boat - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "boat" in German English Dictionary : 23 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
boat Kahn [m]
boat Dampfer [m]
boat Boot [n]
boat Weihrauchschiffchen [n]
boat Schiffchen [n]
boat Schiff [n]
British Slang
boat die Fresse
boat das Gesicht
boat die Schnute
boat Dampfer [m]
boat Schiff [n]
boat Boot [n]
boat Schiff
boat Boot [n]
boat Schiff [n]
boat Wirbelbett [n]
boat Schiffchen [n]
boat Substanzschiffchen [n]
boat Naviculum [n]
boat Schiff [n]
boat Boot [n]
boat Wasserfahrzeug [n]
boat Schiff [n]

Meanings of "boat" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 384 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
boat-shaped kahnförmig [adj]
boat-shaped bootsförmig [adj]
in the same boat im selben Boot [adv]
in the same boat im gleichen Boot [adv]
cockle boat Nachen (flaches Boot) [poetisch] [m]
banana boat Bananendampfer [m]
rowing boat Kahn [m]
pleasure boat Vergnügungsdampfer [m]
tug boat Schleppkahn [m]
boat-building Bootsbau [m]
boat rental Bootsverleih [m]
pleasure boat Ausflugsdampfer [m]
cargo boat Frachter [m]
narrow boat Kahn [m]
boat hire Bootsverleih [m]
boat-builder Bootsbauer [m]
boat manufacturer Bootshersteller [m]
boat puller Bootszieher [m]
boat schedule Schiffsfahrplan [m]
boat shed Bootsschuppen [m]
boat shoe Bootsschuh [m]
boat train Zug mit Anschluss an die Fähre [m]
dispatch boat Aviso [m]
ice boat Eisjacht [f]
boat hire service Ausleihe für Boote [f]
boat hire service Bootsausleihe [f]
gravy boat Soßenschüssel [f]
boat shaped heart Aortenkonfiguration [f]
boat hire Bootsvermietung [f]
boat launch Bootsrampe [f]
boat cruise Kreuzfahrt [f]
boat cruise Schiffstour [f]
boat cruise Bootstour [f]
boat manufacturing Bootsproduktion [f]
boat manufacturing Bootsherstellung [f]
boat ride Bootsfahrt [f]
boat ride Bootstour [f]
boat scaffold Bootsanlegestelle [f]
boat scaffold Floßanlegestelle [f]
boat swing Schiffschaukel [f]
patrol boat Patrouillenboot [n]
patrol boat Streifenboot [n]
pedal boat Tretboot [n]
paddle boat Tretboot [n]
keel boat Flussboot [n]
gunnel (of an open wooden boat) Dollbord [n]
flying boat Flugboot [n]
dragon boat Drachenboot [n]
banana boat Bananenschiff [n]
whale spotting boat Walfang-Ausschauboot [n]
rowing boat Ruderboot [n]
rubber boat Gummiboot [n]
boat shaped heart Aortenherz [n]
patrol boat Wachboot [n]
police boat Polizeiboot [n]
small boat kleines Boot [n]
cargo boat Frachtschiff [n]
pleasure boat Vergnügungsboot [n]
skin boat Fellboot [n]
rubber boat Schlauchboot [n]
jolly boat Beiboot [n]
picket boat Patrouillenboot [n]
pleasure boat Freizeitboot [n]
fire-fighting boat Feuerlöschboot [n]
excursion boat Ausflugsboot [n]
motor-boat Motorboot [n]
pilot boat Lotsenboot [n]
pleasure boat Ausflugsboot [n]
guard boat Wachboot [n]
rigid-inflatable boat Festrumpfschlauchboot [n]
rescue boat Rettungsboot [n]
folding boat Faltboot [n]
rowing-boat Ruderboot [n]
life-boat Rettungsboot [n]
sailing boat Segelboot [n]
baby boat Baby-Boot [n]
beat-up boat ramponiertes Boot [n]
boat bouse Bootshaus [n]
boat oar Bootsruder [n]
boat shed Bootshaus [n]
cigarette boat Schnellboot [n]
commuter boat Wasserfahrzeug [n]
crazy boat Spielzeugboot [n]
dragon boat race Drachenbootrennen [n]
fast boat Schnellboot [n]
flat bottom boat Flachbodenschiff [n]
flat bottom boat Plattbodenboot [n]
go-fast boat Schnellboot [n]
hot-air-boat Heißluftboot [n]
hot-air-boat Spielzeugboot [n]
lower a boat ein Boot aussetzen [v]
miss the boat eine Gelegenheit verpassen [v]
miss the boat eine Gelegenheit versäumen [v]
rock the boat sich gegen die anderen stellen [v]
rock the boat on the system am System rütteln [v]
bail out a boat Wasser aus einem Boot schöpfen [v]
bale out a boat Wasser aus einem Boot schöpfen [v]
boat Boot fahren [v]
careen a boat ein Schiff kielholen [v]
tow (a boat) (ein Schiff) treideln [v]
beach the boat auf Strand laufen [v]
compete in a boat race an einem Bootrennen teilnehmen [v]
boat schedule Abfahrtszeiten der Boote [pl]
upset the boat das Boot umkippen
U-boat deutsches U-Boot (im ersten/zweiten Weltkrieg)
umiaq (boat used by the Inuit) Umiak (Boot der Inuit)
The boat did not swamp. Das Boot ging nicht unter.
