nose - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "nose" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 59 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
nose nariz [f]
nose hocico [m]
nose morro [m]
nose proa [f]
nose olfato [m]
nose hocico [m]
nose morro [m]
nose nariz [f]
nose pedreta [f]
nose narices [f/pl]
nose napias [f]
nose gulusmear [v]
nose rastrear [v]
nose hocico (de ciertos animales) [m]
nose cañuto [m]
nose punto [m]
nose pitón (de cántaro) [m]
nose oler [v]
nose hacer frente [v]
nose olfatear [v]
nose oponerse [v]
nose encararse [v]
nose rostro [m] disused
nose sagacidad [f] fig.
nose nariz [f] rare
nose naso [m] rare
nose ñata [f] SV NI CU DO AR UY
nose borde [m]
nose resalto [m]
nose saliente [m]
nose parte roscada del husillo del cabezal [f]
nose cara libre
nose espolón [m]
nose buen olfato
nose extremo [m]
nose pico [m]
nose boca [f]
nose busa [f]
nose ahusar [v]
nose girar la proa hacia [v]
nose parte roscada del husillo del cabezal
nose talón [m]
nose morro [m]
nose borde de ataque
nose paso de banda
nose naríz [f]
nose nariz de proa
nose nariz [f]
nose vertedera [f]
nose ojiva [f]
nose tobera [f]
nose punta [f]
nose orejeta [f]
nose cono de choque [m]
nose cono de choque
nose nariz [f]
nose prora [f]
nose pico [m]
nose vertedera [f]

Sens de "nose" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
pick one's nose hurgarse la nariz [v]
blow one's nose sonarse [v]
nose out curiosear [v]
blow one's nose sonarse la nariz [v]
nose ring acial [m]
needle-nose pliers alicate [m]
arch or prominence of a nose caballete [m]
pope's nose culo de pollo [m]
parson's nose culo de pollo [m]
poking one's nose into curioseo [m]
needle-nose pliers formón de punta corriente [m]
male brown-nose lisonjeador [m]
brown-nose lisonjero [m]
runny nose moqueo [m]
punch to the nose moquete [m]
hole through nose cartilage narigón [m]
bull nose ring narigón [m]
have a nose for olfato [m]
nose piece puente [m]
nose ring piercing chaguala [f]
blow to the nose/snout hocicada [f]
nose (animal) jeta [f]
female brown-nose lisonjeadora [f]
nose pendant nariguera [f]
roman nose nariz aguileña [f]
aquiline nose nariz aguileña [f]
hook nose nariz aguileña [f]
greek nose nariz griega [f]
straight nose nariz perfilada [f]
blowing one's nose sonadera [f]
long-faced with a hooked nose cariaguileño [adj]
poking one's nose into gulusmero [adj]
sticking one's nose into gulusmero [adj]
nose-shaped narigudo [adj]
nose around curiosear [v]
poke one's nose into curiosear [v]
cut off the nose desnarigar [v]
conceal one's face covering up to the nose or eyes embozarse [v]
nose up encabritarse [v]
nose around gulusmear [v]
poke one's nose into gulusmear [v]
stick one's nose into gulusmear [v]
stick one's nose into inmiscuirse [v]
blow one's nose mocar [v]
have blown one's nose mocarse [v]
have a runny nose moquear [v]
punch in the nose moquetear [v]
have a runny nose moquitear [v]
look down one's nose at postergar [v]
nose around refitolear [v]
poke one's nose into refitolear [v]
stick one's nose into refitolear [v]
blow one's nose sonar [v]
blow one's nose sonarse [v]
needle-nose pliers alicates [m/pl]
mucus/snot on a child's nose velas [f/pl]
nose-picking hurgarse la nariz [m]
a punch to the nose moquete [m]
bull with a long cowlike nose cariavacado [m]
brown nose pelotillero [m]
brown nose lambiscón [m]
brown nose lisonjero [m]
bleeding of the nose sangrado de la nariz [m]
nose job rinoplastia [f]
ear nose and throat specialist otorrinolaringóloga [f]
pug nose nariz chata [f]
runny nose moquera [f]
little nose naricita [f]
sticking one’s nose in injerencia [f]
aquiline nose nariz aquilina [f]
aquiline nose nariz aguileña [f]
blocked nose nariz tupida [f]
blocked-up nose nariz tupida [f]
blocked nose nariz congestionada [f]
