made - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "made" in Spanish English Dictionary : 21 result(s)

English Spanish
made hecho [adj]
made hecho [adj]
made creado [adj]
made próspero [adj]
made hecha [adj/f]
made creada [adj/f]
made próspera [adj/f]
made en caja [adj]
made fabricado [adj]
made producido [adj]
made elaborado [adj]
made fecho [adj]
made confeccionado [adj]
made hecho [adj]
made no enterizo
made de relleno
Pipe Terms
made tendido [adj]
made remosquearse [v]
made maclarse [v]
made quiastolita [f]
made macla [f]

Meanings of "made" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
I made ... into convertí [v]
article made of felt fieltro [m]
payment (to be made) saldo [m]
hole made in the earth to bury corpse sepultura [f]
wall made of adobe bricks tapia [f]
home-made casero [adj]
be made of ser [v]
made/composed of de [prep]
tailor-made a medida [adj]
made of straw pajizo [adj]
factory-made industrial [adj]
solidly made sólido [adj]
made-up inventado [adj]
solidly made macizo [adj]
made up maquillado [adj]
be made of ser de [v]
be made up of estar formado por [v]
paste made of water and flour masa [f]
made-up falso [adj]
cloth made of manila hemp abacá [m]
mix made to tan skins or to give shine to fabrics adobo [m]
copper coin mixed with silver, made by king don juan i of castilla agnus (latín) [m]
copper coin mixed with silver, made by king don juan i of castilla agnus dei (latín) [m]
copper coin mixed with silver, made by king don juan i of castilla agnusdéi (latín) [m]
drink made of unripened grape juice, water, and sugar agraz [m]
dish made with legumes, meat, and chili pepper ajiaco [m]
a wine made of albillo grape albillo [m]
a wine made of albillo grape vino albillo [m]
clog with a sole made of cork alcorque (árabe) [m]
currency made during time of alfonso the tenth alfonsino [m]
canvas made in allariz, galicia, spain allariz [m]
liquor made with bitter almonds amargo [m]
offering made on the first anniversary of a death añal [m]
bank made of stones arrecife [m]
prepared drink made from fruit of the common barberry bérbero [m]
cosmetic made with eggshells blanco de huevo [m]
hole made to steal something butrón [m]
beverage made with powdered cocoa cacao [m]
moisturizing cosmetic product made from cocoa butter cacao [m]
offering made by the native americans to the priests, and later to the spanish camarico [m]
carmine made with plaster and cochineal carmín bajo [m]
ornament imitating long leaves made of iron, brass or other metal, and wood cartón [m]
articles made from cardboard cartonaje [m]
cloth or felt made with beaver fur castor [m]
hat made of beaver pelt castoreño [m]
abrasion made by a solid object chasponazo [m]
rag made of cheviot wool cheviot [m]
broth made from cooking blood sausages chichurro [m]
bugtrap made of twigs chinchero [m]
container made with the endocarp of a coconut coco [m]
dress made of deer skin correal [m]
frame made of whale bones emballenado [m]
being made rusty enmohecimiento [m]
dress made of deer skin estezado [m]
cloth made from coarse tow yarns estopón [m]
plantation of olive-trees, made with cuttings garrotal [m]
pap made of boiled semolina grañón [m]
fuel made from the stones of olives herraj [m]
sweet made of bread crumbs, toasted and crushed almonds or hazelnut, and honey hormiguillo [m]
design made with boxwood, myrtle, and other garden plants lazo [m]
figurative links that are made in dance lazo [m]
fabric made from flax, hemp, or cotton lienzo [m]
delicacy made with lard and flour mantecado [m]
sample made in canvas to mark clothes marcador [m]
bun made of flour and water masón [m]
kind of sponge cake, made of marzipan and sugar mojicón [m]
sausage made of thick sausage casing morcal [m]
fine wine made in the moriles, spain moriles [m]
cake made with flour, must, and butter mustaco [m]
perfume made with madonna lily nardo [m]
offerings and prayers for the dead made during the nine days after death novenario [m]
sweet made of bread crumbs, toasted and crushed almonds or hazelnut, and honey nuégado [m]
moonshine made with anise and sugar ojén [m]
drink made with bitter pomegranate seed and sugar oxizacre [m]
note made to order pagaré a la orden [m]
face made for entertaining children papero [m]
plant where graft is made patrón [m]
fine coal made from olive stones piñuelo [m]
common wine made in tuscany quianti [m]
wrapping made of paper or rags rebujo [m]
repair made to the foundations of a building recalzo [m]
altar made in the streets for processions of the blessed sacrament recibimiento [m]
