plane - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "plane" in German English Dictionary : 54 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
plane eben [adj]
plane ebenflächig [adj]
plane plan [adj]
plane flach [adj]
plane Hobel [m]
plane Ebene [f]
plane Stufe [f]
plane Flugzeug [n]
plane Niveau [n]
plane hobeln [v]
plane eben
plane gleiten
plane Flieger [m]
plane Maschine [f]
plane flach [adj]
plane eben [adj]
plane plan [adj]
plane Hobel [m]
plane Etage [f]
plane Ebene [f]
plane Fläche [f]
plane Flugzeug [n]
plane hobeln [v]
plane planieren [v]
plane hobeln [v]
plane ebnen [v]
plane Hobel [m]
plane Hobel
plane flach [adj]
plane eben [adj]
plane Hobel [m]
plane Ebene [f]
plane hobeln [v]
plane flach [adj]
plane hobeln [v]
plane Flugzeug [n]
plane eben [adj]
plane Hobel [m]
plane Fläche [f]
plane hobeln [v]
plane eben [adj]
plane Ebene [f]
SAP Terms
plane hobeln [v]
plane Platane [f]
plane Platane
plane Platane [f]
plane flächenbündig [adj]
plane Ebene [f]
plane Ebene [f]
plane Ebene [f]
Mechanical Engineering
plane hobeln [v]
plane schlichten [v]
plane hobeln [v]
plane stoßen [v]

Meanings of "plane" in English German Dictionary : 13 result(s)

Alemán Inglés
Plane [f] blanket
Plane [f] awning
Plane [f] cover
Plane [f] caleche
Plane awning
Plane [f] hood
Plane [f] plastic sheet
Plane [f] tarpaulin
Plane [f] canvas cover
Model Railroading
Plane [f] awning
Plane [f] awning
Plane [f] tarp
Plane [f] tarpaulin

Meanings of "plane" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
plane-polarized polarisiert linear [adj]
with one plane of symmetry monosymmetrisch [adj]
in plane gerade [adj]
after a plane crash like this nach einem Flugzeugabsturz wie diesem [adv]
after a plane crash like this nach einem Flugzeugunglück wie diesem [adv]
in plane auf gleicher Ebene [adv]
plane tile Flachziegel [m]
plane-table Messtisch [m]
plane-table Meßtisch [alt] [m]
paper plane Papierflieger [m]
jet plane Düsenjäger [m]
capping plane Profilhobel [m]
reconnaissance plane Aufklärer [m]
rabbet plane Simshobel [m]
bevelling plane Schräghobel [m]
plane passenger Fluggast [m]
plane ticket Flugschein [m]
giant plane tree Riesenahorn [m]
parting plane Trennfläche [f]
parting plane Trennebene [f]
plane geometry Planimetrie [f]
plane of a rupture Bruchoberfläche [f]
plane of a rupture Bruchfläche [f]
plane of a break Bruchoberfläche [f]
plane of a dip Einfallebene [f]
plane of a break Bruchfläche [f]
plane of symmetry Symmetrieebene [f]
plane of projection Projektionsebene [f]
plane of fracture Bruchfläche [f]
plane of incidence (of rays) Einfallebene [f]
plane of division Trennfläche [f]
plane of fracture Bruchoberfläche [f]
ill-fated plane Unglücksmaschine [f]
image plane Bildebene (Optik) [f]
flow exit plane Luftaustrittsfläche [f]
complex plane Gauß'sche Zahlenebene [f]
crestal plane Scheitelfläche [f]
callosity plane Hornhautfeile [f]
axial plane Achsenebene [f]
working plane Arbeitsebene [f]
stratification plane Absonderungsfläche [f]
stratification plane Schichtfläche [f]
slide plane Gleitebene [f]
principal plane Hauptebene [f]
reference plane Bezugsebene [f]
reference plane Bezugsfläche [f]
frontal plane Frontalebene [f]
median sagittal plane mediane Sagittalebene [f]
transverse plane Transversalebene [f]
frontal plane Koronarebene [f]
inclined plane geneigte Ebene [f]
occlusal plane Okklusalebene [f]
jointer plane Raubank [f]
occlusal plane Okklusionsebene [f]
tail plane Höhenflosse [f]
tangential plane Tangentenebene [f]
atomic plane Gitterebene [f]
half-plane Halbebene [f]
median plane Mittelebene [f]
plane motion ebene Bewegung [f]
dado plane gerade Pultplatte [f]
ground plane Grundebene [f]
ground plane Grundplatte [f]
ground plane Massefläche [f]
