stall - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "stall" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 147 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
stall tenderete [m]
stall tendido [m]
stall establo [m]
stall puesto [m]
stall quiosco [m]
stall caseta [f]
stall calarse [v]
stall pastelear [v]
stall atascarse [v]
stall paralizar [v]
stall baratillo [m]
stall cajón [m]
stall kiosco [m]
stall peso [m]
stall puesto [m]
stall tabanco [m]
stall tendajo [m]
stall tendejón [m]
stall tenderete [m]
stall barraca de feria [f]
stall butaca [f]
stall apostar [v]
stall preocupar [v]
stall pesebre [m]
stall calado [m]
stall casilla [f]
stall banca [f]
stall barrena [f]
stall detener [v]
stall entrar en pérdida [v]
stall calar [v]
stall andar con evasivas [v]
stall barraca [f]
stall parada [f]
stall palo [m]
stall bordón (de peregrino) [m]
stall báculo [m]
stall alivio [m]
stall sostén [m]
stall arrimo [m]
stall garrote [m]
stall bastón de mando [m]
stall jalón de mira [m]
stall personal (de oficina) [m]
stall cuerpo [m]
stall puestecillo [m]
stall tajo de carnicero [m]
stall porra [f]
stall vara de medir [f]
stall percha [f]
stall pértiga [f]
stall vara [f]
stall asta (de lanza/bandera) [f]
stall casilla de establo [f]
stall meter en cuadra/establo [v]
stall encerrar en cuadra/establo [v]
stall poner puestos [v]
stall poner casillas [v]
stall instalar [v]
stall poner obstáculos [v]
stall atascar [v]
stall investir [v]
stall atollar [v]
stall atollado [v]
stall hundirse (en la nieve) [v]
stall estar atascado [v]
stall disimular [v]
stall tabanco [m] CAM
stall tenderete [m] MX
stall puesto [m] CL PY AR UY
stall tarantín [m] VE
stall culipandear [v] CU VE
stall engavetar [v] SV NI CU DO VE
stall no dar paso [v]
stall dilatar [v]
stall tener pies fríos [v]
stall parada [f] AR UY
stall anchurón [m]
stall pesebre [m]
stall cámara [f]
stall ahogarse [v]
stall ahogar [v]
stall calarse [v]
stall atascarse [v]
stall calar [v]
stall atascar [v]
stall pararse [v]
stall parar [v]
stall apiñar [v]
stall apiñarse [v]
stall anchurón [m] LAM
stall emplazamiento [m] ES
stall cámara de tostación [f] LAM
stall cámara [f]
stall sonda acanalada [f]
stall guía acanalada [f]
stall emplazamiento [m]
stall salón [m]
stall anchurón [m]
stall pararse [v]
stall ahogar [v]
stall pérdida de sustentación
stall apagarse [v]
stall atascar [v]
stall parar [v]
stall apagar [v]
stall parar [v]
stall ahogarse [v]
stall atascarse [v]
stall parar [v]
stall pararse [v]
stall calar [v]
stall calarse [v]
stall entraren pérdida [v]
stall entrar en pérdida [v]
stall perder sustentación
stall entrar en pérdida
stall pérdida de sustentación
stall perder velocidad y altitud
stall pérdida de velocidad
stall interrupción del flujo currentilineo
stall entrada en pérdida
stall pesebre [m]
stall anchurón [m]
stall emplazamiento [m]
stall sala [f]
stall cámara [f]
stall cámara de tostación [f] LAM
stall cámara [f]
stall caseta de testación [f]
stall pérdida de sustentación
stall galería de tostación
stall cámara de tostación
stall atascarse [v]
stall ahogarse [v]
stall galería [f]
stall pararse [v]
stall ahogar [v]
stall separación del flujo
Wind Energy
stall pérdida de sustentación
stall plana mayor [f]
stall estado mayor
stall pentagrama [m]
stall cartón piedra [m]
stall butaca [f]
stall báculo pastoral [m]
stall sitial de coro [m]

Sens de "stall" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 251 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
market stall puesto [m]
