supporting - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "supporting" in Spanish English Dictionary : 47 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
supporting entibado [m]
supporting portador [adj]
supporting protector [adj]
supporting simpatizante [adj]
supporting abanderamiento [m]
supporting afianzamiento [m]
supporting amadrinamiento [m]
supporting apuntalamiento [m]
supporting mantenimiento [m]
supporting arrimadura [f]
supporting adepto [adj]
supporting afianzador [adj]
supporting auspiciador [adj]
supporting favorecedor [adj]
supporting justificante [adj]
supporting justificativo [adj]
supporting mantenedor [adj]
supporting partidario [adj]
supporting patrocinador [adj]
supporting promotor [adj]
supporting soportador [adj]
supporting sostenedor [adj]
supporting sustentador [adj]
supporting sustentante [adj]
supporting telonero [adj]
supporting vertebrador [adj]
supporting sostén [m]
supporting apuntamiento [m]
supporting justificativo [adj]
supporting apuntalamiento [m]
supporting apoyador [adj]
supporting acreditativo [adj]
supporting sosteniente [adj]
supporting apoyando [ger]
supporting aguantada [f] EC
supporting paradocente [adj] CL
supporting apoyadora [adj/f]
supporting al lado de [prep]
supporting secuaz [adj]
supporting sustentador [adj]
supporting partidario de [m]
supporting fortificación [f]
supporting sustentador [adj]
supporting de apoyo
Molecular Biology
supporting sostenimiento [m]
supporting sustentable [adj]
supporting soporte [m]

Meanings of "supporting" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 245 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
supporting document comprobante [m]
stay supporting the beam of an oil-mil calamón [m]
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estaquero [m]
supporting point punto de apoyo [m]
movement supporting the absolute monarchy servilismo [m]
each of two horizontal timbers supporting the frame of a hanging partition aldabía [f]
iron stay supporting a balcony cartela (italiano) [f]
supporting land reform agrarista [adj]
supporting of a spanish king called alfonso alfonsino [adj]
supporting the arms race armamentista [adj]
supporting badajoz bejarano [adj]
supporting castro castrista [adj]
supporting julius caesar cesariano [adj]
supporting ferdinand vII of spain fernandino [adj]
supporting germany during one of two world wars germanófilo [adj]
supporting liberalism liberal [adj]
supporting lope de vega lopista [adj]
government-supporting oficialista [adj]
supporting or playing for the football club barcelona perico [adj]
supporting or playing for the football club barcelona periquito [adj]
supporting the fight against the bejaranos in badajoz in the time of sancho iv of castile portugalés [adj]
supporting absolute monarchy servil [adj]
supporting biscayan independence vizcaitarra [adj]
device which is used for raising and supporting a heavy object gato [m]
device which is used for raising and supporting a heavy object crico [m]
device which is used for raising and supporting a heavy object gata [f]
association for supporting and developing social life asociación de apoyo y desarrollo de la vida social [f]
someone supporting eloy alfaro alfarista [m/f]
someone supporting fulgencio batista batistiano [m/f]
someone supporting mauricio macri macrista [m/f]
someone supporting pancho villa villista [m/f]
someone supporting pasqual maragall i mira maragallista [m/f]
someone supporting salvador allende allendista [m/f]
someone supporting the pro-andalusia movement andalucista [m/f]
supporting frente amplio frenteamplista [adj]
supporting the labour movement obrerista [adj]
supporting daniel scioli sciolista [adj]
stop supporting something hacerse insolidario de algo [v]
become self-supporting mantenerse a uno mismo económicamente [v]
best supporting actor mejor actor de reparto
best supporting actress mejor actriz de reparto
vault supporting arch arbotante [m]
notched pole for supporting cooking pots calderil [m]
woodwork supporting a floor marrano [m]
stanchion or prop supporting a ruinous building asnilla [f]
cords supporting a hammock cabuyera [f]
iron stay supporting a balcony cartela [f]
horizontal rafter supporting partition walls suela [f]
be self-supporting autosostenerse [v]
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estandorio [m] rur. rare
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadojo [m] rur. rare
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadoño [m] rur. rare
frame supporting a deck or roof calzonte [m] HN:S,C,W NI
frame supporting a deck or roof calsonte [m] MX NI
frame supporting a deck or roof calsonte [m] MX NI
supporting role (acting) bolo [m] AR
member of the organized group of hooligans supporting the chilean soccer team universidad de chile bullanguero [m] CL
political ideology supporting the pro-union ideals defended by bolivian politician and economist juan lechín oquendo lechinismo [m] BO
crosspiece supporting steps on stairs limón [m] CL rare
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadojo [m] ES local
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estadoño [m] ES local rur.
