withdrawal - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "withdrawal" in German English Dictionary : 59 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
withdrawal Entzug [m]
withdrawal Widerruf [m]
withdrawal Rückzug [m]
withdrawal Abzug [m]
withdrawal Ausstieg [m]
withdrawal Rücktritt [m]
withdrawal Zurücknahme [f]
withdrawal Rücknahme [f]
withdrawal Aufhebung [f]
withdrawal Kündigung [f]
withdrawal Entnahme [f]
withdrawal Entziehung [f]
withdrawal Einziehung [f]
withdrawal Zurücknehmen [n]
withdrawal Abziehen [n]
withdrawal Zurückziehen [n]
withdrawal Rücknahme
withdrawal Zurücknahme
withdrawal Rückzug [m]
withdrawal Austritt [m]
withdrawal Zurücknahme [f]
withdrawal Rücknahme [f]
withdrawal Abhebung [f]
withdrawal Behebung [f]
withdrawal Entziehung [f]
withdrawal Entnahme [f]
withdrawal Zurückziehung [f]
withdrawal Abhebung [f]
withdrawal Behebung [f]
withdrawal Austritt (aus) [m]
withdrawal Austritt [m]
withdrawal Aberkennung [f]
Swiss Law
withdrawal Entzug [m]
withdrawal Zurücknahme [f]
withdrawal Widerrufung [f]
withdrawal Zurücknahme [f]
withdrawal Ausbau [m]
withdrawal Entnahme [f]
withdrawal Abnahme [f]
withdrawal Stornierung [f]
withdrawal Rücknahme [f]
withdrawal Absaugen [n]
withdrawal Ableiten [n]
withdrawal Zurückziehen [n]
withdrawal Abführen [n]
withdrawal Rücktritt [m]
withdrawal Entzogenheit [f]
withdrawal Interruptus
withdrawal Entwöhnung [f]
withdrawal Lagerentnahme [f]
withdrawal Auslagerung [f]
SAP Terms
withdrawal Materialentnahme [f]
withdrawal Rücknahme [f]
withdrawal Entnahme [f]
Timber Engineering
withdrawal Herausziehen [n]
withdrawal Rückzug [m]
withdrawal Ausweichen [n]
withdrawal Entnahme [f]
withdrawal Entnahme [f]

Meanings of "withdrawal" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 189 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
insertion and withdrawal Steck- und Ziehvorgang [m]
withdrawal (from a contract) Rücktritt (einem Vertrag) [m]
withdrawal from a party Parteiaustritt [m]
withdrawal of food Nahrungsentzug [m]
withdrawal of samples Musterzug [Schw.] [m]
withdrawal slip Auszahlungsschein [m]
withdrawal of candidacy Kandidaturverzicht [m]
withdrawal of confidence Vertrauensentzug [m]
point of withdrawal Entnahmestelle [f]
individual withdrawal force Einzelziehkraft [f]
water withdrawal Wasserentnahme [f]
withdrawal (of an amount of money) Abhebung [f]
withdrawal (of an amount of money) Entnahme (eines Geldbetrags) [f]
withdrawal (of an amount of money) Behebung [f]
withdrawal (of an amount of money) Entnahme [f]
withdrawal force Auszugskraft [f]
withdrawal from service Ausmusterung [f]
withdrawal (of an amount of money) Behebung [Ös.] [f]
withdrawal of surface water Oberflächenwasser-Entnahme [f]
withdrawal of samples Probeentnahme [f]
withdrawal of samples Probennahme [f]
wrongful withdrawal widerrechtliche Entnahme [f]
withdrawal bleeding Entzugsblutung [f]
withdrawal arrangement Kündigungsvereinbarung [f]
withdrawal notice Austrittserklärung [f]
withdrawal treatment Entziehungskur [f]
withdrawal bleeding Abbruchblutung [f]
alcohol withdrawal treatment Alkoholentziehungskur [f]
withdrawal of cash Barabhebung [f]
cash withdrawal from an atm machine while abroad Bargeldabhebung von einem Geldautomaten im Ausland [f]
age at withdrawal Austrittsalter [n]
right of withdrawal Austrittsrecht [n]
withdrawal syndrome Abstinenzsyndrom [n]
withdrawal syndrome Entzugssyndrom [n]
give notice of one's withdrawal seinen Austritt erklären [v]
notices of withdrawal Austrittserklärungen [pl]
withdrawal slips Auszahlungsscheine [pl]
withdrawal from a party Austritt aus einer Partei
withdrawal of prosecution Einstellung des Verfahrens
withdrawal of samples Entnahme {f} von Proben
withdrawal of troops from ... Abzug der Truppen aus ...
