people - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "people" in German English Dictionary : 14 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
people Bevölkerung [f]
people Völkerschaft [f]
people Volk [n]
people besiedeln [v]
people Personen [pl]
people Menschen [pl]
people Leute [pl]
people Einwohner [pl]
people Leute
people Menschen
people Volk [n]
people Leute [pl]
people Menschen [pl]
people Leute [pl]

Meanings of "people" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
people-oriented bürgernah [adj]
most people die meisten Menschen [adj]
most people die meisten Leute [adj]
juvenile (meant for young people) Jugend... (an die Jugend gerichtet) [adj]
designed with the (needs of) people in mind menschenfreundlich [adj]
people say man sagt [adj]
a majority of people mehrheitlich [adv]
between people zwischenmenschlich [adv]
in the eyes of people in den Augen der Menschen [adv]
grandson scam (fraud against elderly people) Bekanntentrick [m]
grandson scam (fraud against elderly people) Neffentrick (Betrug an älteren Menschen) [m]
grandson scam (fraud against elderly people) Enkeltrick [m]
accident involving people Personenunfall [m]
swarm (of people) Harst [Schw.] [m]
people smuggler Schleuser [m]
displaced people Heimatloser [m]
protection of children and young people Jugendschutz [m]
enemy of the people Volksfeind [m]
displaced people Flüchtling [m]
displaced people Heimatvertriebener [m]
breed of people Menschenschlag [m]
coloured people Farbiger [m]
people smuggler Menschenschmuggler [m]
smuggling people Menschenschmuggel [m]
kind of people Menschenschlag [m]
people trafficker Schleuser [m]
a room of people ein Raum voller Menschen [m]
accompaniment service for people who are on deathbed Begleitdienst für Menschen im Sterben [m]
crowd of people Menschenauflauf [m]
death of people Tod der Menschen [m]
death of people Tod von Menschen [m]
people sharing a flat Wohngemeinschaft (WG) [f]
people-smuggling operation Schlepperfahrt [Ös.] [f]
people-smuggling operation Schleuserfahrt [f]
number of people Personenzahl [f]
lot (group of people) Partie [f]
help for young people Jugendhilfe [f]
indigenous people Eingeborene [f]
group of people Menschengruppe [f]
contingent (of people) Gruppe (Personen) [f]
valley people Talschaft [f]
voice of the people Volksstimme [f]
young people of the village Dorfjugend [f]
swarm (of people) Schar (Menschen) [f]
swarm (of people) Schar [f]
swarm (of people) Schippel (Menschen) [Ös.] [f]
sovereignty of the people Volkssouveränität [f]
becoming a people Volkswerdung [f]
people power Basisdemokratie [f]
disdain of people Menschenverachtung [f]
people sharing a flat Wohngemeinschaft [f]
arming of the people Bewaffnung des Volkes [f]
kind of people Art von Leuten [f]
arming the people Volksbewaffnung [f]
people smuggling network Schlepperorganisation [f]
assemblage of people Menschenansammlung [f]
mountain people Bergbevölkerung [f]
height (of people) Größe [f]
size (of people) Größe [f]
a handful of people eine Handvoll Menschen [f]
a handful of people eine Hand voll Leute [f]
a bevy of people eine Schar Menschen [f]
beloved of people eine Person, die von den Menschen geliebt wird [f]
british people britische Bevölkerung [f]
brotherhood of people Bruderschaft der Völker [f]
composition of people Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung [f]
considerable number of people große Anzahl von Menschen [f]
crowd of people Menschenmenge [f]
crowd of people Menschenansammlung [f]
crowd of people Menschenmasse [f]
crowd of people Volksmasse [f]
describing characters/people Beschreibung von Menschen [f]
discrimination against people with disabilities Diskriminierung von Menschen mit Behinderungen [f]
evacuation (of people, an area) Evakuierung [f]
evacuation (of people, an area) Entleerung [f]
evacuation (of people, an area) Räumung [f]
half of people Hälfte der Menschen [f]
health card for uninsured people in turkey Gesundheitskarte für unversicherte Menschen in der Türkei [f]
original people Urvolk [n]
lot (group of people) Pack (Personengruppe) [pejorativ] [n]
covey (small group of people or things) Häufchen (Menschen/Dinge) [n]
covey (small group of people or things) Grüppchen [n]
primitive people Naturvolk [n]
prison (for people awaitung trial) Untersuchungsgefängnis [n]
training for people starting up their own business Existenzgründer-Training [n]
sister people Brudervolk [n]
