goods - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "goods" in Spanish English Dictionary : 47 result(s)

English Spanish
goods bienes [m/pl]
goods efectos [m/pl]
goods mercancía [f]
goods manteca [f]
goods resuello [m]
goods manifactura [f]
goods mercadería [f]
goods mercancía [f]
goods mosca [f]
goods paquetería [f]
goods producción [f]
goods bienes de fortuna [m/pl]
goods intereses [m/pl]
goods conveniencias [f/pl]
goods género [m]
goods mercadería [f]
goods efectos [m/pl]
goods géneros [m/pl]
goods existencias [f/pl]
goods producido [m] CO AR UY
goods atijara (árabe) [f] disused
goods emplea [f] disused
goods mercadoría [f] disused
goods mercaduría [f] disused
goods merchantería [f] disused
goods géneros [m]
goods mercadería [f]
goods mercancía [f]
goods artículos [m/pl]
goods productos [m/pl]
goods mercaderías [f/pl]
goods mercancías [f/pl]
goods mercaderías [f/pl]
goods productos
goods mercancías
goods mercaderías
goods mercancías [f/pl]
goods productos [m/pl]
goods mercadería [f]
goods existencias [f]
goods mercaderías
goods enseres [m/pl]
goods bienes [m/pl]
goods cosas [f/pl]
goods artículos [m/pl]
goods mercaderías [f/pl]
goods especies [f/pl]

Meanings of "goods" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
silk goods sedería [f]
owner of abbatial lands or goods abadengo [m]
seller of cheap goods baratillero [m]
second-hand goods baratillo [m]
stolen goods stand baratillo [m]
goods station cargadero [m]
smuggled goods contrabando [m]
goods thus seized descamino [m]
bale of goods frangote [m]
stolen goods hurto [m]
woolen goods manufacture lanificio [m]
bank advancing money on goods delivered for sale lombardo [m]
smuggled goods matute [m]
line of goods renglón [m]
stolen goods robo [m]
confiscated goods secuestro [m]
passenger and goods train tren mixto [m]
small lot of goods ancheta [f]
seller of cheap goods baratillera [f]
cord goods cordonería [f]
exported goods exportación [f]
goods, property or estate of a will hijuela [f]
imported goods importación [f]
ancient duty on moorish goods jea [f]
woolen goods manufacture lanificación [f]
linen goods lencería [f]
set of hoops to tie bottles of wine, oil, and similar goods liaza [f]
leather goods marroquinería [f]
wholesale selling of goods pancada [f]
leaden goods storehouse plomería [f]
lead goods shop plomería [f]
tax that was paid for transporting goods renta de sacas [f]
sale of goods salida [f]
silk goods sedería [f]
leather goods shop talabartería [f]
flat-bottomed boat for transporting goods and horses tarida [f]
collection of goods offered for sale vendeja [f]
pertaining to the abbotship or the abbey, abbatial lands or goods abadengo [adj]
transporting people or goods cosario [adj]
dry goods áridos [m/pl]
people in possession of stolen goods manos libres [f/pl]
cheap goods baratillo [m]
movement of goods people tránsito [m]
stolen goods robo [m]
goods and services tax impuesto a la venta de los bienes y servicios [m]
dry-goods dealer pañero [m]
bonded warehouses and goods depósito aduanero y mercancías [m]
all kinds of goods todo tipo de bienes [m]
goods carried by seamen of a ship free of freight pacotilla [f]
leather goods marroquinería [f]
device which is used for weighing goods for sale balanza [f]
dry-goods dealer pañera [f]
goods train mercancías [f]
all kinds of goods toda clase de productos [f]
all kinds of goods toda clase de mercancía [f]
someone that hides or buys and sells stolen goods perista [m/f]
one that partakes of goods and rights inside a community comunero [m/f]
pertaining to the exchange of goods for profit mercantil [adj]
monopolize the sale of certain goods estancar [v]
return goods reivindicar [v]
produce goods producir [v]
get control of the trade in a particular type of goods acaparar el mercado de algo [v]
buy and sell goods and services comprar y vender bienes y servicios [v]
draw goods from warehouse sacar la mercancía del almacén [v]
consumer goods bienes de consumo [m/pl]
auction goods bienes de subastas [m/pl]
domestic goods bienes nacionales [m/pl]