boat the oars die Riemen einziehen
be in the same boat im selben Boot sitzen
all in the same boat alle im gleichen Boot
all in the same boat alle im selben Boot
be in the same boat die gleichen Probleme haben
be in the same boat as someone die gleichen Probleme wie jemand haben
be in the same boat as someone im gleichen Boot mit jemandem sitzen
be in the same boat im gleichen Boot sitzen
be in the same boat as someone im selben Boot mit jemandem sitzen
be in the same boat in der gleichen Lage sein
be in the same boat as someone in der gleichen Lage wie jemand sein
don't-rock-the-boat attitude Nur-nicht-Anecken-Mentalität [f]
you've missed the boat Der Zug ist abgefahren
be in the same boat im gleichen Boot sitzen [übertragen] [v]
miss the boat eine Gelegenheit versäumen [übertragen] [v]
miss the boat eine Gelegenheit verpassen [übertragen] [v]
rock the boat für Unruhe sorgen [übertragen] [v]
to banana-boat Bananenboot fahren [v]
boat building industry Bootsbau [m]
boat-load Schiffsladung [f]
submarine boat Unterseeboot [n]
Business Correspondence
in time to meet the boat rechtzeitig für das Schiff
in time to catch the boat rechtzeitig für das Schiff
boat branding Bootsbranding [n]
Politicians do not want to rock the boat on this issue. Politiker wollen sich in dieser Frage nicht exponieren.
convertible into a boat umwandelbar in ein Boot
torpedo boat Torpedoboot
boat transporter Boottransporter
dusting boat Puderkasten
boat equipment Bootsausstattung [f]
porcelain boat Porzellanschiffchen [n]
flying boat Flugschiff [n]
flying boat Flugboot [n]
boat drive Bootsantrieb [m]
boat trailer Bootsanhänger [m]
weighing boat Wägeschiffchen [n]
weighing boat Wägeschiffchen [n]
boat hook Enterhaken [m]
boat grave Bootsgrab [n]
full boat pose (yoga) volle Bootsstellung [f]
full boat pose (yoga) volle Bootsstellung (Joga) [f]
boat bearer Navikular [m]
boat bearer Schiffchenträger [m]
boat boy Navikular [m]
boat boy Schiffchenträger [m]
boat-shaped abdomen Kahnbauch [m]
boat shaped heart Schuhform des Herzens [f]
female boat urinal Urinschiffchen [n]
boat shaped heart Schuhform des Herzens
boat scaffold Hängebaugerüst [n]
garbage collection boat Müllsammelboot [n]
motor boat Motorboot [n]
standby boat Ersatzboot [n]
Coastal Engineering
harbor boat tour Hafenrundfahrt [f]
harbor boat tours Hafenrundfahrten [pl]
boat tail Spitzheck [n]
boat tail Bootsheck [n]
life-boat Rettungsboot [n]
boat trailer Anhänger für Boote
boat-launching crane Slipkran [m]
ferry boat Fährschiff [n]
flying boat Flugboot [n]
boat house Bootshaus [n]
ferry boat Fährschiff
sauce boat Sauciere [f]
gravy boat Saucìere [f]
thermal gravy boat Thermo-Saucière [f]
fat separator gravy boat Fett-Trenn-Saucière [f]
open-boat-shaped shuttle (sewing machine) Schwingschiff [n]
open-boat-shaped shuttle (sewing machine) Schwingschiff (Nähmaschine) [n]
boat neck (ship-shaped) U-Boot-Ausschnitt
boat neck (ship-shaped) Bateau-Ausschnitt (schiffförmig)
boat insurance Bootsversicherung [f]
shrimp boat Krabbenkutter [m]
fishery inspection boat Fischereiaufsichtsboot [n]
fishing boat Fischerboot [n]
fishery inspection boat Fischereiaufsichtsboot
shrimp boat Krabbenkutter