home for old people Seniorenheim [n]
suppressed people unterdrücktes Volk [n]
neighbouring people Nachbarvolk [n]
island people Inselvolk [n]
clan people Stammesvolk [n]
nomadic people Nomadenvolk [n]
life of the people Volksleben [n]
neighboring people Nachbarvolk [n]
home for old people Altersheim [n]
british people britisches Volk [n]
bulgar turkic people bulgarisches Turkvolk [n]
common people einfaches Volk [n]
common people gemeines Volk [n]
french people französisches Volk [n]
guilty people sündiges Volk [n]
know (people) kennen [v]
know the right people Beziehungen haben [v]
know the right people die richtigen Leute kennen [v]
people bevölkern [v]
prey on old people sich alte Menschen als Opfer (aus)suchen [v]
put people in pigeonholes Leute abstempeln [v]
rescue people in distress at sea Menschen aus Seenot zu retten [v]
ring round someone (circle of people) jemanden durchrufen (Personenkreis) [v]
engage local people as volunteers Ortsansässige als Freiwillige verpflichten [v]
entertain people with magic tricks die Leute mit Zaubertricks unterhalten [v]
gather people around oneself Menschen um sich scharen [v]
have a great influx (of people) großen Zustrom haben [v]
have little contact to other people kontaktarm sein [v]
have people staying Übernachtungsgäste haben [v]
be popular with the people/public populär sein [v]
believe in the good in people an das Gute im Menschen glauben [v]
serve someone/something (area, group of people) jemanden/etwas betreuen [v]
serve someone/something (area, group of people) jemanden/etwas bedienen [v]
serve someone/something (area, group of people) jemanden/etwas versorgen [v]
share a flat with several other people in einer Wohngemeinschaft leben [v]
trample on the views of ordinary people die Meinung der einfachen Leute mit Füßen treten [v]
to people bevölkern [v]
to run down other people andere schlecht machen [v]
to mix with people unter Leute gehen [v]
to people besiedeln [v]
alarm people Menschen warnen [v]
alarm people Menschen alarmieren [v]
alarm people Bürger beunruhigen [v]
attract the attention of people die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen erregen [v]
be accused of turning people against the military beschuldigt werden, Menschen gegen das Militär aufzuhetzen [v]
be immensely popular among people äußerst beliebt sein unter Menschen [v]
be immensely popular among people sehr populär sein unter Menschen [v]
be scared of people Angst vor Menschen haben [v]
build good relationships with people eine gute Beziehung zu Menschen aufbauen [v]
can not get along with the people around sich nicht mit den Leuten in seinem Umfeld verstehen können [v]
cause the deaths of three people den Tod von drei Personen verursachen [v]
chat to people online mit Menschen online chatten [v]
collect personal information about people persönliche Informationen über Menschen sammeln [v]
communication with people Kommunikation mit Menschen [v]
form good relationships with people gute Beziehungen zu Menschen aufbauen [v]
give people hope Menschen Hoffnung geben [v]
give people hope Menschen Hoffnung verleihen [v]
go through life knowing that people hate him durch das Leben gehen wissend, dass die Menschen ihn hassen [v]
hang with the wrong people mit den falschen Menschen herumhängen [v]
hang with the wrong people mit den falschen Leuten rumhängen [v]
hang with the wrong people mit den falschen Menschen abhängen [v]
have people round for dinner Leute zum Abendessen haben [v]
people in uniform Uniformträger [pl]
people not voting Nichtwähler [pl]
people who are always on the go Hektikerinnen [pl]
people who hate wearing ties/a tie Krawattenmuffel [pl]
people who are always on the go Hektiker [pl]
people with hearing disabilities Hörbehinderten [pl]
people with learning disabilities Lernbehinderten [pl]
people with visual disabilities Sehbehinderten [pl]
people with time on their hands Müßiggänger [pl]
people-smuggling operations Schleuserfahrten [pl]
people-smuggling operations Schlepperfahrten [pl]
native people Ureinwohner [pl]
native people Urbewohner [pl]
Papuan people Papua (Völergruppe) [pl]
Lozi people Lozi [pl]
Lozi people Lotse [pl]
matter-of-fact people Verstandesmenschen [pl]
mountain people Bergbewohner [pl]
mountain people Gebirgsbewohner [pl]
internally displaced people Binnenflüchtlinge [pl]
Jingpo people Jingpo [pl]
Jingpho people Jingpho [pl]
Jingpo people Jingpho [pl]
Jingpho people Jingpo [pl]
