patch-in - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "patch-in" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 2 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
patch-in acoplamiento [m]
patch-in conexión [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "patch-in" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
budding patch injerto en parche [m]
patch parcheo [m]
patch remiendo [m]
weed patch yuyal [m]
eye patch parche [m]
patch parche [m]
patch plantío [m]
white patch blanco [m]
dark patch sombra [f]
patch era [f]
patch pieza (lugar) [f]
patch mancha [f]
bald patch calva [f]
patch up parchear [v]
patch parchear [v]
patch up soldar [v]
patch remendar [v]
patch remendar (ropa) [v]
elbow patch codera [f]
garlic patch ajar [m]
rough patch bache [m]
bad patch bache [m]
patch bancal [m]
briar patch barzal [m]
patch pocket bolsillo de parche [m]
oblong patch of farming land cuartón [m]
bare patch desconchón [m]
strawberry patch fresal [m]
snow patch helero [m]
vegetable patch huerto [m]
patch of dense vegetation manchón [m]
patch parche [m]
patch placed on a fighting bull's forehead parche [m]
rough patch mal paso [m]
potato patch patatal [m]
potato patch patatar [m]
garden patch plantío [m]
patch remiendo [m]
thorn patch senticar [m]
brier patch senticar [m]
green patch in a meadow verdinal [m]
patch culero [f]
pants patch culero [f]
vegetable patch era [f]
patch mancha [f]
dress patch pega [f]
piece of cloth used as a patch pieza [f]
patch plantilla [f]
cloth or leather patch that is placed on the riding pants remonta [f]
knee patch rodillera [f]
underarm patch sobaquera [f]
patch soleta [f]
leather patch zapata [f]
black with a white patch on the forefront moro [adj]
patch apedazar [v]
patch aderezar [v]
bramble patch jijallar [v]
patch parchar [v]
patch up parchar [v]
patch parchear [v]
patch up parchear [v]
put a patch on parchear [v]
patch with putty plastecer [v]
patch with rubber recauchar [v]
patch up with rubber recauchutar [v]
patch remendar [v]
patch resanar [v]
patch up soldar [v]
patch tapiar [v]
patch bebederos [m/pl]
loosened patch drums cajas destempladas [f/pl]
patch era [suf]
patch manchón [m]
bramble patch zarzal [m]
blackberry patch zarzal [m]
bald patch claro [m]
white patch espejo [m]
bean patch habar [m]
patch rincón [m]
watermelon patch sandiar [m]
thistle patch abrojal [m]
cabbage patch doll muñeco/a repollo [m]
patch culera [f]
patch aplicación [f]
patch racha [f]
patch on the knee of rodillera [f]
soul patch barbilla de labio inferior [f]
soul patch barbillita [f]
shoulder patch hombrera [f]
patch manchar [v]
patch parchar [v]
patch apuntar [v]
apply a patch on parchar [v]
put a patch on something echar un remiendo a algo [v]
put a patch poner un parche [v]
patch apetachar [v]
patch of ice placa de hielo
cranberry patch arandanedo [m]
bramble-patch barzal [m]
oblong patch of farming land cuartón [m]
rubber plantation/patch cauchal [m]
patch of onions cebollar [m]
patch planted with peas guisantal [m]
broom-patch jijallar [m]
bramble-patch jijallar [m]
strawberry patch fresal [m]
little patch pegadillo [m]
patch pegado [m]
patch of wild alfalfa melgar [m]
patch on a shoe picaño [m]
patch hanging from clothes pingajo [m]
patch lunar [m]
thick patch of vegetation manchón [m]
green patch in a meadow verdinal [m]
tomato patch/field tomatal [m]
water-melon patch sandiar [m]
brier patch zarzal [m]
coarse patch parche [m]
patch mata [f]
patch or plug to stop up a hole in a leather wine-bag or cask botana [f]
patch on seat of trousers culera [f]
vegetable patch era [f]
knee patch rodillera [f]
splice or patch, made by winding a rope around the object to be tied trincafía [f]
bed/patch in a garden tabla [f]
with a white patch on the forefront moro [adj]
patch ajironar [v]
patch zurcir [v]
patch pedazo de tierra [m]
patch lunar de tafetán [m]
patch aderezar [v]
patch emplastar [v]
patch paliar [v]
patch up remendar [v]
patch campo [m]
patch santo [m] AMER
patch-work made of furs used by the indians as a blanket quillango [m] AR
patch billete [m] DO
pumpkin patch ayotal [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR
patch of cloth billete [m] DO
