introduce - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "introduce" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 66 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
introduce introducir [v]
introduce presentar [v]
introduce implantar [v]
introduce imprimir [v]
introduce embeber [v]
introduce injerir [v]
introduce innovar [v]
introduce presentación [f]
introduce anunciar [v]
introduce entrar [v]
introduce implantar [v]
introduce implementar [v]
introduce imprimir [v]
introduce instituir [v]
introduce introducir [v]
introduce llevar [v]
introduce meter [v]
introduce pasar [v]
introduce pegarse [v]
introduce presentar [v]
introduce reconcentrar [v]
introduce reconcentrarse [v]
introduce hincar [v]
introduce iniciar [v]
introduce trasplantar [v]
introduce instituir [v]
introduce transplantar [v]
introduce adoptar [v]
introduce ambientar [v]
introduce facilitar [v]
introduce aplicar [v]
introduce calarse [v]
introduce insertar [v]
introduce entrar [v]
introduce meter [v]
introduce llevar [v]
introduce reconcentrar [v]
introduce ingerir [v]
introduce empezar [v]
introduce establecer [v]
introduce dar entrada [v]
introduce proponer [v]
introduce poner en uso [v]
introduce hacer adoptar [v]
introduce ocasionar [v]
introduce dar motivo [v]
introduce causar [v]
introduce dar a conocer [v]
introduce anunciamiento [m] disused
introduce dentrotraer [v] disused
introduce empresentar [v] disused
introduce poner algo en marcha [v]
introduce sambutir [v]
introduce presentar [v]
introduce implantar [v]
introduce introducir [v]
introduce presentar (introducir)
introduce inyectar [v]
introduce representar [v]
introduce someter [v]
introduce introducir [v]
introduce implementar [v]
introduce entregar [v]
introduce lanzar al mercado [v]
introduce incorporar [v]
Coil Minting
introduce poner en circulación [v]

Sens de "introduce" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 3 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
introduce [v] second-person singular formal present indicative of introducir
introduce [v] second-person singular affirmative imperative of introducir
introduce [v] third-person singular present indicative of introducir

Sens de "introduce" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 78 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
I introduce presento [v]
introduce into introducir en [v]
introduce to iniciar [v]
introduce a character in a story introducir [v]
introduce to latin latinizar [v]
introduce fillings rellenar [v]
introduce oneself identificarse [v]
introduce oneself implantarse [v]
introduce to exponer [v]
introduce to revelar [v]
introduce to descubrir [v]
introduce to exhibir [v]
introduce a text prefar [v]
introduce oneself presentarse [v]
introduce a bill presentar un proyecto de ley [v]
introduce into the market introducir en el mercado [v]
introduce (jokes) into a speech entremesear [v]
introduce oneself envestirse [v]
introduce foreign customs into a country extranjerizar [v]
introduce with cunning encajar [v]
introduce as a digression involucrar [v]
introduce foreign matter involucrar [v]
introduce oneself into some place entrar [v]
game in which the participants have a limited number of turns to introduce the marbles into a hole choclón [m] CL
children's game where participants try to introduce marbles in small shallow holes, made in the ground tocolo [m] BO:E
introduce many people in a reduced space atapuzar [v] VE
introduce something by force in the mouth of a person/animal (generally food) aturusar [v] CR
introduce the bit between the horse's teeth boquear [v] HN
introduce herbs into a jar with the portrait or effigy of someone and then burying it enfrascar [v] GT
open the mouth to introduce medication barbear [v] HN PA
introduce jokes into a speech entremesar [v] disused
introduce jokes into a speech entremesear [v] disused
introduce a person to a new situation without adequately preparing him or her echar a alguien a los leones [v]
introduce into traer a [v]
introduce into insertar en [v]
introduce something into something introducir algo en algo [v]
introduce something into something insertar algo en algo [v]
introduce someone in a ridiculous way poner algo en solfa [v]
introduce a product to the market introducir algo en el mercado [v]
introduce something into the mention traer algo a cuento [v]
put in and introduce by force jugar enchute [v] HN
introduce contraband pasar liso [v] HN
let me introduce myself permítanme presentarme
could you introduce yourself? ¿puedes presentarte?
can you introduce yourself? ¿puede presentarse?
can you introduce yourself? ¿puedes presentarte?
let me introduce myself to you me presento
let me introduce my family déjame presentarte a mi familia
let me introduce myself to you me voy a presentar
let me introduce you to someone deja que te presente a alguien
I want to introduce me and my family to you quiero que me conozcas a mí y a mi familia
please let me introduce myself permíteme presentarme por favor
please let me introduce myself permítame presentarme por favor
i would like to introduce you to someone quiero presentarte a alguien
I would like to introduce you to someone quiero que conozcas a alguien
i would like to introduce you to someone quiero que conozca a alguien
i would like to introduce you to someone quiero presentarles a alguien
i would like to introduce you to someone quiero presentarle a alguien
i would like to introduce you to someone desearía presentarte a alguien
i would like to introduce you to someone me gustaría presentarles a alguien
i would like to introduce you to someone desearía que conocieras a alguien
introduce someone to something iniciar a alguien en algo [v]
introduce someone to someone presentar a alguien a alguien [v]
I'd like to introduce you to... me gustaría presentarte...
introduce yourself presentarse [v]
introduce yourself darse a conocer [v]
introduce someone echar [v] PR teen
to introduce legislation introducir legislación [v]
introduce oneself presentarse [v]
introduce legislation introducir legislación [v]
introduce (new products) lanzar [v]
introduce legislation introducir legislación
introduce legislation introducir legislación [v]
notice of intent to introduce expert testimony relating to handwriting notificación de intención de presentar testimonio pericial caligráfico
notice of intent to introduce expert testimony relating to cultural background notificación de intención de presentar testimonio pericial relacionado con antecedentes culturales
introduce an article lanzar un producto [v]
introduce a provision adoptar una disposición [v]
brief musical fragment that is played to introduce or end different sections of a tv show during a festival fanfarria [f] GT DO PR VE EC CL