benzo withdrawal Benzoentzug [m]
withdrawal price Rücknahmepreis [m]
withdrawal of funds Abhebungen [f]
withdrawal period Kündigungsfrist [f]
withdrawal of capital Kapitalentnahme [f]
notice of withdrawal Rücktrittsanzeige [f]
cash withdrawal Barabhebung [f]
withdrawal from employment Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from the labour force Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from working life Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal of an authority Zurücknahme einer Vollmacht
withdrawal from work Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal of a licence Zurücknahme einer Lizenz
withdrawal from economic activity Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal of an order Stornierung eines Auftrags
withdrawal of a license Zurücknahme einer Lizenz
withdrawal warrant Ermächtigung zur Auszahlung
withdrawal of a credit Kündigung eines Kredits
withdrawal of an application Zurücknahme eines Antrags
withdrawal of a partner Austritt eines Gesellschafters
withdrawal of a partner Ausscheiden eines Gesellschafters
withdrawal of banknotes Einziehung von Banknoten
direct withdrawal Lastschrifteinzug [m]
cash withdrawal (of an amount of money) Barabhebung [f]
cash withdrawal (of an amount of money) Barbehebung [f]
cash withdrawal (of an amount of money) Barbehebung [Ös.] [f]
cash withdrawal (of an amount of money) Barentnahme (eines Geldbetrags) [f]
cash withdrawal (of an amount of money) Barentnahme [f]
withdrawal of cash Barentnahme (eines Geldbetrags) [f]
withdrawal of cash Barbehebung [f]
withdrawal of cash Barabhebung [f]
withdrawal of cash Barbehebung [Ös.] [f]
withdrawal of cash Barentnahme [f]
withdrawal limit Abzugslimit [n]
cash point/machine withdrawal Abhebung/Behebung vom Geldausgabeautomaten
cash point/machine withdrawal Bankomatbehebung
withdrawal at cash points/cash machines/ATMs Bankomatbehebung
withdrawal at cash points/cash machines/ATMs Abhebung/Behebung vom Geldausgabeautomaten
unplanned withdrawal ungeplante Entnahme [f]
withdrawal from the labor force Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from work Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from working life Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from economic activity Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
withdrawal from employment Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
Work Safety
withdrawal symptom Entzugssymptom [n]
withdrawal symptom Spätsymptom nach Expositionsbeendigung
withdrawal of licence Lizenzentzug [m]
order for withdrawal of prosecution Einstellungsverfügung [f]
withdrawal clause Rücktrittsklausel [f]
withdrawal of action Klagsrücknahme [Ös.] [f]
withdrawal of action Klagsrücknahme [f]
withdrawal of action Klagerücknahme [f]
withdrawal clauses Rücktrittsklauseln [pl]
withdrawal of action Zurückziehen der Klage
withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme Atomausstieg [m]
withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme Ausstieg {m} aus der Kernenergie
EU Terms
withdrawal of candidacy Kandidaturverzicht [m]
withdrawal price Rücknahmepreis [m]
withdrawal from the market Rücknahme aus dem Markt
withdrawal from an agreement Kündigung eines Abkommens
Swiss Law
withdrawal from a contract Vertragsrücktritt [m]
withdrawal from a contract Rücktritt vom Vertrag
withdrawal for valid reasons Ausschluss aus wichtigem Grund
withdrawal of the distillation gases Destillationsgasabführung
withdrawal fibre Rückholfaden
device for withdrawal Entnahmevorrichtung
withdrawal of the gases Gasabführung
