in stock - Spanish English Dictionary

in stock

Meanings of "in stock" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
stock exchange bolsa [f]
stock surtido [m]
stock-list inventario [m]
taking stock recuento [m]
stock planta madre [f]
security (stock market) valor [m]
stock (plant) alhelí [m]
stock stock [m]
stock pie [m]
stock tronco [m]
stock repuesto [m]
stock acumulación [f]
stock raza [f]
stock farm ganadería [f]
stock reserva [f]
laughing stock hazmerreír [m/f]
in stock existente [adj]
stock ganadero [adj]
stock up on abastecerse de [v]
stock up almacenar [v]
take stock hacer balance [v]
stock interés [m]
stock room depósito [m]
share of stock acción [f]
stock caldo [m]
stock cepa [f]
stock acervo [m]
crossbow stock antepecho [m]
stock cepo [m]
stock broker corredor de comercio [m]
stock haddock fish estocafís (neerlandés) [m]
stock boy reponedor [m]
stock-list inventario [m]
stock phrase latiguillo [m]
stock book libro de surtido [m]
stock retén [m]
stock phrase ribete [m]
stock stock (inglés) [m]
crossbow stock tablero [m]
stock phrase timo [m]
stock casta [f]
stock baceta [f]
stock market bolsa [f]
stock caja [f]
stock coz [f]
stock culata [f]
shoulder stock culata [f]
stock cuna [f]
stock of food despensa [f]
stock estirpe [f]
stock girl reponedora [f]
stock lámina [f]
key corresponding to the stock lock llave de loba [f]
stock phrase muletilla [f]
stock provisión [f]
stock of a crossbow rabera [f]
pertaining to rise in stock alcista [adj]
speculating stock to rise alcista [adj]
with a lot of stock caldoso [adj]
large stock gabacho [adj]
stock abastecer [v]
stock up acomodar [v]
stock up aparejarse [v]
stock up cargar [v]
stock a gun encepar [v]
stock fardar [v]
stock up habilitarse [v]
stock up hacerse [v]
stock valer [v]
stock existencias [f/pl]
stock cuerpo [m]
stock mango [m]
stock (exchange) valor [m]
stock leño [m]
foot stock contrapunto [m]
stock acopio [m]
watered stock capital inflado [m]
stock ganado [m]
stock market mercado de valores [m]
laughing stock hazmerreír [m]
stock exchange parqué [m]
stock phrase latiguillo [m]
stock thief cuatrero [m]
stock linaje [m]
stock grid [aus] guardaganado [m]
stock grid [aus] guarda ganado [m]
stock existencia [f]
stock of cattle ganadería [f]
stock culata [f]
joint stock of two gamblers vaca [f]
stock acción [f]
stock terraja [f]
stock prevención [f]
stock manija [f]
stock mezcla [f]
stock market bolsa [f]
stock (in a rifle) culata [f]
stock phrase coletilla [f]
stock phrase muletilla [f]
treasury stock autocartera [f]
grapevine stock cepa [f]
stock ganadería [f]
stock market bolsa mercado de valores [f]
stock portfolio cartera de valores [f]
butt/stock of a firearm culata [f]
agriculture and stock raising agricultura y ganadería [f]
stock broker corredora de comercio [f]
out of stock agotado [adj]
stock-market bursátil [adj]
stock-exchange bursátil [adj]
stock-market bursátil [adj]
stock accionarial [adj]
in stock disponible [adj]
stock en almacén [adj]
available in stock en existencia [adj]
available in stock disponible en inventario [adj]
available in stock disponible en stock [adj]
stock (common; usual) corriente [adj]
stock up on repostar [v]
stock up acaparar [v]
stock up abastecerse [v]
stock up proveer [v]
stock up aprovisionarse [v]
stock up armar [v]
stock acopiar [v]
stock up acopiar [v]
stock almacenar [v]
take stock of something evaluar algo [v]
stock up on something aprovisionarse de algo [v]
stock up hacer acopio de [v]
stock up with hacer acopio de [v]
stock up surtirse de [v]
renew stock renovar existencias [v]
