errar - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "errar" in English Spanish Dictionary : 56 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
errar [v] be wrong
errar [v] wander around
errar [v] miss
errar [v] fail
errar [v] roam
errar [v] wander
errar [v] miss with
errar [v] rove
errar [v] mistake
errar [v] err
errar [v] miss
errar [v] be off
errar [v] roam
errar [v] wander
errar [v] digress
errar [v] ramble
errar [v] get sidetracked
errar [v] get off the subject
errar [v] wander off the subject
errar [v] beat around the bush
errar [v] get wrong
errar [v] make a mistake
errar [v] stray
errar [v] stumble
errar [v] fail to hit
errar [v] drift
errar [v] miss (target)
errar [v] offend
errar [v] wander about at random
errar [v] fail in one's duty to
errar [v] commit an error
errar [v] err
errar [v] be in error
errar [v] deviate
errar [v] blunder
errar [v] estray
errar [v] meander
errar [v] misjudge
errar [v] slide
errar [v] slip
errar wandering
errar [v] disused not fulfill
errar [v] disused not accomplish
errar [v] disused lack
errar [v] disused be short of
errar [v] disused be short on
errar [v] disused not have enough
errar [v] fall from grace
errar lay an egg
errar [v] flub
errar [v] fluff
errar bum around
errar [v] mistake
errar [v] fault
errar [v] misguide
British Slang
errar arse about /around

Meanings of "errar" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 45 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
errar el cálculo [v] miscalculate
don de errar [m] knack for doing the wrong thing
errar el camino [v] lose one's way
errar el camino [v] go the wrong way
errar un cálculo [v] be out in one's reckoning
errar el tiro [v] miss one's aim
errar un tiro/golpe [v] miss
errar una jugada [v] miss one's move
acción de errar wandering
errar por mucho [v] fall wide of the mark
errar el tiro [v] overshoot the target
errar el blanco [v] go astray
errar el tiro [v] miss the mark
errar el blanco [v] overshoot the target
errar el tiro [v] miss the point
errar el blanco [v] miss the target
errar el blanco [v] miss the mark
errar el blanco [v] miss the point
errar el golpe [v] make a mistake
errar el golpe [v] fail in an attempt
errar el golpe [v] miss one's blow
errar el golpe [v] fail to do
errar el golpe [v] backfire
errar el tiro [v] miss the mark
errar el tiro [v] miss the point
errar alguien la vocación [v] choose the wrong profession
errar alguien la vocación [v] choose the wrong career
errar es humano mistakes are human
errar es humano, perdonar es divino err is human, forgive divine
errar es humano err is human
errar es de humanos err is human
errar es de humanos [v] err is human
errar es humano we all make mistakes
de los hombres es errar err is human
de los hombres es errar we all make mistakes
de los hombres es errar to err is human
errar es cosa humana err is human
errar el tiro [v] bark up the wrong tree
errar es humano, perdonar es divino to err is human; to forgive, divine
errar es humano to err is human
malo es errar, pero peor es perseverar to fall into sin is human to remain in sin is devilish
de hombres es errar; de bestias, perseverar en el error to fall into sin is human to remain in sin is devilish
malo es errar, y peor perseverar to fall into sin is human to remain in sin is devilish
American Football
errar una patada miss a kick
errar pases make bad throws