clothing patch (especially on the seat of pants) cachirulo [m] GT SV
percussion instrument with a patch of leather cuero [m] CU
patch huarache [m] MX
patch guarache [m] MX
tire patch guarache [m] MX
tire patch huarache [m] MX
tire patch huarache [m] MX
tire patch manchón [m] AR UY
thin leather patch embarrilado [m] PE
man with a patch of white hair mechiblanco [m] PA
patch parcho [m] DO PR VE
patch a pothole recapado [m] EC PY
patch-work made of furs used by the indigenous as a blanket quillango [m] AR
tire patch recauche [m] CR
tire patch reencauche [m] NI CR PA CO EC PY UY
baby navel patch pupero [m] EC
tire patch quarache [m] MX
tire patch huarache [m] MX
tire patch guarache [m] MX
patch relingo [m] HN
patch sobrepuesto [m] MX
badly done patch zurrón [m] NI
patch andén [m] DO EC PE CL AR rare
patch banco [m] VE
patch cachirulo [m] MX SV
strawberry patch frutillar [m] EC PE BO CL PY AR
vegetable patch hortal [m] rare
patch parcho [m] PR
patch on a shoe picaño [m] rare
patch rumbo [m] NI
pumpkin patch ayotera [f] NI
woman with a patch of white hair mechiblanca [f] PA
leather patch rozadera [f] HN
shoe patch capellada [f] disused
garden patch chirpia [f] ES local
leather patch cuereta [f] SV
vegetable patch hortaliza [f] MX CU
covered with a rubber patch recauchado [adj] CR EC CL
black with a white patch on the forefront mosco [adj] CL
patch apañar [v] rur. rare
patch torn fabric with stitches that mimic the interweaving fabric fruncir [v] NI CO:W,Sw PY
patch a tire guarachear [v] MX
patch embutir [v] HN
patch parchar [v] MX HN BO
patch up parchar [v] MX HN SV NI CU PE BO CL AR
patch up parchar [v] UY rare
put a patch on parchar [v] MX HN SV NI CU PE BO CL AR
put a patch on parchar [v] UY rare
patch a tire parchar [v] EC
patch a pothole recarpetear [v] MX SV CR CL
remove a patch of grass with a shovel puntear [v] EC AR UY
patch rumbear [v] NI
patch a wall resanar [v] MX PA CO EC
patch tortear [v] AR:Nw rur.
patch rumbear [v] NI
patch sisar [v] EC
patch soletar [v] disused
patch soletear [v] disused
patch (on clothing) alitas [f/pl] CU
with a white patch on the forefront mora [adj/f]
not be a patch on someone no llegarle a alguien a la altura del tobillo [v]
not to be a patch on no servir para descalzar a [v]
hit a bad patch llegar a un punto muerto [v]
go through a bad patch tener una mala racha [v]
go through a bad patch pasar por un mal momento [v]
not be a patch on someone no hacerle sombra a alguien [v]
patch a quarrel up terminar una disputa [v]
patch someone up curar a alguien [v]
patch someone up aplicar un tratamiento ambulatorio a un paciente [v]
patch someone up hacer una primera intervención a un paciente [v]
patch a quarrel up reconciliarse luego de una disputa [v]
patch someone up practicar un tratamiento rápido a alguien [v]
patch someone up sanar a alguien [v]
patch someone up curarle las heridas a alguien [v]
strike a bad patch pasar por una mala racha [v]
have been through a rough patch pasar un mal trago [v]
have been through a rough patch pasar un trago amargo [v]
have been through a rough patch pasar un/el mal trago [v]
have been through a rough patch pasar una crujía [v]
have been through a rough patch pasarlas canutas [v]
have been through a rough patch pasarlas negras [v]
have been through a rough patch pasarlas putas [v]
have been through a rough patch pasarlas moradas [v]
go through a rough patch atravesar un bache [v]
go through a sticky patch atravesar un bache [v]
go through a difficult patch atravesar un bache [v]
go through a bad patch atravesar un bache [v]
get through a difficult patch remontar el bache [v]
go through a bad patch salir del bache [v]
get through a difficult patch salir del bache [v]
get through a rough patch remontar el bache [v]
get through a rough patch salir del bache [v]
go through a sticky patch remontar el bache [v]
go through a sticky patch salir del bache [v]
get through a sticky patch remontar el bache [v]
get through a sticky patch salir del bache [v]
go through a rough patch remontar el bache [v]
go through a rough patch salir del bache [v]
go through a difficult patch remontar el bache [v]
go through a difficult patch salir del bache [v]