gas generator withdrawal Vergasungsgeneratorabzug
withdrawal of blood Blutentnahme
withdrawal device Entnahmevorrichtung
notice of withdrawal Abmeldung [f]
notice of withdrawal Austrittserklärung [n]
withdrawal (of something) Ausscheiden [n]
withdrawal (of something) Ausscheiden (etwas) [n]
withdrawal in whole or in part of pension rights vollständige oder teilweise Aberkennung der Versorgungsansprüche
electron withdrawal Elektronenentzug [m]
water withdrawal Wasserentnahme [f]
withdrawal device Abziehvorrichtung [f]
with withdrawal sleeve mit Abziehhülse [f]
withdrawal speed Absenkgeschwindigkeit [f]
withdrawal nut Abziehmutter [f]
withdrawal sleeve Spannhülse [f]
withdrawal of samples Probenahme [f]
withdrawal pump Absaugpumpe [f]
withdrawal sleeve Abziehhülse [f]
social withdrawal Kontaktarmut [f]
drug withdrawal Drogenentzug [m]
hormone-withdrawal bleeding Hormonentzugsblutung [f]
withdrawal bleeding Abbruchblutung [f]
withdrawal symptom Abstinenzerscheinung [f]
withdrawal symptom Entzugserscheinung [f]
withdrawal syndrome Entzugserscheinung [f]
withdrawal treatment Entziehungskur [f]
withdrawal treatment Entzugsbehandlung [f]
alcohol withdrawal treatment Alkoholentzugsbehandlung [f]
withdrawal bleeding Entzugsblutung [f]
withdrawal syndrome Entzugssyndrom [n]
withdrawal syndrome Abstinenzsyndrom [n]
post-acute-withdrawal syndrome Post-Entzugssyndrom [n]
alcohol withdrawal syndrome Alkoholentzugssyndrom [n]
nicotine withdrawal syndrome Nikotinentzugssyndrom [n]
to precipitate withdrawal symptoms Entzugserscheinungen auslösen [v]
withdrawal bleedings Abbruchblutungen [pl]
withdrawal bleedings Entzugsblutungen [pl]
withdrawal symptoms Entzugserscheinungen [pl]
withdrawal syndromes Entzugssyndrome [pl]
withdrawal symptoms Abstinenzerscheinungen [pl]
withdrawal syndromes Abstinenzsyndrome [pl]
withdrawal syndromes Entzugserscheinungen [pl]
withdrawal treatments Entziehungskuren [pl]
withdrawal syndrome Entzugserscheinungen [pl]
withdrawal method Coitus interruptus
withdrawal method Koitus Interrupts
withdrawal symptoms Entzugs-Symptome
withdrawal syndrome Entzugs-Syndrom
alcohol withdrawal Alkoholentzug [m]
drug withdrawal Drogenentzug [m]
withdrawal symptoms Entzugserscheinungen [pl]
withdrawal current Rückströmung [f]
groundwater withdrawal Grundwasserentnahme [f]
withdrawal from service Ausmusterung [f]
SAP Terms
consignment withdrawal order Konsignationsentnahmeauftrag [m]
consignment withdrawal Konsignationsentnahme [f]
withdrawal for own use Eigenentnahme [f]
withdrawal sequence Entnahmereihenfolge [f]
pipeline withdrawal Pipelineentnahme [f]
collective withdrawal Sammelentnahme [f]
withdrawal type Entnahmeart [f]
individual withdrawal Einzelentnahme [f]
check withdrawal Scheckziehung [f]
stock withdrawal Lagerentnahme [f]
withdrawal posting reservation Ausbuchreservierung [f]
withdrawal posting Entnahmebuchung [f]
date of withdrawal Entnahmedatum [n]
right of withdrawal Rücktrittsrecht [n]
planned withdrawal geplante Entnahme
withdrawal date of reservation Entnahmedatum der Reservierung
Electrical Engineering
withdrawal weighting Ausdünnungswichtung [f]
withdrawal force Ziehkraft [f]
withdrawal from economic activity Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben
troop withdrawal Truppenabzug [m]
withdrawal of troops Truppenabzug [m]
heroin withdrawal Heroinentzug [m]
Mechanical Engineering
withdrawal tool Abziehvorrichtung [f]
withdrawal sleeve Abziehhülse [f]
Nuclear Technology
unscheduled withdrawal außerplanmäßiges Ausfahren [n]
withdrawal eye Abzugsöse [f]
Safety Engineering
protective withdrawal Schutzrücklauf [m]