kind of cloth made in segovia recolado [m]
sauce made in a frying pan refrito [m]
sweet made of shelled and crushed almonds, lemon peel, sugar, and egg white secadillo [m]
dough made of walnuts, almonds, or pine nuts, and sesame seeds sésamo [m]
sweet made of flour, sugar, and egg suspiro [m]
cut made with scissors tijeretazo [m]
noise made by scissors tijereteo [m]
sweet made of egg white and syrup tocino de cielo [m]
offering made to saint james and his cathedral by asturias, galicia, león, and castille voto de santiago [m]
drink made of unripened grape juice, water, and sugar agrazada [f]
drink made of water, honey, and spices agualoja [f]
moorish gauze made of fine fabric albengala [f]
footwear made out of esparto grass alborga (árabe) [f]
game made of pieces or stones on a board like checkers andarraya [f]
linen made in arouca, portugal aroca [f]
scarf or stole made of feathers boa [f]
bullfighter's breeches made of taffeta bolsa [f]
shop where halters and collars are made and sold cabestrería [f]
natural cavity made in rocks from deposited rainwater cacimba [f]
total revenue made in a day of trade caja [f]
fan made with reeds calaña [f]
establishment where chalcography is made and sold calcografía [f]
image made by decalcomania calcomanía [f]
loud and local party made with bells on the breast-strap cascabelada [f]
skin whitening product made from crushed eggshell cascarilla [f]
place where sieves are made cedacería [f]
medical composition made with contrayerva contrahierba [f]
medical composition made with contrayerva contrayerba [f]
old tenement house made up of small dwellings around a large interior patio corrala [f]
each of the four parts that made up the mesta council cuadrilla [f]
wound made in docking the tail derrabadura [f]
cover made of branches enramada [f]
jewel made up of different precious stones ensaladilla [f]
shop where esparto grass works are made espartería [f]
wound made with a spur espoleadura [f]
place where mat-work is made and sold esterería [f]
shop where mat-work is made and sold esterería [f]
place where stirrups are made or kept estribería [f]
sweet in the shape of a flower made of eggs, milk, and flour fried in oil and sprinkled with sugar or honey flor [f]
place where cookies are made galletería [f]
refreshing beverage made of pomegranate granadina [f]
poison made from herbs hierba [f]
poison made with a decoction of hellebore hierba de ballestero [f]
multi-colored carpet made of a thick fabric jarapa [f]
thick linen made in lorenzana, spain lorenzana [f]
machine made of pieces máquina [f]
bonfire made at the doors of houses in la rioja as a sign of rejoicing marcha [f]
iberian spicy sausage made with honey melliza [f]
dish made with scrambled eggs and fried bacon and sausage la merced de dios [f]
wax offering made to our lady of the prado on the third day of easter in talavera de la reina, spain monda [f]
fermented liquor made from chilean guava, strawberry myrtle murtilla [f]
sauce made with nuts and spices and used to cook fish nogada [f]
offerings and prayers for the dead made during the nine days after death novena [f]
sauce made with rocket arugula oruga [f]
fabric made with the fibers of pineapple leaf piña [f]
handmade flower made of feathers piocha [f]
thin rope made of maguey fiber pita [f]
stop made by the clergy during a burial to sing the prayer for the dead posa [f]
offering made to god promesa [f]
traditional galician hot drink made with flamed orujo moonshine, sugar, and lemon queimada [f]
latticework made with vines rejilla [f]
ready-made garments ropa hecha [f]
sweet made from sponge cake, sugar, cinnamon, and rum sopa borracha [f]
cut made with scissors tijeretada [f]
thin string made of agave fiber canal [m/f]
sauce made of pepper, garlic, and vinegar pebre [m/f]
made of steel acerado [adj]
made of steel de acero [adj]
made of glass acristalado [adj]
dipped in ink made of ground gills agallado [adj]
made of threads ahebrado [adj]
made of alabaster alabastrino [adj]
man-made artificial [adj]
made from the black grape bodocal [adj]
made with oakum cañameño [adj]
made with cider cetrino [adj]
made of cypress wood cipresino [adj]
made to look reasonable colorado [adj]
made like a horn cornial [adj]
poorly made deleznable [adj]
poorly made deslavazado [adj]
made into small jewels enjoyelado [adj]
made of worsted estamíneo [adj]
made of tow estopeño [adj]
made-up ficticio [adj]
hand-made hechizo [adj]
made of puff pastry hojaldrado [adj]
made of rushes juncino [adj]
made with milk lacteado [adj]
