dawn - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "dawn" in Spanish English Dictionary : 51 result(s)

English Spanish
dawn amanecer [m]
dawn alba [f]
dawn madrugada [f]
dawn despuntar [v]
dawn esclarecer [v]
dawn nacer [v]
dawn albor [m]
dawn alboreo [m]
dawn dilúculo [m]
dawn umbral [m]
dawn amanecida [f]
dawn aurora [f]
dawn madrugada [f]
dawn mañanita [f]
dawn prima [f]
dawn clarear [v]
dawn aclarar [v]
dawn aclarecer [v]
dawn quebrar albores [v]
dawn alborear [v]
dawn amanecer [v]
dawn clarecer [v]
dawn despuntar [v]
dawn rayar [v]
dawn albores [m/pl]
dawn alborada [f]
dawn crepúsculo [m]
dawn dilúculo [m]
dawn esclarecimiento [m]
dawn modorra [f]
dawn alborear (impersonal) [v]
dawn clarecer [v]
dawn comienzo [m]
dawn origen [m]
dawn principio [m]
dawn fulgor [m]
dawn apuntar [v]
dawn asomar [v]
dawn mostrarse [v]
dawn despertar [m]
dawn albor [m] rare
dawn eclosión [f] cult
dawn maitinada [f] rare
dawn alborecer [v] rare
dawn eclosionar [v] cult
dawn despuntar la aurora [v]
dawn amañanar [v]
dawn barras del día [f/pl] UY
dawn crepúsculo matutino
dawn romper el día
dawn prima [f]

Meanings of "dawn" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 148 result(s)