ground plane Grundfläche [f]
half plane Halbebene [f]
plane mouth (plane) Spanloch [n]
paper plane Papierflugzeug [n]
model plane Modellflugzeug [n]
scout plane Aufklärungsflugzeug [n]
cargo plane Transportflugzeug [n]
reconnaissance plane Aufklärungsflugzeug [n]
passenger plane Passagierflugzeug [n]
spy plane Spionageflugzeug [n]
plane ticket Flugzeugticket [n]
short distance reconnaissance plane Nahaufklärungsflugzeug [n]
spotter plane Erkundungsflugzeug [n]
jet plane Düsenflugzeug [n]
a small plane ein kleines Flugzeug [n]
chair-o-plane Kettenkarussell [n]
diving plane Tiefenruder [n]
executive plane Vorstandsflugzeug [n]
first plane available erstmögliches Flugzeug [n]
first plane available nächstverfügbares Flugzeug [n]
hijacked plane entführtes Flugzeug [n]
hijacked plane gekapertes Flugzeug [n]
jettison something (from a plane/ship) etwas (notfallmäßig) ablassen [v]
jettison something (from a plane/ship) über Bord werfen [v]
plane glätten [v]
plane gleiten [v]
plane hobeln [v]
plane off abhobeln [v]
plane away abhobeln [v]
plane away weghobeln [v]
plane off timber Holz schrupphobeln [v]
plane something etwas flach machen [v]
plane off timber schruppen [v]
plane something etwas planieren [v]
plane off weghobeln [v]
plane something roughly etwas schruppen [v]
plane something roughly etwas schrupphobeln [v]
put a plane into a stall ein Flugzeug überziehen [v]
refuel (lorry, plane, ship) auftanken [v]
refuel (lorry, plane, ship) tanken [v]
rotate something out of a plane etwas aus einer Ebene herausdrehen [v]
rough-plane something etwas schruppen [v]
rough-plane something etwas schrupphobeln [v]
go by plane mit dem Flugzeug fliegen [v]
go by plane fliegen [v]
be in a car/plane crash im Auto/Flugzeug verunglücken [v]
stall a plane ein Flugzeug überziehen [v]
steer (a plane) fliegen [v]
steer (a plane) pilotieren [v]
steer (a plane) lenken [v]
steer (a plane) (ein Flugzeug) steuern [v]
take a plane fliegen [v]
take a plane mit dem Flugzeug fliegen [v]
be spotted by a plane von einem Flugzeug entdeckt werden [v]
be spotted by a plane von einem Flugzeug ausfindig gemacht werden [v]
board the plane ins Flugzeug steigen [v]
board the plane ins Flugzeug einsteigen [v]
board the plane das Flugzeug besteigen [v]
board the plane an Bord des Flugzeugs gehen [v]
build a model plane ein Modellflugzeug bauen [v]
build a model plane ein Modellflugzeug machen [v]
buy a plane ein Flugzeug kaufen [v]
carry gun on plane eine Waffe im Flugzeug tragen [v]
catch the plane das Flugzeug kriegen [v]
catch the plane das Flugzeug erwischen [v]
catch the plane das Flugzeug erreichen [v]
die in a plane crash bei einem Flugzeugabsturz sterben [v]
fly a plane ein Flugzeug fliegen [v]
fly a plane ein Flugzeug führen [v]
go by plane fliegen [v]
go by plane mit dem Flugzeug fliegen [v]
have a plane to catch zum Flughafen müssen [v]
have a plane to catch ein Flugzeug erwischen müssen [v]
plane mouths Mäuler [pl]
plane mouths Spanlöcher [pl]
plane tiles Biberschwänze [pl]
plane tiles Flachziegel [pl]
plane-tables Meßtische [pl]
pontoon plane Schwimmerflugzeuge [pl]
by plane mit dem Flugzeug
plane frame ebenes Tragwerk
plane angle ebener Winkel
plane geometry Geometrie der Ebene
plane framework ebenes Tragwerk
plane geometry ebene Geometrie
plane surfaces ebene Flächen
plane trigonometry ebene Trigonometrie
plane-centered lattice flächenzentriertes Gitter
plane-polarized polarisiert eben
occidental plane Amerikanische Platane (Platanus occidentalis)
mall-leaved plane Sägeblättrige Nagelbeere (Ochna serrulata)
in-plane auf gleicher Ebene (wie)
going by plane mit dem Flugzeug fliegend
going by plane fliegend
gone by plane mit dem Flugzeug geflogen
gone by plane geflogen