baked goods productos de panadería y pastelería [m/pl]
cultural goods bienes culturales [m/pl]
public goods bienes de dominio público
biggest trafficker of illegal goods el mayor traficante de mercancías ilegales
goods and services tax impuesto a la venta de los bienes y servicios
dry goods productos secos
white goods línea blanca
heavy goods vehicle [uk] vehículo de transporte pesado
canned goods conservas alimenticias
sporting goods artículos deportivos
durable goods bienes duraderos
worldly goods los bienes terrenales
suppliers of goods and services proveedor de bienes y servicios
sporting goods store tienda de artículos deportivos
duty on foreign goods aforamiento [m]
smuggled goods alijo [m]
gathering and buying up of goods acopiamiento [m]
dry-goods store cajón (usado en algunos lugares de américa) [m]
seller of second-hand goods or articles baratillero [m]
sale of goods despacho [m]
household goods belezo [m]
confiscated goods comiso [m]
tackle used to hoist light goods from the hold of a ship carrillar [m]
seizure of smuggled goods descamino [m]
goods thus seized descamino [m]
consignment of goods porte [m]
consignment of goods envío [m]
defect discovered in goods after they have been bought gabarro [m]
place where government monopolized goods are sold estanco [m]
retailer of monopoly goods estanquero [m]
bale of goods frangote [m]
entry of goods registro [m]
woolen goods lanificio [m]
smuggled goods matute [m]
bank advancing money on goods delivered for sale lombardo [m]
household goods and chattels mobiliario [m]
line of goods ramo [m]
goods-lift montacargas [m]
receiver of stolen goods receptador [m]
crying of goods pregoneo [m]
goods van vagón [m]
carrier of goods trajinante [m]
confiscated goods decomiso [m]
small quantity of goods ventured in commerce ancheta [f]
duty on broadcloths and woollen goods almocatracía [f]
place where canned goods are made or sold conservería [f]
small bale of goods baleta [f]
duty on goods contramarca [f]
household goods belez [f]
side of a bale of goods costera [f]
cotton goods cotonada [f]
retail shop where tobacco or other monopolized goods are sold expendeduría [f]
ancient duty on moorish goods jea [f]
woollen goods lanificación [f]
sending of goods remesa [f]
linen goods lencería [f]
dry-goods store mercería [f]
disposal of a merchant's remaining goods at reduced prices liquidación [f]
fancy goods quincalla [f]
bale of goods paca [f]
small stock of goods pacotilla [f]
storehouse of leaden goods plomería [f]
wholesale disposal of goods pancada [f]
consignment of goods remesa [f]
retailer of monopoly goods estanquera [f]
consignment of goods partida [f]
seller of second-hand goods or articles baratillera [f]
consignment of goods expedición [f]
shortening (fat such as butter or lard used in baked goods) grasa [f]
figured goods floreado [adj]
corner goods acopiar [v]
open bales of goods desembalar [v]
candy/pickle goods conservar [v]
consign (goods) consignar [v]
unpack bales of goods desenfardar [v]
remit goods by rail facturar [v]
order goods encargar [v]
put an embargo on goods estancar [v]
buy and sell goods negociar [v]
mark goods at the customs-house marchamar [v]
sell goods by auction marear [v]
receive stolen goods receptar [v]
transport (goods) trajinar [v]
carry goods on one's back terciar [v]
pack goods empacar (mercancías) [v]
pack goods empaquetar (mercancías) [v]
candy/pickle goods escarchar [v]
unpack bales of goods desenfardelar [v]
dry goods measurable with dry measure áridos [m/pl]
household goods bártulos [m/pl]
household goods enseres [m/pl]
movable goods muebles [m/pl]
oversea goods ultramarinos [m/pl]
dealer in second-hand goods chamarilero [m]
octroi (duty on goods) derechos de puerta [m]
goods train tren de mercancías [m]
goods shed depósito [m]
goods wagon vagón de mercancías [m]
goods shed cobertizo [m]
goods shed almacén [m]
goods wagon furgón [m]
goods van furgón [m]
goods van vagón de mercancías [m]
charge for transporting goods carretaje [m]
dry goods lencería [f]
buy up (goods) acaparar [v]