stake for supporting side-board of a cart estandorio [m] ES local
small bus supporting the public transportation system during rush hours aspirina [f] CU
member of the organized group of hooligans supporting the chilean soccer team universidad de chile bullanguera [f] CL
supporting the center-right chilean political party alianza por chile aliancista [adj] CL
supporting of the peruvian political party alianza revolucionaria americana (apra) aprista [adj] PE UY
referring to the organized group of hooligans supporting the chilean soccer team universidad de chile bullanguero [adj] CL
supporting the annexation of puerto rico as a federal state to the united states (person) estadoísta [adj] PR
supporting the frente farabundo martí para la liberación nacional farabundista [adj] SV
supporting the government gubernista [adj] BO PY AR UY
supporting gregorio luperón luperinosta [adj] DO
supporting the movement in favor of the federal republic of central america morazanista [adj] HN SV
supporting the ruling party oficialista [adj] CU
supporting romerism romerista [adj] AR
supporting puerto rican statehood republicano [adj] PR
supporting the political, social, and economic ideas of the leftist political coalition unidad popular, in chile between 1970 and 1973 upiento [adj] CL disused
supporting the government gobernista [adj] EC BO PY
supporting the government gobiernista [adj] DO CO
supporting the ugt ugetista [adj] ES
lose firmness in supporting the policy of the cuban revolutionary government aflojar [v] CU
move cattle by water supporting their head on a canoe embarbetar [v] MX:E rur.
wooden boards supporting the roof beams of typical dominican houses cargaderas [f/pl] DO
supporting actor de reparto [adj]
help someone get up or reach something by supporting their buttocks echar culata [v] SV
stop supporting someone zafar el pin [v] HN
a small errand taken charge of by a supporting person gauchada [f] AR
an act of supporting someone gamba [f] AR
set of wooden columns supporting the frame of the roof or eaves of a house galería [f] BO:E
supporting the argentine radical party radicha [adj] AR
supporting the political, social, and economic ideas of the leftist political coalition unidad popular, in chile between 1970 and 1973 upeliento [adj] CL disused derog.
self-supporting autosostenido [adj]
supporting steel soportes de acero
supporting tie amarre de retención
supporting bearer soporte de retención
supporting member pieza de apoyo
supporting cable cable de suspensión
supporting documents comprobantes [m/pl]
supporting form formulario suplementario
supporting form forma suplementaria
supporting document comprobante [m]
supporting document documentación justificativa
supporting document documentación probatoria
supporting table cuadro básico
supporting table cuadro detallado
supporting table cuadro explicativo
supporting document of a cash entry póliza de caja MX
document supporting the credit originated in a sale factura conformada
the economic policies supporting a bimetallic standard bimetalismo [m]
supporting bimetallism bimetalista [adj]
supporting evidence evidencia [f]
self-supporting autosostenido [adj]
supporting reasons razones fundadas
supporting evidence pruebas justificativas
supporting document documento de ayuda
supporting evidence pruebas probatorias
supporting documents documentación justificativa
supporting document documento justificativo
International Law
supporting role función de apoyo
supporting the basque nationalist party peneuvista [adj]
supporting and opposing arguments argumentos a favor y en contra
intersectoral regional committee supporting social mobilization comité regional intersectorial de apoyo a la movilización social PE
national system for supporting social mobilization sistema nacional de apoyo a la movilización social PE
supporting documentation documentación justificativa
self-supporting que se mantiene con recursos propios
antenna supporting structure estructura de soporte de la antena [f]
brush holder supporting structure soporte de portaescobillas
self-supporting support apoyo autoportante
semiarch supporting a vault arbotante [m]
supporting dike contradique [m]
pylon (a vertical supporting structure) columna [f]
supporting cell célula de sostén [f]
supporting trestle armadura de soporte [f]
cut in a rock to anchor a supporting arch rafa [f]
someone supporting madero maderista [m/f]
self-supporting rentable [adj]
self-supporting autopropagante [adj]
self-supporting autoestable [adj]
self-supporting autoportante [adj]