blocked-up nose nariz congestionada [f]
beak nose nariz de pico [f]
camel's nose nariz de camello [f]
eagle-like nose nariz aguileña [f]
aquiline nose nariz aguileña [f]
aquiline nose nariz aquilina [f]
aquiline nose nariz muy curva [f]
brown-nose lisonjera [f]
with a large nose narizón [adj]
related to the nose nasal [adj]
by digging with its nose cavando con su nariz [adj]
nose out husmear [v]
(one's) nose bleed sangrarle la nariz a alguien [v]
(one's) nose bleed sangrar la nariz [v]
nose-dive capotar [v]
have a runny nose moquear [v]
inhale through the nose esnifar [v]
sense with nose oler [v]
sense with nose husmear [v]
pick one's nose rascarse la nariz [v]
nose-pick hurgarse la nariz [v]
pick one's nose sacarse los mocos [v]
nose-pick hurgarse las narices [v]
nose-pick rascarse la nariz [v]
nose-pick sacarse los mocos [v]
poke one's nose in meter las narices [v]
turn up one's nose at something hacerle ascos a algo [v]
keep one's nose out of something no meter las narices en algo [v]
look down one's nose at someone/something mirar por encima del hombro a alguien/algo [v]
nose-dive caer en picado [v]
have a runny nose estar resfriado [v]
pick one's nose hurgarse las narices [v]
have a runny nose gotearle la nariz [v]
blow one's nose mocar [v]
blow one’s nose mocarse [v]
clear one's nose of mucus by blowing through it into a handkerchief mocar [v]
clean one's nose limpiarse los mocos [v]
clean one's nose limpiarse las narices [v]
blow one's nose limpiarse las narices [v]
blow one's nose limpiarse los mocos [v]
wipe the nose of a child limpiar las narices a un niño [v]
win by a nose ganar por los pelos [v]
speak through one's nose hablar con la nariz [v]
speak through one's nose hablar por la nariz [v]
blow one's nose tabicarse [v]
break someone's nose romperle la nariz a alguien [v]
break one's nose romperse la nariz [v]
brown nose hacer la pelota [v]
breathe through one's nose respirar por la nariz [v]
breathe in through the nose respirar por la nariz [v]
breathe through the nose respirar por la nariz [v]
break someone's nose romper la nariz de alguien [v]
bleed from one’s nose sangrar por la nariz [v]
bite someone's nose off morder la nariz de alguien [v]
be nose-dived desplomarse (mercados de la bolsa) [v]
allow oneself be led by the nose permitir que alguien lleve la batuta (coloquial) [v]
allow oneself be led by the nose dejar dominarse [v]
allow oneself be led by the nose dejar controlarse [v]
allow oneself be led by the nose dejarse guiar por alguien con cuidado y despacio [v]
pertaining to the nose rino- [pref]
bridge of the nose el caballete de la nariz
needle nose pliers los alicates de punta
needle-nose pliers pinzas de punta
bridge (the nose) caballete [m]
blowing of the nose resoplido [m]
blow on the face/nose moquete [m]
large nose narigón [m]
blowing of the nose resoplo [m]
nose-bag almuerzo [m]
nose-band cabezada [f]
nose-bag cebadera [f]
blow with/on the nose hocicada [f]
running from the nose moquita [f]
small nose narigueta [f]
nose pendant (indians) nariguera [f]
blowing the nose sonadera [f]
snot hanging from the nose vela [f]
nose band used in breaking mules serreta [f]
small nose nariguita [f]
aquiline (nose) apapagayado [adj]
long-faced with aquiline or hooked nose cariaguileño [adj]
retrousse (nose/butt) respingón [adj]
having a long and large nose narigón [adj]
having a long and large nose narigudo [adj]
cut off the nose desnarigar [v]
run (the nose) moquear [v]
discharge violently from the nose moquetear [v]
blow the nose often moquetear [v]
blow the nose sonarse (la nariz) [v]
lead by the nose zapatear [v]
nose-bag morral [m]
neb (a nose or snout) nariz [f]
hook-nose nariz aguileña [f]
proboscis (a human nose, especially a prominent one) nariz [f]
pug nose nariz remachada [f]
snub nose nariz roma [f]
snub nose nariz chata [f]
