whose - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "whose" en diccionario español inglés : 25 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
whose de quién [pron]
whose cuyo [adj]
whose de quién [adj]
whose cuya [adj/f]
whose cuyos [adj]
whose cuyas [pron]
whose de quien [pron]
whose cuyos [pron]
whose de quiénes [pron]
whose de los cuales [expr]
whose cuyo [pron]
whose cuya [pron]
whose del que [pron]
whose de la que [pron]
whose del cual [pron]
whose de los que [pron]
whose de la cual [pron]
whose de las cuales [pron]
whose de quienes [pron]
whose de las que [pron]
whose a quienes [pron]
whose a quien [pron]
whose ¿de quién? [interj]
whose ¿de quiénes? [interj]
whose cúyo [adj] disused

Significados de "whose" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 236 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
short dramatic piece of the seventeenth century, whose elements were music, song and dance, and performed between the second and third act of a comedy baile [m]
nobleman whose paternal and maternal grandparents were nobles hidalgo de cuatro costados [m]
corps of officers whose mission is to inspect army administration intervención [f]
cow whose milk is used for cheese-making quesera [f]
related to animals whose eggs hatch inside their body ovovivíparo [adj]
it is used to refer to someone whose arrival or intervention is annoying or untimely la bolilla que faltaba [expr] AR UY
candidate to a high position whose candidacy keeps the group that supports them secret gallo tapado [n] HN SV NI PA DO CO
person whose neck cannot seen due to fat cogote de almeja [n] CL
woman whose husband is away esposa separada temporalmente
whose outcome cuya salida
a fig-tree whose juice is used as a resolvent amate [m]
someone whose business is to boil must cocedor [m]
cathedral dignitary whose duty was to teach divinity maestrescuela [m]
cathedral dignitary whose duty was to teach divinity maestreescuela [m]
ewe whose lamb has perished artuña [f]
relating to a horse whose right hind foot is white argel [adj]
name of several plants whose bulbs and rhizomes are used as soap amole [m] MX
tree whose fruit is used as soap choloque [m] PE
small bird of prey whose screech is believed to be an ill omen chucho [m] CL
gramineous plant whose intoxicating seeds produce delirium tremens carapucho [m] PE
a tcrebinthine tree whose seeds are used to feed hogs guao [m] MX CU EC
bird of bad omen whose flight portends tragedy rebullón [m] VE
leafy plant whose root extract stuns/poisons fish barbasco [m] BO CR CO GT MX NI PE VE
an object whose name is unknown aquel [m] CR disused rur.
an object whose name is unknown aquel [m] HN rur.
an object whose name can not be said aquel [m] CR disused rur.
an object whose name can not be said aquel [m] HN rur.
way with separate roads for both traffic directions (whose entrances and exits are not subject to the safety standards of highways) autocarril [m] NI BO
folk dance performed in pairs (whose movements imitate the conquest of the woman by the male) bambuco [m] EC:Ne
creeping grass that forms bumps on the ground and whose flowers are pink and lilac, and open only in full sun bellalasonce [m] CO
(in the conga religion) magical vessel in whose vicinity it is prohibited to have sex caldero [m] CU
coffee bean whose shell dries on the side that has been exposed to the sun café caritoso [m] PR
greenish-colored coffee whose grains look like small snails café caracolillo [m] PE
type of cashew tree whose fruit is small and with less flavor cajuilito Solimán [m] PR
partiality in which an indigenous community is divided, whose components are generally of a lineage ayllu [m] EC PE BO
partiality in which an indigenous community is divided, whose components are generally of a lineage aíllo [m] PE CL
partiality in which an indigenous community is divided, whose components are generally of a lineage aillo [m] PE BO
partiality in which an indigenous community is divided, whose components are generally of a lineage aillu [m] PE CL
partiality in which an indigenous community is divided, whose components are generally of a lineage ayllu [m] BO
a truck whose cargo box is formed by walls of crossed vertical and horizontal bars camión de redilas [m] MX
a man whose work consists in travelling through forests and savannas to watch and care for cattle in ranches campisto [m] HN
partiality in which an indigenous community is divided, whose components are generally of a lineage aíllo [m] PE CL
extended family groups adopting non-related members and whose elements constitute a lineage aíllo [m] PE CL
man whose demeanor is such that criticism does not affect them (person) cuerudo [m] BO derog.