fore plane langer Schlichthobel
cut plane iron Hobeleisen mit Schlitz
z-plane z-Ebene
uncut plane iron Hobeleisen ohne Schlitz
trough plane Oberfläche des Muldentiefsten
taken a plane mit dem Flugzeug geflogen
taken a plane geflogen
taking a plane mit dem Flugzeug fliegend
taking a plane fliegend
charter plane Chartermaschine
twin-jet plane zweimotoriges Düsenflugzeug
war plane Kampfflugzeug
charter plane Charterflugzeug
in-plane auf gleicher Ebene
go by plane fliegen [v]
on the same plane (as) auf der gleichen Ebene (wie)
on the upward plane im Anstieg
in plane flight Flug [m]
charter plane Charterflugzeug [n]
plane first class erste Klasse
Business Correspondence
please forward the goods by charter plane bitte mit einem Charter-Flugzeug
in time to catch the plane rechtzeitig für das Flugzeug
plane filter Tellerfilter
film conveying in the picture plane Filmtransport in der Bildebene
ground-plane aerial Ground-Plane-Antenne
plane of polarisation Polarisationsebene
horizontal plane milling machine Langfräsmaschine
shaving plane Rasierhobel
callosity plane Hornhauthobel
plane for removing corns Hühneraugenhobel
plane-polarized linear polarisiert [adj]
plane-parallel planparallel [adj]
chipping plane Bestoßhobel [m]
fence plane Backenhobel [m]
focal-plane shutter Schlitzverschluss [m]
low angle plane Stirnholzhobel [m]
steel plane Stahlhobel [m]
surface plane Abrichthobel [m]
rabbet plane Falzhobel [m]
plane table Messtisch [m]
wood plane Hobel [m]
fillister plane Falzhobel [m]
match plane Nut- und Spundhobel [m]
side rabbet plane Wangenhobel [m]
interlattice plane distance Netzebenenabstand [m]
plane joint Planschliff [m]
hovering plane Helikopter [m]
hovering plane Hubschrauber [m]
plane longitudinal curvature ebene Längskrümmung [f]
H-plane lens H-Ebenen-Linse [f]
plane wave ebene Welle [f]
orbital plane Orbitebene [f]
plane longitudinal wave ebene Längswelle [f]
E-plane lens E-Ebenen-Linse [f]
plane longitudinal angularity ebene Längswinkligkeit [f]
bedding stratification plane Ablagerungsfläche [f]
centre plane Mittelebene [f]
fracture plane Bruchoberfläche [f]
fracture plane Bruchfläche [f]
inlet plane Einlassebene [f]
lattice plane Gitterebene [f]
lattice plane Netzebene (Kristallografie) [f]
plane iron Hobelklinge (Zimmerei) [f]
plane knife Hobelklinge (Zimmerei) [f]
separation plane Trennfläche [f]
shearing force plane Schubkraftfläche [f]
shearing force plane Schubkraftebene [f]
shearing force plane Schubkraftfläche (Mechanik) [f]
slip plane Bruchfläche [f]
slip plane Verwerfungsfläche [f]
slip plane Gleitebene [f]
axial plane Achsenebene [f]
jointer plane Fugbank [f]
plane surface ebene Fläche [f]
ring plane Ringebene [f]
plane of polarization Polarisationsebene [f]
crystal lattice plane Netzebene [f]
sliding plane Gleitebene [f]
radial plane Radialebene [f]
inclined plane Neigungsebene [f]
plane surface Ebene [f]
plane of section Schnittebene [f]
symmetry plane Symmetrieebene [f]
measuring plane Messebene [f]
symmetry plane Spiegelebene [f]
gliding plane Gleitfläche [f]
plane of rotation Drehebene [f]
parting plane Trennfläche [f]
plane of action Eingriffsfläche [f]
polarization plane Polarisationsebene [f]
datum plane Profilbezugsebene [f]
oblique plane schiefe Ebene [f]
end plane Stirnfläche [f]
plane of symmetry Symmetrieebene [f]
twin plane Zwillingsebene [f]
slip plane Gleitfläche [f]
cleavage plane Trennungsfläche [f]
plane of shear Scherfläche [f]
net plane Netzebene [f]
cleavage plane Bruchfläche [f]
mirror plane Spiegelebene [f]
translation plane Translationsebene [f]
sliding plane Gleitfläche [f]
center plane Mittelebene [f]
oblique plane geneigte Ebene [f]
plane face ebene Fläche [f]
plane stress Flächenspannung [f]
