/marine glass gemelos [m/pl]
marine on watch alier [m] outdated
mythical marine creature with the upper body of a pig and the lower body of a snake cuchivilu [m] CL:S,W
person who attracts marine animals to the ship carpintero de ribera [m] PR
marine crane (for lifting) gancho [m] PR
place with bays, mangroves, or estuaries where small marine animals are found criadero [m] PR
instrument to lift weights in marine works maracate [m] PR
instrument to lift weights in marine works maracato [m] PR
marine on watch alier [m] disused
marine pilot lemán [m] rare
marine pulley rondana [f] PR
reserve marine guardia marina [m/f] EC PY AR
tell that to the marine a otro perro con ese hueso
tell that to the marine cuéntale eso a tu abuela
marine underwriter asegurador de riesgos marinos [m]
marine underwriter asegurador marítimo [m]
marine insurer asegurador marítimo [m]
marine underwriter asegurador marítimo [m]
marine life conservation conservación de la vida marina [f]
merchant marine [us] marina mercante
marine dumping vertidos marinos
marine underwriter aseguradora de riesgos marinos
ocean marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine engineering tecnología naval
marine engineering ingeniería marina
merchant marine marina mercante
marine carrier transportador marítimo
marine contract contrato marítimo
marine insurance policy póliza de seguro marítimo
marine risk riesgo marítimo
ocean marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine pollution contaminación marítima
marine contract contrato marítimo
inland marine insurance seguro de transportes
marine risk riesgo marítimo
marine contamination contaminación marítima
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine underwriters aseguradores contra riesgos marítimos
marine insurance policy póliza de seguro marítimo
marine carrier porteador marítimo
marine carrier transportador marítimo
marine safety seguridad en el mar
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine adventure travesía marítima
marine contract contrato marítimo
inland marine insurance seguro de transporte marítimo interno
marine risk riesgo marítimo
marine insurer asegurador marítimo [m]
contract for marine insurance contrato de seguro marítimo
marine insurance seguro marítimo
ocean marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine carrier porteador marítimo
marine insurance policy póliza de seguro marítimo
marine contract contrato marítimo
International Law
land-based sources of marine pollution fuentes terrestres de contaminación del mar
marine resources recursos del mar
protocol on land-based sources and activities that pollute the marine environment protocolo sobre fuentes y actividades terrestres que contaminan el medio marino
land-based sources of marine pollution fuentes terrestres de contaminación marina
marine resources recursos marines
convention for the protection and development of the marine environment in the wider caribbean region convenio para la protección y el desarrollo del medio marino de la región del gran caribe
global program of action on the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities programa de acción mundial para la protección del medio marino frente a las actividades realizadas en tierra
territorial sea and national merchant marine directorate dirección general del territorio marítimo y marina mercante [f] CL
marine corp air station (mcas) estación aérea de la infantería de marina (mcas)
national marine sanctuaries santuarios nacionales marinos
US marine corp. veteran veterano del cuerpo de la marina de EE.UU.
national trade union of merchant marine and port workers sindicato nacional de trabajadores de la marina mercante y puertos CU
institute of marine sciences and technology instituto de tecnología y ciencias marinas VE
national merchant marine school escuela nacional de marina mercante PE
marine biology research center centro de investigaciones de biología marina AR
marine corps fusileros navales UY
marine research institute instituto de investigación del mar CO
marine shops enterprise empresa de talleres marítimos CU
ministry of merchant marine and ports ministerio de la marina mercante y puertos CU
marine biology biología marina [f]
marine engineering ingeniería marina
marine archaeology arqueología marítima [f]
marine archaeology arqueología marina [f]
national marine electronics association (nmea) asociación de electrónica marina (nmea)
fluvio-marine fluviomarino [m]
marine otter chinchimén [m]
marine infantry battalion batallón de infantería de marina [m]
marine artillery artillería naval [f]
marine corps aviation aviación de infantería de marina [f]
marine biology biología marina [f]
marine artillery artillería de marina [f]
marine railway track carrilera de carena [f]
marine salvage salvamento marítimo