man whose job consists of carrying and transporting suitcases or packages carritero [m] PY
man whose job consists of carrying and transporting suitcases or packages changador [m] PY BO rare
man whose job consists of carrying and transporting suitcases or packages changador [m] AR UY BO CL
man whose job consists of carrying and transporting suitcases or packages changarín [m] PY AR
man whose job is to repair the bodywork of vehicles chapistero [m] PA CU
person whose profession is to produce, buy, and sell chili peppers chilero [m] MX GT HN NI
person who has lost or whose mental faculties have been weakened entreverado [m] BO
candidate whose election is assured fijo [m] PA
race horse whose ancestors have a history of winning races finasangre [m] CL
caribbean creole, whose parents are black and white creole (inglés) [m] HN UY
fighter cock whose spurs are cut and replaced with artificial ones cortado [m] PR
youngest son whose siblings are much older concho [m] PE BO CL
person whose job is to get new clients to enroll in a public institution, or hire workers enganchador [m] PE
black man whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñigo [m] PR disused
black man whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñigo [m] DO
person whose contract has been terminated, but continues to receive part of his salary until they find a new job racionalizado [m] CU disused
man whose partner was unfaithful venado [m] DO PR CL AR
person whose job is to scrape henequen to extract the fiber tallador [m] MX:Se rur.
a large wasp whose sting is believed to be fatal ahorcadora [f] HN NI
town whose inhabitants were free and could elect any lord behetría [f] outdated
small tree whose wood is used in cabinet-making cauba [f] AR
a very large snail whose shell is used as a horn guarura [f] CO VE
rectangular box whose frames are wooden boards and whose bottom is a metallic mesh used to dry the coffee beans in the sun cajilla [f] NI
the transverse section of a log, on whose surface there are a series of rings that indicate roughly the age of the cut tree baga [f] CR
object whose name is not remembered, ignored or not mentioned broma [f] VE
a shirt whose fabric is designed with images simulating bacteria forms camisa de bacterias [f] VE
woman whose demeanor is such that criticism does not affect them (person) cueruda [f] BO derog.
person whose profession is to produce, buy, and sell chili peppers chilera [f] MX GT HN NI
person who has lost or whose mental faculties have been weakened entreverada [f] BO
candidate whose election is assured fija [f] PA
plastic container, with lid and a single handle, whose capacity is measured in gallons galonera [f] PE
person whose job is to get new clients to enroll in a public institution, or hire workers enganchadora [f] PE
black woman whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñiga [f] PR disused
black woman whose speech is incomprehensible ñáñiga [f] DO
rooster whose crest shows little growth, without being thick or spread, looking like a turkey pava [f] PR
person whose contract has been terminated, but continues to receive part of his salary until they find a new job racionalizada [f] CU disused
person whose job is to scrape henequen to extract the fiber talladora [f] MX:Se rur.
musical band whose members given corn liquor chichera [f] NI
english fighting rooster whose dewclaws are allowed to grow jaca [f] DO VE AL CI
person whose presence at a meeting is considered incidental or unnecessary féfere [m/f] EC:S
person whose feet stink patajuca [m/f] HN
referred to certain birds such as the night heron and the owl whose singing announces misfortune to those who listen ahuizotero [adj] HN
whose buttocks are not prominent desnalgado [adj] MX HN NI DO
whose nose is not prominent and is nearly flat desnarizado [adj] PR
whose nose is not prominent and is nearly flat despacharrado [adj] PR
whose legs are spread widely espernancado [adj] VE
register or check the information for a vehicle that has been stolen or whose driver has committed an infraction (the police) circular [v] CU
an object whose name is unknown aquello [pron] HN NI CR disused
an object whose name can not be said aquello [pron] HN NI CR disused
ignore in a calculation or arrangement the person whose assent is essential no contar con la huéspeda [v]
ignore in a calculation or arrangement the person whose assent is essential no contar con la huésped [v]
teenager whose voice is beginning to change pollito de real y medio [m] CU disused
fat and chubby person whose clothes do not fit well tamal mal envuelto [m] CU PE
whose facial features are out of place más jalao que un timbre de guagua [adj] PR
whose birthday is it today? ¿de quién es el cumpleaños hoy?
whose birthday party is it? ¿de quién es la fiesta de cumpleaños?
whose blood is that? ¿de quién es esa sangre?