Irregular Verb
stall-feed stall-fed - stall-fed [v]
refreshment stall aguaducho [m]
market stall baratillo [m]
refreshment stall chiringuito [m]
market-stall garabito [m]
milking stall ordeñadero [m]
stall holder puestero [m]
market stall puesto [m]
market stall tenderete [m]
head stall almártaga (árabe) [f]
fairground stall caseta de feria [f]
horse head stall gamarra (euskera) [f]
stall a horse apostar [v]
stall the bull entorilar [v]
drinks and snacks stall chiringuito [m]
ice-cream stall heladería [f]
fruit stall frutería [f]
head stall cabezada [f]
a food stall/canteen fonda [f]
stall holder puestera [f]
engine to stall apagarse el motor [v]
set up a stall montar un tenderete [v]
cheap food stall in the street los agachados [n] PE BO
market stall puesto en el mercado
market stall puesto del mercado
stall for selling water aguaducho [m]
leathern finger-stall dedal [m]
finger-stall dedil [m]
ox-stall boíl [m]
market-stall garabito [m]
cover spread over a market-stall garabito [m]
breeding-stall puesto [m]
market stall tabanco [m]
market stall barraca [f]
ox-stall boyera [f]
misericord seat of a choir-stall misericordia [f]
hempen head-stall potrera [f]
meat-stall tabla [f]
shop/stall where pork is sold tocinería [f]
ox-stall boyeriza [f]
stall the bull entorilar [v]
junk stall baratillo [m]
thumb-stall dedil [m]
thumb-stall dedal [m]
cobbler's stall zapatería de viejo [f]
stall-fed cebado en establo [adj]
market stall trato [m] AMER
bishop's stall facistol [m] disused
a stall or stand in a market or on the street tramo [m] CR
tie stall achicadero [m] DO PR rare
shower stall cancel [m] MX
chimichurri stall chimichurri [m] DO
male market stall owner/manager chinamero [m] CR
stall for selling food or gaming during popular festivals chinamo [m] NI CR
market stall chinamo [m] CR
tiny tobacco stall chinchal [m] CU disused
street stall offering document and letter writing services escritorio público [m] MX
street stall where sandwiches are prepared and sold carro sanguchero [m] PE
street vendor's stall, usually located in an arcade caramanchel [m] NI
street vendor's stall, usually located in an arcade caramanchel [m] EC disused
owner of a temporary stall set up during popular festivals where food and drink are sold carpero [m] AR:Nw
luxury head stall gargantón [m] MX
person who sells garnachas in a street stall garnachero [m] MX
street stall where meals and drinks are served friquitín [m] DO PR
bridle and head stall gamarrón [m] HN
market stall owner locatario [m] MX GT HN SV NI BO
front stall lunetario [m] MX GT CU
tack stall monturero [m] PY AR:Nw rur.
market stall owner pilastrero [m] CL disused
owner of a modest hardware stall on public roads where various items are sold quincallero [m] PR
person with a market stall recobero [m] BO
person with a market stall recovero [m] PE:S BO:E,W CL
person with a market stall puestero [m] CU PR CO:C BO:C,W,S CL AR UY
sandwich street stall sanguchero [m] PE
booth or street stall where drinks and meals are served tabarete [m] MX:N
open air market stall ventorrillo [m] CO:W VE disused
market stall tramo [m] NI
head stall almartigón [m] MX rur.
ox stall bostar [m] disused
street vendor's stall caramanchel [m] EC
shower stall duchero [m] UY
refreshment stall timbiriche (tarasco) [m] CU
street stall achinería (de achín) [f] HN
stall in the market that sells clothes ancheta [f] SV
store/stall that sells cachinero cachinería [f] EC
pair of lateral posts nailed into the ground and used to support a temporary stall burra [f] HN rur.
