wood - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "wood" in Spanish English Dictionary : 35 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
wood madera [f]
wood leña [f]
wood maderaje [m]
wood maderamen [m]
wood serranía [f]
wood floresta [f]
wood maderero [adj]
wood palo [m]
wood bosque [m]
wood enmaderado [m]
wood fuste [m]
wood maderaje [m]
wood maderamen [m]
wood palo [m]
wood madera [f]
wood sesma [f]
wood maderero [adj]
wood leño [m]
wood fuste [m]
wood leñame [m]
wood arboleda [f]
wood algaba [f]
wood selva [f]
wood madero [m]
wood proveer de leña [v]
wood cubrir con bosques [v]
wood ebanuz [m] rare
wood leñame [m] rare
wood palo [m] MX HN NI CR PA DO PR
wood maderación [f] rare
wood maderera [adj/f]
wood erección
wood preso blanco
wood madera [f]
British Slang
wood pene erecto

Meanings of "wood" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
small wood bosquecillo [m]
piece of wood leño [m]
piece of wood madero [m]
holm-oak wood encinar [m]
wood engraving xilografía [f]
touch wood tocar madera [v]
knock on wood [us] tocar madera [v]
wood chisel formón [m]
wood of the bur tree bancal [m]
wood of the canary laurel barbusano [m]
wood fence bardo [m]
shoemaker's box-wood tool boj [m]
wood fit to be sawed cachizo [m]
ornament imitating long leaves made of iron, brass or other metal, and wood cartón [m]
scorched wood chamizo [m]
piece of wood that is forty spans long cuarentén [m]
carved wood box cuartón [m]
wood of the texas ebony ébano [m]
wood surcharge encuarte [m]
wood fitting ensamblaje [m]
wood fitting ensamble [m]
part of a block of stone or wood entrego [m]
roughly shaped block of wood for manufacture of pipes escalaborne (catalán) [m]
scratching wood to gild with gold estofado [m]
wood of the manna ash fresno [m]
sudden blaze of dry chips of wood gozo [m]
plump wood madero barcal [m]
sawable wood madero cachizo [m]
holm oak wood monte pardo [m]
wood-engraver's tool of tempered steel morterete [m]
nephritic wood nefrítico [m]
wood of the rosalla tree nefrítico [m]
blow from a piece of wood palo [m]
piece of grain wood pino de cargo [m]
solid wood door postigo [m]
altering wood due to sap decomposition recalentamiento [m]
oak wood robledal [m]
oak wood robledo [m]
oak wood robredal [m]
oak wood robredo [m]
sap wood sámago [m]
walnut wood satín [m]
chunk of wood tarugo [m]
block of wood tarugo [m]
wood engraver xilógrafo [m]
scrap of wood zoquete [m]
wood-shavings acepilladura [f]
rouge coloring extracted from brazil wood alconcilla [f]
cracking of wood atronadura [f]
splitting of wood atronadura [f]
unworked chunk of wood bauza [f]
shoemaker's box-wood tool bisagra [f]
wood dust carcoma [f]
wood damage manifested by the yellowish-white color, beginning to rot carne de gallina [f]
scorched wood chamicera [f]
large trough from a single piece of wood desga [f]
wood fitting ensambladura [f]
grain (wood) fibra [f]
opaque wood finish laca [f]
dead wood leña muerta [f]
dead wood leña rodada [f]
carved wood madera [f]
brittle wood madera borne [f]
reed wood madera cañiza [f]
grain wood madera de hilo [f]
unfinished wood madera en blanco [f]
split wood madera pasmada [f]
cracked wood madera pasmada [f]
sawable wood madera serradiza [f]
wood strip mediacaña [f]
wood turpentine miera [f]
hole where pine wood is burned to make tar peguera [f]
wood scrap rabera [f]
scrap of wood rabera [f]
block of wood rabera [f]
chunk of wood rabera [f]
oak wood robleda [f]
wood flooring tarima [f]
thread wood tercia [f]
wood from the canary islands, leon, and pontevedra tijera [f]
grain/flake of polished wood trepa [f]
plank of wood 22 ft. x 9 in. x 6 in vigueta [f]
wood engraving xilografía [f]
pertaining to scorched wood chamicero [adj]
similar to scorched wood chamicero [adj]