snub nose nariz aplastada [f]
roman nose nariz aguileña [f]
turn-up nose nariz arremangada [f]
blow one's nose sonarse las narices [v]
pay through the nose costar un ojo de la cara [v]
pay through the nose ser un desuello [v]
blow one's nose sonrase los mocos [v]
fallow one's nose seguir en línea recta [v]
poke one's nose into entremeterse en [v]
turn up one's nose at desdeñar [v]
turn up one's nose at mirar con desprecio [v]
put one's nose out of joint desquiciar a uno [v]
put one's nose out of joint suplantar [v]
speak through the nose ganguear [v]
under one's very nose a las barbas de uno [adv]
small dog with a pug nose and curly fur perro chapinés [m] BO
gesture involving wrinkling the nose and snorting that some children make when asked cusuquito [m] HN:W SV
small dog with a pug nose and curly fur chapinés (de chapi y pekinés) [m] BO
nose pad (dog) chuño [m] BO
amount of cocaine that a person inhales through the nose cocazo [m] HN drug
torture consisting of shaking a bottle of mineral water and putting it up someone's nose tehuacanazo [m] MX
person born with malformations of the nose, mouth or extremities cucho [m] MX
brown-nose ñangotado [m] PR
nose ring (animal) vinco [m] ES local
neb (a person's mouth or nose) boca [f]
nose ring argolla [f] GT SV NI PA rur.
put rings into the nose of livestock argolladura [f] SV rur.
punch to the nose chalchaleada [f] AR:Nw rur.
chain on an animal's nose that can be used to tie the animal up while taming it cereta [f] PR
nose ring (animal) chacha [f] HN rur.
mucus hanging from a child's nose candela [f] GT
person's nose corneta [f] CU
nose ring used to wean calves lata [f] AR UY rur.
drippy nose moquera [f] MX NI CR PA CU DO PR EC CO
drippy nose moquera [f] UY rare
wide snub nose nariz de frononó [f] DO
cold nose nariz de chucho [f] HN
cold nose nariz de perro [f] HN NI
round but not very prominent nose nariz bombolona [f] DO
long aquiline nose nariz de lora [f] NI
long aquiline nose nariz de hacha [f] CL rare
long aquiline nose nariz de hacha [f] NI BO
long aquiline nose with a red tip nariz de chamborote [f] GT
flat nose piocha [f] SV
bull nose ring prendedora [f] HN rur.
nose ring prendedora [f] HN rur.
bull nose ternilla [f] PE
white spots on a horse's nose testerilla [f] AR UY
person born with malformations of the nose, mouth or extremities cucha [f] MX
runny nose moquera [f] NI CU DO AR UY
bull nose ring naricera [f] HN VE
bull nose ring nariguera [f] MX HN CO EC
small nose narigueta [f] rare
roman nose narigueta [f] rare
small nose nariguilla [f] disused
brown-nose ñangotada [f] PR
brown-nose sacasebo [m/f] HN derog.
brown-nose succionacalcetines [m/f] AR derog.
oriented upright (hat/clothes/mustache/nose) arrizado [adj] HN SV NI
poking his/her nose into other people’s business (for a person) atapuzado [adj] VE:W
pushing his/her nose into other people’s business asomado [adj] VE:W
whose nose is not prominent and is nearly flat desnarizado [adj] PR
whose nose is not prominent and is nearly flat despacharrado [adj] PR
born with malformations of the nose and mouth or extremities cucho [adj] MX
flat-nose (person) desnarizado [adj] PR
flat-nose (person) despacharrado [adj] PR
flat-nose (person) esnarizado [adj] PR
flat-nose (person) espacharrado [adj] PR
black with brown spots on the nose and flanks golondrino [adj] MX
having an aquiline nose (person) cóndor [adj] BO
on the nose líquido [adj] NI
with a stuffed nose moquiento [adj] MX GT HN NI CR BO AR UY cult
with a stuffed nose moquillento [adj] CL
with a stuffed nose moquillento [adj] PE derog.
with a stuffed nose moquillento [adj] CL PR
with a stuffed nose moquilloso [adj] PA:W DO
with a stuffy nose mormado [adj] MX
with a stuffed nose ñango [adj] SV
with a stuffed nose murriñoso [adj] HN
with a short nose ñatuso [adj] NI CL endear.