open air stall for selling merchandise, food, or drink champa (del náhuatl) [f] GT HN SV NI
female market stall owner/manager chinamera [f] CR
changing stall caseta [f] CU
mobile street stall carpa [f] HN SV NI PR
person who sells garnachas in a street stall garnachera [f] MX
street stall where fish and other fried foods are prepared and consumed fritanguería [f] EC rare
street stall where fish and other fried foods are prepared and consumed fritanguería [f] NI DO CO CL
street stall where fish and other fried foods are prepared and consumed fritolera [f] PR
head stall (horse) gamarra [f] GT HN NI rur.
small, run-down stall or store covacha [f] UY
stall or stand in a public market colmena [f] CO:N
small stall for selling goods isla [f] EC
vegetable stall katería [f] BO:W
market stall owner locataria [f] MX GT HN SV NI BO
front stall luneta [f] CR PA CU CO EC BO
front stall luneta [f] SV NI rare
store or stall where mabí fermented drinks are sold mabicería [f] DO rare
stall where this food is served picalonga [f] DO
market stall owner pilastrera [f] CL disused
modest impromptu stall on the street where different items are sold quincalla [f] PR
owner of a modest hardware stall on public roads where various items are sold quincallera [f] PR
person with a market stall recobera [f] BO
punch stall ponchería [f] BO
person with a market stall recovera [f] PE:S BO:E,W CL
wife of a man with a market stall puestera [f] AR UY rur.
person with a market stall puestera [f] CU PR CO:C BO:C,W,S CL AR UY
shower stall poceta [f] CU PR
stall during the national holiday celebrations where traditional food and music are offered ramada [f] CL
stall sponsored by the authorities during the celebration of national holidays ramada oficial [f] CL
woman with a market stall regatona [f] BO:E
sandwich street stall sandwichería [f] PE BO CL AR UY
improvised stall sombra [f] GT HN
small stall venduta [f] CU disused
street stall venta [f] SV BO
market stall barraca (catalán) [f] MX HN CU VE EC PE BO PY CL AR UY
vegetable stall covacha [f] EC
food stall fonda [f] MX CU DO EC PE BO CL
refreshment stall fresquería [f] GT SV NI CU EC
toilet stall garita [f] disused
refreshment stall refresquería [f] MX SV EC
shower stall regadera [f] HN SV NI DO VE EC BO UY
booth or street stall where drinks and meals are served tabarrón [adj] DO
stall something parquear (inglés park) [v] HN NI
stall an administrative file to delay from processing cajonear [v] PY AR UY
set out one's stall demostrar la determinación (para hacer algo) [v]
set out one's stall demostrar la capacidad (para hacer algo) [v]
intentionally stall or delay lerdear [v]
intentionally stall or delay lerdearse [v]
stall something by offering false promises to the interested parties dar atolillo con el dedo [v] CR
stall negotiations poner la ficha del tranque [v] PR
street stall where choripanes, grilled chorizo sandwiches, are sold carro de chorizos [m] UY
market stall catu [m] BO:W,C
shoe shine stall lustrín [m] CL
stall with entertainment or dancing toldo [m] PA
street market stall tantacato [m] BO:S
small, run-down stall or store where agricultural products are sold at retail covacha [f] EC derog.