made of cypress wood cipresino [adj]
leathery (wood) verguío [adj]
assemble two pieces of wood almarbatar [v]
chop wood with an adze azotar [v]
calculate the wood surcharge encuartar [v]
lay wood blocks entarugar [v]
scratch wood to gild estofar [v]
whiten wood sculptures to gild and burnish estofar [v]
overheat wood due to sap decomposition recalentarse [v]
knock on wood lagarto lagarto [interj]
wood-borer cascarrojas [m/pl]
cherry (wood) cerezo [m]
wood dust serrín [m]
oak wood robledal [m]
stack (of wood) acopio [m]
template (a pattern, mold, or the like, usu. consisting of a thin plate of wood or metal, serving as a gauge or guide in mechanical work) patrón [m]
post [of wood] poste [m]
walnut wood nogal [m]
wood gas gasógeno [m]
wood grouse urogallo [m]
wood of larch tree alerce [m]
knot of wood repelo [m]
beech wood hayedo [m]
small pieces of wood for ovens chamizo [m]
sheaf (cereals/wood) haz [m]
tie (wood used in construction) durmiente [m]
wood waste viruta [f]
wood tar brea [f]
scraps of wood bazofia [f]
kindling wood leña [f]
piece of wood madera [f]
wood sorrel aleluya [f]
common wood pigeon torcaz [f]
thick bar of wood tranca [f]
wood of peach palm macana [f]
spanish wood marjoram mejorana [f]
tall tree to 40 m with heavy wood and edible fruits that produces latex balatá [f]
y-shaped piece of wood to harvest latex horqueta [f]
drift wood madera flotante [f]
piece of wood from a velvet sewing factory canaleta [f]
wood engraver xilógrafa [f]
made of ebony wood de ébano [adj]
made of wood de madera [adj]
all-wood madera 100% [adj]
all-wood todo de madera [adj]
all-wood revestido de madera [adj]
cover in wood enmaderar [v]
dry (wood) curar [v]
put wood on the fire echar leña al fuego [v]
be made from wood estar hecho de madera [v]
touch wood tocar madera [interj]
round wood rollizos [m/pl]
brush-wood ramas que han sido cortadas o rotas [f/pl]
common wood pigeon paloma torcaz
wood pulp pasta de papel
wood ear oreja de judas
wood pigeon paloma torcaz
wood pigeon torcaz
wood paneling revestimiento de madera
wood paneling los paneles de madera
wood paneling planchas de madera
carved wood madera tallada
dense wood madera densa
carved wood madera labrada
wood stain el tinte para madera
wood stain el colorante
block of wood trozo de madera
cork-wood clogs/soles alcorque [m]
satin-wood from the antilles aceitunillo [m]
hoop of wood or metal aro [m]
any aromatic gum, balsam, wood or herb aroma [m]
wood-engraver's tool of tempered steel almirez [m]
crack (wood) chasquido [m]
wood saw-n in the middle cachado [m]
cherry wood cerezo [m]
clearing a wood from trees desmonte [m]
american tree the wood of which is used in shipbuilding campano [m]
log-wood campeche [m]
campeche wood campeche [m]
wood nearest to the bark costero [m]
wood-fretter moth comején [m]
inferior brazil wood brasilete [m]
jamaica wood brasilete [m]
chestnut-wood castaño [m]
satin-wood doradillo [m]
ebony-wood ébano [m]
wood-cutter hachero [m]
venetian sumac/its wood fustete [m]
yellow-wood fustete [m]
dealer in wood and timber gabarrero [m]
wood-grouse gallobosque [m]
american striped wood employed in rich furniture gateado [m]
pernambuco wood fernambuco [m]
sudden blaze of dry chips of wood gozo [m]
covering of wood enmaderamiento [m]
worker in wood ensamblador [m]
its wood is used for tool handles guabán [m]
its wood is fine and hard guabico [m]
cutter in wood/stone entallador [m]
wood is used for charcoal guao [m]
ash wood fresno [m]
grain in wood pelo [m]
walnut-wood nogal [m]
provision of fire wood leñame [m]
wood-dealer leñero [m]
fir-wood pinabete [m]
wood-splitter rajador [m]
wood-monger maderero [m]
a pier made of wood or bamboo (philippines) pantalán [m]
small wood montecillo [m]
oak-wood roble [m]
oak grove/wood robredo [m]