with a stuffed nose ñuso [adj] AR:Nw
with a small, wide, or flat nose ñuso [adj] AR:Nw
born with malformations of the nose, mouth or extremities cucho [adj] MX
nose-dive caer en picada [v] AR
turn up one's nose at desdeñar [v] fig.
talk through your nose gangosear [v] SCN
nose about/around lechucear [v] UY
perforate cow’s nose so it can be tied nariciar [v] VE
perforate cow’s nose so it can be tied naricear [v] HN VE
tie a cow with a rope threaded through an opening in its nose nariciar [v] VE
tie a cow with a rope threaded through an opening in its nose naricear [v] HN VE
place a ring in the nose of livestock argollar [v] HN CO
put one's nose in the air arriscar [v] CL
nose about [uk] averiguar [v] NI PE
nose around averiguar [v] NI PE
inhale powdered drugs through the nose falar [v] CL rare drug
brown-nose cepillar [v] MX:Se GT NI PA DO CO EC BO PY HN rare
brown-nose cepillar [v] CR disused
interfere or nose around in something one is not involved in copuchear [v] CL
stick one's nose in other people's business intrusear [v] DO
nose around lechucear [v] AR UY
pick one's nose jicotearse [v] NI
nose around ligar [v] CU PR
poke one's nose into lechucear [v] AR UY
stick one's nose into lechucear [v] AR UY
brown-nose empiscuchar [v] SV
brown-nose endulzar [v] DO
brown-nose enrollar [v] SV
put a weaning nose plate on a calf enlatar [v] AR rur.
nose around oletear [v] PE
pierce an animals nose to put on a snout ring narigonear [v] CU rur.
poke one's nose into oletear [v] PE
stick one's nose into oletear [v] PE
nose about novelear [v] HN DO PR CO PY
nose about novelerear [v] CU PR CO
nose about noveleriar [v] PR
nose around pesquisar [v] HN NI
look down one's nose at perrear [v] VE
poke one's nose into pesquisar [v] HN NI
stick one's nose into pesquisar [v] HN NI
stick one's nose up respingar [v] MX DO VE EC
look down one's nose at repasearse [v] GT HN
get stuffy nose tupirse [v] PR
blow one's nose soplar [v] NI PA CU DO PR PE BO:W UY
brown-nose zalamerear [v] MX NI BO:E,N PY UY
nose around ututear [v] AR:Nw
poke one's nose into ututear [v] AR:Nw
stick one's nose into ututear [v] AR:Nw
rub an animal's nose in the mess it made ahocicar [v] rare
breathe heavily through the nose aventar [v] disused
brown-nose barbear [v] MX
blow one's nose desmocar [v] disused
stick one's nose in someone's business enancarse [v] EC
stick one's nose in something entremeterse en algo [v] disused
look down one's nose at esperdecir [v] disused
keep one's nose to the grindstone macanear [v] HN
keep one's nose to the grindstone macanearse [v] SV NI
have a runny nose mormarse [v] MX
put a nose ring on naricear [v] VE HN
stick one's nose into pelotear [v] CR
blow one's nose soplar [v] PA PR PE
long-faced with aquiline or hooked nose cariaguileña [adj/f]
retrousse (nose/butt) respingona [adj/f]
aquiline (nose) apapagayada [adj/f]
having a long and large nose narigona [adj/f]
having a long and large nose nariguda [adj/f]
hold one's nose apretar la nariz [v]
keep one's nose clean no meterse en líos [v]
pay through the nose pagar demasiado por algo [v]
blow one’s nose sonarse la nariz [v]
speak through the nose hablar por la nariz [v]
be plain as the nose on one's face ser más claro que el agua [v]
cannot see further than or beyond the end of his nose no ver más allá de sus narices [v]
land on one’s nose dar de narices [v]
land on one’s nose caerse de narices [v]
land on one’s nose irse de bruces [v]
land on one’s nose caerse de bruces [v]
land on one’s nose caerse de boca [v]
cut off nose to spite face tirar piedras a su propio tejado [v]
cut off nose to spite face castigarse a uno mismo en el intento de castigar a otro [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face escupir al cielo [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face castigarse a uno mismo en el intento de castigar a otro [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face tirar piedras al tejado propio [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face escupir contra el viento [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face quemar la colcha para matar las pulgas [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face castigarse a uno mismo [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face orinar contra el viento [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face arrancar las viñas propias [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face hacerse daño a sí mismo al intentar mejorar algo [v]
cut off your nose to spite your face castigarte a ti mismo en el intento de castigar a otro [v]
cut off your nose to spite your face tirar piedras a tu propio tejado [v]
can't see beyond the end of one's nose ser corto de miras [v]
can't see beyond the end of one's nose tener mente estrecha [v]