become a laughing stock convertirse en un hazmerreír [v]
check the stock market consultar con la bolsa [v]
be cautious in the stock market aguantar la bolsa [v]
be out of stock estar agotado [v]
preferred stock acciones preferenciales [f/pl]
preferred stock capital preferente [f/pl]
stock existencias [f/pl]
stock existencias en pie
common stock acción ordinaria
preferred stock acciones privilegiadas
preferred stock acción preferente
watered stock acciones diluidas
stock phrase frase estereotipada
stock cube pastilla de caldo
rolling stock material rodante
stock broker corredor de bolsa
bit-stock berbiquí [m]
neck stock/tie alzacuello [m]
stock-jobbing agiotaje [m]
stock-jobbing agio [m]
stock of an anvil cepo [m]
large stub of tree/vine-stock cepón [m]
stock of casks/barrels barrilamen [m]
stock corbatín [m]
priest's collar/stock collarín [m]
one of a group of languages descended from one parent stock dialecto [m]
little stock-exchange bolsín [m]
neck-stock cuello [m]
stock caudal [m]
stock-farmer ganadero [m]
stock inventario [m]
stock fondo [m]
stock of money peculio [m]
small dead/live stock pegujal [m]
stock fish pejepalo [m]
stock into which a scion is grafted masto [m]
laughing-stock matachín [m]
leaning stock respaldo [m]
stock retén [m]
stock surtimiento [m]
stock of a cross-bow tablero [m]
stock-dove zurano [m]
stock-dove zuro [m]
stock-jobber agiotador [m]
small dead/live stock pegujar [m]
vine-stock cepa [f]
gun-stock caja [f]
stock of casks/barrels barrilería [f]
docket (stock-exchange quotations) carpeta [f]
gun-stock in the rough cureña [f]
stock of counters dote [f]
stock cédula [f]
stock provisión [f]
small stock of goods pacotilla [f]
stock ralea [f]
screw-stock tarraja [f]
pipe-stock tarraja [f]
joint stock of two gambling partners vaca [f]
die-stock terraja [f]
original stock suerte [f]
stock-dove zurita [f]
stock-dove zurana [f]
stock-jobber agiotadora [f]
stock-farmer ganadera [f]
stock-broker bolsista [m/f]
in stock almacenado [adj]
stock bursátil [adj]
belonging to a stock-dove zuro [adj]
stock aprovisionar [v]
stock with fry alevinar [v]
stock colmar [v]
lay in a large stock cargar [v]
be descended from the same stock entroncar [v]
stock a gun/anchor encepar [v]
leave several important shoots on a vine-stock perchonar [v]
stock proveer [v]
stock surtir [v]
as a limited or joint-stock company comanditariamente [adv]
stock asuntos [m/pl]
stock-in-hand existencias [m/pl]
in stock existencias [f/pl]
stock (card-playing) pintas [f/pl]
anchor stock cepo del ancla [m]
the stock of an anvil cepo de yunque [m]
stock surtido de mercancías [m]
stock caldo para guisar [m]
stock tajo [m]
stock alzacuello [m]
stock monte de una baraja [m]
stock hombre necio [m]
stock-yard corral de ganado [m]
stock-broker corredor de valores [m]
stock-breeder ganadero [m]
stock-taking inventario [m]
joint-stock company compañía por acciones [f]
laughing stock fábula del mundo [f]
pipe-stock terraja [f]
stock culata (de fusil) [f]
stock baceta de una baraja [f]
joint-stock company sociedad por acciones [f]
stock-dove paloma torcaz [f]
screw-stock terraja [f]
stock-still inmóvil [adj]
stock-still inmoble [adj]
stock the anchor encepar el ancla [v]
lay in a stock proveerse [v]
lay in a stock surtir los almacenes [v]
take stock hacer inventario [v]
lay in a stock hacer provisión [v]
stock poner en un cepo [v]
stock llenar [v]
joint stock fondos en común [m/pl]
stock mercancías almacenadas [f/pl]
stock in hand mercancías en almacén [f/pl]
stock in trade mercancías en almacén [f/pl]
stock depósito [m]
stock hombre tonto [m] fig.