transgressing of wood-cutting laws malcorte [m]
chip of wood rozo [m]
young shoots growing after a wood has been burned or cut down verdugal [m]
half-burnt wood tizón [m]
hole left by wood-worm in wood tueco [m]
dry wood tuero [m]
carver in wood tallista [m]
sap-wood sámago [m]
sandal wood sándalo [m]
piece of wood attached to a dog's collar trabanco [m]
noise of breaking or splitting wood traquido [m]
short piece of wood zoquete [m]
sapan-wood siampán [m]
cotton-wood sicómoro [m]
tree with a very hard wood mangle [m]
a hard reddish wood of cuba ácana [f]
wood-sorrel acederilla [f]
wood-shavings acepilladura [f]
wood frame for windows and doors alfajía [f]
wood frame for windows and doors alfarjía [f]
wood-sorrel acetosilla [f]
crack/split in wood atronadura [f]
piece of wood inserted in a wall almojaya [f]
wood veneer chapa [f]
rough chunk/piece of wood bauza [f]
wood-louse corredera [f]
wood louse cochinilla [f]
pole of green wood used for stirring molten metal berlinga [f]
wood prepared for burning into charcoal carbonera [f]
wood-fretter carcoma [f]
red-hot coal/wood brasa [f]
wood-nymph dríada [f]
piece of forest where the wood has been scorched by fire chamicera [f]
grain (of wood) hebra [f]
wood-rasp escofina [f]
wood sage escorodonia [f]
bundle of kindling wood hijuela [f]
fissure in the grain or fibre of wood fenda [f]
wood of evergreen oak tree encina [f]
closely planted wood espesura [f]
covering of wood enmaderación [f]
waste wood fraga [f]
molding of wood fixed to a wall to prevent damage by the back of chairs guardasilla [f]
stone, metal or wood cutting or carving labra [f]
wood-shed leñera [f]
wood-bin leñera [f]
candle-wood melesa [f]
wood nymph orea [f]
wood-rasp (carpentry) raspa [f]
beating a wood for game montea [f]
wood stack tinada [f]
vein in wood/marble veta [f]
plank of wood 19 ft. x 12 in. x 9 in vigota [f]
wood shaving viruta [f]
wood-tick tarma [f]
block of wood toza [f]
vein in stone or wood vena [f]
wood-pigeon (paloma) zurana [f]
grain/flake of polished wood trepa [f]
wood-nymph dríade [f]
wood nymph oréade [f]
wood nymph oreada [f]
hole left by wood-worm in wood tueca [f]
slot in metal/wood-work canal [m/f]
nonfloating (wood) ahogadizo [adj]
two-ply (wood) contrapeado [adj]
having the vein on one side (wood) (madera) cañiza [adj]
splintery (wood) (madera) borne [adj]
of a red/brazil-wood color brasilado [adj]
belonging to scorched wood chamicero [adj]
of a bad grain (wood) repeloso [adj]
tough and flexible (wood) verguío [adj]
leathery (of wood) verguío [adj]
resinous (wood) teoso [adj]
join two pieces of wood almarbatar [v]
remove cocoons of the silkworm from the southern-wood desembojar [v]
make open-work in meta/wood/linen or paper calar [v]
make into two-ply (wood) contrapear [v]
strengthen with wood/iron calzar [v]
fell wood desmontar [v]
cut grooves/mortises in wood despatillar [v]
corrode (the wood-borer) carcomer [v]
plane/smooth wood/stone dolar [v]
carve stone/wood labrar [v]
beat a wood montear [v]
crack (as fireworks/wood) traquetear [v]
gloss (feathers/wood) aguas [f/pl]
faggots of waste wood támaras [f/pl]
brazil-wood palo del brasil [m]
jamaica wood palo campeche [m]
maple wood maple [m]
three-ply wood tablero [m]
wood spirit éter piroleñoso [m]
wood spirit alcohol metílico [m]
sap wood (carpentry) sámago [m]
sap wood alburno [m]
sapan-wood sapán [m]
satin-wood palo áloe [m]
satin-wood palo águila [m]
coppice wood monte tallar [m]
wood-carving grabado en madera [m]
wood-reeve guardabosque [m]
wood-thrush tordo pardo [m]
brazil-wood madera del brasil [f]
dye-wood madera de tinte [f]
jamaica wood caoba fina [f]
knot-wood madera nudosa [f]
three-ply wood madera contraplacada [f]
three-ply wood madera contrachapada [f]
wood sorrel acederilla [f]
staff-wood madera para duelas [f]