marine insurance act ley de seguros marítimos
marine surveying levantamiento hidrográfico
marine forces fuerza naval
marine ecology ecología marina
marine end cabeza abierta
marine turbine turbina marina
land-based marine pollution contaminación marina con base en tierra
standard marine navigational vocabulary vocabulario normalizado de navegación marítima
marine park parque marino
marine animal animal marino
marine policy póliza marítima
marine rock roca marina
marine ammeter amperímetro de resorte
marine monitoring vigilancia marina
marine engineer maquinista naval
marine ornithology ornitología marina
marine reserve reservas marinas
marine insurance law ley de seguros marítimos
protected marine zone zona marina protegida
scotch marine boiler caldera marina escocesa
marine engineering ingeniería marítima
marine pollution contaminación marina
marine health regulations reglamento de sanidad marítima
marine science ciencias del mar
marine reserve reserva marina
marine zoology zoología marina
marine bed yacimiento marino
marine painter pintor de marinas
marine regression regresión marina
marine environment ambiente marino
marine animal oil aceite de animales marinos
marine galvanometer galvanómetro de resorte
marine gas turbine turbina marina de gases
marine fishery pesquería marina
marine erosion erosión marina
marine oil aceite de pescado
mercantile marine marina mercante
marine geology geología marina
marine band banda marítima
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine terrace terraza marina
marine microorganism microorganismo marino
marine algae alga marina
marine ecosystem ecosistema marino
marine organism organismo marino
marine mammal mamífero marino
marine navigator navegante marino
marine corps infantería de marina
marine environment entorno marino
marine motor motor marino
marine broadcast station estación marina de radiodifusión
marine radiobeacon station estación radiofaro marina
marine engineer maquinista naval
merchant marine marina mercante
marine glue cola marine
marine airport aeropuerto marítimo
marine hardware herrajes marinos
marine paint pintura marina
marine supplies efectos marinos
marine engineering ingeniería marina
marine engineer ingeniero naval
marine borer polilla de mar MX
scotch marine boiler caldera multitubular escocesa
marine hardware efectos marinos
marine radiant reheat boiler caldera radiante de recalentamiento marina [f]
marine radiant boiler caldera radiante marina [f]
marine refrigeration plant instalación frigorífica marina
marine boiler caldera marina
marine biome bioma marítimo [m]
marine biology biología marina [f]
marine otter nutria de mar
marine acid ácido clorhídrico [m]
marine otter chungungo [m]
Marine Biology
marine fish achagual (del nahua) [m] MX
a marine fish up to 3 feet long aguají [m] CU DO PR
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) baunco [m] CL
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) curaca [m] PE
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) babunco [m] PE
a tropical marine fish common in the atlantic ocean cirujano [m] PR EC
a tropical marine fish common in the atlantic ocean acanturo [m] CU DO PR
a tropical marine fish common in the atlantic ocean barbero [m] CU DO PR
a tropical marine fish common in the atlantic ocean médico [m] PR
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth barbú [m] PR
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth barbudo [m] DO PR EC
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth boquicolorado [m] PR
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth cachito [m] PR
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth roncador [m] PR
a common benthivorous marine fish inhabiting in rocky subtidal habitats in the eastern south pacific coast of chile and peru bilagai [m] CL
a common benthivorous marine fish inhabiting in rocky subtidal habitats in the eastern south pacific coast of chile and peru bilagay [m] CL
an edible marine fish with elongated body, covered with small and shiny scales, small head and blunt snout, general silver coloration with a characteristic black band that goes from the head to the tail bocón [m] VE
a marine fish up to 14 cm in length, oval in body, blue in color on the back and silvery on the belly (australoheros facetus) burrito [m] CL
a species of large edible sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family tegulidae (cittarium pica) burgado [m] PR
marine biome bioma marino [m]
marine otter (lutra felina) chungungo [m] PE CL
marine otter (lutra felina) chinchimén [m] CL
a species of mussel, a marine bivalve mollusc in the family mytilidae (choromytilus chorus) choro [m] GT PE BO CL
marine otter (lutra felina) perro de agua [m] MX
marine otter (lutra felina) huallaque [m] PE
a species of perciform marine fish (rachycentron canadum) esmedregal [m] MX