buy up (goods) estancar (géneros) [v]
fancy goods artículos de fantasía [m/pl]
green goods billetes falsificados [m/pl]
lawful goods géneros permitidos [m/pl]
lawful goods géneros lícitos [m/pl]
canned goods conservas alimenticias [f/pl]
someone that hides or buys and sells stolen goods reducidor [m] AMER
crate to carry goods cacaxtle [m] MX
store selling household goods, either wholesale or retail almacén [m] CR CO AR UY
establishment where food and household goods are sold abastecedor [m] CR
transport of goods acarreo [m] DO
lending supplies and basic goods obtained from a grocery store guaranteed by the salary (centers where a state-owned mining company operates) avío [m] BO:W,S
storage (of goods) bodegaje [m] MX HN NI CO EC PE CL
stolen goods carried by thieves when arrested by the police bagayo [m] AR UY
small store where basic consumer goods are sold mercadito [m] HN SV UY
place very close to the port where goods are deposited in containers antepuerto [m] CL
storage of goods bodegaje [m] MX HN NI CO EC PE CL
amount of money charged for storing goods in a warehouse bodegaje [m] MX HN NI CR EC
triangular wooden frame used for hauling goods birloche [m] CL:S
person who transports goods using a donkey burriquero [m] DO
man hired to guard and protect goods or people custodio [m] NI CU BO PY AR UY
product or goods that must be inventoried or counted faltante [m] CL
paperwork necessary in order to obtain goods that are scarce on the market forrajeo [m] CU
cargo vehicle adapted to transporting goods on railroad tracks ferrocamión [m] CU
trip to transport goods flete [m] MX GT HN NI CR
vehicle that is rented to transport parcels or goods flete [m] PY AR UY
payment for shipment or transport of goods flete [m] GT HN NI DO BO
stolen goods market tanta catu [m] BO
indigenous burial or prehispanic inca burial with grave goods huacabolas [m] CL
intermediary between buyer and seller who receives a commission from both to sell goods at elevated prices during times of scarcity coyote [m] HN SV
man who has a job to load and unload goods, or transporting them on his shoulders hombreador [m] AR UY
set of canned goods laterío [m] MX
intentional handling of money or other goods kikirigüiki [m] VE
counterfeit goods material [m] CU
set of goods or merchandise in the market with a specific price and time period ofertamiento [m] MX
worker who loads or unloads goods from boats muellero [m] DO PR
recovery of stolen goods recupere [m] NI
person who buys and sells stolen goods reducidor [m] CO PE CL PY AR UY
stolen goods bag pongo [m] SV delinq.
person who monopolizes goods at a low price and then resells them at higher prices ranquero [m] BO
used goods store pulguero [m] HN NI
goods dispatch note remito [m] AR UY
person who transports goods they sell on a carrier tricycle triciclero [m] PE BO
person who transports goods they sell on a carrier tricycle triciclero [m] EC
stolen goods bagayo [m] UY
wool goods shop batán [m] CO AL
wool goods batán [m] CO AL
agricultural goods revenue beneficio [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR CU PR PE BO CL GQ
exchanging or selling goods on a ship cambullón [m] CI
goods taken from a ship cambullón [m] CI
seizure of smuggled goods descaminado [m] disused
storage of goods estocaje [m] ES
set of stored goods estocaje [m] ES
leather goods maker petaquero [m] MX
dry goods market refino [m] rare
sale of counterfeit goods top manta [m] ES
heavy goods vehicle drawn by three mules carretilla [f] AR UY
a lighter for carrying goods by river garandumba [f] PY
leather goods peletería [f] CU
person in charge of applying something (especially referring to agricultural goods or livestock) aplicadora [f] AR rur.
establishment where basic consumer goods are sold abarrotería [f] GT HN PA
goods in a grocery store abarrotería [f] HN SV
small store where basic consumer goods are sold abarrotería [f] GT HN SV PA rur.
small store where basic consumer goods are sold abastecedora [f] NI rare
woman who transports goods on a donkey burrera [f] PY disused rur.