agave with a growing flowering stock cut in order to stimulate the production of honey water capón [m] MX
male laughing stock choteado [m] CR CU PE
standing stock cepo [m] PR
standing stock cepo [m] PY
standing stock embudo [m] HN rur.
stock horse madrino [m] AR:Nw UY rur.
stock horse madrino [m] CO:W rare
stock embudo [m] HN rur.
payment of commissions for stock movements in another city peaje [m] CL
male stock clerk pasillero [m] CL
series of jabs with a stock prod picaneo [m] AR:Nw UY
stock item stock item (inglés) [m] US PR
stock room stock room (inglés) [m] US PR
man in charge of stock horses tropillero [m] AR UY rur.
stock prod tábano [m] CO:N
stock of a family cepa [f] fig.
female laughing stock choteada [f] CR CU PE
female stock clerk pasillera [f] CL
series of jabs with a stock prod picaneada [f] AR:Nw
stock prod picana [f] PA EC PE BO PY AR UY CL rur.
stock tank albuhera [f] disused
made a laughing stock (person) choteado [adj] CR CU PE
lay in stock repostarse [v] AMER
stock up in excess aponchinchar [v] CU
stock up in excess aponchincharse [v] CU
stock pile harvested product abalserar [v] HN rur.
have in stock cargar [v] GT HN SV NI PA
allow a store to go out of stock desurtir [v] PR
torture someone with a stock prod picanear [v] PY AR UY
stock abastar [v] disused
stock up on abastarse [v] disused
stock abondar [v] disused
stock up on abondarse [v] disused
stock bastir [v] disused
out of stock agotada [adj/f]
stock market chartista [adj/f]
stock ganadera [adj/f]
belonging to a stock-dove zura [adj/f]
of good stock de pura cepa [adj]
from good stock de buena cepa [adj]
take no stock in something no prestar atención a algo [v]
take no stock in something no creer o aceptar algo [v]
take stock of a situation evaluar una situación [v]
not put (a lot) of stock in something no prestar atención a algo [v]
not put (a lot) of stock in something no dar mucho crédito a algo [v]
not take much stock mostrar indiferencia hacia algo [v]
not take stock in something no prestar atención a algo [v]
not take stock in something no dar crédito a algo [v]
make a laughing stock of oneself hacer un papelón [v]
take stock of a situation hacerse una composición de lugar [v]
take stock of a situation hacer una composición de lugar [v]
stand stock-still quedarse completamente inmóvil [v]
play the (stock) market invertir en la bolsa [v]
play the (stock) market hacer colocaciones en la bolsa de valores [v]
play the (stock) market Invertir en el mercado de valores [v]
be the laughing stock of somewhere ser el hazmerreír de algún lugar [v]
be the laughing stock ser el hazmerreír de la ciudad [v]
be the laughing stock ser el hazmerreír de la gente [v]
be a laughing stock ser el pato de la fiesta [v]
be a laughing-stock ser un objeto de risión [v]
take stock of a situation hacer composición de lugar [v]
lock, stock and barrel en cuerpo y alma
lock stock and barrel absolutamente
lock stock and barrel con todo incluido
lock, stock and barrel con todo incluido
lock, stock and barrel de cabo a rabo
lock stock and barrel en cuerpo y alma
lock stock and barrel completamente
lock stock and barrel todo el cotarro
be a laughing stock ser el pato de la boda [v] LAM
be a laughing stock coger de guaitaca [v] PR
be a laughing stock coger de guasa [v] PR
be the laughing stock ser la pitoreta [v] HN
the stock market peaked el mercado accionario alcanzó una marca récord
the stock trades over the counter at ten cents a share el mercado cotiza las acciones a diez centavos cada una
stock up on almacenar [v]
stock up with abastecerse de [v]
stock up on abastecerse con [v]
stock up on something abastecerse de una gran cantidad de algo [v]
in stock en existencia [adj]
in stock en existencia [adv]
in stock en almacén
the laughing stock el hazmerreír