whose cat is this? ¿de quién es este gato?
whose computer is this? ¿de quién es este ordenador?
whose computer is this? ¿de quién es esta computadora?
whose idea was that? ¿de quién fue la idea?
whose ideas were those? ¿de quién fueron las ideas?
whose side are you on? ¿de qué lado estás?
whose side are you on? ¿a favor de quién estás?
guess whose birthday is it today? ¿sabes de quién es el cumpleaños hoy?
guess whose birthday is today? ¿sabes quién cumple años hoy?
whose turn is it? ¿a quién le toca?
whose turn is it? ¿quién va?
whose is this? ¿a quién pertenece esto?
whose is this? ¿de quién es?
whose side are you on? ¿de qué lado está usted?
whose? ¿de quién?
whose book is this? ¿de quién es este libro?
whose car is that? ¿de quién es ese coche?
whose car is that? ¿quién es el dueño de ese coche?
whose car is this? ¿de quién es este coche?
whose diary is it? ¿de quién ese ese diario?
whose dolls are these? ¿quién es el dueño de estas muñecas?
whose dolls are these? ¿a quién pertenecen estas muñecas?
whose is it? ¿de quién es eso?
whose is it? ¿a quién pertenece eso ?
whose is it? ¿de quién es?
whose is this? ¿a quién pertenece esto ?
whose pencil is this? ¿de quien es este lápiz?
whose watch is this? ¿a quien pertenece este reloj?
whose wallet is this? ¿de quien es esta billetera?
whose watch is that? ¿de quien es este reloj?
I didn't know whose it was no sabía de quién era eso
whose turn? ¿a quién le toca?
whose turn? ¿quién está primero?
whose? ¿de quién?
the governments on whose behalf the present agreement is signed, hereinafter referred to as the "Participating States" los gobiernos en cuyo nombre se firma el presente acuerdo, denominados en lo sucesivo “estados participantes”
whose? ¿de quiénes?
you and whose army? tú y cuántos más
someone whose shirt-tails are always hanging out pañalón [m]
person whose shirttails are always hanging out pañalón [m]
person whose presence is constant or continual figurita repetida [n] AR UY
people whose names one does not want to mention ciertas hierbas [n] CO:N
you and whose army ¿tú y cuántos más?
member of the former armed Police, whose uniform was gray gris [m] ES
an object whose name is unknown aquel [m] CO rur.
an object whose name can not be said aquel [m] CO rur.
a woman whose extreme slimness make her looks terrible bacalao [m] PA CU DO PR PE UY
bird whose tail and wing feathers have been culingo [m] EC rare
man whose hair is shaved short foco [m] BO
person whose skin reddens easily caraguay [m] AR:Nw
man whose girlfriend or wife has been unfaithful cornelio [m] BO CL UY
a person whose behavior is constantly annoying and tiring ahuizote [m/f] MX
related to a person whose spoken spanish is full of english words agringado [adj] MX HN SV NI DO PR EC
whose accounts are not in order (someone) descuadrado [adj] CO
whose clothes are those? ¡sorullo, suelta lo que no es tuyo! [expr] CU
whose dress is that? ¡sorullo, suelta lo que no es tuyo! [expr] CU
related to a person whose spoken spanish is full of english words agringada [adj/f] MX HN SV NI DO PR EC
woman, especially one whose physical attributes attract sexual attention from men culo [m] EC rare
woman, especially one whose physical attributes attract sexual attention from men culo [m] GT CR PE
relating to a black man whose penis is lighter than his body calanco [adj] PR
a debtor whose property is attached ejecutado [m]
person in whose name a document is drawn titular [m/f]
a debtor whose property is attached ejecutado [m]
witness whose testimony confirms another's conteste [m/f]
judge whose turn it is juez de turno
animal whose offspring develops within the uterus vivíparo [m]
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) zopilote [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) sopilote [m] MX SV
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) chulo [m] CO VE:W
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) carbonero [m] SV
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) cuervo de cabeza negra [m] UY
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) cuervo de cabeza [m] UY
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) cute [m] HN SV
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) gallinazo [m] GT PA CO VE EC PE BO CL
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) galembo [m] CO:C,Ne,Sw
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) gallote [m] PA
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) gus [m] CO
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) guaraguao [m] VE:E
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) golero [m] CO:N
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) nopo [m] MX:E
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) limpiamundo [m] SV
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) shingo [m] PE
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) sope [m] MX GT HN SV NI
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) zonchiche [m] MX HN SV NI
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) samuro [m] CO:E VE
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) zunchiche [m] GT SV