made of brick ladrilloso [adj]
made of marble marmoleño [adj]
made of marble marmóreo [adj]
made of myrrh mirrado [adj]
made of myrrh mirrino [adj]
made of myrtle mirtino [adj]
made from muscat grapes moscatel [adj]
able to be made musical musicable [adj]
made with rutabaga nabar [adj]
newly made nuevo [adj]
made of hay pajoso [adj]
made of multi-colored threads polímita [adj]
just made reciente [adj]
poorly made zoquetudo [adj]
made sad acongojar [v]
be made out adivinarse [v]
be made narrow angostarse [v]
be made fun of chulearse [v]
be made up for compensarse [v]
be made up of conformarse [v]
made to feel uncomfortable desacomodarse [v]
have made amends desagraviarse [v]
be made uneven desemparejarse [v]
be made unbalanced desemparejarse [v]
have made good desquitarse [v]
have made up for desquitarse [v]
be made silly embobecerse [v]
be made rusty enmohecerse [v]
be made black ennegrecerse [v]
be made conceited enquillotrar [v]
be made hoarse enronquecerse [v]
be made gloomy or sad ensombrecerse [v]
be made silly entorpecerse [v]
be made up fingirse [v]
be made fun of fisgarse [v]
be made up forjarse [v]
make made frenetizar [v]
be made inactive inactivarse [v]
be made public instruirse [v]
be made whole redondearse [v]
be made up of refundirse [v]
made of de [prep]
well-made play bufos [m/pl]
sweet made of egg yolk and clarified sugar huevos dobles [m/pl]
baked sweet made of egg yolk and clarified sugar huevos dobles quemados [m/pl]
weather predictions made by country folk, based on weather variations in the first few days of january and august cabañuelas [f/pl]
poison made from herbs hierbas [f/pl]
made of dia [pref]
weapon or instrument made of iron hierro [m]
some made with nuts and seeds jamoncillo [m]
channel made by running water badén [m]
man-made object artificio [m]
alcoholic drink made from sloes pacharán [m]
cot made of canvas catre [m]
man-made satellite satélite artificial [m]
a kind of fortified wine traditionally made in portugal vino de oporto [m]
a kind of fortified wine traditionally made in portugal oporto [m]
bridge made of rope puente de cuerda [m]
man-made object artefacto [m]
something which is made in imitation remedo [m]
cloth which is made of matted fibres of wool fieltro [m]
cloth which is made from cotton treated to make it waterproof hule [m]
yarn made from wool estambre [m]
a fish garth made of reeds cañar [m]
short coat made of thick fabric chaquetón [m]
an article made of felt fieltro [m]
dish made of raw meat crudo [m]
charcoal made from the stones of pressed olives herraj [m]
a type of small cake made with honey pestiño [m]
dish made from rice cooked with meat locrio [m]
flat bread made from roots of manioc plant cazabe [m]
hole made to help a break-in butrón [m]
something made of leather talabarte [m]
sweet made from almonds turrón [m]
dry sweet made with fried green plantain and ground frangollo [m]
refreshment made with finely chopped ice with some essence or fruit juice refresco [m]
spot made by urine meada [f]
liquor made of must and alcohol mistela [f]
cold white drink made from tiger nuts horchata [f]
stew made of beans pork sausage and bacon fabada [f]
mark made by the teeth dentellada [f]
caked made of a coiled length of puff paste ensaimada [f]
alcoholic drink made maize chicha [f]
boat made of leather pelota [f]
cake made of cheese and pastry quesada [f]
a statement made at a police station una declaración en la comisaría de policía [f]
something which is made in or shaped on a mould moldura [f]
something which is made in or shaped on a mould copia [f]
something which is made in or shaped on a mould reproducción [f]
the state of something made by an artisan or craftsman calidad de fabricación [f]
act of being made liquid licuefacción [f]
a sweet made with honey melcocha [f]
a type of pizza made with focaccia bread fugaza [f]
a typical mexican dish made with shredded meat tinga [f]
floor mat made of a hard and thick fibre estera [f]
musical instrument made of small gourd with seeds/rattles inside maraca [f]
poncho made of wool or canvas manta [f]
place where a rest stop is made during a trip etapa [f]
delicacy made with lard and flour mantecado [adj]
made to order hecho por encargo [adj]
made-to-measure hecho a medida [adj]
ready-made preparado [adj]
home-made artesano [adj]
made certain asegurado [adj]
made mature madurativo [adj]
covered or made of straw pajizo [adj]
made of or containing the properties of iron férreo [adj]
made holy santificado [adj]
made up (of) consistente [adj]
made of copper or bronze éneo [adj]