out of stock desabastecido
out of stock agotado
in stock en stock (inglés)
in stock en existencia
in stock en depósito
old vine stock ceporro [m]
gazing-stock hazmerreír [m]
laughing stock risión [f]
laughing-stock hazmerreír [m/f]
be a laughing stock estar dando papaya [v]
play the stock market jugar a la bolsa [v]
make a laughing stock of oneself hacer el gilí [v]
make a laughing stock of oneself hacer el oso [v]
make a laughing stock of oneself hacer el ridi [v]
make a laughing stock of oneself hacer el ridículo [v]
stock vender [v]
stock answer respuesta típica
stock answer respuesta habitual
laughing stock risionada [f] MX:N
stock-up fufurufo [adj] SV
a hike in stock price cajonear [v] PE
out of stock no hay de piña [expr] MX
lock, stock and barrel absolutamente
lock, stock and barrel completamente
stock-car racer coche preparado para correr
stock boy chico común
stock exchange economato [m]
stock list inventario [m]
stock título [m]
stock capital [m]
stock market forecast chart [m]
asset (stock) valor [m]
stock-fish estocafís [m]
capital stock capital [m]
stock principal [m]
capital stock capital social [m]
stock market collapse colapso de la bolsa de valores [m]
stock market crash colapso de la bolsa de valores [m]
stock controller controlador de inventario [m]
stock in trade inventario [m]
stock jobber especulador [m]
stock market collapse colapso del mercado de valores [m]
stock market crash colapso del mercado de valores [m]
stock efecto [m]
stock split desdoblamiento [m]
stock split desdoble [m]
stock stock [m]
common stock equivalent equivalente de acciones ordinarias [m]
capital stock capital social [m]
stock inventario [m]
common stock fund fondo de acciones ordinarias [m]
stock ganado [m]
stock certificate acción [f]
stock corporation sociedad anónima [f]
joint-stock company sociedad anónima [f]
london stock exchange bolsa de valores de londres [f]
stock market bolsa de comercio [f]
joint stock company sociedad anónima [f]
stock exchange lonja [f]
corporate stock acción de sociedad anónima [f]
stock portfolio cartera [f]
stock company sociedad anónima [f]
stock savings bank caja de ahorros [f]
stock exchange bolsa de valores [f]
stock market bolsa de valores [f]
regional stock exchange bolsa de valores regional [f]
stock acción [f]
ase (american stock exchange) bolsa americana de valores [f]
allocation of stock asignación de acciones [f]
common stock ratio proporción de acciones ordinarias [f]
capital stock tax contribución a los capitales [f]
common stock ratio razón de acciones ordinarias [f]
american stock exchange bolsa americana de valores [f]
amex (american stock exchange) bolsa americana de valores [f]
stock farming ganadería [f]
stock exchange bolsa [f]
stock share acción [f]
taking stock estimación [f]
stock appreciation apreciación de acciones [f]
stock exchange bolsa de comercio [f]
regional stock exchange bolsa de valores regional [f]
stock portfolio cartera de acciones [f]
stock company sociedad anónima [f]
class of stock categoría de acciones [f]
stock corporation sociedad anónima [f]
stock certificate acción [f]
stock reserva [f]
stk. (stock) acción [f]
stock market bolsa [f]
treasury stock autocartera [f]
stk. (stock) reserva [f]
stock market investor bolsista [m/f]
bear (stock market) bajista [m/f]
stock broker agente de cambio [m/f]
shareholder in a joint stock company accionista comanditario [m/f]
bear (stock market) bajista [adj]
outside of a stock exchange extrabursátil [adj]
relating to stock exchange transactions bursátil [adj]
built-to-stock hecho para la venta en general [adj]
out of stock agotado [adj]
relating to a stock exchange bursátil [adj]
non-stock sin acciones [adj]
stock up acumular [v]
stock abastecer [v]
stock jobber especulador [v]