set of goods and services essential for a person canasta [f] DO BO CL
set of goods and services essential for a person canasta básica [f] CR DO PR EC
set of goods and services essential for a person canasta básica [f] MX GT HN SV NI PA DO EC
small cart, usually with an awning used by street vendors to sell their goods cuna [f] CL
woman hired to guard and protect goods or people custodia [f] NI PY AR UY
pile of eggs deposited by flies on decomposing organic goods chanilla [f] CO:C
old measure of dry goods equivalent to twelve almudes fanega [f] EC:S disused
indigenous burial or prehispanic inca burial with grave goods guaca [f] PE BO CL
indigenous burial or prehispanic inca burial with grave goods huaca [f] NI PE CL AR:Nw
intermediary between buyer and seller who receives a commission from both to sell goods at elevated prices during times of scarcity coyota [f] HN SV
small stall for selling goods isla [f] EC
bag woven of fibers of chambira palm or jute for fishing or to carry farm goods jicra [f] EC
bag woven of fibers of chambira palm or jute for fishing or to carry farm goods jicra [f] PE rur.
economic process in which goods and services are paid for with us dollars dolarización [f] MX GT HN SV PA PE
woman who carries goods in a basket marera [f] VE:E
establishment where suitcases and other leather goods are sold and repaired maletería [f] BO CL
leather goods store maletería [f] BO CL
production system through which companies obtain goods and services for export maquila [f] PY
abundance of goods or good qualities naiboa [f] DO
set of goods or merchandise in the market with a specific price and time period ofertada [f] MX rare
dry goods mercancía seca [f] VE
inherited goods mortual [f] HN NI CR
paper goods papelería [f] MX HN SV NI CR PA EC BO CL AR
amount of money or goods added to an exchange to make a fair trade paltana [f] EC
illegal distribution of public goods or money piñata [f] HN NI
hoarding goods among a few people reconcentración [f] NI EC
profit from the sale of stolen goods raja [f] GT
person who buys and sells stolen goods reducidora [f] CO PE CL PY AR UY
person who monopolizes goods at a low price and then resells them at higher prices ranquera [f] BO
item used to cover stolen goods tapiña [f] SV delinq.
person who transports goods they sell on a carrier tricycle triciclera [f] PE BO
person who transports goods they sell on a carrier tricycle triciclera [f] EC
baked goods fruta de horno [f] MX
leather goods store petaquería [f] MX
leather goods factory petaquería [f] MX
leather goods maker petaquera [f] MX
appropriation of public or private goods piñata [f] NI
plumbing goods store plomería [f] VE
dry-goods industry trapería [f] AL
renter of a plot of land who pays the landowner in goods or services arrendire [m/f] PE rare
thief who steals trucks with goods paracaidista [m/f] BO:W delinq.
rented to transport goods, cargo, or people (vehicle) fletado [adj] NI CU PR BO
in large and unspecified amounts (transportation of bulk goods) granelero [adj] CL
unsold goods mosqueado [adj] CU
appropriating public or private goods piñatero [adj] NI
pertaining to transporting goods in tanker ships tanquero [adj] CL
paid partly in cash and partly with goods or services mitadenco [adj] ES local rur. rare
appropriating public or private goods piñatero [adj] NI
enter goods at the customhouse aduanar [v] rare
seize goods and chattels amparar [v] rur. rare
mark goods with lead seal to show origin bullar [v] rur. rare
pack goods enterciar [v] CU MX
declare goods at customs aduanar [v] HN NI DO VE
smuggle basic goods bagallear [v] UY
smuggle basic goods bagayear [v] UY
provide protection in a prison (in exchange for favors/money/other goods ) amadrinar [v] MX
charge a certain amount of money for goods/service apear [v] CR
squander goods desbalagar [v] HN SV
make a living out of selling cheap or wrong-acquired goods choricear [v] CR
consume all goods in one place raspar [v] VE
sell stolen goods topear [v] HN SV NI police
cover stolen goods tapiñar [v] SV delinq.