drift-wood madera de deriva [f]
drift-wood madera de flotación [f]
sap-wood albura [f]
small wood leña menuda [f]
small wood brusca [f]
wood-ant hormiga leonada [f]
wood nymph dríade [f]
wood nymph napea [f]
wood-pigeon paloma torcaz [f]
wood-pulp pasta de madera [f]
wood-pulp pasta papelera [f]
templet (a pattern, mold, or the like, usu. consisting of a thin plate of wood or metal, serving as a gauge or guide in mechanical work) patrón [m]
large tree with fine wood of order of the mimosa amarillo [m] AR
a hard-wood tree (bunchosia nitida) abrandecosta [m] CU
a wild tree with valuable wood antejo [m] CU
tree, the wood of which is used for cabinetmaking and walking-sticks cerillo [m] CU
a tree of light wood used for making rafts balso [m] AMER
feller of wood desmontador [m] disused
a tree with fine wood ciruelillo [m] AR CL
tree with very fine wood camagón [m] PH
violet colored wood with black streaks camotillo [m] MX
tree with a very hard wood candelón [m] DO PR
a hard-wood tree cojobo [m] CU
load of wood which a person carries on his head or back colono [m] rur. rare
tree with very hard wood carbonero [m] CU PR
tree with very heavy wood caroto [m] EC
piece of wood which fastens a fowling net botón [m] rur. rare
wood-pile estante [m] AMER
tree of yellow wood jaguay [m] CU
tree with very hard wood enrubio [m] PR
tree of the rosacea family with reddish and hard wood guayo [m] CL
a leguminous tree with hard rich wood pelú [m] CL
hard-wood tree of the bignonia family lapacho [m] SA
a kind of mimosa with a very hard red wood ñandubay [m] AMER
a wild tree with hard, yellow wood pijojo [m] CU
sapan-wood sapan [m] PH
wood roof-covering tejamaní [m] ANT
a hard-wood euphorbiaceous tree yaití [m] CU
a very hard wood tepeguaje [m] MX
a tree the wood of which is used as a dye tigüilote [m] CAM
lofty wild tree (balsa wood) caulote [m] SV HN
wood roof-covering tejamanil [m] MX
wood from the caryocar tree achotillo [m] EC
wood of the achiotillo tree achiotillo [m] EC
wood of the black carob tree algarrobo negro [m] UY
fantastical mexican folk art pieces made of paper-mâché or wood alebrije [m] MX
gate with horizontal wood members in a pasture fence tranquero [m] CO VE
folding chair of wood and leather butaque [m] VE
wood from the arabillo arabillo [m] CU
walking stick made from wood of the yellow ipê araguaney [m] CO VE
wood of the yellow ipê (tabebuia chrysantha) araguaney [m] CO VE
machine used to serrate wood aserradero [m] EC
a mining tool, sometimes made from wood (used to insert explosives into the mine face) atracador [m] AR:W
wood grill where yerba mate is placed to dry and toast barbacuá [m] PY
two-cubic-meter wood kneading trough where thick honey is mixed and left to harden banco [m] HN
wood hoop where a small bowl or crate are secured banco [m] NI
balsa wood balso [m] CO
fan made from palm tree buds (used to fan a wood fire) báquitú [m] BO
old hand tool to make holes in wood (used in carpentry/joinery) balbiquín [m] PR
wood of the aguacatillo tree aguacate cimarrón [m] PR
wood of the aguacatillo tree aguacate de monte [m] EC
the wood of the aguacatillo tree aguacatillo [m] CR EC
type of shrub with yellowish wood xococo [m] CU PR
type of shrub with yellowish wood agracejo de monte [m] CU PR
the wood of the aguacatillo tree aguacate de monte [m] CR EC
type of shrub with yellowish wood jía de monte [m] CU PR
wood stick bolo [m] CU
box of acrylic, wood or other material from where the roosters come out in the ring to start the fight cajón [m] PR
wood beam that serves as support callapo [m] PE BO CL
old hand tool to make holes in wood (used in carpentry/joinery) barbiquín [m] PR
partridge wood [us] almendro de montana [m] CR PA
measure equivalent to 18kg used to weigh wood botalón [m] VE rur.