self-supporting autosustentador [adj]
self-supporting autoestable [adj]
supporting statement estado demostrativo
supporting document documento justificativo
supporting tower torre de soporte
supporting framework encofrado de madera
supporting spring muelle de suspensión
supporting structure estructura sustentadora
supporting axle eje portador
supporting staff personal subalterno
self-supporting wall muro autoportante
supporting steel soportes de acero
supporting document documento comprobatorio
supporting flange brida de fijación
supporting bearer soporte de retención
supporting arm brazo portante
lightning supporting angle arco soporte de alumbrado
self-supporting aerial tower torre de antena autoportante
self-supporting aerial cable cable autosustentador
self-supporting mast mástil autoestable
self-supporting stand soporte autoestable
self-supporting tower torre autoestable
self-supporting autoportante AR
supporting service servicio de soporte
fixed supporting link juntura soporte fija
movable supporting link juntura soporte móvil
not life-producing/supporting abiótico [adj]
not life-producing/supporting abiótica [adj/f]
supporting electrolyte electrolito inerte
supporting systems sistema de soporte
supporting structures estructuras de apoyo
supporting electrolyte electrólito soporte
supporting liquid líquido de soporte
supporting area área de apoyo
supporting area área de soporte
supporting cell célula de sostén
supporting reaction reacción de sostén
supporting reflex reflejo de sostén
supporting treatment tratamiento de sostén
supporting reflex reflejo de apoyo
denture-supporting area área de apoyo dental
supporting area área de apoyo
alveolar supporting bone hueso de sostén alveolar
supporting cell célula de sostén
supporting reaction reacción de sostén
supporting reaction reacción apoyo
supporting reflexes reflejos de sostén
supporting reflexes reflejos apoyos
denture-supporting structure's estructura de soporte protésico
supporting documentation documentación de apoyo [f]
supporting structure armadura [f]
metal supporting structure armadura metálica [f]
supporting wall pared de soporte [f]
supporting rope cuerda de sostén [f]
self-supporting partition tabiquería autoportante [f]
self-supporting partition tabiqueria autoportante
supporting cable cable de suspensión
supporting structures estructuras de apoyo
supporting systems sistema de soporte
supporting wall paramento de apoyo
supporting plate placa de soporte
supporting structure estructura de apoyo
supporting system sistema de soporte
supporting wall pared de soporte
horizontal timber supporting the roof truss enrayado [m]
vault-supporting (arch) botarete [adj]
supporting comb peine de apoyo [m]
supporting plate placa de soporte [f]
supporting bar barra de soporte [f]
supporting rod varilla de soporte [f]
horse (a frame or device, usually with four legs, used for supporting or holding) banco [m]
antenna-supporting structure estructura de soporte de antena
supporting members largueros [m/pl]
supporting framework cuna soporte [f]
self‐supporting autoportante [adj]
supporting unit elemento de apoyo
supporting element elemento de apoyo
supporting fire fuego de apoyo
rotable supporting soporte giratorio
supporting surface superficie sustentadora
supporting unit unidad de apoyo
supporting instrument instrumento secundario
supporting commnad mando de apoyo logístico
spool supporting spindle eje de carrete
self-supporting rigid vehicle vehículo rígido auto-portante [m]
Animal Husbandry
supporting document documento aclaratorio
Wildlife Management
supporting system sistema sustentador de vida
supporting statement justificación de una propuesta
supporting pillar pilar de apoyo [m]
supporting pillar pilar de sustentación [m]
supporting fork llave de retenida [f]
supporting pillar pilar de sustentación
supporting pillar pilar de apoyo
mantle supporting ring anillo de sostenimiento de la camisa
cut in a rock to anchor a supporting arch rafa [f]
self-supporting autosuficiente [adj]
army punishment involving supporting one's body by resting one's elbows on soda bottles pensamiento al diablo [n] HN
supporting weapon arma de apoyo
supporting fire fuego de apoyo
supporting actor actor de reparto
supporting actress actriz de reparto
supporting actress actriz secundaria
supporting actor actor secundario
supporting role papel secundario
sweep the supporting leg segar la pierna de apoyo [v]
supporting real madrid c.f madridismo [m]
woman supporting the mayor at the santa águeda festivities síndica [f]