take stock hacer el inventario [v]
have something in stock tener algo en almacén [v]
have in stock tener en existencias [v]
be in stock tener en existencias [v]
be in stock tener algo en almacén [v]
stock almacenar [v]
administer stock administrar las acciones [v]
control stock controlar acciones [v]
hold stock tener acciones [v]
stock completely abarrotar [v]
over-stock mantener existencias excesivas [v]
control stock controlar las acciones [v]
take stock estimar [v]
stock market speculation jugar a la bolsa [v]
speculate in the stock market jugar en bolsa [v]
influence stock influir sobre las acciones [v]
assign stock asignar acciones [v]
designate stock designar acciones [v]
issue stock liberar acciones [v]
distribute stock distribuir acciones [v]
take stock hacer inventario [v]
re-stock reabastecer [v]
build-to-stock hacer para la venta en general [v]
underwrite stock suscribir acciones [v]
re-stock reaprovisionar [v]
water stock diluir acciones [v]
acquire stock adquirir acciones [v]
allocate stock asignar acciones [v]
borrow stock tomar acciones prestadas [v]
direct stock dirigir las acciones [v]
influence stock influenciar las acciones [v]
influence stock influir las acciones [v]
manage stock administrar las acciones [v]
manage stock manejar las acciones [v]
manipulate stock manipular las acciones [v]
stock bienes de cambio [m/pl]
common stock acciones ordinarias [f/pl]
inventory (stock) existencias [f/pl]
paid-up stock acciones liberadas [f/pl]
stock in trade existencias [f/pl]
ordinary stock acciones ordinarias [f/pl]
general stock acciones ordinarias [f/pl]
unissued stock acciones no liberadas [f/pl]
stock acciones [f/pl]
outstanding capital stock acciones en circulación [f/pl]
outstanding stock acciones en circulación [f/pl]
stock outstanding acciones en circulación [f/pl]
bearer stock acciones al portador [f/pl]
common stock acciones votantes ordinarias [f/pl]
shares of stock acciones [f/pl]
stock shares acciones [f/pl]
shares of stock acciones [f/pl]
stock certificates acciones [f/pl]
bearer stock acciones al portador [f/pl]
non-paid-up stock acciones no liberadas [f/pl]
registered stock acciones nominativas [f/pl]
preferred stock acciones preferentes [f/pl]
equity stock acciones ordinarias [f/pl]
stock existencias [f/pl]
equity stock acciones [f/pl]
paid-in stock acciones liberadas [f/pl]
preference stock acciones preferentes [f/pl]

Meanings of "in stock" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 40 result(s)

Spanish English
stock [m] stock
stock [m] supply
stock (inglés) [m] stock
stock [m] inventory
disponible en stock [adj] available in stock
stock item (inglés) [m] US PR stock item
stock room (inglés) [m] US PR stock room
en stock (inglés) in stock
stock [m] stock
stock [m] inventory
stock disponible free stock
stock agotado stock-out
gestión de stock inventory control
fuera de stock out of stock
american stock exchange ase (american stock exchange)
new york stock exchange new york stock exchange
faltante de stock inventory shrinkage
stock básico base stock
método de stock básico base stock method
variable de stock stock variable
stock de seguridad safety stock
Online Shopping Terms
surtir el stock restock
surtir el stock replenish stock
stock de seguridad buffer stock
disponible en stock off-the-shelf
stock de seguridad safety stock
disponible en stock in-stock
sistema stock stock system
sistema de Stock Stock system
stock granítico granitic stock
enfermedad de spielmeyer-stock spielmeyer-stock disease
stock stock
vacuna de stock stock vaccine
stock de peces fish stock
stock de reproducción broodstock
mejora del stock stock enhancement
stock de reproductores broodstock
Animal Husbandry
antígeno stock [m] stock antigen
virus stock stock virus
stock de biomasa [m] biomass stock