Kachin people Jingpo [pl]
Kachin people Jingpho [pl]
Komi people Komi [pl]
lay people Laien [pl]
homeless people Unterstandslosen [pl]
homeless people Obdachlosen [pl]
indigenous people Eingeborenen [pl]
interested people Interessentinnen [pl]
interested people Interessenten [pl]
groups of people Menschengruppen [pl]
Gujarati (people) Gujarati [pl]
handicapped people die Versehrten [pl]
handicapped people die Behinderten [pl]
emotional people Gefühlsmenschen [pl]
crowds of people Menschenmassen [pl]
deaf-and-dumb people Taubstummen [pl]
disabled people Invaliden [pl]
displaced people Heimatlose [pl]
displaced people Heimatvertriebene [pl]
colored people Farbigen [pl]
confidential people Vertrauensmänner [pl]
Aleut people Aleuten [pl]
bisexual people Bisexuellen [pl]
very old people Hochbetagten [pl]
Vietnamese people Vietnamesinnen [pl]
Vietnamese people Vietnamesen [pl]
Vietnamese people Kinh [pl]
well-known people Prominenten [pl]
Yi people Yi [pl]
uninvolved people Unbeteiligten [pl]
sick people Kranken [pl]
stateless people Staatenlosen [pl]
the Germanic people Germanen [pl]
the Germanic people Teutonen [pl]
the Scottish (people) die Schotten [pl]
the Welsh (people) die Waliser [pl]
tribal people Eingeborenen [pl]
Tuareg people Tuareg [pl]
private people Privatleute [pl]
prominent people Honoratioren [pl]
representatives of the people Volksvertreter [pl]
retired people Rentner [pl]
flower people Hippies [pl]
very old people Hochbetagte [pl]
lesbian people Lesben [pl]
people in their forties Vierzigjährige [pl]
stateless people Staatenlose [pl]
business people Geschäftsleute [pl]
well-known people Prominente [pl]
displaced people Vertriebene [pl]
work-shy people Arbeitsscheue [pl]
elderly people Senioren [pl]
buried people Verschüttete [pl]
the poorer people die Ärmeren [pl]
transgender people Transsexuelle [pl]
people in their nineties Neunzigjährige [pl]
nomadic people Nomaden [pl]
business people Kaufleute [pl]
people fouling their own nest Nestbeschmutzer [pl]
people who want to reduce their weight Abnehmbereite [pl]
old people alte Leute [pl]
sceptical people Bedenkenträger [pl]
dead people Tote [pl]
elderly people ältere Menschen [pl]
contemptible people verachtenswerte Menschen [pl]
local people Einheimische [pl]
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people Schwule [pl]
contemptible people verachtenswerte Leute [pl]
Tubu people Tubu [pl]
throngs of people Menschenmengen [pl]
people in their eighties Achtzigjährige [pl]
like-minded people Gleichgesinnte [pl]
Cimbrian people Zimbern [pl]
hearing-impaired people Hörgeschädigte [pl]
local people Ortsansässige [pl]
people with disabilities Behinderte [pl]
streams of people Menschenfluten [pl]
people who want to reduce their weight Abnehmwillige [pl]
flower people Blumenkinder [pl]
people in their sixties Sechzigjährige [pl]
local people Hiesige [pl]
security people Sicherheitsleute [pl]
sceptical people misstrauische Menschen [pl]
old people alte Menschen [pl]
streams of people Menschenströme [pl]
people of all ages Menschen aller Altersgruppen [pl]
rich people Vermögende [pl]
all people alle Leute [pl]
all people alle Menschen [pl]
all the people alle Menschen [pl]
all the people alle Leute [pl]
ancient people alte Menschen [pl]
ancient people antike Menschen [pl]
balkan people Völker des Balkans [pl]
bad people schlechte Menschen [pl]
bad people böse Menschen [pl]
beautiful people schöne Menschen [pl]
boring people langweilige Menschen [pl]
british people Briten [pl]
children, handicapped and elderly people Kinder, Behinderte und ältere Menschen [pl]
common people einfache Leute [pl]
common people gewöhnliche Menschen [pl]
common-looking people gewöhnlich aussehende Menschen [pl]
fake people falsche Menschen [pl]
four people vier Personen [pl]
four people vier Menschen [pl]
freedom-loving people freiheitsliebende Menschen [pl]
french people Franzosen [pl]
great masses of people große Menschenmassen [pl]
guilty people schuldige Leute [pl]
hamster-owning people Menschen, die einen Hamster haben [pl]
important people wichtige Personen [pl]
important people wichtige Menschen [pl]
important people wichtige Leute [pl]
people like us unseresgleichen [pron]
many people viele Leute
a row of people eine Reihe Leute
the people of this town die Leute dieser Stadt
people come and go Leute kommen und gehen
people associated with ... Personen aus dem Umfeld von ...