sandwich street stall sanguchería [f] PE BO CL UY
close up a street market stall tapar [v] BO
finger stall dedal [m]
Work Safety Terms
finger stall protector de dedo
finger stall dispositivo de protección de los dedos
International Law
street stall puesto ambulante
rib-stall espaldera [f]
box stall cuadra [f]
stall load carga de pérdida
stall dive picado de pérdida
stall torque par de parada
angle of stall ángulo de pérdida
butcher's stall puesto de carnicería
acceleration at stall aceleración en pérdida
secondary stall entrada en pérdida secundaria
theoretical acceleration at stall aceleración teórica en pérdida
stall urinal orinal recto
stall landing aterrizaje con velocidad crítica
stall urinal orinario recto
starting stall cajón [m]
bedford finger stall férula digital de bedford
shower stall regadera [f]
shower stall ducha [f]
shower stall cuarto de regadera
shower stall cuarto de ducha
stall load carga de pérdida
Construction Machinery
stall torque ratio relación de punto de calado
stall point punto de calado
torque converter stall point punto de calado del convertidor
stall light indicator indicador de luz de detención
telephone stall cabina telefónica abierta [f]
stall speed velocidad de paro del convertidor
stall test prueba de paro del convertidor
stall warning device avisador de pérdida [m]
stall warning avisador de pérdida [m]
acoustic stall warning avisador acústico de pérdida [m]
light stall warning avisador luminoso de pérdida [m]
angle of stall ángulo de pérdida [m]
angle of stall ángulo de incidencia crítica [m]
anti-stall antidetonante [adj]
demonstration stall entrada en perdida de demostración
full stall perdida total
deep stall super pérdida
stall speed velocidad de pérdida
stall warning device indicador de pérdida
stall dive picado de pérdida
stall landing aterrizaje con pérdida de velocidad
stall warning light luz avisadora de entrada en pérdida
compressor stall pérdida del compresor
cross control stall perdida de velocidad con mandos cruzados
power stall landing aterrizaje en perdida con motor
compressibility stall pérdida de cheque
whip stall pérdida de velocidad brusca
compressor stall pérdida en el compresor
stall warning indicator indicador de la proximidad de desplome
blade stall perdida de pala
normal stall perdida de velocidad normal
stall out perder sustentación
stall warner indicador de pérdida de velocidad
whip stall entrada en pérdida brusca
minimum speed in a stall velocidad mínima en pérdida
power stall pérdida de velocidad con motor
stabilizer stall entrada en pérdida de estabilizador
stall flutter flameo de pérdida
normal stall entrada en perdida normal
characteristic stall entrada en perdida característica
stall warning aviso de pérdida de velocidad
secondary stall entrada en perdida secundaria
theoretical acceleration at stall aceleración teórica a partir del reposo
shock stall perdida de sustentación
rotor stall perdida de sustentación del rotor
characteristic stall entrada en perdida normal
secondary stall pérdida de velocidad secundaria
compressibility stall perdida por compresibilidad
power off stall entrada en perdida sin motor
stall warning vane aleta del avisador de pérdida
stall velocity velocidad de desplome
compressor stall perdida en el compresor
partial stall perdida parcial
rotating stall perdida giratoria
impact stall entrada en pérdida por choque
power on stall entrada en perdida con motor
power stall entrada en pérdida con motor
partial stall entrada en perdida parcial
engine stall fallo del motor
approach to stall límite de pérdida
stall manoeuvre maniobra de pérdida
angle of stall ángulo de pérdida
tip stall pérdida en punta del ala
recovery from stall recuperación de entrada en pérdida
power-off stall pérdida sin motor
stall recovery salida de pérdida
stall out by heading too high pararse por ceñir demasiado [v]
angle of stall ángulo de pérdida [m]
stall warning device dispositivo de aviso de entrada en pérdida [m]
compressor stall pérdida del compresor [f]
blade stall pérdida de la pala [f]
blade-tip stall pérdida en la punta de la pala [f]
retreating blade stall entrada en pérdida de la pala en retroceso [f]
stall warning advertencia de pérdida
stall road galería del frente de ataque
pillar-and-stall system sistema por cámaras y pilares
pillar-and-stall mining labor con pilares y cámaras
stall controlled wind turbine protección por pérdida aerodinámica
Wind Energy
active stall power control regulación activa por pérdida aerodinámica
stall control regulación por pérdida aerodinámica
orchestra-chair/stall butaca [f]
stall load carga de calada [f]