produced - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "produced" in Spanish English Dictionary : 3 result(s)

English Spanish
produced producido [adj]
produced fabricado [adj]
produced producido [adj]

Meanings of "produced" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 148 result(s)

English Spanish
mass-produced seriado [adj]
industrially produced industrial [adj]
brush or branches produced from tree pruning desbrozo [m]
oil produced by an oil-mill at each pressing obradura [f]
produced in forests soteño [adj]
be produced again reproducirse [v]
light produced by fire lumbre [f]
image produced using decalcomania calcomanía [f]
home- produced artesano [adj]
pertaining to products produced from milk lácteo [adj]
pertaining to electricity produced by a chemical reaction electroquímico [adj]
that can be be produced producible [adj]
pertaining to produced by life or living organisms biótico [adj]
be produced estar producido [v]
be produced ser producido [v]
small flame just above the ground produced by the decomposition of bones luz mala [n] AR UY rur.
illness produced by the shade of this tree litre [m]
heat produced by reflection of the sun's rays resistero [m]
disposition of a person produced by his natural temper genialidad [f]
oil produced by an oil-mill at each pressing obradura [f]
quantity of olives produced in one pressing viga [f]
that may be begotten/produced generable [adj]
first produced/brought forth primerizo [adj]
fruit produced in such land noval [adj]
produced in forests soteño [adj]
marks on the legs, produced by continual proximity to the fire cabrillas [f/pl]
saliva bubble (produced by a baby) abejorro [m] PA
milky and oily sap produced by chewstick bálsamo de maría [m] PR
blood blister in the neck of a gamecock produced by a pricking from its opponent bolsón [m] DO
effect produced by a set of white things blanquizal [m] PR
sound produced by a storm or volcano bujido [m] SV NI
a fatty extract produced by the female scale insects used as paint and coloring aje [m] MX HN
loud noise produced by lightning cuerazo [m] CR
repetitive guttural sounds produced in imitation of their owners by some birds like the parrot, parakeet, and macaw charloteo [m] HN
(in video recording) blinding produced by a shiny object charolazo [m] MX CR
dirtiness produced by stepping on an area where liquid has been spilled charquero [m] CU PR
foot odor produced by sweat or lack of hygiene cicote [m] CU PR VE
oblique blow or cut produced by something chanfle [m] MX GT CU BO AR UY
face produced by making an oblique cut chanfle [m] MX CU BO AR UY CR
dirtiness produced by stepping on an area where liquid has been spilled patiñero [m] CU
dirtiness produced by stepping on an area where liquid has been spilled fanguero [m] CU
disease of the banana tree produced by two fungi that stain and dry the leaves chamusco [m] MX:Se GT
dirtiness produced by stepping in spilled liquid fanguero [m] CU
dirtiness produced by stepping in spilled liquid fanguero [m] CU
sound produced by a fotuto, conch shell trumpet fotutazo [m] DO PR
blow and cut produced by a machete guamazo [m] HN
frustration produced by an unexpected disappointment guatazo [m] CL
creaking sound produced by a solid body when rubbing against something or breaking crujimiento [m] CL
wound or scar produced by a blow with a hook corvazo [m] GT SV rur.
acute and sudden pain produced by a tumor or boil jalón [m] DO
effect produced by drugs kike [m] PR drug
effect produced by drugs quique [m] PR
block of sugar produced at sugar mill dulce [m] GT HN SV NI
natural asphalt produced in colombia neme [m] CO
foam produced when boiling the broth to make raw cane sugar otavalillo [m] EC rur.
man who produced and sells pulque pulquero [m] MX
effect produced by drugs quique [m] PR
heat and light produced by solar reverberation resisterio [m] CU
physical or mental illness produced by magic or witchcraft soplado [m] EC
burn produced by excessive sunlight aterrillada [f] CU
burn produced by excessive sunlight aterrilladura [f] CU
bang produced by the mortar or fireworks camaretazo [f] PE BO AR:Nw
extensive and deep wound produced by a knife bramera [f] VE:W
plague produced by the coffee berry borer broca del café [f] CR BO
foam usually produced by the horse when chomping at the bit cachaza [f] CO:E
sound produced by a storm or volcano bujida [f] SV
fine and resistant fiber that is extracted from the curagua leaves with which basic tools are produced curagua [f] VE
small fragment produced when grinding stone or another solid object curubica [f] PY AR:Ne
small fragment produced when grinding stone or another solid object curuvica [f] PY AR:Ne
disease affecting crop plants like beans produced by phytophagous fungi rhizoctania solani and thanatephorus cucumeris chasparria [f] HN
mixture of reddish colors produced by mixing this soil with water charanda [f] MX:S,W