people at risk of (committing) suicide suizidgefährdete Menschen
people say man sagt
people person geselliger Mensch
people with hearing disabilities Hörbehinderte
people with visual disabilities Sehbehinderte
people with learning disabilities Lernbehinderte
my people meine Familie
my people die Meinigen
older people alte Menschen
older people die Älteren
our people die Unsrigen
internally displaced people im eigenen Land Vertriebene
lesbian and gay people Lesben und Schwule
homeless people Obdachlose
homeless people Unterstandslose
deaf-and-dumb people Taubstumme
colored people Farbige
a group of people eine Gruppe Menschen
a lot of people viele Leute
a lot of people eine Menge Leute
a mighty concourse of people ein gewaltiger Menschenauflauf
a score of people zwanzig Leute
all sorts of people alle möglichen Leute
among the people zwischen den Menschen
bisexual people Bisexuelle
very old people Hochbetagte
Wichita people (Indian tribe) Wichita (Indianervolk)
woopie (well-off older people) wohlhabende Senioren
uninvolved people Unbeteiligte
uninvolved people unbeteiligte Personen
sick people Kranke
stateless people Staatenlose
the people concerned die Betroffenen
the people of quality die vornehme Welt
the people running government die Regierenden
the people that you you got it from die Leute, von denen du das bekommen hast
the Sami people Samen
these kind of people solche Leute
Thousands of people tausende Menschen
tribal people Eingeborene
prominent people wichtige Persönlichkeiten
rich and powerful people reiche und mächtige Leute
tens of thousands of people zehntausende Menschen
the chronically sick people die chronisch Kranken
the chosen people das auserwählte Volk
the common people die einfachen Leute
people in authority Amtsperson
my people meine Leute
ten people in all insgesamt zehn Personen
poor people Bedürftige
people of your kind euresgleichen
the country and its people Land und Leute
among people unter Leuten
English people [die] Engländer
among the people im Volk
manage people Menschen leiten
my people meine Angehörigen
manage people Menschen führen
highly sceptical people äußerst misstrauische Leute
people in authority Ermächtigte
shoal of people Menge Menschen
people of position Leute von Rang
among the people im Volke
poor people arme Leute
people in authority Amtsbefugte
shoal of people Menge Leute
people like me meinesgleichen
people in paid work Erwerbstätige
he of all people ausgerechnet er
people carrier Personenbeförderungsmittel
claim the lives of six people sechs Menschenleben fordern [v]
claim the lives of six people sechs Menschen in den Tod reißen [v]
claim the lives of six people sechs Menschen das Leben kosten [v]
to run down other people andere schlecht machen
some people won't eat anything they have Was der Bauer nicht kennt das frisst er nicht
all things to all people etwas, das jeder möchte
be alive with (people or things) voll von etwas sein
be alive with (people or things) von etwas wimmeln
be crammed full of people voller Menschen sein
be crammed full of people vollgepackt mit Menschen sein
be crammed full of people vollgestopft mit Menschen sein
well-known people Prominente [f]
people of his kind seinesgleichen [pron]
people of your kind euresgleichen [pron]
he of all people ausgerechnet er
all sorts of people alle möglichen Leute
they're respectable people Sie sind anständige Leute
people of position Leute von Rang
my people meine Familie
the people of quality die vornehme Welt
these kind of people solche Leute
there are many peculiar people Unser Herrgott hat einen großen Tiergarten
is designed to take ten people ... ist für zehn Personen vorgesehen
Not many people have arrived yet. Bis jetzt sind noch nicht viele Leute da.
people of all ranks Leute aller Stände
people of all faiths Menschen jeden Glaubens
quite a few people ziemlich viele Leute
quite a number of people eine ganze Menge Leute
quite a number of people eine ganze Anzahl Leute
some people say manche Leute sagen
with little contact to other people kontaktarm
in full view of people/the public vor aller Welt
in full view of people/the public vor aller Augen
in full view of people/the public coram publico
in full view of people/the public in aller Öffentlichkeit
in full view of people/the public vor allen Leuten
a growing number of people immer mehr Menschen
a group of young people of both sexes eine Gruppe aus Jugendlichen von beiden Geschlechtern
according to some people nach Ansicht einigen Personen
according to some (people) nach Ansicht einiger
people who live in glass houses should not throw stones Menschen die im Glashaus sitzen sollen nicht mit Steinen werfen
when two people quarrel a third rejoices Wenn zwei sich streiten freut sich der Dritte
People (who live) in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. Wer im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen. [übertragen]
Do good and tell people about it! Tu Gutes und sprich darüber!
he of all people ausgerechnet er
I wasn't saying that people should spoil their ballots/ballot papers. Ich habe nicht gesagt, dass die Leute ungültig wählen sollen.
