obtain something - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire

obtain something


Sens de "obtain something" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 80 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
take the necessary steps to accomplish or obtain something diligenciar [v]
take the necessary steps to accomplish or obtain something guasearse [v]
something very easy to do or obtain fly al cuadro [expr] DO VE
obsequiousness in order to obtain something arrastre [m] HN NI derog.
trick or ruse in order to obtain something, especially in a card game chamarro [m] NI
series of administrative tasks that must be completed in order to obtain something chaqueteo [m] CU
opportunity to obtain something chance (inglés) [m] AMER
tendency of doing or trying to obtain something easily facilismo [m] HN NI CR CU DO CO VE EC PE BO PY AR UY CL
something easy to make or obtain guame [m] PR
paperwork required to obtain something that is scarce on the market guatrapeo [m] CU
go-between to obtain something conecto [m] CU
influence to obtain something as a favor from an authority conecte [m] GT HN SV NI CR MX
person who uses his influence to obtain something palanqueador [m] EC
use of influence to obtain something palanqueo [m] CU EC CL
tendency of doing or trying to obtain something easily facilismo [m] HN CU CO VE EC PE AR
sudden capture of something that several other people are trying to obtain arranchadera [f] PE
disturbance created during a meeting in order to obtain something during the confusion buruca [f] SV
effort to obtain something cacha [f] GT
person who uses his influence to obtain something palanqueadora [f] EC
use of influence to obtain something palanqueada [f] VE EC CL
obtain money or something else that was needed armarse [v] CU
not obtain something for very little arañar [v] HN rare
obtain something by appealing to someone's pity bombear [v] PR
move back and forth in order to obtain something burujiar [v] DO
fight to obtain something to meet basic needs buscar [v] EC
toil vehemently in order to obtain something desnarizarse [v] MX
make a great effort in order to obtain something descocotarse [v] DO VE
obtain something easily champurrear [v] NI
gain someone's trust in order to obtain something in return enyoyar [v] SV
make a great effort in order to obtain something escocotarse [v] PR
obtain something in kind as payment canchear [v] BO
make an effort to obtain something güevearse [v] CR
make sacrifices in order to obtain something fuñir [v] VE
give money or gifts to someone to obtain something unlawfully coimear [v] NI PA PE BO CL PY AR UY
obtain something, especially money, through deceit cortar [v] DO
obtain something good mandarse [v] GT
make an effort to obtain something pelarse [v] DO PR CL
obtain something with great difficulty pelechar [v] SV
have to jump through many hoops to obtain something pugilatear [v] CU
do everything possible to obtain something ranchear [v] BO:E
do everything possible to obtain something ranchear [v] CU disused
obtain something in an extraordinary manner revolar [v] EC
obtain something for someone else reparar [v] VE
obtain something the hard way ganarse algo a pulso [v]
obtain something through hardworking ganarse algo a pulso [v]
fawn someone (to obtain something) hacer la rueda a alguien [v]
prowl around someone (to obtain something) hacer la rueda a alguien [v]
obtain something that gives great satisfaction bañarse en agua rosada [v] NI
focus in order to obtain something abrir el coco [v] PA DO rare
make an effort to obtain something guayar la yuca [v] DO
be impatient to start to do or obtain something cortar las güinchas [v] CL
be impatient to start to do or obtain something cortar las huinchas [v] CL
use any means necessary to obtain something hacer circo, maroma y teatro [v] MX
work hard to obtain something hacer la lucha [v] MX GT NI CR PE
behave well in order to obtain something, especially a prisoner in order to get early release hacer conducta [v] CL
carry out an intense and very complicated activity to obtain something hacer un circo [v] MX
obtain something very easily llevársela pelada [v] CL
file paperwork to obtain something menear pitas [v] GT
put pressure on someone to obtain something meter la pesada [v] UY
make an effort to obtain something pelárselas [v] CL
work hard to obtain something pelearla [v] BO CL AR UY
make it easy for someone to obtain something poner en charola de plata [v] MX NI BO
try to obtain something without effort or sacrifice querer la breve pelada [v] AR
help someone obtain something poner en charola de plata [v] MX NI BO
work very hard to obtain something pulir el cuero [v] CU
work very hard to obtain something pulirla [v] CU
make an effort to obtain something pulsearla [v] CR
be able to obtain something tener palito [v] CO
try to obtain something andar en procura de algo [v]
evil ways (used to obtain something) malas artes
hasty errand carried out in order to obtain something correteo [m] CU BO
person who lurks around some place in order to obtain something huayronco [m] BO:W,C,S
lurking around some place in order to obtain something huayronco [m] BO:W,C,S
something easy to obtain mortaja [f] SV
say truthful and imaginary things in order to obtain something cuentear [v] CO BO
deceive someone with lies in order to obtain something from them entongar [v] AR
ask for and obtain something for free caretear [v] AR
give money or gifts to someone to obtain something illicitly from them cometear [v] AR UY
use influential people to obtain something palanquear [v] DO CO PE BO PA
bending the rules in order to obtain something huevón [adj] PR