streng - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "streng" in English German Dictionary : 57 result(s)

Alemán Inglés
streng [adj] rigorous
streng [adj] harsh
streng [adj] exigent
streng [adj] stern
streng [adj] strict
streng [adj] prim
streng [adj] rigid
streng [adj] dure
streng [adj] draconic
streng [adj] stringent
streng [adj] ironhanded
streng [adj] austere
streng [adj] victorian
streng [adj] tight
streng [adj] hieratic
streng [adj] acerb
streng [adj] hardhanded
streng [adj] hidebound
streng [adj] rigorist
streng [adj] exacting
streng [adj] curious
streng [adj] hardfisted
streng [adj] hard
streng [adj] tough
streng [adj] severe
streng [adj] hieratical
streng [adv] austerely
streng [adv] sternly
streng [adv] strictly
streng [adv] stringently
streng [adv] rigorously
streng [adv] rigidly
streng [adv] severely
streng [adv] hieratically
streng austere
streng blood-and-guts
streng [adj] heavy
streng [adj] austere
streng [adj] severe
streng [adj] stringent
streng [adj] rigorous
streng [adj] hard
streng [adj] rigorous
streng [adj] exacting
streng [adj] stringent
streng [adv] fiercely
streng [adj] strict
streng [adj] obligate
streng [adv] obligately
streng [adv] strictly
streng [adj] accurate
streng [adj] strictly
streng [adj] strict
streng [adj] rigorous
streng [adj] rigid
streng [adj] strict
streng [adj] rigorous

Meanings of "streng" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 82 result(s)

Alemán Inglés
streng vertraulich [adj] strictly confidential
streng riechend [adj] stenchy
streng verboten [adj] strictly forbidden
streng methodisch [adj] methodistic
streng beaufsichtigt [adj] closely guarded
streng bewacht [adj] closely-guarded
streng überwacht [adj] tightly controlled
streng überwacht [adj] closely guarded
streng vertraulich [adj] highly sensitive
streng kontrolliert [adj] tightly controlled
streng gläubig [adj] devout
streng gehütet [adj] well-kept
so streng wie [adj] as tough as
streng geheim [adj] hush hush
streng geheim [adj] hushhush
genau/streng genommen [adv] actually
genau/streng genommen [adv] strictly speaking
streng aber gerecht [adv] severe but just
genau/streng genommen [adv] technically (speaking)
eine streng geheime Einheit [f] a top-secret unit
streng mit jemandem sein [v] be harsh on someone
gegenüber seinem Kind streng sein [v] be strict with one's child
streng hierarchisch aufgebaut/gegliedert sein [v] be strictly hierarchical
seinem Kind gegenüber streng sein [v] be strict with one's child
streng befolgen [v] adhere strictly
streng mit sich sein [v] be hard on yourself
streng ausgeschimpft werden [v] be scolded severely
streng werden [v] become severe
streng werden [v] become tough
streng werden [v] get firm
streng mit der Klasse umgehen [v] get tough with the class
nicht so streng sein mit [v] go easy on
streng geheime Nachrichten [pl] top secret information
Streng dich an! Play up!
streng nach Etikette de rigueur
Streng dein Gehirn ein bisschen an. Use your noddle.
streng wachsend strictly increasing
streng monoton wachsend strictly monotonic increasing
streng monoton fallend strictly monotonic decreasing
streng genommen strictly speaking
Streng dich an! Try hard!
streng genommen properly speaking
streng geheim top secret
streng geheim topsecret
streng bewachter Gefangener close prisoner
streng geheim highly secret
zu streng bestrafen overpunish
streng vorgehen clamp down
streng geheim hush-hush
mit jemandem streng sein [v] be tough on someone
streng nachdenken [v] beat one's brains out
sehr streng as tough as nails
streng zu jemandem sein be hard on
streng zu jemandem sein be hard on someone
streng gläubig blue nose
streng gläubig bluenose
Streng dich an! play up!
Das ist streng verboten! that's strictly forbidden!
streng nach Vorschrift by the book
genau/streng genommen in essence
streng riechen [v] to be whiffy
Das ist streng verboten! That's strictly forbidden!
streng genommen [adv] strictly speaking
mit jemandem streng umgehen to deal severely with someone
streng vertraulich private and confidential
streng vertraulich in strictest confidence
streng vertrauliche Information classified information
streng vertraulich strictly confidential
streng verboten strictly forbidden
Business Correspondence
streng vertraulich as strictly confidential
sind streng begrenzt bei are strictly limited to
streng vertraulich strictly confidential
streng vertraulich in strict confidence
streng vertraulich with the utmost discretion
streng juristisch (gesehen) (going) by the letter of the law
Jeder Aspekt ihres Lebens ist streng reglementiert. Every aspect of their life is strictly regimented.
streng aerob obligately aerobic
streng anaerob obligately anaerobic
streng monoton fallend [adj] strictly monotonic decreasing
streng monoton wachsend strictly monotonic increasing
streng monoton fallend strictly monotonic decreasing
streng vertraulich [adj] critically sensitive