ear-shaped piece of wood used by shoemakers to sew the sole bofo [m] HN
piece of unworked wood, long and thick, ready to be sawed bolo [m] CU
portable support (typically made of wood) burriquete [m] PR
cup and ball toy made of wood/bone busaraña [m] VE:W
sapodilla wood ácana [m] CU
curved piece of wood that forms the rim of a wheel camón [m] CU rur.
a type of violet-colored wood streaked with black camotillo [m] MX
edge board that results from sawing a piece of wood in a square/rectangular shape descostillo [m] SV
crude motorboat made of wood with a small room (used to transport people/merchandise) deslizador [m] BO:Ne
construction beam made of wood cut at a right angle cuartón [m] VE
(in string instruments) piece of wood in which the sound box has been carved, polished, and decorated cuartón [m] PR
large tray or container made of wood cuasplato [m] NI disused
large tray or container made of wood cuasplato [m] CR:N,W
wood of the cucharillo cucharillo [m] EC
wood of the island marlberry cuyá [m] CU
wood of the chilean firetree ciruelillo [m] CL AR
capulí wood capulí [m] CU EC
illegal male trader of products (especially wood) chemisero [m] HN
wood chips chip (inglés) [m] CL
wood chip carrier chipero [m] CL
storage of a product for some time (wine or wood) estacionamiento [m] AR UY
creaking due to a change in temperature (wood) estrillo [m] PR
wood, iron, or cement stake used in the construction of fences espeque (del neerlandés) [m] PR
wood of the saman/rain tree/monkeypod cenízaro [m] HN NI
wood putty cascamite [m] NI
wood of the canistel/yellow sapote/eggfruit canistel [m] CU
cedar wood cedro [m] MX GT HN SV NI PE PY
wood of the saman/rain tree/monkeypod carreto [m] GT HN SV
wood of diphysa robinoides guachipilín [m] HN SV NI
wood of the brazilian/south american cherry (hymenaea courbaril) guapinol [m] GT HN SV NI
wood fencing to keep animals on a property guardapatio [m] AR UY
wood of machaerium capote granadillo [m] HN SV NI
wood of the cocus wood (brya ebenus) granadillo [m] CU
wood of the wattle or acacia garabato [m] AR
rustic wood burning stove cocinero [m] NI
stick of hard green wood cochoso [m] DO
low seat with a reclining back, crudely made of wood or leather criadero de vagos [m] PR
low seat with a reclining back, crudely made of wood or leather ture [m] VE
low seat with a reclining back, crudely made of wood or leather dure [m] VE
bundle of fodder, wood, medicinal plants, legumes, or other similar items huango [m] EC
wood of the patagonian oak hualle [m] CL:S AR:Sw
wood of the ibirá-payé incienso [m] AR
carpentry brush to make moldings and grooves in wood guiyami [m] PR
purgative extracted from the cooking of the wood and the root of the jalap jalapa [m] HN
pipe originally made from fired clay, stone, wood, or bone, used in collective ceremonies and rites kitra [m] CL rare
subjection of wood to processes of treatment and brushing by machines maquinado [m] HN CO
plot of land with abundant beef wood (torrubia fragrans) majagual [m] MX SV NI PR rur.
wood spindle used to spin cotton or maguey fiber thread malacate [m] MX GT HN SV NI
hard wood floor encerado [m] CL
tea made with american pine wood ocote [m] MX GT
whitish pine wood without resin, used for firewood ocote blanco [m] HN rur.