made better mejorado [adj]
made of wicker mimbroso [adj]
made of stainless steel de acero inoxidable [adj]
made flat by something achatado [adj]
made flat by something aplastado [adj]
made of or containing chocolate achocolatado [adj]
made of or containing chocolate chocolateado [adj]
made of or containing chocolate de chocolate [adj]
made of lead plomizo [adj]
made of lead plúmbeo [adj]
made of concrete de concreto [adj]
made of concrete de hormigón [adj]
made in china hecho en china [adj]
made-up constituido [adj]
that can be be made factible [adj]
made of gold de oro [adj]
made of copper cobrizo [adj]
man-made hecho por el hombre [adj]
made of cotton de algodón [adj]
made of metal metálico [adj]
custom-made a órden [adj]
custom-made especializado [adj]
custom-made a medida [adj]
custom-made encargo [adj]
custom-made personalizado [adj]
custom-made al pedido [adj]
custom-made único [adj]
custom-made con especificaciones [adj]
made of plastic plástico [adj]
made of plastic de plástico [adj]
made of ebony wood de ébano [adj]
made of paper de papel [adj]
made of wax de cera [adj]
made of ivory de marfil [adj]
made holy sagrado [adj]
made holy sacro [adj]
made from wheat de trigo [adj]
self-made casero [adj]
self-made hecho en casa [adj]
self-made hecho a mano [adj]
made of silk de seda [adj]
made from silver de plata [adj]
made of wool lanoso [adj]
man-made producido por el hombre [adj]
ready-made confeccionado [adj]
tailor-made a la medida [adj]
made-to-measure hecho a la medida [adj]
made-up maquillado [adj]
made-up pintado [adj]
made in spain fabricado en españa [adj]
made by hand hecho a mano [adj]
made of wood de madera [adj]
well-made bien hecho [adj]
british-made hecho en gran bretaña [adj]
british-made británico [adj]
custom-made a la medida [adj]
well-made conseguido [adj]
made torpid entorpecido [v]
be made up of comprender [v]
be made into glass vitrificar [v]
be made into glass vitrificarse [v]
be made of something estar hecho de algo [v]
be made redundant perder el empleo [v]
be made public hacerse público [v]
be made public ser hecho público [v]
be made public ser hecho público [v]
be made public hacerse público [v]
be made up of componerse de [v]
be made up of ser formado por [v]
have made the same decision estar acordes [v]
have made the same decision estar concordes [v]
be made of estar constituido por [v]
be tailor-made for estar hecho a la medida [v]
be tailor-made for estar personalizado [v]
be made obligatory hacerse obligatorio [v]
be made from aluminium profile estar hecho de perfil de aluminio [v]
be made from wood estar hecho de madera [v]
be made up estar hecho de [v]
be made up inventar algo (imaginario) [v]
be made up estar maquillado [v]
drinks made with liquor bebidas fuertes [f/pl]
hat made of velvety/fine felt pelo de guama  [n] VE
expressing disapproval of a comparison made by someone else ¡da la vuelta! [n] PR
play made outside the ring (cock fighting) por encima [n] PR
large amount of money made from begging machete firme [n] BO:W delinq.
made of straw pajizo
ready made suit traje de confección
made to measure confección a medida
shop-made hecho en el taller
ready-made de confección
made up story cuento chino
made in spain hecho en españa
made in spain fabricado en españa
self-made hecha a si misma
self-made hecho a si mismo
self-made man hombre hecho a sí mismo
self-made man hombre que se ha hecho a sí mismo
made of iron de hierro
made from a mix de paquete
a clog made fast to the foot of slaves pie de amigo
whiskey made from corn bourbon [m]
material made of this fibre abacá [m]
anything artificially made artefacto [m]
sauce made of garlic and cumin seed ajicomino [m]
dish made of garlic and cheese ajoqueso [m]
ointment made of marjoram amaracino [m]
paste made of almonds, walnuts, honey alajú [m]
silk from outer part of cocoon and the cloth made from it adúcar [m]
noise made by a splinter when torn from the block astillazo [m]
ward or guard made by a weapon in fencing atajo [m]
paste made of coarse wheat flour or semolina alfiltete [m]
heavy or ill-made piece of furniture armatoste [m]
briquette, brick made with coal-dust and tar aglomerado [m]
offering for some person deceased made one year after funeral añal [m]
ragout made with coriander seed celindrate [m]
light thin stuff made of silk or thread cendal [m]
abrasion made by a bullet grazing a solid object chasponazo [m]
paint made of red lead used for painting floors chauche [m]
bug-trap made of twigs chinchero [m]
sweetmeat made of syrup, white of egg and lemon juice azucarillo [m]
