foot - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "foot" in Spanish English Dictionary : 61 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
foot pie [m]
foot pata [f]
foot peana [f]
foot pezuña [f]
foot falda [f]
foot pata (animal/mueble) [f]
foot pedestal [m]
foot pie [m]
foot mano [f]
foot pata [f]
foot podal [adj]
foot pies [m/pl]
foot pedestal [m]
foot arranque [m]
foot recorrer [v]
foot base [f]
foot parte inferior [f]
foot pisar [v]
foot establecer [v]
foot poner pies a [v]
foot fijar [v]
foot sumar y poner la suma al pie [v]
foot sufragar [v]
foot costear [v]
foot pagar las costas [v]
foot saltar [v]
foot andar a pie [v]
foot bailar [v]
foot danzar [v]
foot caminar [v]
foot de a pie [adj]
foot pinrel [m]
foot queso [m]
foot sumar guarismos [v]
foot guama [f] SV
foot pinrel [m]
foot sumar una columna de números [v]
foot patín [m]
foot pujamen [m]
foot pisatelas [m]
foot infantería [f]
foot coz [f]
foot altura [f]
foot pagar una cuenta [v]
foot residuo [m]
foot base [f]
foot pisotear [v]
foot andar [v]
foot hollar [v]
foot patear [v]
foot pata [f]
foot pie [m]
foot sedimento [m]
foot pie [m]
foot pujamen [m]
foot coz [f]
foot pie [m]
foot zócalo [m]
foot base [f]
foot pata [f]
foot apoyo [m]

Meanings of "foot" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
on foot a pie [adv]
(foot) sole planta [f]
by foot a pie [adv]
foot soldier infante [m]
oil-foot alpechín [m]
acre-foot pie-acre [m]
foot mat estera [f]
front foot mano [f]
foot-soldier peón [m]
sole of the foot planta [f]
foot (of bird) mano [f]
foot-and-mouth disease glosopeda [f]
put one's foot in it meter la pata [v]
stamp one's foot patear [v]
go on foot ir andando [v]
go on foot ir a pie [v]
set foot in pisar [v]
hollow by the foot of a tree for watering alcorque (árabe) [m]
foot stool alzapié [m]
foot courier andarín [m]
arch of the foot arco del pie [m]
foot warmer calientapiés [m]
foot warmer calorífero [m]
foot soldier cazador [m]
bullfighter on foot diestro [m]
foot and horse soldier dragón [m]
foot rest estribo [m]
kissing of the foot besapié [m]
foot muff folgo [m]
foot soldier infante [m]
foot pump inflador [m]
shot with the left foot izquierdazo [m]
crossbow foot soldier lacayo [m]
foot stove librete [m]
14 foot board madero de a diez [m]
16 foot board madero de a ocho [m]
18 foot board madero de a seis [m]
foot snare orzuelo [m]
foot soldier peón [m]
carriage foot rest pesebrón [m]
foot (tree) pie [m]
foot (measurement) pie [m]
foot (verse) pie [m]
left foot pie de cabalgar [m]
left foot pie de montar [m]
geometric foot pie geométrico [m]
flat foot pie plano [m]
foot of a hide pielgo [m]
foot of hide piezgo [m]
foot rest posapié [m]
foot strap of leggings sobreempeine [m]
land at the foot of the mountain somontano [m]
field at the foot of a mountain somonte [m]
field at the foot of a mountain sopié [m]
foot valve and strainer alcachofa (árabe) [f]
foot rest almohada (árabe) [f]
foot courier andarina [f]
foot muff bolsa [f]
foot feathers braga [f]
in spanish dance, movement with the opposing foot in the opposite direction deshecha [f]
foot-stove estufilla [f]
foot span llave de pie [f]
front foot mano [f]
foot stove rejilla [f]
foot stove rejuela [f]
nine foot board/plank tabla alcaceña [f]
nine foot board/plank tabla portadilla [f]
horse with a white right foot, considered bad luck argel (árabe) [m/f]
accessible by foot andadero [adj]
with a white right foot, considered bad luck argel (árabe) [adj]
having the foot divided into toes cisípedo [adj]