go through a bad patch remontar el bache [v]
get through a bad patch remontar el bache [v]
get through a bad patch salir del bache [v]
cross-patch gruñón
cross-patch malhumorado
not a patch on ni punto de comparación con
rough patch mala racha
patch the leaks in a roof coger goteras [v] CU VE
patch a leaky roof coger goteras [v] CU VE
patch the holes in the roof coger goteras [v] CU VE
be going through a rough patch tener muchos guayes [v] disused
patch up resolver [v]
patch up reparar [v]
patch someone through conectarse (programa de radio/teléfono) [v]
patch up curar
patch up remendar
patch up reparar
a patch of un trozo de
a patch of un pedazo de
patch pegote [m]
coarse patch chafallo [m]
patch apaño [m]
coarse patch pegote [m]
patch emplasto [m]
patch pegote [m]
rank patch remiendo [m]
patch botana [f]
cross-patch malhumorado [adj]
(sewing) to patch apuntar [v]
darn/patch clumsily corcusir [v]
patch a pair of jeans remendar los vaqueros [v]
patch chafallar [v]
patch chapuzar [v]
hit a rough patch pasarlas negras [v]
not to be a patch on no llegar al zancajo a
not to be a patch on no servir para descalzar a
not to be a patch on no llegar a los zancajos a
bald patch queso [m] PR
patch remigio [m] SV
garden patch chirpial [m] ES local
patch up hacer las paces [v] fig.
patch things up encontentarse [v] MX
go through a rough patch estar alguien más pelado que un plátano [v] CU
cross-patch malhumorada [adj/f]
oil patch industria del petróleo de estados unidos
soul patch barba debajo del labio inferior
patch it up lo atamos con alambre AR
Work Safety Terms
patch test prueba del parche
patch test test epicutáneo
eye patch parche para el ojo [m]
patch pieza [f]
soft patch desaceleración transitoria
soft patch desaceleración temporal
snow patch helero [m]
patch sembrado [m]
patch corrección [f]
patch modificación [f]
patch corregir programas [v]
patch emparchar [v]
patch board [uk] panel de conexiones
patch board [uk] panel de acoplamiento
patch panel [us] panel de acoplamiento
patch panel [us] panel de conexiones
patch cord cable de conexión
patch panel panel de conexión provisional
patch file fichero de parche
soft patch parche en el software
patch plug ficha de conexión
patch panel tablero de conexiones
main patch curso principal
patch file archivo de parche
soft patch parche blando
patch cord cable de conexión [m]
crossover patch cable cable de conexión de filtro [m]
patch conexión provisional [f]
patch componer [v]
patch empalmar [v]
patch conectar [v]
patch empalmar [v]
patch rods varillas de reparación
patch conexión provisional
patch cord cable de conexión
food patch pastizal [m]
patch pastadero [m]
(decorative) patch aplique [m]
patch parche [m]
patch (tire) emplasto [m]
patch manchón [m]
patch parcho [m] CU PR
patch parche [m]
patch pápula [f]
patch corrección [f]
patch-out desconexión [f]
patch emparchar [v]
patch/fill with mortar enfoscar [v]
patch parchar [v]
patch a road bachear [v]
patch burning quema preparatoria
patch-bay bastidor de conexiones
food patch comedero de pastos
all-directional patch refuerzo circular
patch cord cable de conexión
patch parcela de terreno
light patch mancha luminosa
patch circuit circuito de interconexión
patch routine rutina de corrección
cleaning patch paño de limpieza
patch panel tablero de conexiones
patch-bay panel de acoplamiento
soft patch parche blando
patch panel panel frontal
telephone patch puente telefónico
patch burning quema preventiva
patch panel panel de control
patch panel panel de conexiones
patch cord cordón de acoplamiento
phone patch enlace telefónico
patch panel panel de corrección
patch-bay panel de conexiones
phone patch acoplador telefónico
budding patch injerto de parche
direct current patch bay (dc patch bay) bastidor de interconexiones de corriente continua
audio patch bay panel de acoplamiento de audio
manual patch conmutación manual por cordones
manual patch conmutación por cordones
patch conexión provisional
patch board panel de conexiones
patch board tablero de conexiones
patch board conmutador de clavijas
patch bay panel de acoplamiento
patch cable cable de conexiones temporales
patch cable cable de empalmes temporales