fishing boat Fischerboot
boat orchid Kahnorchis [f]
narrow boat Kanalboot [n]
boat orchids (botanical genus) Kahnorchideen [pl]
boat orchids (botanical genus) Kahnlippen [pl]
boat orchid Kahnorchis
boat-billed tody tyrant Kahnschnabeltyrann [m]
boat-tailed grackle Bootschwanzgrackel [m]
boat-billed heron Kahnschnabel [m]
boat-billed flycatcher Bauchschnabeltyrann [m]
boat-tailed grackle Bootschwanzgrackel [f]
boat-billed tody tyrant Kahnschnabeltyrann
boat-tailed grackle Bootschwanzgrackel
boat-billed flycatcher Bauchschnabeltyrann
boat-billed flycatcher Starkschnabel-Maskentyrann
boat-billed heron Kahnschnabel [m]
boat shell Amerikanische Pantoffelschnecke
barge (type of boat) Prahm [m]
barge (type of boat) Leichter [m]
schooner (type of boat) Schoner [m]
cutter (type of boat) Kutter [m]
tender boat Tender [m]
boat lift Bootslift [m]
boat trailer Bootsanhänger [m]
boat elevator Bootslift [m]
boat fall Bootstaljenläufer [m]
boat tank Bootstank [m]
boat carriage Bootstransport [m]
tug (type of boat) Schlepper [m]
trawler (type of boat) Trawler [m]
pleasure boat Ausflugsdampfer [m]
steamboat (type of boat) Dampfer [m]
yawl (type of boat) Yawl [f]
belly (of a boat) Bauchigkeit [f]
keel boat Segelyacht [f]
boat chock Bootsklampe [f]
boat load Bootsladung [f]
boat stations bill Bootsrolle [f]
boat drill Rettungsbootsübung [f]
jetfoil (type of boat) Düsentragflächenboot [n]
launching (boat) Aussetzen [n]
canal boat Kanalboot [n]
seaward defense boat [us] Sicherungsboot [n]
keel boat Kielboot [n]
collapsible boat Faltboot [n]
rubber boat Schlauchboot [n]
inflatable boat Schlauchboot [n]
trawler (type of boat) Schleppnetzfischereifahrzeug [n]
fire boat Feuerlöschboot [n]
patrol boat Schnellboot [n]
fishing boat Fischerboot [n]
fishing boat Fischereifahrzeug [n]
ship's boat Beiboot [n]
river boat Flussboot [n]
river boat Flussschiff [n]
seaward defence boat [uk] Sicherungsboot [n]
canal boat Binnenschiff [n]
boat deck Bootsdeck [n]
pilot boat Lotsenboot [n]
tender boat Tenderboot [n]
torpedo boat Torpedoboot [n]
gliding boat Gleitboot [n]
rubber boat Gummiboot [n]
dinghy (boat) Dingi [n]
rescue boat Seenotrettungsboot [n]
rowing boat Ruderboot [n]
sailing boat [uk] Segelboot [n]
push boat Schubboot [n]
patrol boat Patrouillenboot [n]
supply boat Versorgungsschiff [n]
flat-bottomed (boat) flach [adj]
boat and ship builder Boots- und Schiffbauer [m]
boat builder Bootsbauer [m]
boat brakes Treibanker [naut.] [m]
boat brakes Treibanker [m]
boat drive Bootsantrieb [m]
boat davit Davit [m]
boat cover material Bootsverdeckstoff [m]
boat mast Bootsmast [m]
boat service Bootsservice [m]
drag boat Sandräumer [m]
drag boat Modderprahm [m]
dredging boat Sandräumer [m]
dredging boat Modderprahm [m]
mud boat Sandräumer [m]
mud boat Modderprahm [m]
river boat Lastkahn [m]
river boat Flusskahn [m]
towing boat Bugsierschlepper [m]
towing boat Schlepper [m]
boat hook Bootshaken [m]
boat builder's yard Bootswerft [f]
boat heater Bootsheizung [f]
boat cover Bootsplane [f]
boat davit Bootsaussetzvorrichtung [f]
boat horn Bootsfanfare [f]
boat repair Bootsreparatur [f]
boat trip Bootsfahrt [f]
boat trip Kreuzfahrt [f]
boat trip Vergnügungsfahrt [f]