on foot pedestre [adj]
following in the foot steps of remedador [adj]
at the foot of the mountain somontano [adj]
having the far hind-foot and the near fore-foot white (horse) trastrabado [adj]
with one white foot unalbo [adj]
put a new stocking-foot cabecear [v]
trample under foot conculcar [v]
foot the bill for dar [v]
wound/disable a foot deszocar [v]
have wounded/disabled a foot deszocarse [v]
hang a dead animal from it's foot empigüelar [v]
thrust the foot into the stirrup engargantar [v]
thrust one's foot into the stirrup engargantarse [v]
have a foot caught in a stirrup estribarse [v]
twist one's foot recalcarse [v]
follow in the foot steps of remedar [v]
stick one's foot in one's mouth tropezar [v]
common bird's-foot-trefoil cuernecillo [m]
foot stool banco de pie [m]
foot guard guardapiés [m]
sole of the foot planta del pie [m]
foot stock contrapunto [m]
tool which is used to assist the foot calzador [m]
athlete's foot pie de atleta [m]
foot (of a person) pie [m]
arch of a foot puente [m]
horse foot casco [m]
bird's-foot trefoil loto corniculado [m]
bare foot pie desnudo [m]
doe-foot applicator aplicador labial [m]
doe foot applicator aplicador de pintalabios [m]
doe-foot applicator aplicador de pintalabios [m]
doe foot applicator aplicador de lápiz de labios [m]
doe-foot applicator aplicador de lápiz de labios [m]
bare foot pie descalzo [m]
small foot/anklebone of animals taba [f]
sole of foot planta (de peón) [f]
broken foot fractura de pie [f]
broken foot pie fracturado [f]
calves-foot pata de becerro [f]
bullfighter on foot diestra [f]
foot soldier infanta [f]
trample under foot pisar [v]
put one's foot in it patinar [v]
set foot on hollar [v]
tread under foot pisotear [v]
(one's foot) slip resbalársele a alguien (el pie) [v]
(one's foot) slip resbalar (el pie) [v]
a foot in the door introducirse en [v]
foot the bill for something pagar la cuenta de algo [v]
start off on the right foot empezar con el pie derecho [v]
start off on the wrong foot empezar con el pie izquierdo [v]
be tied hand and foot verse atado de pies y manos [v]
touch with hand or foot (animal) manotear [v]
putting a foot over the horn on the same side after throwing the animal mancornar [v]
break one's foot romperse el pie [v]
break one's leg/foot romperse la pierna/el pie [v]
be shot in the foot recibir un disparo en el pie [v]
be shot in the foot ser disparado en el pie [v]
on foot andando [adv]
at one's foot a los pies (de alguien) [adv]
at one's foot a sus pies [adv]
my foot ¿cómo no? [interj]
at the foot of al pie de [prep]
to the foot of al pie de [prep]
on foot andando [ger]
person with one foot in the grave candidato al hoyo [n] NI PR AR
shot with the left foot zurdazo
athlete's foot pie de atleta
rabbit's foot (a good luck charm) pata de conejo
foot passenger pasajero de a pie
foot passenger pasajera de a pie
foot of the page la parte inferior de la página
foot of the page el pie de la página
foot of a hill pie de una colina
foot of the hill el pie de la colina
foot of the mountain falda de la montaña
foot of the hill falda de la colina
foot of the mountain el pie de la montaña
foot of the bed el final de la cama
wheel that moves with the foot el tabanque
a clog made fast to the foot of slaves pie de amigo
foot odor olor a pies
foot odour olor a pies
the foot of a horse casco [m]
foot throttle acelerador [m]
trampling under foot atropellamiento [m]
white goose-foot ceñiglo [m]
foot-warmer calientapiés [m]
foot-warmer calorífero [m]
corn (on the foot) clavo [m]