can't see beyond the end of one's nose no ver más allá de la punta de la nariz [v]
can't see beyond the end of one's nose ser inflexible [v]
can't see beyond the end of one's nose ser incapaz de prever el futuro [v]
can't see beyond the end of one's nose tener poca imaginación [v]
can't see past the end of one's nose ser corto de miras [v]
can't see past the end of one's nose no ver a un palmo de la nariz [v]
cannot see any further than the end of one's nose ser inflexible [v]
cannot see any further than the end of one's nose no ver más allá de la punta de su nariz [v]
cannot see any further than the end of one's nose tener mente estrecha [v]
cannot see further than the end of one's nose tener mente estrecha [v]
cannot see further than the end of one's nose no ver más allá de la punta de su nariz [v]
cannot see any further than the end of one's nose ser corto de miras [v]
cannot see further than the end of one's nose ser corto de miras [v]
take it on the nose soportarlo [v]
take it on the nose tragarlo [v]
thumb one's nose at ridiculizar a [v]
thumb one's nose at despreciar a [v]
thumb one's nose at menospreciar a [v]
thumb one's nose at subvalorar a [v]
thumb one's nose at someone menospreciar a alguien [v]
thumb one's nose at burlarse de [v]
stick one's nose up mirar por encima del hombro [v]
stick one's nose in meter las narices en [v]
blow one's nose sonarse [v]
put one's nose to the grindstone hincar los codos [v]
put one's nose in someone else's business meter la nariz [v]
follow one's nose seguir el instinto [v]
follow one's nose llevarse por el instinto [v]
follow one's nose seguir la intuición [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face tirar piedras al propio tejado [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face tirar piedras contra el propio tejado [v]
cut off one's nose to spite one's face tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v]
blow one's nose sonarse (la nariz) [v]
have one's nose in a book estar concentrado en un libro [v]
have one's nose in the air ser engreído [v]
have one's nose in a book estar enfrascado en un libro [v]
have one's nose in a book estar hipnotizado por un libro [v]
have one's nose in the air ser arrogante [v]
have one's nose out of joint enfadarse [v]
have one's nose in the air ser presumido [v]
have one's nose out of joint ofenderse [v]
have one's nose out of joint contrariarse [v]
have one's nose out of joint molestarse [v]
go into a nose dive irse a pique [v]
have a nose for tener buen olfato para [v]
have a nose round mirar alrededor [v]
give somebody a bloody nose lastimar a alguien [v]
have a nose round husmear por [v]
happen under one's nose pasar delante de las narices (de alguien) [v]
happen under one's nose ocurrir en las narices de uno [v]
have one's nose in the air subirse los humos a la cabeza [v]
stick one's nose up in the air subirse los humos a la cabeza [v]
stick one's nose up in the air subirse a la parra [v]
have one's nose in the air subirse a la parra [v]
snatch something away from under someone’s nose dejar a alguien con la miel en los labios [v]
pay through the nose for pagar hasta la camisa por [v]
be no skin off someone's nose no ser una preocupación para alguien [v]
be no skin off someone's nose no importarle un comino a alguien [v]
cut off your nose to spite your face echarse tierra a los ojos [v]
brown-nose someone hacer carantoñas a alguien [v]
brown-nose someone hacer la pelota a alguien [v]
brown-nose hacer la pelota [v]
brown-nose someone hacer la rosca a alguien [v]
thumb one’s nose at someone hacer un palmo de narices a alguien [v]
brown-nose someone hacerle la barba a alguien [v]
brown-nose someone hacerle la pelota a alguien [v]
brown-nose someone hacerle la pelotilla a alguien [v]
brown-nose someone hacerle la rosca a alguien [v]
brown-nose someone hacerle la rueda a alguien [v]
powder one's nose ir a empolvarse la nariz [v]
powder one's nose ir al baño (las mujeres) [v]
powder one's nose ir al baño [v]
rub one's nose in it restregárselo en la cara (de alguien) [v]
rub one's nose in it refregárselo en las narices (de alguien) [v]
rub one's nose in it regodearse (con algo) [v]
rub somebody's nose in it refregarle algo en las narices de alguien [v]
rub somebody's nose in it regodearse ante alguien con algo [v]
rub somebody's nose in it restregarle algo en la cara de alguien [v]
rub somebody's nose in the dirt restregarle algo en la cara de alguien [v]
rub somebody's nose in the dirt refregarle algo en las narices de alguien [v]
rub somebody's nose in the dirt hacer morderle el polvo a alguien [v]
rub somebody's nose in the dirt hacer morderle el fango a alguien [v]
rub someone's nose in it refregarle algo en las narices de alguien [v]