boat trip Schiffsreise [f]
ferry-boat Fähre [f]
harbour boat trip Hafenrundfahrt [f]
jolly boat Jolle [f]
the high side of a sailing boat die hohe Kante eines Segelboots [f]
swing boat Schiffschaukel [f]
autocargo boat Autotransportschiff [n]
boat grave Bootsgrab [n]
boat house Bootshaus [n]
boat race Wettrudern [n]
cabin boat Kajütboot [n]
clincher-built boat Klinkerboot [n]
excursion boat Ausflugsboot [n]
fast missile patrol boat Flugkörperschnellboot [n]
fast patrol boat Küstenschnellboot [n]
ferry-boat Fährschiff [n]
gunnel (of an open wooden boat) Sielbord (eines offenen Holzbootes) [n]
gunnel (of an open wooden boat) Sielbord [n]
high-speed patrol boat Schnellboot [n]
hydrofoil boat Tragflächenboot [n]
hydrofoil boat Tragflügelboot [n]
inflatable boat Schlauchboot [n]
intertidal measurement boat Wattenmessboot [n]
jet boat Jetski [n]
jet boat Wassermotorrad [n]
jet boat Jetboot [n]
jet boat Jetski [Wz.] [n]
motor boat Motorboot [n]
party boat Partyboot [n]
patrol boat Wachboot [n]
pleasure boat Vergnügungsboot [n]
pneumatic boat Schlauchboot [n]
river boat Binnenschiff [n]
river boat Kanalschiff [n]
river boat Flussschiff [n]
towing boat Bugsierschiff [n]
towing boat Schleppschiff [n]
sailing boat Segelboot [n]
sea rescue boat Seenotrettungsschiff [n]
sea rescue boat Seenotschiff [n]
submarine boat Unterseeboot [n]
submarine boat U-Boot [n]
rigid inflatable boat Festrumpfschlauchboot [n]
power boat Motorboot [n]
boat and ship builders Boots- und Schiffbauer [pl]
boat builders Bootsbauer [pl]
boat hooks Bootshaken [pl]
boat houses Bootshäuser [pl]
boat trips Kreuzfahrten [pl]
boat trips Schiffsreisen [pl]
boat trips Bootsfahrten [pl]
boat trips Vergnügungsfahrten [pl]
harbour boat trips Hafenrundfahrten [pl]
flat-bottomed (boat) mit Flachkiel (Boot)
boat race course Regattastrecke [f]
boat race Regatta [f]
dragon boat racing Drachenbootrennen [n]
racing boat Rennboot [n]
fine boat Rennboot [n]
Q-boat U-Boot-Falle [f]
Q-boat Täuschungsschiff [n]
torpedo boat Torpedoboot [n]
assault boat Sturmboot [n]
assault support patrol boat (ASPB) Landungsunterstützungsboot [n]
boat-tail Verjüngung [f]
boat tail Torpedoheck [n]
torpedo boat Torpedoboot [n]
boat-tail Verjüngung
torpedo boat Torpedoboot
boat tail Torpedoheck
fishing boat Fischerboot [n]
boat builder Bootsbauer [m]
boat builder Bootsbauerin [f]
ice boat Eisbrecher [m]
boat skipper's licence Bootsführerschein [m]
boat care Bootspflege [f]
boat excursion Schiffsrundfahrt [f]
boat drill Rettungsübung [f]
boat size Bootsgröße [f]
packet boat Paketschiff [n]
boat deck Bootsdeck [n]
boat-deck Bootsdeck [n]
passage boat Fährboot [n]
whale spotting boat Walfang-Ausschauboot [n]
tug boat Schleppboot [n]
sailing boat Segelboot [n]
ship's boat Beiboot [n]
to cut a boat adrift ein Boot losmachen [v]
to set a boat adrift ein Boot losmachen [v]
crash boat Spezialboot der Flugzeugnotrettung
boat (analysis) Kahn [m]
boat conformation Wannenform [f]
weighing boat Waagschale [f]
weighing boat Wägeschiffchen [n]
combustion boat Glühschiffchen [n]
combustion boat Verbrennungsschiffchen [n]
tug boat Schlepper [m]
tug boat Schleppboot [n]
patrol boat Patrouillenboot [n]