kissing of the foot besapiés [m]
foot coverlet cubrepiés [m]
foot-stool escabel [m]
foot-stool escañuelo [m]
foot-piece of a stirrup hondón [m]
foot-warmer folgo [m]
foot-muff folgo [m]
ionic foot in poetry jónico [m]
small foot pecezuelo [m]
foot-boy lacayuelo [m]
jumping on one foot pedicoj [m]
foot-board marchapié [m]
metrical foot of four syllables peón [m]
foot soldier peón [m]
crowd of people on foot peonaje [m]
bird's foot trefoil meliloto [m]
foot-stove librete [m]
foot of a stocking pie [m]
little foot piecezuelo [m]
foot of a hide/skin piezgo [m]
sore on a horse's foot respigón [m]
treading under foot pisoteo [m]
foot of a tree raigal [m]
foot rail rodapié [m]
foot-soldier mosquetero [m]
foot-stool in choir postrador [m]
stamping the foot pataleo [m]
clumsy foot patón [m]
stocking-foot peal [m]
colt's-foot tusilago [m]
fetter for horse's foot trabón [m]
narrowing of a stocking at the foot seguido [m]
iambic foot yambo [m]
foot-hook staff sotrozo [m]
drumming of foot/hoof zapatazo [m]
keeping time by beating the foot zapateo [m]
legging covering the front part of leg and foot antipara [f]
injury done to a horse's foot by being unshod desherradura [f]
curl-leaved goose-foot biengranada [f]
foot-muff bolsa [f]
foot-pound as unit of measurement dinamia [f]
circular excavation made at the foot of a tree to collect water cavia [f]
foot-soldiers infantería [f]
calf's-foot jelly jaletina [f]
housing foot-cloth gualdrapa [f]
foot-warmer estufilla [f]
foot-brassier rejilla [f]
foot-stove rejuela [f]
foot of cloven-hoofed animals pesuña [f]
foot of cloven-hoofed animals pezuña [f]
foot-stone piedra [f]
stepping on one's foot pisada [f]
foot and leg of animals pata [f]
blow with the foot patada [f]
small foot patica [f]
small foot patilla [f]
small foot patita [f]
foot-tub tina [f]
foot-path vereda [f]
foot path senda [f]
relating to a horse whose right hind foot is white argel [adj]
having the foot divided into toes cisípedo [adj]
relating to the natives of some places at the foot of the pyrenees gabacho [adj]
of half a foot long semipedal [adj]
having the far hind-foot and the near fore-foot white (horse) trastrabado [adj]
fit a shoe to a horse's foot atarragar [v]
tread under foot atropellar [v]
foot (stockings) cabecear [v]
wound/disable the foot deszocar [v]
trample under foot conculcar [v]
trample under foot hollar [v]
thrust the foot into the stirrup engargantar [v]
trample under foot rehollar [v]
sore on a horse's foot respigar [v]
trample under foot pisotear [v]
stamp the foot patalear [v]
sprain (as a foot/arm) torcer [v]
on foot apostólicamente [adv]
foot bath baño de pies [m]
foot bath pediluvio [m]
foot-bridge puente para peatones [m]
club foot patituerto [m]
club foot pie con torcimiento congénito [m]
swift of foot paso rápido [m]
web-foot pie palmado [m]
crow's foot arruga [f]
crow's foot pata de gallo [f]
club foot pateta [f]
on foot activo [adj]
cloven hoof or foot patihendido [adj]
cloven hoof or foot diabólico [adj]
swift of foot ligero [adj]
swift of foot alípedo [adj]
splay-foot zancajoso [adj]
set on foot poner en pie [v]
set on foot emprender [v]
wrench one's foot torcerse el pie [v]
wrench one's foot dislocarse el pie [v]
tread under foot hollar [v]
from head to foot de pies a cabeza [adv]
foot by foot palmo a palmo [adv]
on foot adelantándose [ger]
big foot adobe [m] SV
foot of a writing calce [m] EC MX PR
foot of a letter calce [m] EC MX PR
foot-boy estafero [m] disused
footwear similar to a sandal with tire or leather sole, covering only the sole and instep of the foot caite [m] GT HN SV NI