Many people were hurt. Viele Leute wurden verletzt.
are people becoming telephone addicts? bekommen die Menschen abhängig von ihrem Handy?
plug-ugly (usually referring to people) potthässlich [adj]
plug-ugly (usually referring to people) sehr hässlich [adj]
pug-ugly (usually referring to people) potthässlich [adj]
pug-ugly (usually referring to people) sehr hässlich [adj]
people mover Rollsteig [m]
people mover rollender Gehsteig [Ös.] [m]
people mover Fahrsteig [m]
people mover rollender Bürgersteig [m]
people mover horizonale Rolltreppe [f]
people mover Laufband [n]
meet people where they are die Menschen dort abholen, wo sie stehen [übertragen] [v]
these kind of people solche Leute [pl]
gay people Schwule [pl]
people in their fifties Fünfziger [pl]
people rolling their own Selbstdreher [pl]
dim-witted people Begriffsstutzige [pl]
people with a sweet tooth Leckermäuler
people with a sweet tooth Naschkatzen
elderly people ältere Semester
all people are equal in the eyes of the law vor dem Gesetz sind alle gleich
owned by the people volkseigen [adj]
exploiter (of other people) Ausbeuter [m]
representation of the people Volksvertretung [f]
unemployment of young people Jugendarbeitslosigkeit [f]
unemployment amongst young people Jugendarbeitslosigkeit [f]
home for old people Altersheim [n]
auxiliaries for elderly people Alltagshilfen [pl]
trades people Hamdelsleute [pl]
business people Kaufleute [pl]
unemployed or inactive people Nichterwerbstätige [pl]
kind of people Art von Leuten
young people junge Leute
nice people nette Leute
older people ältere Leute
economic people Wirtschaftsleute [f]
economy people Wirtschaftsleute [f]
long-term unemployed people Langzeitarbeitslosen [pl]
unemployed people Arbeitslosen [pl]
economy people Wirtschaftsleute [pl]
long-term unemployed people Langzeitarbeitslose
Business Correspondence
experience with people Erfahrung mit Leuten
by other people von anderen Leuten
by your people von Ihren Leuten
by our people von unsren Leuten
most people die meisten Leute
what other people think of it was andere Leute davon denken
unemployment of young people Jugendarbeitslosigkeit [f]
unemployment amongst young people Jugendarbeitslosigkeit [f]
young people Jugendliche [pl]
young people junge Leute
older people ältere Leute
Vocational Training
support for disadvantaged young people Benachteiligtenförderung [f]
introductory training for young people Einstiegsqualifizierung (EQJ)
disadvantaged young people benachteiligte Jugendliche
bind people together Menschen zusammenbringen [v]
bind people together Menschen verbinden [v]
bind people together Menschen zusammenschweißen [v]
smuggler (of people across a border) Schlepper [m]
smuggler (of people across a border) Schleuser [m]
incitement of the people Volksverhetzung [f]
smuggler (of people across a border) Schlepperin (Menschen über eine Grenze) [Ös.] [f]
smuggler (of people across a border) Schleuserin [f]
mixed court of judge and lay people Schöffengericht [n]
mixed courts of judge and lay people Schöffengerichte [pl]
people with unlicensed TV sets Schwarzseher [pl]
mixed court of two judges and lay people erweitertes Schöffengericht [Dt.]
persecution of innocent people Verfolgung Unschuldiger
representation of the people Volksvertretung [f]
people initiative Volksinitiative [f]
opinion of the people öffentliche Meinung [f]
directly elected by the people direkt vom Volk gewählt
EU Terms
disaffection of young people Unbehagen der Jugend
representative of the people Volksvertreter [m]
sales people Verkäufer [pl]
deadwood (people or things that are no longer useful/productive) unnützer Ballast [m]
care of children and young people Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege [f]
increase in the percentage/number of elderly people Überalterung [f]
poverty among old people Altersarmut [f]
Cimbrian people Zimbern [n]
horse people Reitervolk [n]
Turkic people Turkvolk [n]
pastoral people Hirtenvolk [n]
Chamorro people Volk der Chamorro [n]
Akan people Akan [pl]
Aleut people Alëuten [pl]
Dai people Dai [pl]
Jingpho people Kachin [pl]
Jingpo people Kachin [pl]
Kachin people Kachin [pl]
Lozi people Rotse [pl]