noise made when masticating strongly chiquichaque [m]
channel made by rain-water badén [m]
kind of coarse fabric made in galicia cerrón [m]
bark growing over cut made by pruning césped [m]
bread made of acorns/chestnuts calbote [m]
impression made by this seal contrasello [m]
sweetmeat made of white wine, eggs, sugar candiel [m]
small gold chain made in china bejuquillo [m]
confection made of barberry fruit bérbero [m]
weir for fishing made of canes or reeds cañal [m]
cloth made of hemp cáñamo [m]
kind of linen made in hierzo bierzo [m]
ancient tunic made of this linen cárbaso [m]
bruise made in metal bollo [m]
napped and tufted stuff made of thread and cotton yarn borlón [m]
impression made by the die cuño [m]
vessel made of an odoriferous earth of the same name búcaro [m]
mound made with the hoe cavacote [m]
bread made from tapioca flour cazabe [m]
ancient coin made at burgos burgalés [m]
kind of cloth formerly made in spain durando [m]
made-up dish guisado [m]
fuel made from the stones of olives erraj [m]
well-made man galán [m]
swaddling-band made by crocheting fajero [m]
head-dress made of net-work escofión [m]
coif made of net-work garbín [m]
plantation of olive-trees, made with cuttings garrotal [m]
brand or mark made by or with a hot iron hierro [m]
noise made by a trigger at firing gatillazo [m]
andalusian dish made of bread, oil, vinegar, onions and garlic gazpacho [m]
yellow paste made of sandarach, used by painters genolí [m]
badly made thing engendro [m]
pap made of boiled semolina grañón [m]
cloth made from coarse tow yarns estopón [m]
pottery made of this material refractory to heat and acids gres [m]
kind of linen made in germany imperio [m]
vessel made of this guacal [m]
jewel made with this gold guanín [m]
poorly made stew frangollo [m]
wine made with these grapes pedrojiménez [m]
mark made by the customs officials marchamo [m]
plaster made of pitch pegote [m]
dress made of skins/furs pellico [m]
vessel in which maté is made mate [m]
something made by art obraje [m]
rope made of esparto libán [m]
allotment of lands made by spaniards on the conquest of america repartimiento [m]
coarse stuff made of goat's-hair picote [m]
linen cloth made in milan milán [m]
size or filler made of thin glue and plaster plaste [m]
a pier made of wood or bamboo (philippines) pantalán [m]
omelet made of the ears of green corn rigüe [m]
andalusian soup made with olive oil maimón [m]
pot in which pap is made papero [m]
kind of grape and wine made from it pardillo [m]
sauce made of must and mustard mostillo [m]
whip made of sea-cow's hide manatí [m]
printed cotton cloth made in rouen (france) ruán [m]
cake made of flour, must, butter mustaco [m]
second curds after the first cheese has been made naterón [m]
noise made by breaking glass tris [m]
noise made by clappers tableteado [m]
noise made by boards when trodden upon tableteado [m]
stamping made with the heels taconeo [m]
middling sort of linen made in santiago santiago [m]
noise made by locking a door taque [m]
sound made by tapping with the fingers sonetico [m]
lace made without lifting from over the pattern tendido [m]
cigar made of a single leaf veguero [m]
bark growing over cut made by pruning céspede [m]
whip made of sea-cow's hide manato [m]
back-fire made to prevent the spread of a forest fire contrafuego [m]
anything artificially made mecanismo [m]
anything artificially made aparato [m]
refreshment made of stewed plums, sugar and cloves champurrado [m]
a french brandy made from apples calvados [m]
confection made of anacardium or cashew-nut anacardino [f]
kind of linen made in arouca aroca [f]
cake made of cheese and flour almojábana [f]
fabric made from alpaca alpaca [f]
cake made of flour, eggs, sesame and honey alpistela [f]
beverage made from wheat celia [f]
shop where clogs are made or sold chapinería [f]
shop where halters and collars are made and sold cabestrería [f]
place where canned goods are made or sold conservería [f]
strong drink made from fermented maize chicha [f]
cord/rope made of aloes cabuya [f]
hole made in a wall to try its thickness cala [f]
shop where orgeat of chufas is made or sold chufería [f]
place where engravings are made calcografía [f]
preserve made of citrons cidrada [f]
beverage made of white wine, cinnamon, sugar and egg clarea [f]
laces made by the lace-maker cordonería [f]
cloak made of rug bernia [f]
building made of hewn stone cantería [f]
wound made by cutting cortadura [f]
batter made of herbs and eggs capirotada [f]
injury made by a fang/tusk colmillada [f]