foot of a bridge cabezal [m] HN
it is played with both hand sand a foot baisié [m] DO
deformity on the sole of the foot that makes walking uncomfortable clavo [m] VE
acute inflammation of the epithelial skin of the sole of the foot cuero siete cueros [m] HN
bad foot odor cicote [m] CU DO PR VE:E
foot odor produced by sweat or lack of hygiene cicote [m] CU PR VE
foot rash caused by fungi chiquichique [m] VE:E
foot odor chicote [m] CU
stirrup with a single opening for the foot estribo de cajón [m] PE
foot spur espuelón [m] NI PR VE:W
foot spur espolón [m] NI
blow with a foot (cockfighting) golpe de canillera [m] PR
set of sprouts growing at the foot of a plant hijerío [m] CU
mortar foot mazo [m] HN
infection of the mexican creeping zinnia plant on the foot that forms a red spot with a white and round head ojo de pescado [m] HN SV NI
large or deformed foot yame [m] PR
children's game where a child pushes a stone or a coin with their foot through a grid painted on the floor mundo [m] PE BO
foot peg pescante [m] NI
presser foot pisacostura [m] CU
foot of the bed piesero [m] CO:N
foot odor sicote [m] DO PR
foot odor sicote [m] CU
swelling of the sole of the foot sietecueros [m] HN NI CR PA CU DO
large foot yame [m] DO
athlete's foot yuyo [m] CR
bad foot odor zicote [m] CU DO PR
foot of a tree chirpial [m] BO
deformity on the sole of the foot clavo [m] VE
foot boy estafero [m] disused
hop on one foot pedicoj [m] rare
foot soldier peonero [m] disused
foot of a stocking pial [m] MX GT NI CU VE EC CL AR UY
foot (verse) pie [m] disused
foot soldiers pie de fuerza [m] rare
foot cover pinqui (de pikys®) [m] ES
foot cover pinky (de pikys®) [m] ES
foot odor sicote [m] AN
18-foot board venturero [m] ES local
right foot of a loom virote [m] ES local
small foot bone of animal güesa  [f] VE
terrace at the foot of a mountain abra [f] BO:C,S
edible tender shoot of the elephant foot yucca (yucca guatemalensis) cuyuya [f] SV
foot plow made with a stick with a steal or stone point that serves to flatten and prepare a plot of land for cultivation chaquitaclla [f] PE BO:S,W,C
very large foot laisa [f] HN
very large foot lancha [f] CL cult
foot fungus masamorra [f] CU DO
athlete's foot masamorra [f] CU DO
wound on the sole of the foot empedradura [f] DO
large foot patota [f] PA DO PR EC derog.
bad foot odor pecuaca [f] EC:W
children's game practiced by jumping on one foot patasola [f] CO rare
bad foot odor pecueca [f] PA CO VE EC
foot odor pesuña [f] EC PE
foot of someone who doesn't wear shoes peúña [f] GT
foot odor pezuña [f] NI PA EC PE
athlete's foot pezuña [f] EC
footstep or foot board on large vehicles pisadera [f] EC BO CL
foot of the bed piecera [f] MX UY
foot of the bed pielera [f] CU
foot odor sicotera [f] CU rur.
foot stool arracachada [f] CO
foot stool arracacha [f] CO
foot rot cepera [f] ES local
strip of land that extends along the foot of a mountain range costa [f] AR
foot rest estribera [f] ES local
foot stand pisadera [f] CL
very big foot pata de yanke [m/f] NI
person with six fingers on a hand or six toes on a foot socta [m/f] PE:Sw
bare-foot calachaqui [adj] BO AR:Nw rur. disused
limping due to a bad foot guazpato [adj] HN
tending to stick one's foot in one's mouth hablón [adj] HN CR derog.
starting off on the right foot encarrerado [adj] MX
hot foot paticaliente [adj] PR
having bad foot odor pecoriento [adj] PE rare
with foot odor pezuñento [adj] EC PE BO:E
with foot odor sicotudo [adj] CU DO rur.