a common species of moderately large marine fish in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) carbonero [m] PR
an edible marine mollusk up to 3 cm long, which has two adductor muscles to close the shells (tivela mactroides) guacuco [m] VE
marine otter or sea cat (lutra felina) gato marino [m] PE
marine toad gualo [m] PE
marine toad maco pempén [m] DO
a species of marine fish in the family diodontidae (diodon holocanthus) peje tamborí [m] PR
a species of marine fish in the family echeneidae (echeneis naucrates) guaicán [m] CU DO
a species of marine fish in the family echeneidae (echeneis naucrates) pegador [m] PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) carbonero [m] PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) chiví [m] PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) guaymén [m] PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) sibí [m] PR
type of marine bivalve mollusk (pholas chiloensis) comes [m] CL:Sw
a warm-water marine fish found across the tropics (lobotes surinamensis) macurí [m] PR
a warm-water marine fish found across the tropics (lobotes surinamensis) berrugate [m] PA
a warm-water marine fish found across the tropics (lobotes surinamensis) yaco [m] PR
a species of marine fish in the family serranidae (epinephelus labriformis) murique [m] PE
a species of marine fish in the family echeneidae, the remoras (echeneis naucrates) guaicán [m] CU DO
a species of marine fish in the family echeneidae, the remoras (echeneis naucrates) pegador [m] DO
a common species of large marine fish classified within the jack family, carangidae (caranx hippos) pejecaballo [m] HN SV
a common species of large marine fish classified within the jack family, carangidae (caranx hippos) pez caballo [m] MX
a common species of large marine fish classified within the jack family, carangidae (caranx hippos) pez toro [m] MX
a species of marine fish in the pollachius genus (pollachius pollachius) abadejo [m]
a venomous marine species of fish in the family scorpaenidae (scorpaena scrofa) cabracho [m]
a marine fish related to the seahorses (phyllopteryx taeniolatus) dragón marino [m]
a species of carangiform marine fish (rachycentron canadum) esmedregal [m] MX
a species of widespread large marine fish classified in the jack family carangidae (caranx sexfasciatus) jurel [m]
small translucent lancet-shaped burrowing marine animal anfioxo [m]
any of the solitary or colonial sessile marine coelenterates of the class anthozoa antozoo [m]
a species of amphibious marine clingfish in the family gobiesocidae (sicyases sanguineus) sapo marino [m]
a marine fish belonging to the family monacanthidae (aluterus scriptus) tollo [m]
marine biology biología marina [f]
marine bindweed esparraguilla [f]
a species of saltwater clams, marine bivalve molluscs in the family mytilidae, the mussels barba de hacha (mytella guyanensis) [f]
a marine fish with biting teeth and greyish color (doydixodon laevifrons) alpargata [f] CL
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth bariblanca [f] PR
a marine fish up to 30 cm long, corpulent, smooth skin, devoid of scales, amber, long head and large mouth guabina [f] PR
a marine fish up to 14 cm in length, oval in body, blue in color on the back and silvery on the belly (australoheros facetus) castañeta [f] PE CL
a marine fish with dark olive color, reddish ventral fins and yellow pectorals (serranus apiarus) cabrilla [f] PR
a species of mussel, a marine bivalve mollusc in the family mytilidae (choromytilus chorus) cholga [f] PE
a species of marine fish in the family diodontidae (diodon holocanthus) guanábana [f] PR
a species of marine fish in the family echeneidae (echeneis naucrates) pega [f] MX PR
a common species of inshore marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx ruber) cojinúa negra [f] CU DO
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family (caranx crysos) cojinúa [f] PA CU DO PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) cojinúa azul [f] CU DO
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) cojinuda [f] PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) cojinúa [f] PA CU DO PR
a common species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack family, carangidae (caranx crysos) güira [f] PR
a species of marine fish in the jack family, carangidae (carangoides bartholomaei) cojinúa amarilla [f] CU DO
a warm-water marine fish found across the tropics (lobotes surinamensis) biajaca [f] PR
a warm-water marine fish found across the tropics (lobotes surinamensis) bihajaca [f] PR
a species of marine fish in the family echeneidae, the remoras (echeneis naucrates) pega [f] MX PR
marine alga ceiba [f]
a venomous marine species of fish in the family scorpaenidae (scorpaena scrofa) escorpena [f]
