unexpectedly - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "unexpectedly" in Spanish English Dictionary : 52 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
unexpectedly inesperadamente [adv]
unexpectedly impensadamente [adv]
unexpectedly improvisadamente [adv]
unexpectedly improvisamente [adv]
unexpectedly inopinadamente [adv]
unexpectedly sorpresivamente [adv]
unexpectedly súbitamente [adv]
unexpectedly súbito [adv]
unexpectedly de rondón [adv]
unexpectedly desprevenidamente [adv]
unexpectedly impensadamente [adv]
unexpectedly improvisadamente [adv]
unexpectedly inesperadamente [adv]
unexpectedly nescientemente [adv]
unexpectedly súbitamente [adv]
unexpectedly subitáneamente [adv]
unexpectedly súbito [adv]
unexpectedly repentinamente [adv]
unexpectedly insospechadamente [adv]
unexpectedly de pronto [adv]
unexpectedly de improviso [adv]
unexpectedly de repente [adv]
unexpectedly de manera inesperada [adv]
unexpectedly de improviso [adv]
unexpectedly de repente [adv]
unexpectedly de una manera impensada [adv]
unexpectedly improvisamente [adv] rare
unexpectedly de antuvión [adv]
unexpectedly de buenas a primeras [adv]
unexpectedly a deshora [adv]
unexpectedly a deshoras [adv]
unexpectedly no esperadamente [adv]
unexpectedly en frío [adv]
unexpectedly de improviso [adv]
unexpectedly en justo y creyente [adv]
unexpectedly de rondón [adv]
unexpectedly de sobresalto [adv]
unexpectedly de sopetón [adv]
unexpectedly de súbito [adv]
unexpectedly al improviso [adv] disused
unexpectedly sin decir jesús [adv] rare
unexpectedly de rendón [adv] disused
unexpectedly a sobrevienta [adv] rare
unexpectedly al buen tuntún [adv]
unexpectedly de sopetón [adv]
unexpectedly sin previo aviso [adv]
unexpectedly sin mediar palabra [adv]
unexpectedly de bóbilis bóbilis
unexpectedly burla burlando [adv]
unexpectedly de milagro [adv]
unexpectedly de manos a boca [adv]
unexpectedly de choreta [adv] HN

Meanings of "unexpectedly" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 57 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
happen unexpectedly sobrevenir [v]
unexpectedly happen caer [v]
happen unexpectedly dar [v]
reappear unexpectedly remanecer [v]
happen unexpectedly salir [v]
happen unexpectedly salirse [v]
happen unexpectedly sobrevenir [v]
happen unexpectedly tomar [v]
come and go unexpectedly traslumbrarse [v]
happen unexpectedly venir [v]
come unexpectedly sobrevenir [v]
appear unexpectedly surgir [v]
happen unexpectedly ocurrir inesperadamente [v]
turn up unexpectedly aparecerse [v]
drop in unexpectedly aparecer por sorpresa [v]
drop by unexpectedly presentarse inesperadamente [v]
drop in unexpectedly presentarse por sorpresa [v]
do something unexpectedly salir [v]
hit unexpectedly sorrajar [v] MX
say something unexpectedly aflojar [v] VE
do something unexpectedly apretar [v] CU
leave a place unexpectedly barajarse [v] EC
appear or arise profusely and unexpectedly brollar [v] HN NI
(among criminals) to watch out to warn others if someone else comes unexpectedly campanearse [v] MX
flee unexpectedly desbarajustar [v] HN SV
turn up unexpectedly descolgarse [v] MX CU DO
show up unexpectedly churrearse [v] PR
show up unexpectedly encachufarse [v] BO
meet unexpectedly pecharse [v] DO rur.
get angry unexpectedly rechiflarse [v] AR UY
happen unexpectedly incidir [v] cult
suddenly and unexpectedly sin decir agua va [adv] AR UY
suddenly act unexpectedly (with exaggerated gestures or fuss) darle a alguien la/una tarántula [v]
suddenly act unexpectedly (with exaggerated gestures or fuss) darle a alguien la/una tarantela [v]
not foresee the problems that may hinder unexpectedly no contar con la huéspeda [v]
not foresee the problems that may hinder unexpectedly no contar con la huésped [v]
fail unexpectedly (due to an accident) irse al bombo [v]
find unexpectedly dar alguien de bruces [v]
run into unexpectedly darse alguien de bruces [v]
show up unexpectedly llegar a deshora
like breaking something unexpectedly como los novios de hornachuelos
get very cold unexpectedly botarse tremendo frío [v] CU
have sex unexpectedly hacerse un levante [v] GT DO PR CO EC
to turn out unexpectedly quedarse con los crespones hechos [v] HN
show up unexpectedly salir por los palos [v] CL
show up unexpectedly salir por los palos [v] PA rare
attack unexpectedly coger por sorpresa [adv]
show up unexpectedly caer el chahuistle [v]
happen unexpectedly darle algo a alguien [v]
offer to work unexpectedly caer que hacer [v]
show up unexpectedly dejarse caer [v]
suddenly act unexpectedly darle a alguien la tarantela [v]
arrive unexpectedly caer el chahuistle [v] MX
be unexpectedly surprised by the police caerle la chota [v] MX
injure oneself unexpectedly and to the point of not being able to participate in something (person or animal) fatalizarse [v] CL rare
unexpectedly and poorly made or executed chambonamente [adv] MX HN NI
show up unexpectedly caer como peludo de regalo [v] AR