with one white foot unalbo [adj] MX
put one's foot in it descacharse [v] CO
put one's foot down amacharse [v] LA
get one's toes infected with athlete's foot aguachinarse [v] CR:Nw
cross a street on foot brincar [v] CU
travel a large distance on foot camellar [v] MX HN SV NI DO
lean on a corner with one foot esquinear [v] HN SV
escape quickly, on foot or horseback escapear [v] PR
place a foot in the stirrup (horseback rider) estribar [v] BO:E,S AR rur.
walk with one foot elevated corcojar [v] DO
shoot oneself in the foot embromarse [v] AR:Nw rur.
shoot oneself in the foot ennavajarse [v] HN
tie livestock by the foot for grazing persogar [v] MX NI CR rur.
go on foot caitear [v] NI
go by foot caitear [v] NI
shoot oneself in the foot ennavajarse [v] HN
put a foot in a stirrup estribar [v] DO AR
on foot a puro caite [adv] HN SV NI
on foot al dele [adv] CR rare teen
on foot a catimba [adv] CL rare
on one foot, grasping the other with one hand a cojo pie [adv] HN child
on foot a patica [adv] VE
foot full of chigger fleas ñaras [m/pl] VE rur.
foot pedal pisaderas [f/pl] BO:W AR:Nw rur.
foot-stool banquito [m] LA
having the foot divided into toes cisípeda [adj/f]
relating to the natives of some places at the foot of the pyrenees gabacha [adj/f]
having the far hind-foot and the near fore-foot white (horse) trastrabada [adj/f]
cloven hoof or foot diabólica [adj/f]
cloven hoof or foot patihendida [adj/f]
on foot activa [adj/f]
swift of foot ligera [adj/f]
swift of foot alípeda [adj/f]
splay-foot zancajosa [adj/f]
get one's foot in the door aprovechar la oportunidad [v]
get one's get a foot in the door aprovechar la oportunidad [v]
put one's foot in one's mouth meter el cazo [v]
put one's foot into it meter la pata [v]
put one's foot into it meter el cazo [v]
stick one's foot in one's mouth meter el cazo [v]
stick one's foot in one's mouth meter la pata [v]
put your foot in your mouth (american) meter el cazo [v]
put one's foot in it meter el cazo [v]
put my foot in meter el cazo [v]
put your foot in it (british) meter el cazo [v]
put one's foot down oponerse enérgicamente [v]
put one's foot down ser decisivo [v]
stick one's foot in it meter la pata [v]
foot the bill pagar la cuenta [v]
get off on the wrong foot empezar con mal pie [v]
go on foot ir a golpe de alpargata [v]
go on foot ir a golpe de alpargata [v]
go on foot venir a golpe de alpargata [v]
have one's foot in the grave estar con el alma en la boca [v]
have a foot in both camps nadar entre dos aguas [v]
wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole no poderse coger ni con tenazas [v]
foot the bill pagar el pato [v]
foot the bill pagar los platos rotos [v]
foot the bill pagar los vidrios rotos [v]
foot the bill cargar con el muerto [v]
catch on the wrong foot pillar mal parado [v]
catch on the wrong foot capturar desprevenido [v]
catch on the wrong foot pillar en el momento equivocado [v]
can't put a foot wrong no poder dar un paso en falso [v]
go by foot ir a golpe de alpargata [v]
have one foot in the grave cantarle a alguien el tecolote [v]
foot the bill cargar con las culpas [v]
put one's foot in it mentar la soga en casa del ahorcado [v]
foot it caminar [v]
foot it ir a pie [v]
foot it correr [v]
foot it andar [v]
foot it trotar [v]
foot it transitar [v]
start off on the wrong foot comenzar con mal pie [v]
set foot poner el pie [v]
shoot oneself in the foot tirar piedras al propio tejado [v]
put one's foot down montarse en el machito [v]
put one's foot down montarse en el macho [v]
put one's foot down no bajarse del machito [v]
put one's foot down no bajarse del macho [v]
hardly put one foot in front of the other no tener fuerzas ni para caminar [v]
have one foot in the grave estar al borde de la muerte [v]