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) zamuro [m] NI CO:E,C,Ne VE
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) zope [m] MX GT HN SV NI
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay (coragyps atratus) kute [m] HN
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay (coragyps atratus) cute [m] HN SV
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) aura tiñosa [f] CU DO
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) chicora [f] CO:E
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) gusma [f] GT
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) laura [f] CO:N
a bird in the new world vulture family whose range extends from the southeastern united states to central chile and uruguay in south america (coragyps atratus) viuda [f] GT
Animal Husbandry
cow or mare whose offspring died shortly after birth horra [f] HN NI
large guitar, with 25 strings, whose resonance box is very deep guitarrón [m] CL
tree with dense wood whose fruit pods are rich in tannin dividivi [m] CAM VE
tree with dense wood whose fruit pods are rich in tannin dividive [m] CAM VE
small shrubby tree whose seeds are used like flour chigo [m] VE
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) paté [m] SV
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) pate [m] HN
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) azucarito [m] CU VE
an african tropical plant whose roots and leaves are used in traditional medicine for many purposes (paullinia pinnata) ojillo [m] MX
a tree species in the rubiaceae family whose range stretches from southern mexico to the amazon jungle in south america (posoqueria latifolia) borojó [m] PA
a tree species in the rubiaceae family whose range stretches from southern mexico to the amazon jungle in south america (posoqueria latifolia) tuliviejo [m] PA
a plant whose seeds and stems used as a liquid to grow hair and rice (adenopodia polystachya) amole [m] HN
a plant whose seeds and stems used as a liquid to grow hair and rice (adenopodia polystachya) tostoncillo [m] HN
a plant whose seeds and stems used as a liquid to grow hair and rice (adenopodia polystachya) chamol [m] HN SV
shrub whose leaves are used as condiment and an extract thereof is used for medicinal purposes (tagetes elliptica) chincho [m] PE
a tree similar to acacia, whose wood, strong, solid and dark in color huachapelí [m] PE
a tree similar to acacia, whose wood, strong, solid and dark in color guachapalí [m] EC
a tree similar to acacia, whose wood, strong, solid and dark in color guachapelí [m] PA VE PE
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mamey [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR CO VE EC PE BO
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mamey amarillo [m] CU EC
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mamey de santo domingo [m] CU DO
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mataserrano [m] EC
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) palo de mamey [m] PR
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) zonzapote [m] CR
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mamey amarillo [m] CU
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mamey de santo domingo [m] CU
an evergreen tree of the family calophyllaceae, whose fruit is edible (mammea americana) mameyero [m] MX
mythical character in popular mesoamerican tradition represented by an older woman who cries for her children whose deaths she caused tepesa [f] PA
mythical character in popular mesoamerican tradition represented by an older woman who cries for her children whose deaths she caused vieja del monte [f] PA
a large horse fly whose range includes southern chile and southern argentina (scaptia lata) coliguacho (mapuche) [m] CL
authority in indigenous communities whose mission is to carry out municipal functions and resolve differences amicably envarado [m] PE
carnival character whose costume is made of pieces of paper or plastic papalús [m] DO
mejorana music whose rhythm imitates a horse's trot pasitrote [m] PA
carnival character whose costume is made of pieces of paper or plastic papelús [m] DO
percussion instrument whose membrane extends over a hollowed out trunk rooted to the ground, used by the chiriguano indigenous people pim-pim [m] AR:Nw
percussion instrument whose membrane extends over a hollowed out trunk rooted to the ground, used by the chiriguano indigenous people pin-pin [m] AR:Nw
mythical character in popular mesoamerican tradition represented by an older woman who cries for her children whose deaths she caused llorona [f] MX GT HN NI CR PA DO PR CO VE EC
mythical character in popular mesoamerican tradition represented by an older woman who cries for her children whose deaths she caused tepesa [f] PA
mythical character in popular mesoamerican tradition represented by an older woman who cries for her children whose deaths she caused tulivieja [f] PA
mythical character in popular mesoamerican tradition represented by an older woman who cries for her children whose deaths she caused vieja del monte [f] PA
popular traditional fictional bird whose song predicts misfortunes pavita de tierra [f] PA