horizontal plane Horizontalebene [f]
tail plane Höhenflosse [f]
cleavage plane Spaltebene [f]
sectional plane Schnittebene [f]
plane area ebene Fläche [f]
net plane Gitterebene [f]
plane of polarization Schwingungsebene [f]
cleavage plane Spaltfläche [f]
plane polarization lineare Polarisation [f]
shear plane Scherfläche [f]
inclined plane schiefe Ebene [f]
central plane Hauptebene [f]
fracture plane Bruchebene [f]
plane of symmetry Spiegelebene [f]
parting plane Trennungsfläche [f]
lattice plane Netzebene [f]
crystal plane Kristallfläche [f]
plane table Plantisch [f]
gliding plane Gleitebene [f]
translation plane Translationsfläche [f]
equatorial plane Äquatorebene [f]
plane face Stirnfläche [f]
balancing plane Auswuchtebene [f]
plane of projection Projektionsebene [f]
joint plane Teilfläche [f]
joint plane Anschlußfläche [f]
measurement plane Meßebene [f]
balancing plane Wuchtebene [f]
reference plane Bezugsebene [f]
datum plane Bezugsfläche [f]
plane of action Eingriffsebene [f]
plane hole Maul [n]
plane hole Maul (Hobel) [n]
plane iron Hobelmesser [n]
plane hole Spanloch [n]
plane iron Hobeleisen [n]
plane knife Hobeleisen [n]
plane knife Hobelmesser [n]
plane mouth (plane) Maul (Hobel) [n]
plane mouth (plane) Maul [n]
supersonic plane Überschallflugzeug [n]
combat plane Kampfflugzeug [n]
passenger plane Verkehrsflugzeug [n]
plane of action Eingriffsfeld [n]
training plane Schulflugzeug [n]
plane grinding Planschleifen [n]
transport plane Frachtflugzeug [n]
plane lattice Flächengitter [n]
plane grating Plangitter [n]
plane grinding Rundschleifen [n]
transport plane Transportflugzeug [n]
training plane Übungsflugzeug [n]
plane plandrehen [v]
plane eben machen [v]
plane planieren [v]
plane schlichten [v]
plane holes Spanlöcher [pl]
plane holes Mäuler [pl]
plane knives Hobeleisen [pl]
plane irons Hobeleisen [pl]
plane irons Hobelklingen [pl]
plane irons Hobelmesser [pl]
plane knives Hobelmesser [pl]
plane knives Hobelklingen [pl]
plane stress ebene Spannung
plane motion ebene Bewegung
parting plane Trennebene
axial plane Axialebene [f]
reference plane Referenzebene [f]
plane surface Planfläche [f]
centre plane Mittelebene [f]
separating plane Trennebene [f]
radial plane Radialebene [f]
plane parallelism Planparallelität [f]
drawing plane Zeichnungsebene [f]
section plane Schnittebene [f]
measuring plane Messebene [f]
plane grinding Rundschleifen [n]
bench plane Bankhobel [m]
block plane Hirnholzhobel [m]
bullnose plane Eckensimshobel [m]
butt hinge plane Einlasseckenhobel [m]
combination plane Kombinationshobel [m]
compass plane Schiffhobel [m]
double iron plane Doppelhobel [m]
dovetail plane Grathobel [m]
fillister plane Falzhobel [m]
grooving plane Nuthobel [m]
hollow plane Rundstabhobel [m]
jack plane Schrupphobel [m]
jack plane Schrupphobel (16 Zoll-Langhobel) [m]
miter plane Gehrungshobel [m]
mitre plane Gehrungshobel [m]
moulding plane Profilhobel [m]
panel raising plane Abplatthobel [m]
plough plane Nuthobel [m]
plow plane Nuthobel [m]
rabbet plane Falzhobel [m]
rabbet plane Simshobel [m]
round plane Kehlhobel [m]
router plane Grundhobel [m]
toothing plane Zahnhobel [m]
scraper plane Ziehklingenhobel [m]
shoulder plane Simshobel [m]
side rabbet plane Wangenhobel [m]
smoothing plane Schlichthobel [m]
smoothing plane Putzhobel [m]
jack plane Kurzrauhbank [f]
jack plane Kurzraubank [f]
jointer plane Fugbank [f]
jointer plane Raubank [f]
jointer plane Rauhbank [f]
panel raising plane Plattbank [f]
mouth (of a plane) Hobelmaul [n]
jack plane kurzer Schlichthobel
rough-plane vorhobeln [v]
basal plane Grundfläche [f]
pyramidal plane Pyramidenebene [f]
gliding plane Gleitfläche [f]
conjugate plane konjugierte Ebene [f]
plane of symmetry Symmetrieebene [f]