buy stolen goods topear [v] HN SV NI police
pay and register goods at customs aduanar [v] rare
process agricultural goods beneficiar [v] HN SV CR CU PR VE EC PE BO PY GQ
obtain scarce goods forrajear [v] CU
ship goods navegar [v] rare
household goods féferes [m/pl] CO CU EC DO
edible consumer goods intended for sale abarrotes [m/pl] PA PE CL BO
edible and daily consumer goods sold in a grocery store abarrotes [m/pl] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CO EC PE BO CL AR rare
figured goods floreada [adj/f]
haul (unlawfully obtained goods) pez [m]
sell their goods hacer el artículo [m]
deliver the goods estar a la altura de las expectativas [v]
come up with the goods hacer lo que se espera de uno [v]
deliver the goods cumplir lo prometido [v]
have the goods tener las habilidades que se necesitan [v]
have the goods on someone obtener evidencia de un delito cometido por alguien [v]
have the goods on someone probar la culpabilidad de alguien [v]
have the goods reunir los requisitos [v]
have the goods estar en pinganitos [v]
sell someone a bill of goods venderle el oro y el moro a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods defraudar a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods engañar a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods timar a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods venderle un buzón a alguien [v]
deliver the goods dar alguien la talla [v]
not fixing the price of goods all at one time a postura de regidor [adv]
get the goods on someone conseguir elementos para incriminar a alguien
get the goods on someone descubrir evidencia para incriminar a alguien
get the goods on someone lograr demostrar la culpabilidad de alguien
get the goods on someone lograr pruebas incriminatorias
deliver the goods dar la talla [v]
buy without seeing the goods well comprar gatos entre sacos [v] PR
squander money or goods hacérsele sal y agua [v] NI DO CL
be excluded from distribution of goods or a business quedar fuera de la paila [v] NI
when two things have the same value in an exchange of goods al taco [adv] CR
the goods are ready la mercadería está pronta
smuggled goods bagayo [m]
confiscated goods store decomisos [m]
sell someone a bill of goods gastar una mala jugada a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods hacer la a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods hacer una cochinada a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods hacer una faena a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods hacer una trastada a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods hacer una mala jugada a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods hacerle una mala pasada a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods jugarle una mala partida a alguien [v]
sell someone a bill of goods jugarle una mala pasada a alguien [v]
bale goods mercancías de pacotilla [f/pl]
smuggled goods bagayo [m] CL AR:Ne,E UY
exchange of goods chen (inglés change) [m] CU
goods for sale in a market catu [m] BO:W,C
person who buys stolen goods comprador de chueco [m] MX
person who sells stolen goods vendedor de chueco [m] MX
stolen goods salesperson tantacatero [m] BO
open air market with used and stolen goods tantacato [m] BO
used goods salesperson tantacatero [m] BO
person buying stolen goods topetero [m] HN SV
invoice for goods or services esquela [f] HN
high value imported goods pacotilla [f] CU
high value imported goods paca (francés) [f] CU
person who sells stolen goods vendedora de chueco [f] MX
stolen goods salesperson tantacatera [f] BO
used goods salesperson tantacatera [f] BO
woman buying stolen goods topetera [f] HN SV
escape with stolen goods alzar [v] NI AR UY
go through red tape in order to obtain goods that are scarce on the market forrajear [v] CU
squander or waste goods feriar [v] CU EC
plunder, pillage, or destroy foreign goods or resources canibalear [v] MX
speculate with prices or goods coyotear [v] HN
contraband goods pilotear [v] BO:E,W
buy stolen goods topetear [v] HN SV
sell someone a bill of goods hacer una cabronada a alguien [v]
a damaged goods desquiciado
spoiled goods mujer deshonrada
spoiled goods mujer que ha perdido su virginidad
a damaged goods tarado
a set of smuggled goods bagallo [m] CL
stolen goods consumao [m] CU
large hidden bag for hiding stolen goods buitrón [m] delinq.
buy and sell stolen goods merquear [v] BO:W delinq.