fermented alcoholic drink made of corn ground with one's teeth, produced and consumed by some indigenous groups chicha mascada [f] PA
factory where a great variety of food stuffs and domestic items are produced factoría (inglés factory) [f] US
chaffing and scab produced by a skin disease like scabies or ringworm caracha [f] DO PE BO PY
plant illness produced by pathogenic fungi cenicilla [f] GT HN rur.
light or reflection produced by water candelilla [f] PR
ulceration produced by chiggers that enter through the heel jarretera [f] CO
thick substance produced by boiling the syrup when making chicha fermented corn drink misquiqueta [f] BO:C rur.
woman who produced and sells pulque pulquera [f] MX
heat and light produced by solar reverberation resolana [f] CU DO PY
that is produced out of the proper period for its farming (corn/rice) aventurero [adj] CU DO
produced out of season aventurero [adj] CU
expresses the pain produced by a burn ¡astaray! [interj] EC:S
expresses the pain produced by a burn ¡astarau! [interj] EC:S
imitating the sound produced by a slap ¡chapaj! (del quechua) [interj] BO
sores on a horses produced by the harness or spurs espejeras [f/pl] CU rur.
wound produced by a spur or horse espejeras [f/pl] CU
mass-produced seriada [adj/f]
home- produced artesana [adj/f]
first produced/brought forth primeriza [adj/f]
produced in forests soteña [adj/f]
as fresh as the day it was produced tan fresco como el primer día
what was produced? ¿qué se produjo?
to be produced producido
explosion produced by a vehicle, in its motor or electric system cueteo [m] CL
foam produced when boiling sugar cane juice espumillón [m] BO:E
sound produced by the speakers of a vehicle or a fotuto fotutazo [m] CU
moral impact produced by bad news carajazo [m] VE
cutting of threads on clothing produced on an assembly line corte de hebra [m] HN
shivering produced by an electric shock jalonazo [m] CR
shivering produced by an electric shock cuerazo [m] CR
bang produced by the firecracker or fireworks camaretazo [f] BO:S EC
intense or instantaneous brightness produced in the clouds by an electrical discharge culebrina [f] CR PA disused
imitating a loud noise like that produced by a landslide or something falling from a great height ¡bumbulum! [interj] HN:W rur.
imitating a loud noise like that produced by a landslide or something falling from a great height ¡bumbulum! [interj] NI rur.
wound and scar produced by one of those cuts hachazo [m] VE AR BO delinq.
commercially produced producido comercialmente [adj]
home-produced de construcción nacional
produced amount cantidad producida
Social Security Terms
produced assets production factor activos producidos/activos fijos tangibles factor de producción
non-pension sources of income non-produced assets ingresos distintos de las pensiones activos no producidos/no financieros
home-produced textile textil de producción casera [m]
unit produced unidad de producto
unit produced unidad producida
non-produced tangible asset activo material no producido
non-produced non-financial asset activo no financiero y no producido
non-produced intangible asset activo inmaterial no producido
produced fixed asset activo fijo producido
produced section sección protegida
flow-produced construido en serie [adj]
energy produced energía eléctrica producida
effect produced by efecto producido por
mass-produced fabricado en gran cantidad
artificially-produced producido artificialmente
quantity-produced producido en serie
mass-produced de serie
maximum power produced potencia eléctrica máxima producida
series-produced power reactor reactor comercial de construcción en serie [m]
one of many small male gametes produced in an antheridium anterozoide [m]
computer-produced producido por el ordenador
produced heat calor producido [m]
silver produced by the patio plata de patio
silver produced by the patio plata de pie
escarpment produced by erosion escalón dé denudación AR
effect produced by a blow on a place distinct from the one suffering a contusion contragolpe [m]
risus (laughter) ( a grinning expression produced by spasm of the facial muscles) risa [f]
an image of an internal part of the body produced by scintigraphy cintigrama [f] CL
produced yielded devengado [adj]
laser-produced printing plate plancha de impresión producida por láser [f]
block of sugar produced at a sugar mill dulce de panela [m] HN
block of sugar produced at a sugar mill dulce de rapadura [m] HN
dish prepared with meat, vegetables, and spices served in the gravy produced during cooking mole de olla [m] MX
series produced by serie producida por
produced by producida por
red wine produced in many places cartón [m] AR UY AL
poison produced from the plant of the same name that is capable of producing serious symptoms including death cube [m] PE
variety of yam produced by the himber gulembo [m] PR
dry seed-like fruit produced by the cereal grasses cariópside [f]