pact - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "pact" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 25 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
pact pacto [m]
pact tratado [m]
pact pacto [m]
pact iguala [f]
pact igualación [f]
pact postura [f]
pact asiento [m]
pact concertación [f]
pact contrato [m]
pact convenio [m]
pact trato [m]
pact convención [f]
pact ajuste [m]
pact acuerdo [m]
pact amistad [f] disused
pact apostura [f] disused
pact paccionar [v] rare
pact pacto [m]
pact compromiso [m]
pact pacto [m]
pact acuerdo [m]
pact arreglo [m]
pact compromiso [m]
pact partido [m]
pact alianza [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "pact" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 58 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
make a pact pactar [v]
make a pact hacer un pacto [v]
economic pact concierto económico [m]
member of a pact pactista [m/f]
in a pact pactista [adj]
make a pact cerrar un pacto [v]
the warsaw pact el pacto de varsovia
pact between two or more people to do something hidden from others cuchubal [m] HN
pact between two or more people to do something hidden from others cuchuval [m] NI
prior agreement or pact of honor between two antagonistic or rival parties to determine that the number of representatives of a party do not vote and balance it with an equal number of the other party that are absent for some reason pareo [m] CL
pact with the devil pauto [m] HN SV
women that made a pact with the devil (popular belief) achiqué [f] PE
women that made a pact with the devil (popular belief) achiquinvieja [f] PE
political pact megacoalición [f] NI BO
made a pact with the devil (person) espirituado [adj] HN
having made a pact with the devil pautado [adj] HN
make a pact with the devil apactar [v] HN NI rur.
make a pact between two or more people cuchuvalearse [v] NI
make a pact with the devil pautar [v] SV
make a pact with the devil hacer un pacto con el diablo [v]
make a pact with the devil tener un pacto con el diablo [v]
renounce a pact renunciar el pacto [v]
exist (secret pact) haber un cuchubaleo [v] NI
draw a cross on a bullet with ashes or holy water in order to shoot people or animals that made a pact with the devil curar balas [v] HN
make a nonaggression pact between two or more people from having all something to lose hacerse pasito [v] CO
pact with the devil pauto [m] HN rur.
andean pact pacto andino
labor pact pacto laboral
nude pact contrato sin
nude pact contrato sin contraprestación
obligatory pact convenio obligatorio
nude pact nudo pacto
mutual assistance pact pacto de ayuda mutua
nude pact promesa unilateral
euro plus pact pacto por el euro plus
stability and growth pact pacto de estabilidad y crecimiento
commissary pact pacto comisorio [m]
succession pact pacto sucesorio [m]
quotalitis pact cuotalitis [f]
nude pact contrato sin contraprestación
illegal pact convenio ilegal
illegal pact pacto ilegal
improper pact pacto impropio
nude pact promesa unilateral
International Law
amazon pact pacto amazónico [m]
pact of san josé convención americana sobre derechos humanos [f]
amazon pact tratado de cooperación amazónica
pact of san josé pacto de san josé
andean pact central banks bancos centrales del pacto andino [m/pl] LAM
warsaw pact pacto de varsovia
kellogg-briand pact pacto kellogg-briand
stability, competitiveness, and employment pact pacto para la estabilidad, competitividad y el empleo MX
autonomous and liberal pact (of corrientes) autonomista y liberal (de corrientes) AR
economic stability and growth pact pacto para la estabilidad y el crecimiento económico MX
naked pact nudum pactum
non-aggression pact pacto de no agresión
disarmament pact pacto de desarme
warsaw pact (historical) pacto de varsovia