patch cord cable de conexión rápida
patch cord puente para cable de fibra óptica
patch facility equipo de conmutación por cordones
patch cord cordón de interconexión
patch panel panel de conmutaciones
patch overhead información complementaria para trasporte
patch plug clavija de cordón de conmutación
plug-in patch wire alambre de interconexión enchufable
single-plug patch cord cable de interconexión con clavija sencilla
boiler-patch bolt perno de remiendo
patch parche [m]
patch board [uk] panel de conexiones [m]
patch parche [m]
patch board [uk] panel de acopiamiento [m]
patch panel [us] panel de conexiones [m]
patch panel [us] panel de acopiamiento [m]
patch conectar [v]
patch parchear [v]
patch domains dominios de parche
transdermal patch parche transdérmico
Molecular Biology
patch repair reparación por escisión
pectoral-patch cisticola cistícola pectoral
patch reef arrecife parche [m]
patch parche [m]
patch of rock parche [m]
snow patch neviza [f]
patch parche [m/adj]
eye patch monóculo [m]
patch placa [f]
patch test prueba del parche
patch test prueba de parche
epidural blood patch parche hemático epidural
herald patch placa heraldo
patch graft injerto en parche
gray-patch ringworm tiña a parches grises
herald patch placa heráldica
mucous patch placa mucosa
salmon patch placa asalmonada
butterfly patch placa en mariposa
cotton-wool patch placa algodonosa
herald patch placa heraldo
hutchinson's patch placa de hutchinson
moth patch placa de polilla
mucous patch placa mucosa
opaline patch placa opalina
peyer's patch placa de peyer
salmon patch placa salmón
shagreen patch placa de zapa
smoker's patch placa de fumador
soldier's patch placa del soldado
patch test prueba del parche
photo-patch test prueba del fotoparche
bare patch desconchón [m]
transdermal patch parche transdérmico
Nursing Terms
patch apósito [m]
bald patch clara [f]
patch rotura [f]
patch and point subsanar [v]
patch echar un remiendo [v]
cold patch remiendo en frío
patch roller rodillo de bachear
patch roller rodillo para remiendos
hot-patch mixer mezcladora para remiendos en caliente
Construction Machinery
patch of rock parche [m]
wall crack patch rafa [f]
patch corregir [v]
patch interconectar [v]
patch resanar [v]
patch acoplar [v]
patch bachear [v]
patch modificar [v]
patch chapucear [v]
patch and point resanar [v]
patch kit kit de emparchado
patch ajuste [m]
patch-pocket form forma de bolsillo sobreimpresa [f]
applied to a print having a friar patch afrailado [adj]
patch sobreimprimir [v]
applied to a print having a friar patch afrailada [adj/f]
patch board tablero de conexiones
patch board panel de conexiones
patch board cuadro de control
video patch panel panel de conmutación de vídeo
video patch plug clavija de panel de conectores de vídeo
video patch cord cable de conmutación de vídeo
patch board panel de acoplamiento [m]
patch panel panel de acoplamiento [m]
phon patch acoplador telefónico [m]
patch board [uk] panel de conexiones [m]
patch board [uk] panel de acopiamiento [m]
patch panel [us] panel de conexiones [m]
patch panel [us] panel de acopiamiento [m]
patch conectar [v]
hot patch parche en caliente
patch bacheo [m]
rigging patch parche de arriostramiento [m]
patch brazal [m]
patch predio [m]
patch out desconexión [f]
patch-out desconexión [f]
patch insignia [f]
patch cord cordón auxiliar
split patch refuerzo de unión
fog patch banco de niebla
ground patch area área elemental
chafing patch parche contra rozamiento
finger patch refuerzo de nervaduras radiales
suspension patch parche de suspensión
channel patch lengüeta anular
finger patch parche en pata de araña
cloud patch mancha de nubes
patch conexión provisional
flush type skin patch parche embutido y unido a tope
patch conexionar circuitos
patch and test facility (ptf) instalación de pruebas y de reparaciones
patch and test facility instalación de pruebas y reparaciones
patch reforzar [v]
flutter patch parches de vibración
snow patch ventisquero [m]
patch corro [m]
patch trecho [m]
patch budding injerto de parche [m]
patch tabla [f]
garden patch kokue [f] PY
patch tabla [f]
patch retazo
patch budding injerto de parche
white patch estrella [f]