rub someone's nose in it restregarle algo en la cara de alguien [v]
rub someone's nose in it regodearse ante alguien con algo [v]
put the nose-bag on comer [v]
put the nose-bag on alimentarse [v]
push one's nose into entrometerse en [v]
push one's nose into fisgonear [v]
pay through the nose pagar una fortuna [v]
pay through the nose desembolsar una gran cantidad de dinero [v]
pay through the nose pagar un montón de dinero [v]
pay through the nose salir carísimo [v]
pay through the nose gastarse un riñón [v]
pay through the nose ser demasiado caro [v]
pay through the nose pagar un dineral [v]
pay through the nose for something desembolsar una gran cantidad de dinero por algo [v]
pay through the nose for something pagar una fortuna por algo [v]
see no further than the end of nose no ver más allá de la punta de la nariz [v]
see no further than the end of nose ser estrecho de mente [v]
see no further than the end of nose ser intolerante [v]
see no further than the end of nose no tener capacidad para ver el futuro [v]
see no further than the end of nose tener una mente estrecha [v]
see no further than the end of one's nose ser estrecho de mente [v]
see no further than the end of one's nose ser intolerante [v]
see no further than the end of one's nose no tener capacidad para ver el futuro [v]
see no further than the end of one's nose tener una mente estrecha [v]
put someone's nose out of joint crispar a alguien [v]
put one's nose in (where it's not wanted) entremeterse [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar molesto [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar enfadado [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar irritado [v]
put one's nose out of joint estar fastidiado [v]
put one's nose to the grindstone trabajar con ahínco [v]
put someone's nose out of joint poner nervioso a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint ofender a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint molestar a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint sacar de quicio a alguien [v]
put someone's nose out of joint sacar de las casillas a alguien [v]
poke one's nose into everything meter las narices en [v]
poke one's nose into entrometerse en [v]
poke one's nose into meter las narices en [v]
poke one's nose into something entremeterse en todo [v]
poke one's nose in (to something) meter las narices (en algo) [v]
poke one's nose in to something entrometerse en algo [v]
poke one's nose into inmiscuirse en [v]
poke one's nose into curiosear [v]
poke one's nose into fisgonear [v]
lead someone by the nose llevar a alguien del cabestro [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse alguien donde no le llaman [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse alguien donde nadie lo llama [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que no le importa [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que no le toca [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que no le va ni le viene [v]
poke one’s nose into someone's business meterse alguien a redentor [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse donde no lo llaman [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse alguien donde no le llaman [v]
poke one's nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que a uno no le importa [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse alguien donde nadie lo llama [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que no le importa [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que no le toca [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que no le va ni le viene [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse alguien donde no le llaman [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse donde no lo llaman [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse alguien donde nadie lo llama [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse en lo que no le importa [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse en honduras [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse en lo que no le toca [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse en lo que no le va ni le viene [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse donde no lo llaman [v]
stick one's nose in other people's business meterse alguien donde no le llaman [v]
poke one’s nose into other people’s business meterse en lo que a uno no le importa [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse en honduras [v]
stick one's nose where it doesn't belong meterse en lo que a uno no le importa [v]
stick one's nose in other people's business meterse alguien donde nadie lo llama [v]
stick one's nose in other people's business meterse en lo que no le importa [v]