spoken - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "spoken" in Spanish English Dictionary : 7 result(s)

English Spanish
spoken conversacional [adj]
spoken hablado [adj]
spoken dicho [adj]
spoken hablada [adj/f]
spoken verbal [adj]
spoken oral [adj]
spoken viva voz

Meanings of "spoken" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 134 result(s)

English Spanish
well-spoken bienhablado [adj]
mayan language spoken by acatecans in northwestern guatemala and southern mexico acateca [m]
dialect of german spoken north germany bajo alemán [m]
variety of german spoken in switzerland, alsace and southwest germany alemánico [m]
aragonese spoken in ansó ansotano [m]
sweet-spoken person pico de oro [m]
variety of quechua spoken in ecuador quichua [m]
being well spoken cortapisa [f]
well-spoken decidor [adj]
well spoken in latin latinado [adj]
poorly spoken macarrónicamente [adv]
pertaining to sounds of spoken language fonético [adj]
soft-spoken de voz suave [adj]
well-spoken bien hablado [adj]
be spoken about comunicarse sobre [v]
be spoken about hablarse sobre [v]
indicates to the person who has just spoken that he/she is a hypocrite bosnia y bosnia [expr] CL
used repeatedly in spoken speech introducing some hesitation or delay este [expr] MX NI CR PE CL AR UY CU disused
foul-spoken person lengua de trapo [n] PA CU derog.
foul-spoken person lengua sucia [n] BO:W
rubbish (spoken/written) broza [f]
civilly spoken bienhablado [adj]
foul-spoken infamatorio [adj]
relating to the language spoken in galicia gallego [adj]
sweet-spoken pico de oro [m]
fair-spoken bien hablado [adj]
fair-spoken cortés [adj]
free-spoken dicho sin reserva [adj]
free-spoken franco [adj]
plain-spoken abierto [adj]
plain-spoken franco [adj]
sweet-spoken melifluo [adj]
well-spoken que habla bien [adj]
well-spoken urbano [adj]
well-spoken bien dicho [adj]
smooth-spoken lisonjero [adj]
smooth-spoken adulador [adj]
smooth-spoken obsequioso [adj]
smooth-spoken zalamero [adj]
smooth-spoken meloso [adj]
be ill spoken of tener mala reputación [v]
variety of spanish spoken by guatemalans chapín [m] GT HN SV NI PA
language spoken by chiriguanos chiriguano [m] BO AR
caribbean language, with french influence, spoken by carib or garífuna blacks from honduras, guatemala, belize, and nicaragua garífuna [m] GT HN SV NI
slang or jargon spoken in gangland coa [m] CL
foul-spoken person lengüisucio [m] CO:Sw PR derog.
foul-spoken person lengüisucio [m] PA CU DO
foul-spoken person lépero [m] MX GT SV
spoken-word poet decimero [m] EC
foul-spoken person lengüisucia [f] CO:Sw PR derog.
foul-spoken person lengüisucia [f] PA CU DO
foul-spoken person lépera [f] MX GT SV
french dialect spoken in the antilles, guadalupe, and martinique patuá (francés) [f] PA
french dialect spoken in haiti patuá (francés) [f] CU DO
spoken-word poet decimera [f] EC
rough-spoken chontal [adj] VE
(villager) smart-looking and well-spoken agentado [adj] PE
spoken with difficulty (language) champurreado [adj] CL
poorly spoken (language) goleta [adj] PR
foul-spoken lengua sucia [adj] CU VE BO CL AR BO:W
foul-spoken lengua sucia [adj] NI PY rare
foul-spoken lenguarico [adj] MX rare
foul-spoken lépero [adj] CR VE rare
foul-spoken lépero [adj] MX GT SV
foul-spoken lingüisucio [adj] DO PR
foul-spoken liso [adj] SV BO
foul-spoken lisuriento [adj] PE
foul-spoken lisurero [adj] PE
poorly spoken masticado [adj] HN SV NI PR
poorly spoken machucado [adj] HN CU
spoken with difficulty (language) champurreado [adv] CL
well-spoken bienhablada [adj/f]
foul-spoken infamatoria [adj/f]
relating to the language spoken in galicia gallega [adj/f]
civilly spoken bienhablada [adj/f]
sweet-spoken meliflua [adj/f]
free-spoken franca [adj/f]
smooth-spoken lisonjera [adj/f]
smooth-spoken obsequiosa [adj/f]
smooth-spoken aduladora [adj/f]
smooth-spoken zalamera [adj/f]
smooth-spoken melosa [adj/f]
plain-spoken franca [adj/f]
plain-spoken abierta [adj/f]
well-spoken urbana [adj/f]
(villager) smart-looking and well-spoken agentada [adj/f] PE
well-spoken bien hablado [adj]
well-spoken bien hablado [adj]
be spoken for estar comprometido [v]
be foul-spoken ser un bocasucia [v]
be soft-spoken and overly condescending ser de pastaflora [v]
many a true word is spoken in jest las bromas a veces pueden ser de veras
many a true word is spoken in jest entre broma y broma la verdad asoma
a word once spoken is past recalling el que dice lo que quiere oye lo que no quiere
spoken for reservado
spoken for comprometido
my daughter hasn't spoken to me in years mi hija no me habla desde hace años
my son hasn't spoken to me in years hace años que mi hijo no me habla
my son hasn't spoken to me in years mi hijo no me habla desde hace años
spoken words fly away, written words remain carta canta
spoken words fly away, written words remain hablen cartas y callen barbas
spoken words fly away, written words remain callen barbas y hablen cartas
many a true word is spoken in jest entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma
plain-spoken francote [adj]
foul-spoken palabrudo [adj]
be soft spoken ser blando de voz [v]
foul-spoken person lengualarga [m/f] NI PA CU PE BO
related to a person whose spoken spanish is full of english words agringado [adj] MX HN SV NI DO PR EC
foul-spoken languarico [adj] MX
foul-spoken lengualarga [adj] NI PA CU PE BO
spoken poorly molero [adj] MX
spoken incorrectly molero [adj] MX
plain-spoken francota [adj/f]
related to a person whose spoken spanish is full of english words agringada [adj/f] MX HN SV NI DO PR EC
many a true words are spoken in jest no hay peor burla, que la verdadera [old-fashioned]
there's many a true word spoken in jest bromeando
many a true word is spoken in jest bromeando
spoken words fly away las palabras se las lleva el viento
a word spoken is past recalling palabra suelta, no tiene vuelta
soft-spoken afable [adj]
spoken language lengua oral
spoken word recognition reconocimiento de palabras habladas
spoken commentary comentario hablado [m]
language spoken at home idioma hablado en casa
spoken broadcast emisión hablada
spoken transmission emisión hablada
expression of spoken language expresión de lenguaje oral
dialect spoken in asturias bable [m]
each of the simple sounds of the spoken language fonema [m]
ancient greek dialect, very similar to arcadian, spoken in cyprus chipriota [m]
chibchan language spoken by the muisca indigenous people chibcha [m]
mayan language spoken by the chuj in guatemala chuj [m]
southern uto-aztecan language spoken by the coras cora [m]
spanish spoken here se habla español