a venomous marine species of fish in the family scorpaenidae (scorpaena scrofa) escorpera [f]
a venomous marine species of fish in the family scorpaenidae, the scorpionfish (scorpaena scrofa) escorpina [f]
small translucent lancet-shaped burrowing marine animal lanceta [f]
marine ova ova marina [f]
a species of marine flatfish in the genus pleuronectes of the family pleuronectidae (pleuronectes platessa) solla [f]
a species of marine ray-finned fish (chelidonichthys lucerna) trigla [f]
a species of marine ray-finned fish in the family sparidae (pagrus pagrus) urta [f]
a northeast atlantic species of scallop, an edible saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusc in the family pectinidae (pecten maximus) vieira [f]
marine otter (lutra felina) gato marino [m/f] PE
marine crustaceans crustáceos marinos
marine otter nutria de mar
marine molluscs moluscos marinos
marine fishes peces marinos
marine shells conchas marinas
marine turtles tortugas de mar
marine crabs cangrejos de mar
marine weather statement boletín de tiempo martimo [m]
special marine warning amenaza marina
marine boundary layer (mbl) capa límite marina (clm)
special marine warning alerta marina
marine inversion inversión marina
marine layer capa marina
marine weather statement advertencia de tiempo martimo
marine layer estrato marino
special marine warning aviso marina
marine fog niebla marina
marine forecast pronóstico marítimo
marine operations operaciones marítimas
marine-influenced events eventos de influencia marina
a marine cormorant found around the southernmost coasts of south america (phalacrocorax magellanicus) cormorán de las rocas [m] CL
a marine cormorant found around the southernmost coasts of south america (phalacrocorax magellanicus) coimío [m] CL
marine pollution contaminación marina
marine mammal mamífero marino
marine environment medio marino
marine ecosystem ecosistema marino
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine life especie marina
marine acoustics acústica submarina [f]
marine acoustics acústica submarina
marine basin cuenca marina [f]
marine water agua marina [f]
marine terrace terraza marina [f]
marine band banda marina [f]
fluvio-marine fluviomarino [adj]
marine sediments sedimentos marinos [m/pl]
marine water agua marina
marine flooding surface superficie de inundación marina
marine onlap solapamiento marino
marine band banda marina
marine erosion erosión marina
marine surveying levantamiento hidrográfico
marine dermatitis dermatitis marina
marine soap jabón marino
marine acid gas gas ácido marino
marine pharmacology farmacología marina
marine soap jabón marino
marine biological laboratory laboratorio de biología marina [m]
marine biological laboratory laboratorio de biología marina
marine drilling rig equipo de sondeo marítima [m]
marine boiler caldera marina [f]
marine radiant boiler caldera radiante marina [f]
marine radiant reheat boiler caldera radiante de recalentamiento marina [f]
marine hardware ferretería marina
Dam Terms
marine clay arcilla marina [f]
marine aggregate agregados de origen marino
marine refrigeration plant instalación frigorífica marina
marine railway vía de carena
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine risk riesgo marítimo
marine generator generador marino
marine reversing gear engranaje inversor
marine worm teredo [m]
marine climate clima marítimo [m]
marine flyer aviador naval [m]
marine light baliza flotante [f]
marine dock dársena portuaria [f]
marine radio beacon station estación de radiofaro marítimo
marine airport aeropuerto marítimo
marine radar radar náutico
fleet marine force fuerza de infantería de marina
marine radar installation instalación de radar marítimo
marine forces fuerzas navales
marine corps infantería de marina
marine mine mina naval
merchant marine marina mercante
marine radio beacon radiofaro marítimo
marine direction finder radiogoniómetro marino
marine corps air/ground intelligence center (magic) centro de inteligencia aire/tierra del cuerpo de marines
marine officer oficial de infantería de marina
marine belt aguas jurisdiccionales
marine corps air/ground intelligence center centro de inteligencia aire/tierra del cuerpo de marinos
marine light luz aeronáutica
marine radar radar marítimo
marine riser handling spider araña portamontantes [f]
marine engine motor marino
marine navy marina civil
marine refrigeration plant instalación frigorífica marina
marine ship navio mercante
marine engineering mecánica naval
marine engine máquina marina
global marine distress and safety system sistema mundial de socorro y seguridad marítimos
marine radar radar náutico
marine ship buque mercante
marine engineering ingeniería naval
marine radar radar marino
marine ecology ecología marina
marine engineer jefe maquinista