have one foot in the grave tener un pie en la tumba [v]
have one foot in the grave estar en las últimas [v]
have one foot in the grave estar casi muerto [v]
have one foot in the grave estar con un pie en la fosa [v]
have one foot in the grave estar cerca de la muerte [v]
have one foot in the grave estar con un pie en el cementerio [v]
have a foot in both camps tener intereses en ambos bandos [v]
have a foot in both camps estar a caballo entre dos cosas [v]
have a foot in both camps jugar a dos puntas [v]
have a foot in both camps estar jugando a dos bandas [v]
stamp the foot salirse de sus casillas [v]
put a foot wrong dar un paso en falso [v]
put a foot wrong ser un paso en falso [v]
put one's foot in one's mouth dejar la crema [v]
stick one's foot in one's mouth dejar la crema [v]
put one's foot in it dejar la crema [v]
have one foot in the grave estar con un pie en la tumba [v]
be off on the wrong foot empezar con el pie izquierdo [v]
be off on the wrong foot tener un mal comienzo [v]
be on the back foot adoptar una posición defensiva [v]
be on the back foot estar a la defensiva [v]
not put a foot wrong no dar un paso en falso [v]
not set foot somewhere no pisar algún sitio [v]
not set foot somewhere no ir a alguna parte [v]
not set foot no pisar [v]
not touch someone with a ten-foot pole no tocar a alguien ni con un palo [v]
start off on the right foot entrar con el pie derecho [v]
start off on the right foot entrar con buen pie [v]
start off on the right foot comenzar con buen pie [v]
get off on the right foot entrar con el pie derecho [v]
get off on the right foot entrar con buen pie [v]
get off on the right foot comenzar con buen pie [v]
be bound hand and foot estar alguien atado de pies y manos [v]
be tied hand and foot estar alguien atado de pies y manos [v]
have one foot in the grave estar con la candela en la mano [v]
have one foot in the grave estar con un pie en el hoyo [v]
have one foot in the grave estar con un pie en la sepultura [v]
have one foot in the grave estar en las diez de últimas [v]
put one's foot in one's mouth hablar de la soga en casa del ahorcado [v]
put one's foot in one's mouth mentar la soga en casa del ahorcado [v]
put one's foot in one's mouth nombrar la soga en casa del ahorcado [v]
put one's foot in it hacer un barro [v]
stamp one's foot herir el suelo con el pie [v]
foot it ir a golpe de calcetín [v]
foot it venir a golpe de calcetín [v]
foot it ir en el caballo de San Francisco [v]
foot it venir en el caballo de San Francisco [v]
foot it ir en el coche de San Fernando [v]
foot it venir en el coche de San Fernando [v]
come on foot venir a golpe de calcetín [v]
come on foot venir en el caballo de San Francisco [v]
come on foot venir en el coche de San Fernando [v]
go on foot ir a golpe de calcetín [v]
go on foot ir en el caballo de San Francisco [v]
go on foot ir en el coche de San Fernando [v]
shoot oneself in the foot ir a por lana y volver trasquilado [v]
shoot oneself in the foot ir a por lana y salir trasquilado [v]
have a foot in both camps jugar a dos bandas [v]
have a foot in both camps jugar a dos barajas [v]
have a foot in both camps jugar con dos barajas [v]
have a foot in both camps jugar un doble juego [v]
have a foot in both camps hacer un doble juego [v]
put your foot in it (british) dar un paso en falso [v]
put your foot in it (british) meter la pata [v]
put your foot in your mouth (american) dar un paso en falso [v]
put your foot in your mouth meter la pata hasta el fondo [v]
put your foot in your mouth (american) meter la pata [v]
shoot oneself in the foot hacerse daño sin motivo [v]
stamp one's foot patalear [v]
put my foot in meter la pata [v]
put one foot in front of the other ir paso a paso [v]
put one foot in front of the other caminar con cuidado [v]