cost of goods sold coste de las ventas [m]
arrival of goods arribo de bienes [m]
goods elevator montacargas [m]
arrival of goods arribo de mercancías [m]
retailer of goods under state monopoly estanquero [m]
seller of stolen goods antor [m]
smuggled goods matute [m]
goods declaration declaración de mercancías [f]
cession of goods cesión de bienes [f]
intermixture of goods confusión de bienes [f]
circulation of goods circulación de bienes [f]
confusion of goods confusión de bienes [f]
confusion of goods confusión de cosas [f]
assignment of goods cesión de bienes [f]
intermixture of goods confusión de bienes [f]
cession of goods cesión de bienes [f]
circulation of goods circulación de bienes [f]
circulation of goods circulación de mercancías [f]
(goods) inferior inferior [adj]
(goods) dispatch despachar [v]
receive goods recibir mercancías [v]
accept goods aceptar mercancías [v]
supply goods proveer productos [v]
supply goods and services proveer bienes y servicios [v]
abandon goods abandonar géneros [v]
enter goods declarar mercancías [v]
supply goods proveer mercancías [v]
deliver goods entregar mercancías [v]
supply goods proveer bienes [v]
fixed capital goods bienes de capital fijo [m/pl]
goods and chattels bienes muebles [m/pl]
material goods bienes materiales [m/pl]
trading goods bienes de cambio [m/pl]
finished goods productos acabados [m/pl]
capital goods bienes de equipo [m/pl]
consumption goods bienes de consumo [m/pl]
capital goods bienes de capital [m/pl]
nondurable consumer goods bienes de consumo no duraderos [m/pl]
consumer durable goods bienes de consumo duraderos [m/pl]
consumer non-durable goods bienes de consumo no duraderos [m/pl]
household goods bienes muebles de un hogar [m/pl]
hard goods bienes de consumo duraderos [m/pl]
durable consumer goods bienes de consumo duraderos [m/pl]
brown goods electrodomésticos [m/pl]
consumer goods bienes de consumo [m/pl]
durable goods bienes de consumo duraderos [m/pl]
non-durable goods bienes de consumo no duraderos [m/pl]
goods and services bienes y servicios [m/pl]
final goods and services bienes y servicios finales [m/pl]
non-durable consumer goods bienes de consumo no duraderos [m/pl]
goods and rights bienes y derechos [m/pl]
producer goods materias primas [f/pl]
abandoned goods mercancías abandonadas [pl]
smuggled goods mercancías de contrabando
land goods at a port descargar mercancías en un puerto
goods in transit mercadería en tránsito
visible goods bienes visibles
declare goods to customs declarar mercancías en la aduana
delivery of goods entrega de mercancías
retail goods vender al por menor
unfinished goods bienes semiacabados
trade in goods intercambios de mercancías
goods traffic movimiento de mercancías
damaged goods bienes dañados
goods depot depósito de mercancías
white goods línea blanca
goods-yard playa de mercancías
lot of goods lote de mercancías
goods on consignment mercadería en consignación
cut-price goods mercancías a precio reducido
consumable goods efectos de consumo
goods-shed depósito de mercancías
returns (unsold goods) productos devueltos sin vender
goods in transit mercancías en tránsito
goods transhipment transbordo de mercancías
goods traffic tráfico de mercancías
pack goods into cartons embalar mercancías en cajas de cartón
external trade balance of goods and services saldo comercial externo de bienes y servicios
capital-goods industry industria de bienes de capital
high-quality goods productos de primera calidad
importers of capital goods importadores de bienes de capital
fire-damaged goods mercancías dañadas por un incendio
goods to be delivered mercancía a entregar
spot goods mercancías disponibles
duty-paid goods mercancías con impuestos aduaneros pagados
consumer goods industry industria de bienes de consumo
producer's goods elementos de producción
goods-waggon vagón de mercancías
goods and chattels bienes y efectos
goods train tren de mercancías
goods in entrada de mercancías
goods on consignment mercancía en depósito
heavy goods vehicle (hgv) camión de carga pesada
perishable goods artículos perecederos
intermediate goods productos intermedios
goods in transit mercancía en camino
own label goods productos de marca propia
dump goods on a market practicar el dumping
consumer convenience goods derechos del consumidor
branded goods productos de marca
goods and services mercaderías y servicios
goods-station estación de carga
goods car vagón de mercancías
imported goods mercancías importadas
goods-van vagón de mercancías
goods on consignment mercancía en consignación
intermediate goods bienes intermedios
goods van vagón de mercancías
balance of goods and services balanza de bienes y servicios
accumulation of goods acumulación de mercancías
goods to declare objetos a declarar
goods depot almacén de mercancías
goods actually shipped on mercancía recibida a bordo
goods in deposit mercancía en depósito
goods on consignment mercadería en depósito
delivery of goods reparto de mercancías
manufactured goods bienes manufacturados
own brand goods productos de marca propia
goods and services transactions transacciones de bienes y servicios
goods truck vagón de mercancías