English Spanish
at dawn al amanecer [adv]
before dawn madrugada [f]
act of war at dawn albazo [m]
dawn of life albor de la vida [m]
tolling of the church bells at dawn toque del alba [m]
crack of dawn alborada [f]
song played at dawn alborada [f]
act of war at dawn alborada [f]
break of dawn mañanica [f]
break of dawn mañanita [f]
break of dawn quebrar el alba [v]
crack of dawn rayar el alba [v]
dawn on amanerar [v]
dawn of life albores de la vida [m/pl]
break of dawn albor [m]
crowing at dawn (rooster) menudeo [m]
dawn song alborada [f]
period of time between midnight and dawn madrugada [f]
(the dawn) to break amanecer [v]
(the dawn) break raya el día [v]
break dawn rayar [v]
from dusk to dawn de sol a sol [adv]
at the dawn of en los albores de [adv]
at the dawn of al amanecer de [adv]
at the dawn of al comienzo de [adv]
to dawn rayar el sol
dawn of civilization los albores de la civilización
dawn of aviation los albores de la aviación
professor who lectures at dawn primario [m]
dawn of day lubricán [m]
dawn of day amanecer [m]
dawn of day crepúsculo [m]
dawn of day rayar (del día) [m]
dawn of day alba [f]
dawn of day alborada [f]
dawn (the day) romper el alba [v]
music that is performed at dawn and outdoors during the festivities albazo [m] PE
music played generally at dawn, on occasion of certain popular religious festivals albazo [m] EC
dawn (beginning) inicio [m]
song played at dawn albazo [m] EC
attack at dawn albada [f] MX
procession of patron saint festivities at dawn alborada [f] MX HN SV NI PR CL rare
a continuous rain, especially at dawn agua Dios [f] DO rare
party until dawn amanecía [f] DO
party until dawn amanesquera [f] HN NI
meeting until dawn amanesquera [f] HN NI
done at dawn amanesquero [adj] HN NI
stay up until the break of dawn clarearse [v] HN
until dawn hasta la amaneca [adv] DO
at dawn a la amanezca [adv] DO PR rur.
at dawn al cantío del pitirre [adv] PR rur.
break of dawn a buena mañana [adv] HN SV
crack of dawn barras del día [f/pl] UY pl.
from dusk to dawn de sol a sol [adj]
dawn on someone ocurrírsele a alguien [v]
dawn upon somebody caer en la cuenta [v]
get up at the break of dawn levantarse con las estrellas [v]
get up at the break of dawn levantarse con las gallinas [v]
get up at the crack of dawn levantarse con las estrellas [v]
get up at the crack of dawn levantarse con las gallinas [v]
get up at the break of dawn darse un madrugón [v]
get up at the break of dawn levantarse pronto [v]
get up at the break of dawn levantarse de madrugada [v]
get up at the break of dawn pegarse un madrugón [v]
get up at the crack of dawn levantarse pronto [v]
get up at the crack of dawn pegarse un madrugón [v]
get up at the crack of dawn darse un madrugón [v]
get up at the crack of dawn levantarse de madrugada [v]
work from dawn to dusk trabajar de sol a sol [v]
at crack of dawn a las primeras horas de la mañana [adv]
at dawn antes del día [adv]
get up at the break of dawn con estrellas [adv]
at dawn a primera luz [adv]
at dawn entre dos luces [adv]
at the break of dawn de mañana [adv]
from dawn to dusk al sol puesto [adv]
from dawn to dusk de sol a sol [adv]
at the break of dawn al alba
at the crack of dawn al alba
at the crack of dawn al amanecer
at the break of dawn al amanecer
at the crack of dawn al romper el alba
crack of dawn la primera luz del día
crack of dawn el alba
finally dawn on someone pegarse el gomazo [v] CL rare
finally dawn on someone pegarse los gomazos [v] CL
rise at the crack of dawn tumbarse del palo temprano [v] PR teen
at the break of dawn de gran mañana [adv] disused
the dawn was breaking amanecía
be dawn on darse cuenta [v]
be dawn on comenzar a entender [v]
at the crack of dawn a primera hora de la mañana [adv]
at the crack of dawn al romper el alba
at dawn a primera luz
from dawn to dusk de sol a sol
at the crack of dawn al canto del gallo
at the break of dawn al canto del gallo
at dawn la del alba sería
at the crack of dawn al alba
at dawn al alba
at dawn al despuntar el día
at the break of dawn al despuntar el día
at the break of dawn al romper el día
at dawn al romper el día
before dawn antes de que amanezca
before dawn antes de que se haga de día
before dawn antes de que salga el sol
before dawn antes del amanecer
before dawn antes del día
before dawn antes del alba
before dawn antes de la aurora
before dawn antes del crepúsculo
(day) to dawn apuntar [v]
dawn on caer en la cuenta [v]
spring (dawn) amañanar [v]
be dawn amanecer dios [v]
get up at the break of dawn levantarse con estrellas [v]
get up at the crack of dawn levantarse con las estrellas [v]
since the dawn of time desde que el mundo es mundo [adv]
a false dawn falso amanecer
at the crack of dawn al romper el alba
from dawn to dusk desde el amanecer hasta el crepúsculo
from dawn to dusk desde el alba hasta el crepúsculo
from dawn to dusk desde la salida hasta la puesta del sol
get up at dawn albear [v] SCN
wake up at dawn demañanarse [v] MX
the darkest hour comes/is past/is that before the dawn las cosas suelen empeorar antes de mejorar
it is always darkest before dawn dios aprieta pero no ahoga
it is always darkest before dawn dios aprieta pero no ahorca
it is always darkest before the dawn siempre es oscuro antes del amanecer
ass crack of dawn muy temprano en la mañana
dawn on someone caer en cuenta [v]
cosmic dawn alba cósmica
dawn phobia eosofobia [f]
dawn phenomenon fenómeno del alba
drug abuse warning network (dawn) sistema de vigilancia de abuso de sustancias
dawn phenomenon fenómeno del amanecer
dawn phenomenon fenómeno del amanecer
dawn phobia fobia al amanecer
fear of dawn miedo al amanecer
phobia of dawn fobia del amanecer
dawn phenomenon fenómeno del amanecer
dawn chorus perturbación radioeléctrica natural
dawn raid albazo [m]
dawn attack albazo [m]
action fought at dawn alborada [f]
gigantic ghost that roams the streets of the towns during dawn juez justo [m] HN
gigantic ghost that roams the streets of the towns during dawn justo juez [m] HN