marine terminal estación marítima
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine adventure riesgo marítimo
marine microbiology microbiología marina
marine engineer maquinista naval
mercantile marine marina mercante
marine artillery artillería naval [f]
marine salt sal marina
marine jet engine motor marino de jet
marine navigation navegación marítima
marine adventure travesía marítima
marine turbine turbina marina
marine engineer maquinista naval
marine searchlight reflectores tipo marino
merchant marine act ley de la marina mercante
marine radio transceiver radio transceptor marino
marine engine motor marino
marine boiler caldera marina
ministry of merchant marine ministerio de la marina mercante
inland marine insurance seguro de transporte marítimo interno
mercantile marine marina mercante
marine insurance policy póliza de seguro marítimo
marine contract contrato marítimo
marine chart carta marina
marine radio transceiver radio transceptor marino
marine searchlight reflectores tipo marino
marine sanitation device retrete marino
marine searchlight reflectores de tipo marino
rules of the road (marine navigation rules) reglas de navegación
marine aggregate agregado de mar [m]
marine biological laboratory laboratorio de biología marina [m]
marine farm criadero de productos del mar [m]
marine aquaculture acuacultura marina [f]
marine aquaculture aculcultura marina [f]
marine acoustics acústica submarina [f]
marine acoustics acústica submarina
marine fish farming piscicultura marina
marine biological laboratory laboratorio de biología marina
marine aquaculture acuicultura marina
marine sediment sedimento marino
marine aquaculture acuacultura marina
Maritime Transport
marine insurance seguro marítimo
marine insurance policy póliza de seguro marítimo
marine air-cushion vehicle aerodeslizador marítimo [m]
marine engineer jefe maquinista [m]
marine insurance seguro marítimo [m]
marine loss pérdida en el mar [f]
marine-radar frequency frecuencia del radar náutico [f]
marine propeller hélice marina [f]
marine engineering ingeniería naval [f]
marine radar band banda del radar marino [f]
marine radar band banda del radar náutico [f]
marine propeller hélice marina
marine pollutants contaminantes marinos
marine riser riser [m]
marine biology biología marina [f]
marine energy energía del mar
marine species especies marinas
marine geology geología marina
marine fisheries pesca marina
marine shrimp culture cultivo de camarones marinos
marine phytoculture fitocultivo marino
marine water aquaculture acuicultura en aguas marinas
Animal Husbandry
marine cage viveros marinos
marine mammals mamíferos marinos
marine worms poliquetos [m/pl]
marine biology biología marina [f]
marine biology marino biología [f]
marine ecology ecología marina
marine mammal mamífero marino [m]
marine toad sapo grande [m] CO
marine fauna fauna marina [f]
marine flora flora marina [f]
acalephre, a class of marine animals containing sea-nettles, jelly-fish acalefo [adj]
acalephre, a class of marine animals containing sea-nettles, jelly-fish acalefos [m/pl]
acalephre, a class of marine animals containing sea-nettles, jelly-fish acalefa [adj/f]
galapagos marine iguana iguana marina
marine mammal mamífero marino
marine otter huallaca [f]
marine otter nutria de mar
marine otter gato de mar
marine otter gato marino
marine turtle tortuga [f]
marine railway varadero [m]
marine zones of national jurisdiction zonas marinas de jurisdicción nacional
marine deposit depósitos marinos
marine riser tubería marina
marine riser tubo ascendente
marine riser tubo ascendente [m]
marine riser tubo ascendente
marine riser tubería marina
marine riser tubería de producción marina
marine environment medio ambiente marino
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marine engineering ingeniería naval
marine engine motor marino
marine insurance seguro marítimo
lower marine riser package conjunto de fondo del montante (marino)
marine deposit depósito de sedimento marino
marine riser tubo elevador
marine riser conductor marino MX
marine deposits depósito de sedimentos marinos
marine connector conector del montante
marine engine motor marino
marine handling sub sub de manejo del montante
marine facies facies marina
marine handling spider araña portamontantes
marine insurance seguro marítimo
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marine riser montante marino
marine flooding surface superficie de inundación marina
marine riser tubo subiente
marine environment medio ambiente marino [m]
marine environment entorno marino [m]
skate (marine animal) raya [f]
convention on the conservation of antarctic marine living resources (ccamlr) convención sobre la conservación de los recursos marinos vivos antárticos [f]
marine environment medio ambiente marino
flood (marine) marea creciente