reddish pine wood full of resin, used for lighting ocote fino [m] HN rur.
whitish pine wood without resin, used for firewood ocote pálido [m] HN:W,S
part of primitive loom, made of hard smooth wood in the shape of a blade where the thread is loaded ñereo [m] CL disused
leather or wood container used to store liquids, cereals, or yerba mate noque [m] AR:C,N,W rur.
round plank made of eucalyptus wood pingo [m] EC
unit of cubic measure for wood equivalent to 0.0023597 m3 pie (inglés feet) [m] HN
wood of the walking palm pona [m] PE
circular piece of wood rolo [m] VE UY
catholic religious image on wood santo de palo [m] PR rur.
cracking of wood tronchido [m] SV
large piece of wood, iron or other material tuco [m] HN SV NI CR PA EC
wood sorrel xocoyol [m] MX disused rur.
wood of the tengue tengue [m] CU
wood of the tineo tenío [m] CL
wood of the astronium urunday [m] AR
wood of the urundey urundey [m] PY AR:Ne
stick fix brand of wood glue stickfix (de stick fix®) [m] CL
z-shaped piece of wood placed on level walls, as a support zoquete [m] HN
skeleton carved out of toromiro wood toromiro [m] CL
wood floor tambo [m] NI
short stick passed through the link of a chain to secure the logs when hauling wood tortol [m] GT
technique of making wood and palm frond walls tazacual [m] HN
camphor wood alcanfor (árabe) [m] PH
mexican folkloric fantastic animals made from paper-mâché or wood alebrije [m] MX
large piece of wood bolo [m] CU
wood-fired oven buitrón [m] CO
wood stove buitrón [m] CO
wood shade projecting from a wall cadahalso [m] rare
violet-colored wood streaked with black camotillo [m] MX
hard wood tree coscarrón [m] PR
piece of rotten wood escarzo [m] ES local
hard wood rod finished with an iron point jan [m] CU
strip of wood tablizo [m] ES local
juvenile wood tempanillo [m] ES local
jackfruit wood yacal [m] PH
kind of wood grouse charata [f] AR BO
tree with white, hard wood camagua [f] CU
wild tree of hard rich yellow wood camaguira [f] CU
small tree whose wood is used in cabinet-making cauba [f] AR
wood mold for sugar gavera [f] CO VE
lofty wild tree (balsa wood) guácima [f] CO VE ANT PA
tree of the myrtaceous family with very hard wood, used for horse-wagon axles luma [f] CL
lofty wild tree (balsa wood) guásima [f] CO ANT
cooking stones/supports in triangular configuration over wood fire topia  [f] VE
wood chips tarama  [f] AND
tree to 25 m with durable and flexible wood used to weapons and construction macanilla [f] CO VE
tree to 25 m with durable and flexible wood used to weapons and construction macana  [f] CO VE
tall tree to 40 m with heavy wood and edible fruits that produces latex balatá [f] CO PE BO VE
wood saw aserrada [f] MX HN NI
rough/sharp irregular surface in the borders of certain materials (such as wood/bone when cut, broken or fissured) astilladura [f] MX HN CL
portable support generally made of wood asnilla [f] PR
wood frame used to plant plants and vegetables barbacoa [f] VE
balsa wood balsa [f] HN NI PE
rustic watercraft made of balsa wood balsa [f] PA
annual festival of the guaimí indians (in which they use balsa wood stakes as weapons) balsería [f] PA
wood strip for molding barbilla [f] MX
wood of the caimoní tree camagua [f] CU
rectangular box made of wood or iron with a capacity of about 12kg of harvested coffee cajuela [f] HN SV
rustic musical instrument of cedar wood with four strings bocona [f] PA
buttercup tree wood botija [f] CU
variable wood unit brazada [f] HN
colubrina wood (red and resistant) bijaguara [f] CU
colubrina wood (red and resistant) bijáguara [f] CU
wood curl burucha [f] CR rur.
wood from the blackwood acacia acacia negra [f] UY
the wood obtained from the baitoa tree baitoa [f] DO
wood carving tool cuchilla [f] DO PR
illegal female trader of products (especially wood) chemisera [f] HN
wood chip industry chipera [f] CL