habit plane Habitusfläche [f]
twinning plane Zwillingsfläche [f]
shear plane Scherebene [f]
plane of shear Scherfläche [f]
gliding plane Translationsfläche [f]
shear plane Scherfläche [f]
plane lattice Flächengitter [n]
phase plane Phasenebene [f]
complex plane komplexe Ebene
plane-polarized eben polarisiert [adj]
plane mirror ebener Spiegel [m]
atomic plane Gitterebene [f]
atomic plane Netzebene (Kristallografie) [f]
collimation plane Gesichtsebene [f]
ecliptic plane Ekliptikalebene [f]
ecliptic plane Ekliptikebene [f]
interface boundary plane Grenzfläche (Fläche zwischen zwei Stoffen/Phasen) [f]
interface boundary plane Grenzfläche [f]
plane of gravitation Fallebene [f]
atomic plane Netzebene [f]
plane-polarized wave eben polarisierte Welle [f]
plane wave ebene Welle [f]
plane of incidence Einfallsebene [f]
focal plane Brennebene [f]
nodal plane Knotenebene [f]
inclined plane geneigte Ebene [f]
plane of polarization Polarisationsebene [f]
plane-polarized wave linear polarisierte Welle [f]
plane parallel waves ebene parallele Wellen [f/pl]
to plane-polarize eben polarisieren [v]
nodal plane Knotenebene [f]
glide plane Gleitebene [f]
slip plane Gleitebene [f]
plane angle ebener Winkel
plane of the ecliptic Ekliptikebene [f]
plane of the ecliptic Ekliptikalebene [f]
Laplace plane Laplace-Ebene [f]
ecliptic plane Ekliptikebene [f]
ecliptic plane Ekliptikalebene [f]
plane mirror Planspiegel [m]
Optical Microscopy
plane of polarization Polarisationsebene [f]
object plane Präparatebene [f]
focal plane Brennebene [f]
convexo-plane plankonvex [adj]
plane mirror Planspiegel [m]
polarisation plane Polarisationsebene [f]
primary plane Hauptebene [f]
specimen plane Präparatebene [f]
specimen object plane Präparatebene [f]
plane of focus Einstellebene [f]
focal plane Brennebene [f]
plane wave ebene Welle [f]
principal plane Hauptebene [f]
plane of reflection Reflexebene [f]
plane of refraction Brechungsebene [f]
plane of polarization Polarisationsebene [f]
plane-table Messtisch [m]
plane planieren [v]
to plane planieren
plane of being Seinsebene [f]
occlusal plane (of the teeth) Kauebene [f]
occlusal plane (of the teeth) Kauebene (der Zähne) [f]
axial plane Transversalebene [f]
axial plane Axialebene [f]
median sagittal plane Mediansagittalebene [f]
median plane Sagittalebene [f]
midsagittal plane Medianebene [f]
median plane Medianebene [f]
sagittal plane Sagittalebene [f]
cleavage plane Teilungsebene [f]
frontal plane Fronatlebene [f]
transverse plane Transversalebene [f]
bite plane Aufbissplatte [f]
occlusal plane Bissebene [f]
bite plane Bissführungsplatte [f]
Bolton nasion plane Bolton-Nasion-Ebene [f]
sagittal plane Sagittalebene [f]
pelvic inlet plane Beckeneingangsebene [f]
median plane Medianebene [f]
plane-table Messtisch [m]
mason plane Maurerhobel [m]
steel plane Stahlhobel [m]
wood plane Holzhobel [m]
rebate plane Falzhobel [m]
plane stock Hobelkasten [m]
toothing plane Zahnhobel [m]
plough plane [uk] Spundhobel [m]
tooth plane Zahnhobel [m]
double-ended match plane zweiseitiger Spundhobel [m]
ogee plane Karnieshobel [m]
jack plane Rauhobel [m]
compass plane Rundhobel [m]
plough plane [uk] Nuthobel [m]
plow plane [us] Spundhobel [m]
trying plane Langhobel [m]
grooving plane Spundhobel [m]
gouging plane Fugenhobel [m]
plow plane [us] Nuthobel [m]
tongue plane Spundhobel [m]
bench plane Tischhobel [m]
rabbet plane Nuthobel [m]
tonguing plane Spundhobel [m]
plane table Messtisch [m]
matching plane Spundhobel [m]
rebate plane Nuthobel [m]
rabbet plane Falzhobel [m]
grooving plane Nuthobel [m]
plane (tool) Hobel [m]
side rabbet plane Simshobel [m]
square rabbet plane rechtwinkliger Falzhobel [m]
plane surface Ebene [f]
inclined plane schiefe Ebene [f]